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Past Participles

• Many Past Participles are irregular. Complete the grammar reference chart below.
Below are 64 commonly used irregular Past Participles in English.
For example:
“Oh no! I’ve broken the dish!”

⚫ be ⚫ been ⚫ hit ⚫ ___________

⚫ become ⚫ become ⚫ hold ⚫ ___________
⚫ begin ⚫ ___________ ⚫ hurt ⚫ ___________
⚫ bite ⚫ ___________ ⚫ keep ⚫ ___________
⚫ blow ⚫ ___________ ⚫ know ⚫ ___________
⚫ break ⚫ ___________ ⚫ leave ⚫ ___________
⚫ bring ⚫ ___________ ⚫ lose ⚫ ___________
⚫ build ⚫ ___________ ⚫ make ⚫ ___________
⚫ buy ⚫ ___________ ⚫ meet ⚫ ___________
⚫ catch ⚫ ___________ ⚫ pay ⚫ ___________
⚫ choose ⚫ ___________ ⚫ put ⚫ ___________
⚫ come ⚫ ___________ ⚫ read ⚫ ___________
⚫ cost ⚫ ___________ ⚫ ride ⚫ ___________
⚫ cut ⚫ ___________ ⚫ run ⚫ ___________
⚫ do ⚫ ___________ ⚫ say ⚫ ___________
⚫ draw ⚫ ___________ ⚫ see ⚫ ___________
⚫ drink ⚫ ___________ ⚫ sell ⚫ ___________
⚫ drive ⚫ ___________ ⚫ sing ⚫ ___________
⚫ eat ⚫ ___________ ⚫ sit ⚫ ___________
⚫ fall ⚫ ___________ ⚫ spend ⚫ ___________
⚫ feed ⚫ ___________ ⚫ stand ⚫ ___________
⚫ feel ⚫ ___________ ⚫ steal ⚫ ___________
⚫ find ⚫ ___________ ⚫ swim ⚫ ___________
⚫ fly ⚫ ___________ ⚫ take ⚫ ___________
⚫ forget ⚫ ___________ ⚫ teach ⚫ ___________
⚫ freeze ⚫ ___________ ⚫ tell ⚫ ___________
⚫ get ⚫ ___________ ⚫ think ⚫ ___________
⚫ give ⚫ ___________ ⚫ throw ⚫ ___________
⚫ go ⚫ ___________ ⚫ understand ⚫ ___________
⚫ grow ⚫ ___________ ⚫ wear ⚫ ___________
⚫ have ⚫ ___________ ⚫ win ⚫ ___________
⚫ hear ⚫ ___________ ⚫ write ⚫ ___________
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