Brain Tumor

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1. A male client with a cerebellar brain tumor is admitted to an acute care facility.

The nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for injury. Which related-to phrase should the nurse add to complete the nursing diagnosis statement? a. Related to visual field deficits b. Related to difficulty swallowing c. Related to impaired balance d. Related to psychomotor seizures Answer C. A client with a cerebellar brain tumor may suffer injury from impaired balance as well as disturbed gait and incoordination. Visual field deficits, difficulty swallowing, and psychomotor seizures may result from dysfunction of the pituitary gland, pons, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, or temporal lobe not from a cerebellar brain tumor. Difficulty swallowing suggests medullary dysfunction. Psychomotor seizures suggest temporal lobe dysfunction. 2. When caring for a male client diagnosed with a brain tumor of the parietal lobe, the nurse expects to assess: a. short-term memory impairment. b. tactile agnosia. c. seizures. d. contralateral homonymous hemianopia. Answer B. Tactile agnosia (inability to identify objects by touch) is a sign of a parietal lobe tumor. Short-term memory impairment occurs with a frontal lobe tumor. Seizures may result from a tumor of the frontal, temporal, or occipital lobe. Contralateral homonymous hemianopia suggests an occipital lobe tumor.
3. A nurse is assigned to a client who is newly admitted for treatment of a frontal lobe brain

tumor. Which history offered by the family members would be recognized by the nurse as associated with the diagnosis, and communicated to the provider? a. "My partner's breathing rate is usually below 12." b. "I find the mood swings and the change from a calm person to being angry all the time hard to deal with." c. "It seems our sex life is nonexistent over the past 6 months." d. "In the morning and evening I hear complaints that reading is next to impossible from blurred print." Answer B: "I find the mood swings and the change from a calm person to being angry all the time hard to deal with." The frontal lobe of the brain controls affect, judgment and emotions. Dysfunction in this area results in findings such as emotional liability, changes in personality, inattentiveness, flat affect and inappropriate behavior.

4. A nurse is caring for a child after removal of a brain tumor. The nurse assesses the child for which of the following signs that would indicate that brainstem involvement occurred during the surgical procedure? a) inability to swallow b) elevated temperature c) altered hearing ability d) orthostatic hypotension Answer B- Vital signs and neurological status are assessed frequently. Special attention is given to the childs temperature, which may be elevated because of hypothalamic or brainstem involvement during surgery. A cooling blanket should be in place on the bed or readily available if the child becomes hyperthermic. Options A and C are related to functional deficits following surgery. Orthostatic hypotension is not a common clinical manifestation following brain surgery. An elevated blood pressure and widened pulse pressure may be associated with increased intracranial pressure, which is a complication following brain surgery. 5. Marco who was diagnosed with brain tumor was scheduled for craniotomy. In preventing thedevelopme nt of cerebral edema after surgery, the nurse should expect the use of: a) Diuretics b) Antihypertensive c) Steroids d) Anticonvulsants Answer C. Glucocorticoids (steroids) are used for their anti-inflammatory action, which decreases the development of edema

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