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An evaluation of mandibular border movements: Their

character and significance
Harry C. Lundeen, D.D.S.,’ Edwin F. Shryock, D.D.S., M.S.,** and Charles H. Gibbs, Ph.D.***
The University of Florida, College of Dentistry, Gainesville. Fla.

R ecording methods for mandibular movements

have been advocated and used to form, mill, or
instrumentation. Tests have shown that the resulting
increased vertical dimension produced by the central
adjust the condylar control mechanisms of articula- bearing screw and plate does not significantly affect
tors.‘-:’ While the reasons for acceptance or rejection the recordings.”
of these procedures are varied, studies have not This system records movements in plastic blocks
clearly demonstrated what these movements have in engraved by air-turbine drills. Two blocks were
common, how they differ from each other, or how spaced 220 mm apart along the hinge axis, and a
they may or may not affect the character of cusp third block was centered anterior to the head. The
movements. accuracy of this method has been discussed by
In the first part of this study mandibular border Lundeen and Wirth.”
movement data were analyzed to determine the Sample description. The 163 subjects ranged from
average movement pathway of 163 subjects. By 20 to 65 years of age. Approximately two thirds of
calculation, pathways were expanded around the the subjects were patients for whom occlusal therapy
average to demonstrate the shape of the range of was indicated. The other one third of the group was
movement necessary to include most subjects. The made up of dental students, faculty members, secre-
second part involved molar cusp movement analysis taries, and dental assistants from the College of
utilizing border movement pathways of representa- Dentistry for whom no dental treatment was indi-
tive subjects coupled with variations in anterior cated. None were edentulous. The number of men
guidance. and women in the group was nearly equal. Unusual
or bizarre movement patterns produced by patients
MANDIBULAR BORDER MOVEMENT with histories of trauma or severe dysfunctional
ANALYSIS symptoms were excluded from the sample.
(Part I) Method Data analysis. All recordings were aligned to the
Recording instrumentation. Using the instrumen- subject’s hinge axis and the axis-orbital plane. The
tation developed by Lee,” three-dimensional border movement patterns engraved in plastic blocks were
movements were recorded as the mandible was digitized and stored on magnetic tapes utilizing the
guided from centric relation through (1) right later- method developed by McCoy, Shryock, and
al, (2) left lateral, and (3) protrusive movements, Lundeen. ’ A computer program developed by Lauf-
(Fig. 1, A and B). An intraoral central bearing screw fer” was used to analyze the data.
and opposing concave maxillary table separated the
teeth to facilitate smooth recordings and provide Results
room for clutch attachment. This common proce- The data were analyzed in frontal and sagittal
dure is used by most border movement recording aspects for horizontal planes of 0.5, 1.O, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0,
and 5.0 mm superior and inferior to centric relation.
Read before the Academy of Denture Prosthetics, Minneapolis, At each horizontal plane, the average point for the
Minn. 163 subjects was calculated. A histogram showing
‘Professor and Cbaiiman, Department of Occlusion and Fixed
the frequency distribution of the 163 subject points
**Private Practice. Riverside, Calif. was plotted as in Fig. 2. At each horizontal plane a
***distant Professor, Department of Basic Dental Sciences. histogram was used to partition the 163 data points

442 OCTOBER l!WtI VOLUME 40 NUMBER 4 lM22-3913/78/1CO442 + 11$01.10/0 0 197s I‘he C. V. Mosby Co.

Fig I. The Lee pantograph system was used for engraving mandibular movement in solid
plastic using air-turbine drills for protrusive (A) and lateral (B) movements.

Fig. 2. The data at the right side recording Mock were analyzed on the 2.0 mm horizontal
plane in the sagittal aspect. The data were analyzed in both frontal and sagittal aspects at seven
different horizontal planes superior and inferior to centric relation. A histogram was.
constructed at each of the horizontal planes to partition the 163 subject data points around the
average pathway, with a center group containing 435, and two groups on either side of the
center Goup each containing 20%. -

of the subjects into a center group containing 40% B). The nonworking pathways represent magnified
and two groups on either side of the center group, extensions of the hinge axis recorded +qreximatePy
each containing 20%. Thus at each horizontal plane 55 mm lateral to the subject’s condyle.
80% of the total sample was partitioned around the Of particular interest are the nonworking path-
mean in three groups. The sizes of the groups were ways shown in the frontal aspect in Fig. 3, C and D.
derived by arbitrary means to include a majority of The amount of Bennett movement differed only
the sample. during the first several millimeters of condgle move--
The average pathway was formed by connecting ment, and then the pathways remained essan~ially
the average points at each horizontal plane. The parallel arcs of circles during the remainder of the
20%, 40%, and 20% partition points from the histo- movement. When the mandible was firmly guided to
gram were also connected at each horizontal plane to the right or left border movements, -the Bennett-
form pathways enclosing 20%, 4O%, and 20% of the movement occurred close to the centric refation
sample (Fig. 3, A to F). The standard deviations of position. Once the Bennett movement had occurred
the sample were also calculated at each horizontal in the early part of the Iateral excursion, the working
plane. condyle did not continue to exhibit ~further sagittai
All four nonworking pathways in lateral move- displacement but merely rotated throughout the
ment (Fig. 3, C and 0) were steeper than their remainder of the Jarera border movement.
counterparts in protrusive movement (Fig. 3, A and The effect of the rotating condyle is shown- in part



I ‘\
I \

//I Sagitta1 Asp20 \

Protrusive fbvnmt at
Left Side Recording Block

// I
/ I
/ I
I sagitta1 Aspect I






Side Recording

Fig. 3, A and 8. Condylar border movement information was transferred into computer
memory. A computer program was used to analyze the data. In each of the illustrations the
average pathways for the left and right sides are shown by broken lines. Pathways enclosing
20’S, 4096, and 20% of the sample are shown by the solid lines.



Frontal Aspect Ssgittal Aspect

-1 5 4 3 2 1

Right Lateral bvmnt

Left (Won-Mtwking) Side
Recording Block

/ , \
/ \
/ /
/ I I
~Fwntal ,
// Sagtttal Aspect i / Aspect ,
/ I /


, i -6
X 1 2 3 4 6 6

0 D
Left lateral
4nwmtnt at right
atda reccrdt~ block

Fig. 3, C and D. Candylar border movement information was transferred into computer
memory. A computer program was used to analyze the data. In each of the illustrations the-
average pathways for the left and right sides are shown by broken lines. Pathways enclosing
zC%, 40%~ and zO?$ of the sample are shown by the solid lines.



Sa$ittal Aa$ect

Left Lateral lovanent at Left

Side (wakens) Recording Block

.a1 Aspect
, , , , ., iz

0f Right Lateral
Side Recwdin$

Fig, 3, E and F. Conc&Iar border movement information was transferred into computer
memory. A computer program was usedto analyze the data. In eachof the illustrations the
averagepathwaysfor the left and right sidesare shown by broken lines. Pathwaysenclosing
Zoo/o,~95, and 20%of the sampleare shown by the solid lines.



Fig. 4. A mechanical plotter was made by attaching a recording stylus to the maxillary
member of a Dentonamics articulator. The stylus was adjusted to trace in three planes at a
Point corresponding to the tip of the mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar. The
condylar controls were varied by interchanging certain preselectedmotion analoguesof
patients. The anterior guide tables could be varied from 0 to 60 degreesfor protrusive
movement and 0 to 40 degrees for lateral movement.

in the working-side movement recordings (Fig. 3, E of Bennett movement on one side in working move-
and F). The shapesof the working-side pathways are ment is related to the Bennett movement on the
not true representations of the working condyle other side during the nonworking movement,
movements becausethey are also recorded approxi- because they represent the same movement (at
mately 55 mm lateral to the subject’s condyle. The different points). In the lateral movements no signif-
actual movement of the working condyle itself can icant differences were found in the anterior-posterior
only be deduced by considering the total jaw move- component (sagittal aspect) of the average pathways.
ment asdemonstrated by the reconversion to motion In the protrusive movement the left side average
analoguesmade by the transfer machine. pathway showed more deviation than the right side
When comparing right and left side recordings the average. However, their mean values were not signif-
greatest significant difference in the average path- icantly different.
ways occurred in the Bennett movement component. The average pathway on the right side was statis-
More Bennett movement and more deviation in tically compared with the average pathway on the
Bennett movement occurred on the left side than on left side at horizontal planes of 0.5, 1.O, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0.
the right side for the working movement, and vice- 4.0, and 5.0 mm superior and inferior to centric
versa for the nonworking movement. The magnitude relation. Possible differences of standard deviation


Table I. Condylar control selections used in
Part I1

N~workia~ Accorn~nyi~8
condyfar pathway Bennett movement
Test &w-W (mm)
1 40 0
2 47 2.50
3 65 0.75
4 52 3.50

were tested with the F-ratio, and possibledifferences

in means were tested with a two-tailed Student’s
b-test,Significance was tested at the 5% Ievel, with a
sample side of 163. A proper pooled estimate of the
standard deviation was used for calculation of the f

The second part of this study was designed to

measure changes in movement pathways of molar
cuspsproduced by vacations in condylar movement
pathways when coupled with simultaneous varia-
tions in the anterior guidance.
~e~~c~ plotter. A mechanical cusp-plotter Fig. 5, The protrusive movementwasanalyzed usingZ%-,
similar to the one described by Aull’ was made by SO-,and ?&degree condylar movement ~a~~a~s, The
attaching a telescoping stylus, adjustable in three anterior guidancewasvaried from 0 ta~60dergrees far each
planes, to the upper member of a Dentonamics test representedby linesA and B. A, 2O-degree protrusive
condyiar pathway. B, 30-degree.C, 5Ckdegree.
articulator* (Fig. 4). The point of the stylus was
positioned at the tip of the maxillary first molar sive test pathways selected had condylar muveme~t
mesiolingual cusp. A mandibular cast was mounted pathways of 20-, 30-, and 50-degree anglesrelative to
in the articulator, approximating an average the axis-orbital plane. The protrusive anterior guid-
patient’s cast positiun. Flat recording tables covered ance was changed from 0 to 60 degrees with each
with pressure-sensitive paper were constructed on test.
the mandibular first molar in the sagittal, frontal, Four lateral movement tests were made in both
and horizontal planes. A millimeter grid placed over frontal and horizontal planes, using the condylar
the tables provided the scale for measurement of the control selections shown in Table I. The lateral
stylus tip movements. anterior guidance was changed from 0 to 40 degrees
Condylar movement pathways were varied by with each test.
interch~ging certain preselected patient articulator The lateral condylar movement pathways as
control blocks of the Dentonamics articulator recorded on patients usually have curved shapes.In
system. Variations in the anterior guidance were the analysis study of cusp movement the pathways
simulated by interchanging two articulator incisal are expressedin degrees relative to the axis-orbital
guide tables. One was made flat, representing a plane to make their comparison simpler. A line was
O-degreeanterior guidance. The other was custom- drawn from the hinge axis point to a point located
formed in acrylic resin to approximately simulate a along the nonworking cundyle pa&way at approxi-
&&degree protrusive and a 40-degree lateral disclud- mately two thirds of the total distance traveled. The
ing angle for the mandibular anterior teeth. Bennett movement represents the lateral workEng
Description of test movements. The three protru- side condyle displacement occurring during the first
3 to 5 mm of operation-guided no~~orkin~side
Ingiewo~ Corp.,LosAngeIes,Calif. condyle movement.



fig. 6A. The lateral anterior guidance was varied from o

to approximately 40 degrees by in~rchanging the in&al
guidance tables of the articulator. The condylar move-
ment pathways were varied for four lateral movement
tests recorded in both frontal and horizontal planes.

Protrmdve movement (sag&d plane) {Fig. 5}

Tesf I. The 20-degree protrusive condylar pathway
coupled with the O-degree anterior guide table
(line A) produced a molar cusp movement path-
way that was nearly flat or parallel to the occlusal Fig. 6, 3 to E. B, Test 1 had a $&degree nonworking
phne. When the 60-degree anterior guide table condylar pathway with no Bennett movement [Frontal
was used, the molar cusp movement pathway plane). C, Test 2 had a 47-degree nonworking condylar
pathway with a 2.5 mm accompaning Bennett movement
demonstrated a gradual or progressive type of jaw (Frontal plane). D, Test 3 used a G-degree- nanworking
opening of 1.75 mm at a distance of 4 mm cusp condylar pathway with a 0.75 mm Bennett movement
travel. (Frontal plane). E, Test 4 had a 52-degree nonworking
Test 2. The 3Odegree protrusive condylar pathway condylar pathway with a 3.5 mm Bennett movement
showed approximately 0.75 mm jaw opening at a (Frontal plane).
distance of 4 mm cusp travel when the O-degree
anterior guide table was used (line A). The jaw produced steep separation lines starting immedi-
opening increased to 2.5 mm with the 60-degree ately at the intercuspal position (line B).
anterior guide table (line B). Test 2. A 47-degree nonworking condyiar pathway
Test 3. The 5O-degxee protrusive condylar pathway with 2.5 mm of Bennett movement again showed
coupled with the O-degree anterior guide (line A) fairly flat molar cusp pathways when the flat
showed 2.5 mm opening with the 60-degree ante- anterior guide was used (line A). The 40edegree
rior guide (line B). anterior guide did not produce the steep separa-
L&cd movement (frontal plane) (Fig. 6, A to E) tion pathways as seenin the first test shotiing the
Test i. A 40-degree nonworking condylar pathway eRect of Bennett movement (line B).
with no Bennett movement coupled with the flat Test 3. A 65-degree nonworking condylar pathway
anterior guide (line A) showed Aat working path- with 0.75 mm Bennett movement showed the
ways with only slight jaw opening accompanying steepestmolar cusp pathways when coupled with
the nonworking movement. Repeating the same the fiat anterior guide table. The steep nonwork-
movement with the 40-degree anterior guide table ing condyle pathway shows its greatest influence



on the nonworking molar pathway resembling

those in test 1 (line B).
Test 4. The 52-degree nonworking condylar path-
way with 3.5 mm Bennett movement produced
very flat molar cusp pathways with the flat incisal
guide table (line A). The 40-degree anterior guide
table did not appreciably change the molar cusp
pathways, showing the dramatic influence of
excessiveBennett movement (line B).
Lateral movement (horizontal plane) (Fig. 7)
Movement pathways were made by adjusting the
stylus to record on a flat table located on the occlusal
surface of the mandibular first molar. Only the flat
incisal guide table was used becausechanging to the
40-degree anterior guide table did not appreciably
affect the pathways due to the telescoping of the
Test 1. When no Bennett movement accompanied
the lateral movement, the stylus drew pathways in
the form of arcs of circles on the mandibular
molar. The working and nonworking pathways
form an approximate right angle with their apex Fig. 7. The horizontal Plane recordings for the four
pointing anteriorly. lateralmovementtestsare shownon the flat occlusaltable
Test 2. The increasing magnitude of the Bennett of the mandibular left first molar. Test I shows cusp
movement has the same effect here. Excessive movementsrepresentedasarcsof circcles when there is no
Bennett movement accompaningthe lateral movement.
Bennett movement can permit molar cusp travel Test4 wasmadeusingan articulator control block with an
in a transverse direction acrossthe molar occlusal excessiveamount of Bennett movement of 3.5 mm.
Test 3. A Bennett movement of 0.75 mm produced
lines that resembled those in test 1. The nonwork- control block at a width of 110 mm, its magnitude is
ing side showed more of the Bennett movement greatly reduced and not easily measured with this
effect than was seenon the working side. system. Further studies are needed to determine the
Test 4. Same as in test 2. working-side condyle’s influence on molar cusp path-
ways when coupled with varying degreesof working-
DISCUSSION (PARTS I AND II) side tooth contact.
The effects of the intercondylar distances were not
evaluated becausethe Lee instrumentation operates CONCLUSIONS
at a fixed recording distance of 220 mm and a fixed 1. A comparison of protrusive and lateral condy-
intercondylar articulator width of 110 mm. lar border movement pathways of 163 subjects
The stylus of the cusp movement plotter could revealed considerable similarity when the frequency
have been adjusted to record on the maxillary molar. of 80% of the pathways was compared with the
The results would be identical to the pathways average pathway.
produced on the mandibular molar except for their 2. A description of the pathways of posterior cusps
reversed directions. during lateral contact gliding movement must
The character of the working-side condylar move- consider three simultaneously acting guidance
ment of the articulator was not measured in Part II factors: (1) the nonworking condyle pathway, (2) the
of this study. The working-side recordings of Part I amount of Bennett movement or the working-side
show that the tips of the recording drills travel condyle displacement, and (3) the anterior guidance
mainly in an outward, upward, and backward direc- or working-side tooth contacts.
tion. When this magnified movement made at a 3. A Bennett movement of 2.5 to 3.5 mm caused a
width of 220 mm is transfered to the solid articulator dramatic flattening of lateral movement pathways of



the molar cusp as seen in the frontal plane. The useful diagnostic and treatment information. ‘I’hose
steepness of neither the anterior guidance nor the patients identified with an average or less Bennett
nonworking condylar pathway had much influence movement coupled with an acceptable anterior guid-
on the molar cusp pathway in the presence of this ance could have occlusal restorations fabricated
excessive Bennett movement. using semiadjustable articulators with a minimal risk
4. Viewed in the horizontal plane, excessive of eccentric-type interferences.
Bennett movement contributed to the greatest 6. Viewed in the horizontal plane, the 0.75 mm or
potential for collisions of molar cusps during lateral less Bennett movement tests showed lateral molar
movements. This phenomenon was more pro- cusp pathways with a minimum possibility for inter-
nounced on the nonworking side. ference on the nonworking side.
5. When the Bennett movement was 0.75 mm or 7. The influence of the nonworking condylar
less the tracing in the frontal plane showed that the pathway is most evident in the frontal plane tracing
40-degree anterior guidance became the dominant tests made with the O-degree anterior guidance. The
influence over molar cusp lateral movement path- molar cusp pathways were mainly affected on the
ways. nonworking side and only slightly on the working
PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE 4. In this study of 163 subjects the average
1. Patients with excessive Bennett movement and Bennett movement was 0.75 mm, with 80% approx-
little or no anterior guidance present the greatest imately 1.50 mm or less.
challenge in occlusal rehabilitation procedures
because the cusp movement pathways of their poste- REFERENCES
rior teeth are very shallow. The elimination of 1. Swanson, K. H.: A new method of recording gnathotogical
movements. North-West Dent 45:99, 1966.
eccentric cusp interferences can be very difficult. In
2. Lee, R. L.: Jaw movements engraved in solid plastic for
this study it was shown that increasing the lateral articulator contmls. J PROSTXET DENT 22:209, 1969.
anterior guidance to 40 degrees produced only a 3. Guichct, N.: Occlusion Manual. Anaheim, Calif., 1971.
slight change in the lateral pathways in the presence Denar Corp.
of a 3.5 mm Bennett movement. The completely 4. Lundcen, H. C., and Wirth, C. G.: Condylar movement
patterns engraved in plastic blocks. J PROSTHET DENT 30:873.
adjustable articulators would be most helpful for
these types of patients. 5. McCoy, R. B., Shryock, E. F., and Lundeen, H. C.: A
2. Patients with very little Bennett movement, method of transferring mandibular movement data IO
0.75 mm or less, have molar cusp movement path- computer storage. J PROSTHET DENT 36:510, 1976.
ways that reflect the steepness of the anterior guid- 6. Lauffer, R.: Categorizing Mandibular Movement Record-
ance and the nonworking condylar pathways. The ings into Standardized Groups. Thesis, University of Florida,
potential for eccentric cusp interference is markedly 7. Aull, A. E.: Condylar determinants of occlusal patterns.
reduced due to the steep immediate posterior cusp J PROSTHET DENT 14:826, 1965.
separation seen close to the intercuspal position.
Reprint requests to:
3. A condylar movement screening device that
would quickly and simply determine a patient’s UNMXSITY OF FLORIDA
approximate Bennett movement and the inclination COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY
of the nonworking condylar pathway would provide GAINESVILLE, FLA. 32610


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