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Statement Of Purpose

(Parnaditya Chakravartty)
Head of the Admission Committee,
IISER Berhampur,
May I intrude upon your valuable time to introduce myself
that I am Parnaditya Chakravartty expressing my interest in pursuing
a PhD in the field of Mathematical Science at your esteemed
institute, The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
(IISER), Berhampur.
For your kind information my interest in this field stems from
my passion for developing sophisticated results (theorems) which can
be used in the further development of the field of Mathematics.
It is to be added that I hold a Masters’ degree in Pure
Mathematics with a specialization in Abstract Harmonic Analysis from
University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal. During post-graduate
studies I gained a solid foundation in Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra,
General Topology, Functional Analysis and Measure Theory.
Once again, I inform to your benign self that in MSc, I also did a
Dissertation (Project) focused on Topological Rings. During this
project, I observed that Harmonic Analysis has several applications in
the study of different types of waves and signal processing. Also, it is
used to study Fourier Analysis and Representation of different types
of operators. This foundation and along with the dissertation ignited
my interest to develop some revolutionary results in Harmonic
May I add now that my passion for this field has led me to
pursue a PhD in Mathematics at IISER Berhampur. I am particularly
interested in working under the guidance of Dr. SENTHIL RAANI KS,
whose research in Harmonic Analysis has been widely recognised. I
am confident that her guidance will help me to develop my research
skills and enable me to contribute meaningfully to this field.
In conclusion, I am excited about the opportunity to pursue a
PhD in Mathematical Science at IISER Berhampur. I believe that my
academic background, dissertation (project) experience and passion
to this field will make me a strong candidate for this program and I
am confident that the guidance under the faculty and resources at
IISER Berhampur will help me achieve my research goals and
contribute meaningfully to this field.
Hope you will be kind enough to consider my candidature after
the perusal of the statement of purpose.
Belur Yours Sincerely
3rd March, 2024 Parnaditya Chakravartty.

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