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Castle Build…part 2

The first part of the castle that we constructed were 4 big towers. Students
worked together in teams to select boxes and put the towers together. They
discussed which size boxes should go on the bottom of the tower - big or
small? What would make the tower stronger and not tip over?
After securing our 4 towers to each corner of our castle, we
began constructing our battlement walls! Lots of teamwork
and problem-solving happening!
After constructing our
battlement walls, we used the
flaps on cardboard boxes to
attach the squares tops of the
battlement walls. We learned
that the spaces between the
squares were to allow arrows to
go through them.
What we have completed so far!
Amazing work everyone!

What we still need to do…

❏ the Keep
❏ barbican and portcullis door
❏ drawbridge
❏ paint the moat
❏ paint stone walls
❏ design a flag and coat of

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