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In-vitro mass propagation of the near-extinct

Mammillaria san-angelensis Sánchez-Mejorada

O. Martínez-Vázquez & A. Rubluo

To cite this article: O. Martínez-Vázquez & A. Rubluo (1989) In-vitro mass propagation of the
near-extinct Mammillaria san-angelensis Sánchez-Mejorada, Journal of Horticultural Science, 64:1,
99-105, DOI: 10.1080/14620316.1989.11515933

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Journal of Horticultural Science (1989) 64 (1) 99-105

In-vitro mass propagation of the near-extinct Mammillaria

san-angelensis Sanchez-Mejorada *
Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, The Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biology, U.N.A.M.
Mexico 04510 D.F., Mexico

The genus Mammillaria includes many valuable species some of which are near to
extinction. The beautiful white-spined M. san-angelensis has been reported to be extinct.
Using the related species M. haageana in preliminary trials, the in-vitro mass propagation
from young seedlings of the near-extinct M. san-angelensis has been achieved. Mor-
phogenetic responses in M. haageana and M. san-angelensis were similar. The results
were influenced mainly by two factors: the presence of the cytokinin 6-benzyladenine
(BA) and the origin of the explant. Callus formation rarely occurred; however, shoots
and multiple shoots were obtained when tip (apical) explants were exposed to different
concentrations of BA and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). Only multiple shoots were
apparent when lateral explants were exposed to similar experimental conditions. Mass
regeneration was most successful when lateral explants were subjected to three treat-
ments: BA alone at 0.1 mg J- 1 ; BA 0.1 mg J- 1 combined with NAA at 0.01 and BA
1.0 mg J- 1 ; or in combination with NAA 0.01 mg J- 1 •

THE genus Mammillaria contains many species improve, in any way possible, propagation
valuable to amateur and professional cactus techniques. During the last few years, plant
collectors. Because of the great demand for tissue culture has emerged as a powerful tool
these attractive plants, many Mexican species for the effective propagation of many species.
have been over-collected so that many mem- Compared with other taxonomic groups, the
bers of the genus Mammillaria are in danger of Cactaceae have attracted little attention from
becoming extinct (Sanchez-Mejorada, 1982; those concerned with plant tissue culture
IUCN, 1985). The beautiful white spined M. (Narayanaswamy, 1977), although since 1962
san-angelensis Sanchez-Mejorada has been several workers have achieved varying degrees
described (Sanchez-Mejorada, 1981) as of success (Steinhart, 1962; Kolar et at., 1976;
endemic to the Pedregal de San Angel area in Johnson and Emino, 1979; and Krulik, 1980),
southern Valley of Mexico. Recently it was and recently there have been encouraging
reported almost extinct as a result of over-col- results (Starling and Dodds, 1983; Starling,
lection, and to the expansion of Mexico City 1985).
during the past 50 years. The author regrets The objective of this investigation was to
'The fact that in the National Herbarium of the study the morphogenetic responses of in-vitro
University of Mexico there is only one single cultured explants of young seedlings of the
specimen of this species that grew so freely in near-extinct M. san-angelensis as influenced by
the campus area'. In the IUCN endangered growth regulators. A major goal was to attempt
cacti list for Mexico (IUCN, 1985), this plant mass propagation as a basis for an effective
was reported to be extinct. recovery programme.
A desirable action for safeguarding cacti is to

• Paper dedicated to Dr Helia Bravo-Hollis on the occasion MATERIALS AND METHODS

of her Honoris Causa doctorate from the Nat10nal Umver-
slly Autonomous of Mexico. An Ecological Reserve within the National
t To whom requests for repnnts should be addressed University of Mexico protects five plants of M.
100 In-vitro propagation of Mammillaria

san-angelensis. Fifteen seeds from these speci- in test tubes to diminish the risk of loss due to
mens were provided for this study. contamination with hormone-free MS medium,
It is known that the in-vitro responses of 3% sucrose and incubated at constant 27°C ± 1
explants from different plants is in most cases and a photoperiod of 16 h light (3.2 Wm- 2).
highly specific, even at the variety level From the original15 seeds of M. san-angelen-
(Rubluo and Kartha, 1985) particularly in the sis, eight germinated and all grew into seed-
genus Mammillaria (Johnson and Emino, lings. After six months these original seedlings,
1979). To conserve the scarce supply oJ M. san- 5-7 mm tall, were ready to be used as explant
angelensis seeds, preliminary experiments were sources and were prepared as in Figure 1, B.
carried out with the phylogenetically closely Under aseptic conditions the explants were cut
related species M. haageana (Bravo-Hollis, and separated into tip and lateral segments.
pers. comm.) for which adequate supplies of They were inoculated onto MS medium which
material were available. included 1.0 mg 1- 1 BA, and finally incubated
under the same temperature and photoperiod.
Preliminary trials with Mammillaria haageana From these preliminary trials sufficient biologi-
Seeds of M. haageana, kindly donated by the cal material was obtained for experiments on
Cactaceae Laboratory of the Botanical Garden mass proliferation induction.
of the National University of Mexico, were TheM. san-angelensis explants were exposed
sterilized in 6% sodium hypochlorite for 20 to various concentrations of BA and NAA (see
min, washed at least three times in sterile Tables II and Ill for details). All results were
double-distilled water and cultivated asep- recorded after four months in culture.
tically in hormone-free MS medium
(Murashige and Skoog, 1962) with 3% sucrose. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.8 prior
to adding the agar and the medium autoclaved Experiments with Mammillaria haageana
for 15 min at l20°C. Seeds were incubated Table I summarizes the results obtained with
under three different conditions: (a) continu- M. haageana. In general the response was poor
ous light (3.2 wm-2, (b) darkness and (c) and in most cases there was no growth after four
photoperiod of 16 h light (3.2 Wm- 2) and 8 h months in culture. However, in some of the
darkness. In all the cases the temperature was experimental conditions there were mor-
27°C ± 1. Although germination occurred in all phogenetic responses. The best media for
these conditions, best results were obtained regeneration contained only BA (1.0 and
with the photoperiod (c). After five months the 2.0 mg 1- 1). The source of the explant was also
M. haageana seeds developed to plantlets important and good results were obtained for
(5-7 mm long) and were ready to be used as a type B especially with the lateral explants.
source of explants, using two methods of pre- Apart from these findings, morphogenetic
paring the explants for in-vitro culture responses were poor in this experiment
(Figure 1). (Table I).
The M. haageana explants were sown on MS Initiation of callus is generally due to tissue
medium with some added growth regulators: damaged in in vitro culture, particularly under
6-benzylaminopurine (BA); kinetin (kin) and the influence of auxins (Steinhart, 1962;
2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2.4-D), and Minocha and Mehra, 1974; and Silverstein et
then incubated (see Table I for details). The at., 1983). In our results callus formed only
conditions which gave the best plantlet yield rarely (Table I). These results are probably due
with M. haageana were chosen for the experi- to the absence of auxins in most cases, although
ments with M. san-angelensis. profuse callusing occurred in the presence of
BA (Table I). Similar results were reported by
Experiments with Mammillaria san-angelensis Cheema and Mehra (1985) who failed to induce
Fifteen seeds of M. san-angelensis were care- callus using several auxins and cytokinins on
fully sterilized in sodium hypochlorite solution young cactus seedlings. However, an actively
and washed three times in sterile double-dis- growing callus was obtained in M. haageana
tilled water. They were then grown individually when 2.4-D was present especially in type B
0 . MARTfN EZ-VAQU EZ and A. Ruswo 101

..... t,.


FIG . 1
T he source of expl ants forM. haageana . T = tip (apica l) , L = lateral.

Multiple shoot fo rmatio n from la teral expla nts o f M. san -angelensis (ba r = 10 mm ) , incubated at 27°C 16 h light (3.2 W m- 2)
and 8 h darkness , 4 months in culture . FIG. 2 Me dium cont ainin g: 10 mg 1- 1 BA . Note the compact ca lli . FIG. 3 Me di um
containing: 0.0 1 mg I- 1 BA and 0.0 1 mg I- 1 NAA. Note that calli exist o nly on the base a nd very scarce . FIG. 4 Medium
containing: 0. 10 mg I- 1 BA and 0.10 mg 1- 1 NAA. FIG . 5 Medium containing: 1.00 mg I- 1 BA and 0.0 1 mg I- 1 NAA . No te that
call i is not appare nt but it was present on the base and very scarce. FIG. 6 Medium co ntaining: 1. 00 mg I- 1 BA a nd 1.00 mg I- 1
NAA . No te the presence o f buds (less than 5 mm) .
102 In-vitro propagation of Mammillaria

The effect of growth regulators on the morphogenetic response of several sources of explants of Mammlllana haageana cultured
at 27'C and a 16 h photopenod

Growth Response
Source of regulators Differentiation multiple
explant<•! (mgll) Callus single shoots shoots<•!

tip 1.0 9/18
a 1.0 no growth, explants turned purple
b 1.0 no growth, explants turned purple
c 1.0 no growth, explants turned purple
tip 2.0 3/18 no growth, explants turned purple
a 20 no growth, explants turned purple
b 2.0 no growth
c 2 0 2,40 +kin no growth
Up 1.0 + 4 0 18/18 yellow1sh, profuse calh
a 1.0 + 4.0 no growth, explants turned purple
b 1.0 + 4.0 no growth, explants turned purple
c 1.0 + 4.0 6/18 greening, friable calli

tip 1.0 12/18
Ll 1.0 6/18
L2 1.0 9/18
Up 2.0 6/18
Ll 2.0 18/18 3/18 profuse, friable calli
L2 2.0 2,4-D + kin no growth
Up 1.0 + 4.0 12/18 profuse, friable calli
Ll 10 + 4.0 12/18 profuse, friable calli
L2 1.0 + 4.0 15/18 profuse. fnable calli

(a) See Matenals and Methods and F1gure I for source of explants.
(b) Based on six plants per treatment with three replications after four months' culture

explants (Table I). These results are in agree- lations of vigorous callus was influenced by
ment with those of other authors using various 2,4-D as a growth regulator. Minocha and
cacti. Mehra (1974) and Johnson and Emino (1979)
Steinhart (1962) reported that the stimu- found that optimal callus proliferation occurred
Morphogenetic responses of aptcal explants'"' ofMammallana san-angelensis cultured at 27'C photoperwd exposed to different
concemratwns of BA and NAA

Growth regulators (mg/1)

% differentiatiOn responses<•>
BA NAA single shots multiple shoots<'!
0 01 0 00 60 40 (*) malformed buds<dl
010 0.00 20 (*) muluple buds
10 00 0.00 20 very slow growth
0.01 0 01 40 (**) formation of roots
0 10 0.01 100 (**) vigorous shoots
1.00 0.01 100 (****) multiple buds, long roots
10.00 0.01 very slow growth
0.01 0.10 20 some roots
0.10 0.10 40
I 00 0.10 60 20 (**) root formation multiple buds
10.00 0.10 20 20 (*) very slow growth
0.01 1.00 60 40 (*) abundant roots
0.10 1.00 20 40 (***) few roots
1.00 1.00 40 (***) multiple buds
10.00 1.00 20 few roots

(a) Explant type B (see Matenals and Methods)

(b) Based in five plants per treatment With three replications after four months' culture.
(c) Number of shoots per explant with at least 5 mm· 3-7 (*), 8-12 (**); 13-20 ('**); 21-35 (****).
(d) Buds are less than 5 mm.

Morphogenetic responses of lateral explants!•J ofMammallaria san-angelensis cultured at 27"C with a 16 h photoperiod exposed
to different concentrations of BA and NAA

Growth regulators (mg/1) DifferentiationlbJ

BA NAA Callusi'l Multiple shoots idJ

O.Ql 0.00 100 (*) malformed budsl<l

0.10 0 00 100 (**) 100 (****) multiple buds
10.00 0.00 90 (*) 90 (*) green, compact calli
0.01 0.01 30 (*) 50 (**) formation of roots
0.10 0.01 100 (***) very vigorous shoots
1.00 0.01 100 (*) 70 (****) multiple buds, long, strong roots
10 00 0.01 90 (*) 20 (*) slow growth, green, friable calh
0.01 0.10 30 (*) 80 (**) root formation
0.10 0 10 40 (*) 70 (***) green, fnable calli
1 00 0.10 80 (*) 80 (***) green, friable calh, roots
10.00 0.10 40 (*) 40 (*) slow growth
0.01 1.00 40 (*) 80 (**) slow growth, abundant roots
0.10 1.00 60 (*) 60 (**) few roots
1.00 1.00 80 (*) 80 (***) multiple buds
10.00 1.00 70 (*) 10 (*) few roots
(a) Explant type B (see Matenals and Methods).
(b) Based in five plants per treatment with three rephcauons.
(c) Calh: poor(*); abundant(**); nil(-).
(d) Number of shoots per explant with at least 5 mm: 3-7 (*): 8-12 (**); 13-20 (***); 21-35 (****).
(e) Buds are less than 5 mm.

in response to 2,4-D combined with kinetin. vided enough material to conduct mass propa-
However, in our results the origin of the explant gation experiments with M. san-angelensis.
also influenced the proliferation of callus Results in Tables II and III show the mor-
(Table I). Few shoots were produced in M. phogenetic responses after four months of
haageana (single or multiple) (Table I), but a incubation of the selected explants of M. san-
satisfactory response was recorded in explant angelensis, and the major differences between
type B with BA at 1.0 and 2.0 mg 1-I, especially the two types of cultured explants. When tip
when lateral explants were exposed to (apical) explants were exposed to the culture
1.0 mg 1- 1 BA, which produced multiple shoots media, there was no callus formation and plant
and a good yield of shoots per explant. regeneration was recorded as single and mul-
In view of these results an investigation of tiple shoots (Table II). However, when lateral
effects of BA at several concentrations, and in explants were incubated in the same condi-
combination with NAA was attempted with the tions, callus formation occurred in almost all
near-extinct M. san-angelensis. The combina- the tested situations, although it was usually
tion of BA with NAA is known to give good poor (Table III). The dominant response was
morphogenetic responses in a wide range of multiple shoot formation with varying degrees
families (Evans, 1981). The choice of explants of yield, and in this case there were no single
for M. san-angelensis was also based on results shoots (Table III).
with the related M. haageana as mentioned It has been proposed that, within the Cac-
previously. taceae (Krulik, 1980; Vyskot and Jara, 1984;
Cheema and Mehra, 1985) mechanical severing
Experiments with Mammillaria san-angelensis of the shoot apex breaks or weakens apical
When explants type 8 of the eight young dominance and axillary buds can be activated to
seedlings of M. san-angelensis were cultured in form new buds. This effect is probably due to a
the presence of 1.0 mg 1- 1 BA, under environ- change in hormone balance within the plant
mental conditions similar to those previously allowing dormant buds to grow (Krulik, 1980).
described, single shoots were obtained in tip This observation explains our results in
explants (30%) and in laterals, callus produc- Tables II and III. However, in some cases even
tion with multiple shoots (40%, 21-35 shoots in the presence of the shoot apex (tip explant),
per explant) was recorded. These tests pro- there was some multiple shoot formation
104 In-vitro propagation of Mammillaria

(Table II); this can probably be attributed to Starling, 1985). Our results (Tables II and III)
the explants being from young seedlings, and agree with all these authors.
that the axillary buds could proliferate in new Mammillaria has been successfully explored
shootlets giving clusters with multiple shoots. for in vitro plant regeneration: M. wooedssii
Similar results have been obtained by Starling (Kolar et al., 1976), M. elongata (Johnson and
and Dodds (1983) in M. glassii and by Starling Emino, 1979), M. glassii (Starling and Dodds,
(1985) with Leuchtenbergia princips. 1983), and M. carmenae and M. prolifera
Our results were striking when using lateral (Vyskot and Jara, 1984). Johnson and Emino
explants (Table III); apical dominance disap- (1979) working with several species of
peared completely and consequently all the Mammillaria cultured in the same conditions
found that results were very variable: ranging
explants produced multiple shoots, with vary-
from totally successful plant regeneration (M.
ing degrees of efficiency (Figures 2-5).
elongata) to no responses (M. eichlamii). Their
In some hormone combinations and in both
results suggested that each Mammillaria
types of explants, multiple buds (shorter than
species might require a specific and critical
5 mm) were recorded (Figure 6) suggesting a
auxin-cytokinin ratio for specific responses. In
great potential for improving the final yields of
our case closely similar results were recorded
shoots. As a consequence of the presence of
forM. haageana and M. san-angelensis (Tables
NAA, root formation appeared in some shoots.
I, II and III) allowing the efficient micro-
Similar results were reported by Mauseth and
propagation of the near-extinct M. san-angelen-
Halperin (1975) on Opuntia, but in our results
sis. Moreover, the population obtained through
there was no clear physiological connection
in vitro tissue-culture will allow the reintroduc-
between the induced root and the shoots.
tion of this species into its natural environment.
The effect of BA on the capacity to induce
plant regeneration in members of the Cac- This study was supported in part by a grant
taceae has been reported previously (Mauseth from Consejo Nacional De Ciencia y Tec-
and Halperin, 1975; Maushet, 1976; Starling nologia (CONACyT) PCCBBNA-021701. The
and Dodds, 1983) and the combined action of authors wish to thank Dr Graham Pattison and
BA and NAA has also proved successful for Dr Robert Bye Jr for revising the paper, and Mr
plant regeneration (Lazarte et al., 1982) Star- Vfctor Chavez and Mrs Carmen Loyola for
ling and Dodds, 198;3; Vyskot and Jara, 1984; excellent technical assistance.

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(Accepted 1 July I988)

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