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• The Barroque was a artistic and cultural movement taht ocuured in Europe throughout
the 17th century and the beggining of the 18th century. During this period due to
advances in thechnology the way of thinking of people changed.
• The Barroque is an artistic style, the earliest manifestations were in Italy during the 16th
century. The main characteristics of barroque art are the expressiveness and rich
decorations. The barroque art aimed to evoke emotions in a dramatic and exagerated
way. Some qualities associated with Barroque are grandeur, richness,
movement,exuberance... It is say Barroque art emerged with the Counter-Reformation, as
they wanted to reinforce the representation of catholicism through in order to extend and
stimulate the faith in god. At the end of the 16th century the refined style of Mannerism
was alredy considered an ineffective way of expression.
• The Brroque period was
Lorenzo Bernini.
If we talk about painting maybe is the most developed area of the barroque
movement. We have inumerable good paintors, starting by Caravaggio wich
created the tenebrism style. There is also Le Pain with a more classicist style.
Another really important paintor of the Barroque in Rubens due to his
characteristic style, he gaved a lot of importance to colours and movement.
Finally other authors are Rembrandt, who used chiaroscuro, Vermeer, who
used costrumbrismo.

• This painting is an oil canvas painted by

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo in Spain in
1665 and 1675. Nowadays it can be
found in the National Gallery of Art,
Washington D.C, United States.
• The first thing you notice when you look at the painting is the contrast between
light in the painting. This technique is called chiaroscuro and is one of the main
techniques of barroque. In the painting it can be percieved how a window is
open, but the light that comes through is only reflected on the two womens and
the back is totally black, Murillo uses this technique to guide the viewer´s eye to
the faces of the women only. He especially focus on the women lying on the
window, it can be percieved her bright colors and her brightness. At the same
tiem the women of the back has darker coulors and less light.
• The colours used bythe author and a dark range of colours wich contrast with the
light tone of the young women skin. A very remarkable point of colour in the
painting in the red ribbon on the youngs women chest . This may suggest
a provoking acctidude of the woman or jsut a way to focus the viewers attention.
• In the painting we can observe lines in two directions in a vertical amd horizontal
way. They create a balance wich created and elbow angle wich aims to create an
oblique perspective. This perspective is created by using diagonal lines wich is a
imporatnt characteristic of the barroque art. This compostional elements make
you focus on the two womens contrasting with the dark backround.
• The two womena in the picture are represented realisticly, murillo exprses the
older woman in a more natral ways as its skin colour is darker and the expresion
of her face is more natural and less forced. Both womens express lost of thing just
with their eyes and their head expression. The younger one has a more
challenging look and both show a roguery actitude.
• The brushstrokes can´t be seen but we can observ how the author gives light to
the elbows and shoulder of the womens to create a three dimensional sensation.
• The materials used for constructing the invalidos are gold in the
decoration, appart from ashlar stone, wich is generally used (also
brick or stucco) in the walls and marble in the columns and interiors.
It has a centralized plan, in wich a greek cross can be seen inscribed
into a square. Its structure also falls within the French current of the
moment, since it is made up of two bodies with a frontispiece in the
central part highlighted by columns and crowned by a triangular
pediment, generally appreciating a progression of planes that
protrude towards the center, which gives it a fully baroque mobility.
In addition, the façade is structurally and aesthetically linked with the
dome from which it must not be separated.
• 13-6

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