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1. Read the following text.

Planning as an 18-year-old

What is your plan after high school? Are you going to

college? What are you going to major in? All of these questions
are what we students are expected to answer once we reach
high school. How are we supposed to have our life figured out at
5 the age of 18? Half of us are still figuring out who we are and
what we like and dislike. So, how can we accurately make post-
secondary plans that we know we will stick with forever?
These questions just put pressure on us to find an answer
that we may not feel completely comfortable with. If we make
10 the wrong choice, then we will be dissatisfied with our lives for a
long time because we are working and doing something
At the age of 18, we are just gaining freedom to explore the world without our parents being
there for our every move. We are so used to being told what to do until the age of 18, that when
15 reality sinks in and we realize that we are on our own in our career choice, we panic and start to
have doubts.
The world puts too much pressure on highschoolers to have their lives all mapped out. We
are still young and have a lot of life ahead of us. Who knows what changes will happen in our lives
or how happy we will be with the career choice we start off with. Let’s stop pressuring our teenagers
20 and instead support and be there for them. Tell us it is okay to not have life figured out and that you
are here to help us explore and grow. (adapted; accessed in September 2022)

2. Match the halves of the sentences according to the text.

a. At the age of 18, about 50% of teenagers 1. are becoming independent.

b. The questions about plans after high 2. lead teens to feel under pressure.
3. may cause panic and many doubts.
c. At the age of 18, teens
d. Feeling as the only one responsible for 4. should be supported.
choosing one’s career 5. haven’t discovered themselves yet.
e. Teenagers

3. Choose the best option to replace the underlined words.

3.1 “How are we supposed to have our life figured out at the age of 18?”
a. identified b. outlined c. closed

3.2 “How can we accurately make post-secondary plans”

a. correctly b. nicely c. really

3.3 “we are working and doing something unenjoyable”

a. difficult b. unpleasant c. tiring

3.4 “when reality sinks in”

a. falls b. puts in c. becomes clear

3.5 “to have their lives all mapped out”

a. improvised b. planned c. started


1. Complete the text with the words from the box.

performance fitting stress pressure hanging push volunteer drugs

Pressures on today’s teens

All teens want to be accepted, but today they face more and more a. ____________ to be
part of the crowd. b. ____________ in might mean having the latest smartphone or the
“coolest” jeans, or c. ____________ out with the right people. It could even mean using tobacco,
alcohol, or d. ____________.
Teens also face huge e. ____________ around academics, athletic f. ____________ and
other areas. They often feel they must excel in sports, extracurricular, g. ____________ and
other activities to be competitive for the best schools. Many parents h. ____________ their
teens without even realising it. (adapted; accessed in September 2022)

2. Circle the correct option.
a. Bulimia is an eating disorder that I would rather / had better not have in my life.
b. You would rather / had better not post your selfies on Instagram because it can make you feel
unhappy with the comments.
c. Julian has a friend who / which suffers from depression.
d. Do you know the name of the blogger who / whose posts are always about anxiety?
e. I’ve finally found the YouTube channel who / which has lots of videos with tips to study.

3. Choose the best option to complete the sentences.

3.1 Teenagers have to be able to get along _____ their parents.
a. on b. over c. with
3.2 You should go _____ yours answers before you give them to your teacher.
a. on b. over c. with
3.3 Some of my friends have gone _____ a rough time.
a. with b. through c. by
3.4 What do you think _____ unhealthy relationships?
a. on b. with c. about
3.5 In adolescence, students have to deal _____ a lot of pressure.
a. on b. with c. about
3.6 It’s difficult not to worry _____ the future of our teens.
a. on b. with c. about
3.7 Lots of teens spend their pocket money _____ clothes.
a. on b. with c. about
3.8 Jeff _____ work really hard to get to that medical school.
a. was able to b. had to c. used to
3.9 My parents _____ give me some pocket money, but now I earn my own money.
a. were able to b. had to c. used to
3.10 If I finish my studies with good grades, I _____ find a good job.
a. will be able to b. will have to c. used to

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