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To deal (present tense):

 Meaning: This can have several meanings, including distributing,
providing, handling, or engaging in business transactions.
 Example: "She deals cards quickly during the game."
2. Dealt (past tense):
 Meaning: This is the past tense form of "to deal," indicating that an
action involving distribution, provision, handling, or business
transactions occurred in the past.
 Example: "Yesterday, he dealt the cards for the poker game."
3. Dealt (past participle):
 Meaning: This form is also used in the past perfect tense or as a
past participle in present perfect constructions.
 Example: "She has dealt with difficult situations before."

 Meaning: "To handle" refers to the act of managing, dealing with, or

controlling something. It involves taking responsibility and navigating a
situation, often with skill or care.
 Example: "The experienced pilot handled the turbulent weather
conditions with ease, ensuring a smooth and safe landing for the

 Meaning: To negotiate is the act of discussing or bargaining to reach an

agreement, compromise, or settlement between parties, especially when
there are conflicting interests or positions.
 Example: "The diplomats worked tirelessly to negotiate a peace treaty
between the two warring nations."

1. Hierarchy:
 Meaning: A system or organization in which people or groups are
ranked one above the other according to status or authority.
 Example: "The corporate hierarchy ensured clear lines of
authority, with the CEO at the top overseeing various
2. Standard:
 Meaning: A level of quality or attainment that is considered
normal or acceptable.
 Example: "The company aimed to maintain high standards in its
products, meeting or exceeding customer expectations."
3. Deadline:
 Meaning: The latest time or date by which something should be
 Example: "We need to work efficiently to meet the project
deadline and deliver the final report on time."
4. Enthusiastic:
 Meaning: Showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or
 Example: "The team received enthusiastic applause from the
audience for their outstanding performance."
5. Qualitative:
 Meaning: Relating to or concerned with the quality of something
rather than its quantity.
 Example: "The researcher focused on a qualitative analysis of the
data, examining the depth and nature of the information."
6. Intuition:
 Meaning: The ability to understand or know something without
the need for conscious reasoning; a gut feeling.
 Example: "Her intuition told her that something was wrong,
prompting her to investigate further."
7. Prospective:
 Meaning: Expected or likely to happen in the future.
 Example: "The prospective buyers visited the house to assess its
features before making a decision."
8. Bankruptcy:
 Meaning: The state of being completely lacking in a particular
quality or value, often used in the context of financial insolvency.
 Example: "The economic downturn led the company into
bankruptcy, forcing it to cease operations."
9. Dynamics:
 Meaning: The forces or properties that stimulate growth,
development, or change within a system.
 Example: "The dynamics of the market are influenced by various
factors, including consumer demand and economic trends."
10. Knowledgeable:
 Meaning: Having or showing knowledge, information, or
 Example: "The professor is highly knowledgeable in the field of
astrophysics, sharing valuable insights with students."

11. Definite:
 Meaning: Clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful.
 Example: "The project manager provided a definite timeline for
completing the tasks, ensuring clarity for the team."
12. Fulfillment:
 Meaning: The achievement of something desired, promised, or
 Example: "Completing the challenging project gave him a sense
of fulfillment and accomplishment."
13. Acceptance:
 Meaning: The action of consenting to receive or undertake
something offered.
 Example: "The author eagerly awaited the acceptance of her
manuscript by the publishing house."
14. Crisis:
 Meaning: A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.
 Example: "The government implemented emergency measures to
address the economic crisis and stabilize the situation."

1. Fringe Benefits:
 Meaning: Additional perks or advantages provided by an
employer to employees, beyond their regular salary or wages.
 Example: "In addition to their salary, employees enjoy fringe
benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and flexible
work hours."
2. Net Wages:
 Meaning: The amount of money an employee takes home after
deductions, such as taxes and other withholdings, have been
subtracted from their gross wages.
 Example: "After taxes and deductions, his net wages were
deposited into his bank account every month."
3. Gross Wages:
 Meaning: The total amount of money earned by an employee
before any deductions or taxes are taken out.
 Example: "Her gross wages were $5,000 per month, but after
taxes, she received a net amount of $3,800."
4. Action-Oriented:
 Meaning: Characterized by a focus on taking practical steps and
initiatives to achieve goals, rather than just planning or discussing.
 Example: "The successful manager is action-oriented, always
leading the team in implementing strategies to improve
5. Job Hunting:
 Meaning: The process of actively searching for employment or
seeking new job opportunities.
 Example: "After completing his degree, she spent several months
job hunting, submitting resumes and attending interviews to
secure a position in her field."

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