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LenWith the small groups of children or adults, whilst the teacher is otherwise engaged with others
students, I can be working with another small group doing possibly IT, employability or just general
help with social skills. Les Can you describe any activities that you do following teachers lead to
support physical developments. From what I discovered from the data, and from a review of
relevant literature, it was evident that academic achievement and the condition of the quality of the
buildings and learning spaces are linked to a student’s academic attainment. Secondly, as a social
constructionist, I assume that our society incorporates a subjective reality which is mainly achieved
through primary and secondary socialisation. This facilitated the progress of the learners within the
community of practices in which they operated. Edna The last few years I was taking a regular part
in professional development. I think what you have said earlier that you have but you might want to
give an example. Les Do you work one to one with any member of staff or teacher. In the 1960s,
French theorist Bourdieu was examining and theorising on how social relations in our society were
reproduced. Unless a TA, through her own goodwill, meets with the teacher in her own unpaid time,
there may be no opportunity to communicate at all. I personally encountered the Government
initiated, formal inspection process administered by OFSTED which placed even more pressure on
education teams in school, especially with the introduction of school performance league tables.
Bourdieu’s theories of “habitus”, and “social capital” are applied here to the TAs and my beliefs, in
improving their “habitus” or status” by giving them voice, but also in demonstrating their wider
pedagogical role in raising the status or habitus of the learners they work with by supporting social
interaction, social inclusion and inclusive education. JasminI think it is an everyday on going process,
as long as I am at work I keep going, I keep the sharing, taking turns, showing love and care to
friends. As the learners migrate from the peripheral positions in their communities towards the
centre, they learn how to develop positive interactions and relationships within the communities.
Annie CH Yes, you do that without really thinking about it. The experiences, opportunities, and
support that we offer will prepare you for a future with purpose. This can then be extrapolated to
include the CoP for the school, learning community and society. These include how TAs support
student social and behavioural participation, the school and class behaviour policies and behaviour
management, as well as, how the 12 Page 13. Meanwhile outside, the families, communities, and the
society in which the students live have also changed drastically. However, during the twentieth
century, in post-World War II England, changes in society were occurring. They are also essential
characteristics or components of the communities of practice occupied by the staff and students.
Final development of the themes and any inferences were based on interpretation, and the analysis I
produced was not merely descriptive but was already partially theorised. Malaguzzi’s (1993, p73)
notion of member’s or “child’s participation in the multiple socio-cultural contexts of the family, the
community and society” can also be embedded into the CoP framework. I would argue, based on
experience and the literature, that many of our school practices are still influenced by outmoded
theories of learning and development. Based on mapping exercises and policy analysis, a
representative set of management practices and specifications have been selected for more detailed
analysis. JimWe are constantly doing that because they are our policies. 306 Page 307. Well
everybody like I say should be included but those who have less social skills should not be excluded
just because of that. Although provision for negotiation, discussion and expansion of the
interviewee's responses is made, the semi-structured interview will also impose an overall shape to
the interview and help prevent aimless rambling. (Opie, 2010, p118) From the outset, through initial
contacts with the interviewees, I had to control the length of each interview. From the discussions
and analysis, this is happening to some extent, but I believe that more time and further funding are
required to enable education establishments to support this initiative. We change the groups around
all the time so that they are not in the same group so that they have to communicate with each other.
While Webster et al (2011, p2) also stated: In 2010, 43% of the mainstream school workforce in
England comprised support staff, and over half of these people were TAs (DfE 2010). Les Do you
think that you make a difference to the physical progress and if so what difference in value how do
you feel you make it? Hannah Yes. I then discussed how they are part of our society and are
contributing factors in “social inclusion”. LesDo you think you make a difference to their progress is
so what difference and how do you make to their language and communication development. In the
twenty first century education system, teaching assistants are working alongside other professionals,
assisting in constructing knowledge and learning, and supporting inclusion. The acquisition of social
and behavioural skills, combined with the cognitive development that occurs, allows the learners to
acquire social capital and status, thus transforming their habitus (Bourdieu, 1984). Firstly, the TAs
supporting teaching and learning facilitate human development. I would also like to express my
thanks and extreme gratitude to Prof Dan Godley, my EdD Supervisor, for his understanding,
inspiration, and unstinting support during this thesis production. It follows that inclusion (as
discussed in Chapter2) encompasses all those learners who are put at a disadvantage within their
educational settings for any of many reasons, not just on grounds of disability (see, for example,
discussions by SLen, 1996; Thomas, Walker and Webb, 1998 and Young, 1990, Meekosha and
Jacubowicz, 1996; Troyna and Vincent, 1996). Les Do you consider that your input in this process is
important. Annie b Yes, because we know all of the students individually so we can put in place their
own individual targets and their own individual goals so they know what they are working towards
so although they would have a little progression without us I think if we weren’t there and we didn’t
know them individually they wouldn’t have as much progression as they have they wouldn’t
develop as much as they do. From the data and my own experience in teaching in education, the TAs
can, and do, support both social inclusion and academic achievement by supporting CoPs,
transforming habitus, building social and cultural capital, arranging classrooms and creating displays.
There is a political orientation which means different governments adapt social inclusion to suit their
agendas. This drove integration beyond the age of compulsory school i.e. 16 years at that time.
Telling the parents what we are going to do today, all positive things. There are still things pop in that
you think I remember that. Using a qualitative approach to examine this question, the study includes
a theoretical literature review and empirical field work. According to Berger and Luckman (1991)
socialisation occurs through significant others within our communities, who mediate, facilitate,
intercede, intervene, and negotiate the objective reality and make it appropriate and meaningful, so
that it can be adopted by the CoPs and society in general. Lobbyists for groups within society are
drivers for change, such as those with learning difficulties, disabilities, young people who are “not in
employment, education or training” (NEET) and cultural groups. London: Cassell. Barton, L. (1997).
Inclusive education: Romantic, subversive or realistic. A third source of information was obtained
using search engines such as “Google Scholar” which gave access to professional and academic
sources, both nationally in the UK and internationally, from countries such as Australia and the
United States of America (USA). This was supported by those in society suspicious of ineligible
people claiming charity and additional support. There has been plenty of research during the last
twenty years into learning and development. We have got 16 year olds doing their GCSE’s,
sometimes staff get frustrated at them because they are not getting the grades they expect them to
get but when you look at them emotionally they might have a reading age of a 9-year-old. After
spending eleven years in mainstream education I accepted a post in a school for young people with
special educational needs (SEN). Les Then again can you describe any activities that are
complimentary to the teacher regarding support and behaviour development? EdnaYes. Drawing on
constructivism and interpretivism traditions, the study employed First-Language Reflective Group
Conversations (L1-RGCs) and Reflective Journals to gain qualitative data from a sample of fifteen
post-foundation undergraduate students in a tertiary English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
institution in Oman. One of the major condemnations of Bourdieu’s work is, despite providing us
with the knowledge of the barriers and oppressive structures within education and 219 Page 220.
From the discussions and analysis, this is happening to some extent, but I believe that more time and
further funding are required to enable education establishments to support this initiative. Annie b
Quite a lot because with them having disabilities and difficulties a lot of them need a lot of time
when they are using their motor skills.
When I asked the TAs the question “Do you help support a positive physical environment?” the
majority replied positively. Annie b Probably would have made progress but not as much progress.
The TAs, as part of a team in the learning environment, facilitate the learners’ ability to meet and
spend time with peers, and TAs and other adults. The research literature (Blatchford, 2011) states that
TAs do not usually make a change to attainment (academic progress) but do support the teacher.
Once carried out, if I thought the thematic data did not represent the raw data. Plus, we have the
home corner, where they have a little round table, with a table cloth which the kids keep pulling off.
ChristineUse TimeoutLes Is this part of the schools. They were informed that they would be
provided with information and would be able to see the data and results before submission. This was
emphasised by the TAs during the interview. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies. 246
Page 247. They need to go away with a positive thought in their head, like actually this is a good
place for my kid. Jane provides a convincing example of her response as to why she feels her
contribution has a noticeable impact on her learners’ social and emotional development. It is like they
just kind of do whatever they want to do and they will say whatever they want to say and you
constantly have to remind them that they don’t treat people like that and they don’t say things that
are not very nice. I don’t get any more pay for qualified at Level 6 than I would at Level 3, so what
is the point. He is also helping to develop the learners’ social and cultural capital, again increasing
their “habitus” and facilitating inclusion. In response to whether she made a difference she replied:
“Yes, because when they first came in they were quiet and they would not talk to anybody but then
they became more talkative. It follows that, through the CoPs, addressing social and emotional needs
supports overall growth, facilitating the other areas of development such as language, physical and
intellectual development. If need be get the students together and a lot of it sometimes is just
miscommunications not really anything meant by it. From the literature review, according to
Charmaz (2000, 20006) the terms “social constructionism” and “constructivism” may be
interchanged or combined under the one term “constructivism”. As a social constructionist, I believe
I was always reflective and reflexive as: Reflexivity recognises that researchers are inescapably part
of the social world that they are researching.Reflexivity suggests that researchers should
acknowledge and disclose their own selves in the research, seeking to understand their part in or
influence on the research. To make an effort to destroy what has taken so long to develop challenges
my comprehension. Special education would have a distinctive but natural place. Again in nursery it
doesn’t take much for them all to be disruptive. An example of such a barrier, put forward by
Blatchford et al (2007) which I discussed earlier, was a lack of opportunity for the teachers and TAs
to plan, which is a common complaint in my own experience. HannahWith the literacy some of the
LD students would be writing words and using dot to dot so I would write the words out in dot to
dot and then help the students go over them to form a letter. How do teaching assistants support
social inclusion? 99 School CoP TA CoP Teacher CoPPupil CoP Page 100. Far more guidance,
legislation and professional development is required for the teaching assistants. I then looked at to
integration which Warnock (1978) defined as occurring in several forms they are: Locational
integration: Where units are on the same site as mainstream schools and disabled and non-disabled
children can familiarise themselves with each other. Put simply, when the researcher and researched
are of the same order, that is, both living, experiencing human beings, it is necessary for us as
researchers to reflect on how that might impact the research scenario when gathering data and when
afterwards analysing it.” (Shaw, 2010, p233) This research process was about finding out how the
TAs supported learning and social and educational inclusion based on their thoughts, stories, and 124
Page 125. Annie CH I would say that the years the teaching assistant’s role has dramatically changed
to where we are teaching although it is teacher directed it is from the teacher but we are teaching as
much as the teacher.
Janet Obviously following the school policies and procedures when you are in class I think it is
important that you and your partner, your teacher, work together singing the same song from the
same hymn book. Following an analysis of the present situation through reviewing the literature, I
moved from functionalism to interpretivism. Les What qualifications or training have you acquired
that support you in your role. In this model, the people who were identified as having a “disability”
were viewed as a “problem” that needed to be repaired or fixed. If you need to make a general
enquiry, please see the Contact us page. To describe, understand and justify the positive impact of
the TAs, Blatchford et al (2009) created a model “Wider Pedagogical Role” (WPR). (Blatchford,
2009, p 681) See Fig.3 Diagrammatic representation of Blatchford et al’s (2007) WPR Model
(appendix) Blatchford et al’s theory or model, as illustrated above, helps justify the positive impact
of TAs while it also helps to illustrate the barriers to their success in raising achievement. They act as
pseudo-parents, as caregivers and nurture the learners. Hannah Not really unless there is anything
which I come up with and I will give my input and usually the teacher will add it in to the next
couple of lessons but as a rule I wouldn’t sort of not normally. From experience as a senior teacher in
a SEN school at the time, the theory was not so well received, but putting the theory into practice
was even more difficult. All the teaching assistants who responded thought they did make a
difference and supported the behaviour policies of their settings. Through the subsequent chapters, I
have repeatedly highlighted how the TAs contribute to educational and social inclusion. The
Disability Discrimination Act (1995), Education Act (1996) Equality Act 1996) and the Equality Act
(2010) laws and legislation supported this agenda. She was also relieving the teacher or tutor from
having to spend an additional amount of time as a scribe for that learner, again reducing the
workload of the teacher while supporting development. The verbal, non-verbal and social
interactions are 185 Page 186. I chose to focus and use the definition and theories of Bourdieu
(1977, 1983, and 1984) because of his interest in identifying and addressing power relations within a
field, such as education and highlighting inequalities within society. Well everybody like I say
should be included but those who have less social skills should not be excluded just because of that.
I don’t know if they feel that tutors have more on their schedule, which they obviously have, so they
come and talk to me first. However, positivism is also taken to entail the following: Only
phenomena, and hence knowledge, confirmed by the senses can genuinely be warranted as
knowledge (the principle of phenomenally). It is possible to consider the positive learning
environment to be both a physical entity (the building and its contents, light, heat, decoration e.g.
colour and displays etc.) and the human aspect (i.e. social, emotional and intellectual activities). We
know that those two can talk for England but they will put into their project “Now it is Heather’s
turn”, so they are going to make her do something but they will do it in a nice way and include her in
the group. (Annie B) Whereas Annie CH replied to the same question saying: We do quite have quite
a few children for whom English is not their first language so you do have to make sure that they
have that extra time. These are part of the framework and some of the processes the learners need to
develop their social and cultural capital and inclusion within their CoP as discussed above. So this
could be the actual physical environment, role modelling etc.? Edna Just basically follow the role
model of the teacher. Reciprocity, trust, and empathy are the major supporting structures for all the
interactions and relationships that bond a CoPs membership. Shruti won the Hallam heat during the
Creating Knowledge Conference in June and went on to present her award-winning project, which
explores the use of a 'nature-inspired' approach to designing novel Auxetic materials, at the Vitae
conference. It could just be using different strategies to motivate the students actually to do the work
takes up a large part of my time I would say. (Len) From the views of these TAs and all the others, I
concluded that they did support social and emotional development. Just make it warm and inviting
and safe, make sure it is safe. I provide a description, or interpretation of what I mean by the term
“methodology”. Since the 19th century, the model followed was predominantly the “medical” or
“individual” model. The care of such individuals was now the responsibility of the Crown, but it was
private individuals within local communities who had to undertake this responsibility. Edna was
asked, “Are you responsible for the safety aspects of the environment?” To which she replied “Yes,
that as well, making sure that the corners of the tables are safe and anything that is sharp that needs
to be attended to and we also encourage the students to pick everything up that they have been
doing.” (Edna) Many of these tasks were carried out as part of their role or as directed by the teacher.

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