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Name : Arvind Kesharwani Roll No :114

Subject : Java Programming Language Div : B

SrNo. Title Page Sing
1. Write a Java Program to print “Hello World.”

2. Write a Java Program to take input from use and

perform operation Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division

3. Write a java Program to take input from user to

check whether number is even or odd.

4. Write a java Program to take input from user

check whether number is prime or not.

5. Write a java Program to take input from user any

number and reverse it

6. Write a java Program to take input from user and

perform addition using command line argument.

7. Write a java Program to take input from user and

check whether the number is Armstrong or not.

8. Write a java Program to take input from user and

check whether the number is Palindrome or not.

9. Write a java Program to take input from user and

print Fibonacci Series.

10. Write a java program to demonstrate this


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