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Vocabulary Test About PARTS OF A THEATRE Choose The Right Answer MCQ

Exercise 166

1. After the performance, please come ........... and meet 7. Your seat is number A13. That's in the front ...........
some of the cast. on the right.

A) backstage A) line
B) downstairs B) rank
C) inside C) row
D) outside D) seat
2. The actors walked on to the ........... and the play 8. We agreed to meet in the ........... of the theatre, near
began. the cloakroom.

A) landing A) anteroom
B) pavement B) foyer
C) platform C) hall
D) stage D) porch
3. I had to stand in a ........... four hours to get the 9. My brother, who is fond of acting, has joined an
tickets for this performance. ........... dramatic society.

A) file A) amateur
B) procession B) impersonal
C) queue C) unprofessional

D) tail D) untrained
4. After the interval, the change of ........... brought a 10. Are there any seats left for this week's ........... of
gasp of surprise from the audience. "Tosca"?

A) panorama A) acting
B) scenery B) drama
C) view C) opera
D) vista D) performance
5. All the theatre seats had been sold, so there was 11. All the seats in the theatre were ........... weeks before
standing ........... only. the first performance.

A) area A) engaged
B) place B) occupied
C) room C) sold out
D) space D) taken
6. The box office is open ........... for ticket sales. 12. The management ........... the right to refuse
A) a day
B) daily A) holds
C) daytime B) keeps
D) in day C) preserves
D) reserves

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Vocabulary Test About PARTS OF A THEATRE Choose The Right Answer MCQ
Exercise 166

Answer Key:

1: A 7: C
2: D 8: B
3: C 9: A
4: B 10: D
5: C 11: C
6: B 12: D

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