Travel & Expenses Policy v3 Jan22

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Travel & Expenses Policy

Revision History
Version Date issued Key changes since previous Owner Approved

1 Jan 2020 initial Group policy HR CEO

2 Aug 2021 ● Changes to include staff in Canada incl HR TS CEO

TS and updated expense form for Group
TripStack. CHRO
● Staff travel contacts for all in SE and GR

2.1 Sep 2021 clarification on the use of VAN on our HR Group

websites when booking staff travel CHRO

3 Jan 2022 changes in the booking process HR Group

update due to covid-19 CHRO
Provision for Etraveli India staff

Policy information
Action Date

Original Policy v1 drafted by: Marina Thomopoulou, HR Director Greece January 2020

Reviewed by (this version):

Helena Pott, Ticketing Senior Manager
Allison Eberle, VP Frontline English January 2022
Rohit Koli, Head of Finance (India)
Andreas Tigkas, Head of Finance (Greece), Group Head of Tax
Solomon Mordochai, Group CHRO

Approved by: TripStack CEO, Group CEO February 2022

Issued by: Human Resources Department February 2022

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1. Purpose & Scope
1.1 This policy aims to provide guidance to employees with regards to Company business
traveling and Travel Expenses handling. The policy currently applies as of the day of
publishing to all employees of Etraveli Group companies, including TripStack and Flygresor,
and supersedes any previous version in any Etraveli Group company.

1.2 Employees who travel for business purposes can find important information for everything
related to traveling, from booking flight tickets & special discounts on lodging/aviation etc, to
instructions on how to submit the necessary expense reports after the trip.

2. Responsibilities & Enforcement

2.1 Employees are responsible for ensuring their line manager has agreed to the need for travel
prior to making any bookings and for exercising prudent business judgment and following the
best-buy strategy when traveling for business purposes.

2.2 Exceptions to the policy’s terms are not normally allowed, but employees are requested to
use common sense and make the right choices in exceptional situations such as extraordinary,
urgent, medical needs or safety issues.

2.3 The submission of accurate expense reports in a timely manner, and definitely within 30
days of business travel is very important. It is absolutely imperative that travel expenses are
submitted during the calendar year they occur (31/12/20xx). For India the same principle
applies for fiscal year (i.e. 31/03/20xx). Employees submitting expenses that are not in
compliance with this policy, risk delayed, partial or forfeited reimbursement.

2.4 It is the responsibility of the traveling employee, in alignment with his/her line manager, to
check for covid-19 related restrictions and determine the need to travel. Whilst the impact of
the pandemic is on its way out, health and care of our business travelers is still an important
consideration. Staff members who have not been fully vaccinated for covid-19 as defined by
the protocols available in the country in which they are employed, cannot travel on behalf of
any Etraveli Group company, as they would be taking on a risk for their health that Etraveli
Group finds excessive. Exceptions to this rule need to be signed off by the Group Chief HR
Officer, only in very rare circumstances.

2.5 For travel to/from Canada/India specifically, CxO (in addition to line manager)
approval should be obtained prior to booking.

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3. Travel Arrangements
3.1 Flight travel arrangements can be done as follows:

a) Booking flights is done directly through one of our websites. This means that you
cannot go through metas (as this has a cost for ETG). If for some reason you have to go
via a meta, the only one to use is our Group company To proceed with a
booking through our websites you need to keep in mind the directions in article 4
below. Also keep in mind that you do not need to add service package or flexible ticket.
Payment in this case shall be made:
i) by eNett or other VAN of the department, when this is available (please note:
do not use single use VANs for such flights booking purposes).
ii) by a personal credit card. The company approved and sponsored personal credit
card should be preferred (e.g. Eurocard for SE based staff) when the employee
has one.

NB 1: when using this option one should never book travel for other
employees/contractors using a personal credit card, especially if this is linked
to the accumulation of monetary or non monetary benefits (e.g. points, loyalty
schemes, etc).

NB 2: If you need an advance payment in order to pay for the flights via your
own credit/debit card please see section 12. Advance Payments

b) If you need to make changes, cancel or rebook your business trip a change request
shall be sent to: All requests will be answered within 2
hours across 24/7 If urgent please indicate this in the email subject line. The booking
reference should be mentioned at all times.

c) If very immediate/real time assistance is needed (e.g. you are at an airport and need
to be rebooked) you can contact staff travel via slack channel #corporate-travel-
urgent-post-sale. Please make sure you have Slack downloaded onto your mobile
phone device before traveling, noting that you can also use the slack call functionality
and speak to whomever is on duty (24/7)

3.2 Hotel bookings should be done by employees themselves. In order to book your hotel:

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a) if you are traveling to an ETG location (Stockholm, Athens, Uppsala, Gothenburg,
Toronto, Mumbai, Pune) check with available company deals on the wiki first (see
3.4 below)
b) for other destinations consider as your main sources:
i) our own websites,
iii) airbnb

The main considerations for where to stay should be the combination of price first of
all, and practicality (distance from office, etc). Of course always consider safety first
when choosing your hotel in an unknown destination. In case of doubt, seek advice
from HR.

In most occasions hotel bookings are paid by the employee & expensed afterwards, while more
rarely are directly paid by the company. The same rules as above in 3.1.a apply with regards to
paying methods.

3.3 Any other transportation not available through our sites ie-trains, buses, taxis, are the
responsibility of the employee to book.

3.4 Useful information on hotels near the ETG’s different location offices can be found
on the wiki in this address. All staff should check with these hotels first before booking their
hotels and aim to book at these hotels and preferential rates, unless it is cheaper to book

Transportation tips can be found on the Appendix-Useful Travel Tips.

4. Air Travel

4.1. All types of flights should be flown in economy class, while exceptions can be approved
only by a CxO under special circumstances. Employees should use their critical judgment to
identify such occasions.

4.2 Employees should not alter economical fare arrangements in order to obtain frequent flier
incentives or upgrades. The cheapest available booking class should always be booked.

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4.3 ETG has a number of free flight points with some airlines (e.g. Turkish Airlines) where
point of origin is either Sweden, Toronto or Greece. Especially for long haul flights, or when
no direct flight alternative is available (e.g. GOT-ATH), staff should prefer using these free
options. For booking these tickets, staff should contact These
flight points can only be used for approved business travel. (Note: unfortunately Turkish
Airlines points will not be available to ETG for 2022)

5. Hotels & Lodging

5.1 Employees need to check the approximate cost ranges of hotels near the office locations/
destinations in order to be able to make educated decisions when booking their stay themselves.
The price/night should be reasonable depending on each country’s standards and if it is a high
demand/low availability period for the destination or not. If hotel costs exceed the amount of
EUR150/night for hotels in EMEA, EUR100/night for India / Asia and CAD $300 per night
for those traveling to North America, despite all efforts to use discounted rates for an acceptable
level of accommodation, CxO approval should be obtained prior to booking. Note: except
during high season, hotel deals <100 Euro should be sought. For any hotel booking that is more
than the limits above (EUR 150 in EMEA, CAD 300 in North America, and EUR 100 in India,
and EUR 150 all other destinations), CxO approval should be sought before booking.

5.2 Employees should use their IATA cards (or certificate alternative) to get special discounts
on hotels. The IATA card (or certificate issued by HR) must be displayed upon check in if the
hotel bookings are via agent sites.

5.3 Hotel costs must be settled by the employee upon check-out if not paid at the time of
reservation through Staff Travel.

5.4 Employees who stay over 2 weeks in a place need to rent a flat instead of staying at a hotel,
unless a long stay deal can be made with the hotel that saves a lot of cost. Please check section
10 below and seek advice from HR if you intend to stay in one location for more than 2 weeks.

6. Transportation

6.1 Employees are generally expected to use common sense when choosing their means of
transport – especially to, and from airports. Whenever practical, public transport should be
the transportation of choice. Uber/Lyft, Taxis, rental or personal cars should be used when it’s
more cost-effective or appropriate than the alternatives, such examples are:

● where two or more employees are traveling together abroad and the cost of using a

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Uber/Lyft, taxi or renting a car is lower than the total cost they would pay for using
public transport;
● when reasonable public transport is not available;
● would cause uneconomic delay;
● when an employee is traveling short distances in an unfamiliar foreign country;
● where travel is required at unsociable hours (e.g. to catch an early morning flight) and
reasonable public transport is not available.

Company has negotiated rates for taxis to/from Uppsala. You may find the related
process here, if you have to use a taxi.

6.2 The use of personal cars for business travel (e.g. driving from Uppsala to Gothenburg) will
be reimbursed at the home country standard tax authority rate or actual expenses for fuel, tolls
and parking charges with production of the relevant receipts (e.g. Pune-Mumbai).

7. Personal Itineraries combined with Business Travel

7.1 Employees wishing to extend an authorized business trip to include a personal itinerary
should inform their Line Manager about the personal portion of the trip.

7.2 Any incremental airfare, hotel, car rental, meals, or other costs associated with the personal
portion of the trip are the responsibility of the traveler to take care of.

8. Credit Cards Use

8.1 Frequent travelers may be provided with specific credit cards for booking their travel and
the related expenses (hotels etc). The employee will be liable for the balance of the credit card
vis-vis the issuing bank, but the company will cover for the annual cost of the card, should such
a need arise.

8.2 Non frequent travelers can use their own credit cards for business traveling purposes. When
using own credit card, costs of other colleagues cannot be paid, especially when the credit card
is linked to the accumulation of personal monetary or non monetary benefits (e.g. points,
loyalty schemes, etc)

8.3 Virtual company cards (eNett etc) should be the preferred way of paying if such option
exists in the department/location of the traveler. In such cases the traveler should be employed
by the same legal entity as the payor of the VAN card. (So you cannot use the VAN card of
your department for employees in another country!).

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9. Travel Insurance

9.1 All employees at Etraveli Group are covered by travel insurance when traveling on business
trips by AIG Europe Limited. If an emergency situation should arise you should immediately
contact AIG 24-hours-AssistanceTel: +4538488076,

9.2 All Canada-based full time employees have travel health benefit coverage for a total of 60
days out of the country. The coverage is managed through Allianz Global Assistance, you can
reach them at 1-800-321-9998. If an emergency should arise when traveling, you should
contact them immediately.

10. Reimbursable Expenses

10.1 Etraveli Group will reimburse the following expenses:

● Airfare, Transportation & Accommodation (hotels & lodging) costs as described above;
● Alcoholic drinks as a result of business entertainment.
● Currency conversion fees as described below;
● Card transaction fees;
● Emergency medical expenses;
● Foreign document requirements (passports, visas, vaccinations etc.);
● Covid-19 related testing expenses;
● Reasonable laundry charges will be reimbursed for stays of seven or more successive
● Parking & tolls to-and-from the airport;
● Limited, reasonable tips, where this is locally expected.
○ Specifically for our main locations:
■ in Greece service is included in the price. So you are not required to tip.
You can round up the amount if you were satisfied. You tip in the area
of 5-7% with a minimum of 2 euros for a meal, if you are very happy
with the service.
■ in Sweden service is included in the price. So you are not required to tip.
You tip in the area of 5-7% if you are very happy with the service.
■ In Canada, tipping is generally expected. A gratuity of between 10% and
20% of the bill before tax, depending on the level of service. Tip 10%
for normal service, 20% for exceptional service. You can tip below 10%
if you aren’t particularly satisfied, or you thought the service was just

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For Sweden based employees:

○ Travel allowance is paid for employees when staying overnight in accordance

to the home country tax authority rules. Please refer to the link here.
○ The amount is reduced as bellow if the company covers it or you are invited to
a meal
■ Breakfast 15% of the total amount
■ Lunch 35% of the total amount
■ Dinner 35% of the total amount
○ Daily trips for a distance of more than 200 kilometers from the office are eligible
for a one-day allowance of 240 SEK. This is not associated with overnight. This
applies regardless of whether it is made in Sweden or abroad. The trip must start
before 12.00 and end after 19.00. This allowance is taxable.

For Greece based employees:

○ Travel Expenses: Employees on business trips for a few days are entitled to
claim upon presentation of the relevant receipts the total cost of food &
■ Specifically for Swedish destinations total meals and beverages cost
cannot exceed the maximum amount of 60 Euros per day. Within the
above limit, one alcoholic drink as part of dinner is acceptable. Tips
according to country standards are accepted.
■ For other destinations the above list should serve as a guide for
maximum meals amount.

Longer stay in Athens

○ If you stay longer than 2 weeks, you should book an apartment in a nice area at
a cost of up to € 1000 /month. The first 2 months you get 50% of the travel
○ If the stay lasts longer than two months, 25% of the travel allowance
will be paid for the remaining time unless otherwise agreed.

You will get a reduction if the company covers this for you or you are invited to a

Longer stay in Sweden

○ If you stay longer than 2 weeks, you should book an apartment in a nice area at
a cost of up to € 1000 /month. The first 2 months you can expense up to 45 euros

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per day for meals/groceries etc. Tips according to country standards are

If you are staying longer than 2 weeks, seek advice from your local HR on how to
handle your expenses.

For Canada based employees:

○ Travel Expenses: Employees on business trips for a few days are entitled to
claim upon presentation of the relevant receipts the total cost of food &
■ Specifically for Swedish/Greek destinations total meals and beverages
cost cannot exceed the maximum amount of $100 CAD per day. Within
the above limit, one alcoholic drink as part of dinner is acceptable. Tips
according to country standards are accepted.

For India based employees:

○ Travel Expenses(Outside India): Employees on business trips for a few days are
entitled to claim upon presentation of the relevant receipts the total cost of food
& beverages.
■ Specifically for Swedish/Greek destinations total meals and beverages
cost cannot exceed the maximum amount of Euro 5.000 per day.
Within the above limit, one alcoholic drink as part of dinner is
acceptable. Tips according to country standards are accepted.
■ For travel within India total meals and beverages cost cannot exceed a
maximum amount of INR 2500 per day. Within the above limit, one
alcoholic drink as part of dinner is acceptable. Tips according to country
standards are accepted
■ For stay longer than 2 weeks, along with food, laundry of upto INR 1000
per week can be reimbursed.
○ Travel Expenses(Within India)
■ For a longer stay of more than 2 weeks, Flat rent should not exceed more
than INR 13200 (EUR 150) per week.
■ For travel within India total meals and beverages cost cannot exceed a
maximum amount of INR 1000 per day.

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■ For longer stay (more than 2 weeks) along with food, laundry of upto
INR 1000 per week can be reimbursed.

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11. Non-Reimbursable Expenses

11.1 Non-reimbursable expenses generally fall into the following categories: they are of a
personal or discretionary nature; they are unnecessary to achieving a business purpose; Such
items, services, occurrences, and events include, but are not limited to:

● Airline class upgrade

● Barber, hair stylist, manicurist, and other grooming costs
● Excess baggage charges or lost luggage. Excess baggage charges will only be
reimbursed for reasons such as authorised transportation of business documents and
equipment. Advanced authorisation should be obtained from the employee’s Line
Manager if anticipating to exceed the baggage weight limit;
● The cost of alcoholic drinks for personal use (beyond 1 drink with dinner), eg drinks
taken from the hotel mini bar are for the employee’s personal account and will not be
● Hotel room upgrade
● Family/ partner accompanying traveler or any cost related to this;
● Free flight, hotel, or car rental coupons;
● Daily commuting expenses from and to the office in the home location;
● Personal entertainment & related unnecessary transportation costs (including movie
rental in hotel rooms, earphones in flight, sport events, nightlife etc.);
● Social/Airline Club dues and membership;
● Fines for infraction of the law (Traffic, speeding, and parking fines);
● Additional trip or flight insurance outside internal Insurance Program;
● Use of frequent flyer award tickets for business travel;
● Clothing;
● Gambling losses.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. The Company reserves the right to use its
discretion to determine whether specific expenses are reimbursable as valid business
expenditure. If in doubt, please consult with your local HR before making an expense you
may not be comfortable covering yourself and are in doubt if it would be admissible.

12. Advance Payments

12.1 Down payment with respect to business travel can be approved by an employees’ Line
Manager or HR if requested via email:

Sweden/Finland: Payroll department (

Greece: Finance department for Greece ( )

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Canada Payroll department should always be informed
when such down payment is needed.

India: Payroll / HR department

13. Reimbursement Process

13.1 All expense claims must be approved by the employee’s Line Manager.

13.2. Expenses should be submitted as soon as possible after their incurrence and certainly
within 30 days of completion of a business trip (or incurring the expense).

13.3 All travel-related business expenses must be accurately documented through the expenses
reporting process in order to be reimbursed. Expenses found to be missing receipts, or with
insufficient receipt attached will not be reimbursed.

13.4 Sweden based employees should use Visma to claim travel expenses. When claiming
expenses through the Employee Expense System (Visma) the receipt/invoice needs to be
itemized accordingly in the system.

13.5 Greece, Canada, and India based employees submit their expenses using the expenses
report templates. OTA staff should use this OTA form. TripStack staff should use this
TripStack form. GR based staff should submit completed and approved expense reports to
Accounts Payable department ( for processing. CA based
staff should submit completed and approved expense reports to HR Department
( ) for processing.

13.6 For Etraveli India staff specifically, for non-travel related expenses that need to be
reimbursed please use this google form and covid-19 related expenses mentioned in the
“Support India Initiative Policy” use this google form submit your expenses).

13.7 Special care should be given when the trip concerns a project subject to capitalization
under IFRS. Specific codes/per project should be used when employees participating in such
projects are filling in their expense forms. The projects currently in place can be found in the
relevant forms.

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14. Code of Conduct

14.1 Employees traveling on business trips for the Etraveli Group shall respect local tradition
and praxis and behave according to good manners for a guest in the country. Acts that might
cause a penalty or by other ways cause damage to the Group, can be reason for dismissal.

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