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1. Description of the study

a. What was the purpose of the research?
b. Why is the research being conducted, and why is it significant?
c. Were the research questions, objectives, or hypothesis/es clearly stated?
i. What were they?

2. Sample
a. Who were the subjects?
b. Were the inclusion/exclusion criteria specified? What were they?
c. How representative is the sample?
d. Was there any selection bias evident in the sample selection?

3. Method and Design

a. Describe the study design. Is it appropriate?
b. What were the primary and secondary (if any) objectives?
c. How was the research conducted (the study procedure itself) and how were the data

4. Analysis
a. How were he data analyzed? (stats)
b. Do the selected statistical tests appear appropriate?

5. Results
a. What were the findings of the study?
b. Are the results presented in a clear and understandable way?
c. How did the authors interpret the results?
d. Were there any limitations discussed?

6. Clinical Significance
a. What were the implications of this study to clinical practice?
b. How does the study contribute to the body of knowledge?
c. Could the study be replicated?
d. What would be the next study in this area of science that you would recommend
performing to move forward? Does that agree with what the researchers in this study

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