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An Essay By: Juliana Bea Gloria

Cheese, what I like about cheese is that no two are alike. From the soft block to the hard
blocks, from fresh to aged. Not only are they delicious but they are also nutritious. Cheese
might be heavy in saturated fats and salt, but it's also a wonderful source of calcium and

In order for one to get cheese, milk must first go through a process called “curdling” wherein
it - the milk, ages, turning into an acid curd that releases whey - a liquid that contains the
soluble ingredients, and leaves behind semisolid curd, or fresh cheese (Britannica, T. Editors
of Encyclopaedia (2023, November 4).
Though cheese is mostly made from cow milk, some are produced using goat - gouda,
cheddar; sheep - feta; buffalo - mozzarella, ricotta; and camels and yaks and even reindeers.
(Cheese, n.d).
There are over 1,800 distinct types of cheese variants in the globe, proving that people are
fond of the item and have devised several methods to prepare and consume it. (Dairy
Farmers of Wisconsin, 2023).
One of my favorite cheeses, the mozzarella, has a mild, fresh lactic flavor and is used mostly
in cooking, particularly as a primary element in pizza. It is delicate and perishable, and
normally lasts only a few days; however, certain kinds undergo an aging process that
intensifies its flavor and extends their storage life (Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia
(2023, August 15).

Cheese has been produced by humans since before the beginning of written history. It is not
known who curdled milk for the first time and separated the solid curds from the liquid
whey, but archaeologists have discovered evidence of cheese making in at least 7,200-year-
old artifacts. Humans seem to have loved cheese from day one. With all of this in mind, some
may say that cheese is the ideal meal (Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, 2023)

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