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Human Behavior in Organization

Case Analysis on Sylvia Gregorio’s Case

I. Executive Summary
Sylvia Gregorio, an Analyst at the Center for Energy Research and Development
which is a division of the Philippine Energy Company tasked with the Research and
Development activities on renewable energy resources, talked with Dr. Mariano Lacdao,
the manager of the Center for Energy Research and Development about her resigning as
an analyst at the solar section. Her sudden resignation surprises Dr. Lacdao, even though
she makes more money than other persons in her same position. He therefore presented
an offer, which, should she accept, would allow them to move her to a different area of
the center.
Sylvia Gregorio is a responsible worker for a corporation and an excellent
woman, but she gets bored quickly, which makes her inclined to take her employment for
granted. She was not working for the high salary offered by the company as her husband
can already provide their family to live comfortably. Her, earning more money than her
husband makes her husband insecure. Hence, she’s trying hard to adjust, lowering herself
a bit. Since she is left with nothing to do after evaluating the data collected from the
installations or the field, Sylvia is starting to lose interest in her work. She is therefore
unhappy with her work, which has a direct effect on how well she performs there. She
frequently leaves her workplace during working hours to pick up her kids from school.
Because of her actions, her workmates became insecure as she gets to receive higher
salary than those who worked longer than her. They gossip about her performance as well
as her salary and talk about it with the secretary, however, the secretary became friends
with Sylvia as they were the only women in the area. She defends her and explained that
they can’t expect her to do things that was not in line with her work. Sylvia gets to talk
about her main reason about leaving the company with the secretary. Sylvia thinks that no
one respects her anymore at work, that no one knows her abilities and capabilities, and
that she dislikes Joe as her boss. Sylvia wants to return as a physics professor in UP
because she thinks that in the university, she is well respected by her students and she
could immediately see the results of her efforts unlike in the company which takes a
longer time to see the results of her efforts at work.


The case of Sylvia Gregorio presented real life problems that exist in an
organization. The following is the list of problems that we have identified in the case at
1. Employees in the Center in contrast with those in the main office, had a tendency
to take their work not so seriously and did not seem to work hard.
2. Employees belonging to one section or holding office in the same room formed
cliques and had some tendency of forming exclusive groups.
3. Pay gap or the unequal payment of salaries between employees.
4. Management and training sections gets to grab the opportunities as they get to
know them first, even if it is not their line of work.
5. Inefficiency of employees and constant disappearance during working hours.
6. Dissatisfaction with the work caused by having no promotion which affects the
performance of employees.
7. Unethical disclosure of confidential salary information between employees.
8. The company failed to recognize potential and talents of their employees resulting
to inefficient use of human resource and unfair disadvantages of employees.
These problems must be addressed by having an adequate plan to unite the
employees in the organization in order to solve the problem of inefficiency which is
dominant the case under examination.

The following are the objectives that I believe could adhere to the problems
identified in the case of Sylvia Gregorio:
1. To be able to focus on changing behaviors and fostering a more engaged and
committed workforce.
2. To be able to promote a healthy and inclusive workplace culture.
3. To be able to promote fairness, equality, and overall employee satisfaction.
4. To be able to foster a positive and equitable work environment.
5. To be able to establish a system for regular performance feedback and evaluation.
6. To be able to maintain trust, safeguarding business interests, and protecting
sensitive data within the organization.
7. To be able to foster a positive work environment, promoting employee
engagement, and maximizing the potential contributions of all team members.
By setting and working towards these objectives, the company could achieve a
well-structured working force and could build a good work environment for its


The following is the SWOT analysis of the plans that I believe could help achieve
the aforementioned objectives.

1. Organizational Team Building

This is a systematic effort to improve a group of people's efficiency, cooperation,
and unity within an organization. By promoting strong bonds, open communication, and
a feeling of purpose, team building aims to increase a group's overall performance and

 Effective team building fosters collaboration and cooperation among team
members, leading to improved productivity.
 Successful team building initiatives can elevate team morale and motivation,
leading to increased job satisfaction.
 Team building can build trust and strengthen relationships among team members,
fostering a cohesive work environment.
 Limited time and resources may pose challenges in planning and executing
comprehensive team-building programs.
 Inconsistent follow-up on team-building initiatives can result in a temporary boost
in morale but may not lead to sustained improvements in teamwork.
 Some team members may resist or be skeptical about the effectiveness of team
building activities, viewing them as time-wasting.
 Regularly assessing and improving team-building strategies allows the
organization to adapt to changing needs and dynamics.
 Encouraging feedback from team members provides insights for refining team-
building approaches and addressing specific concerns.
 Limited budgets may restrict the organization's ability to invest in comprehensive
team-building programs or off-site activities.
 If team-building activities are perceived as too focused on fun rather than
meaningful outcomes, employees may not take them seriously.
 Cultural differences or diverse backgrounds within the team may pose challenges
in finding universally engaging team-building activities

2. Recognize and Reward Performance

A crucial aspect of talent management and employee engagement in businesses is
recognizing and rewarding performance. It includes praising and honoring workers'
accomplishments, efforts, and contributions to the objectives of the company. The
objective is to foster a pleasant work environment, increase employee engagement, and
reward positive conduct.
 Recognition and rewards boost employee motivation resulting to improved
morale, enhanced job satisfaction, and increased productivity.
 Recognition fosters a sense of belonging and engagement which results to higher
levels of commitment, improved collaboration, and a positive work culture.
 Recognition may be subjective, leading to potential bias resulting to perceived
unfairness, demotivation among those not recognized, and potential conflicts.
 Limited budget for rewards which results to inability to offer substantial rewards,
potential dissatisfaction among employees.
 Aligning recognition with performance management which leads to more
strategic alignment, improved performance evaluation, and a holistic approach to
employee development.
 Establishing continuous feedback loops resulting to real-time adjustments,
improved communication, and increased responsiveness to employee needs.
 Unequal distribution of recognition and rewards which can lead to decreased
morale, potential resentment, and negative impact on teamwork.
 Competitors offering more attractive recognition and reward program resulting to
employee attraction and retention challenges, potential talent drain.

Based on the SWOT analysis provided regarding the plan and actions to resolve
organizational problems that exist in Sylvia Gregorio’s case, I believe that choosing
organizational team building to resolve the problems is way more efficient and effective
that recognizing and rewarding performance. Both plans could adhere and could
potentially solve the problems as both plans focus on employee engagement and unity
between the members of the organization. However, I believe that organizational team
building can bring more opportunities for the organization. Organizational team building
can focus on improving communication skills, fostering open dialogue, and building trust
among team members. Activities that promote effective communication can help address
this specific challenge. Prioritizing team building can also help create a shared identity,
promote a sense of unity, and align employees with the organization's values and goals. It
is essential for establishing a cohesive and unified organizational culture. Additionally,
Team-building initiatives can break down departmental barriers by encouraging cross-
functional collaboration. Activities that promote teamwork and joint problem-solving can
foster a more collaborative work environment. While recognizing and rewarding
performance is essential for motivating individuals and acknowledging their
contributions, organizational team building may be prioritized when the root causes of
organizational problems are related to team dynamics, communication, and collaboration.
Therefore, the better plan or course of action for this given situation is the plan for having
an organizational team building.

The recommendation that I could provide for the organization is to implement the
course of action or plan provided. I have stated that going with the organizational team
building plan is a better option than recognizing and rewarding performance. However, it
would be a great course of action if both plans are implemented by the organization to
achieve efficient and effective working environment. The following are some of my
recommendations in implementing the course of action.
a. Have a comprehensive needs assessment to identify specific areas that require
b. Clearly define the objectives of the team-building initiative. Align these
objectives with broader organizational goals, ensuring that the outcomes
contribute to overall success.
c. Secure visible and active support from organizational leaders. Leadership
involvement not only demonstrates commitment but also sets the tone for the
entire organization.
d. Create mechanisms for ongoing feedback from participants. Encourage team
members to share their experiences, insights, and suggestions for improvement.
By following this implementation guide, organizations can create a robust and
impactful team-building program that addresses specific challenges, engages employees,
and contributes to a positive and collaborative work environment.

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