S Tuppy 1992

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Regeneration and propagation of Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw.

(Cactaceae) via somatic embryogenesis

Author(s): Wolfgang Stuppy & Walter Nagl
Source: Bradleya, 10():85-88.
Published By: British Cactus and Succulent Society
URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.25223/brad.n10.1992.a7

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Bradleya 10/1992
pages 85-88

Regeneration and propagation of Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw.

(Cactaceae) via somatic embryogenesis
Wolfgang Stuppy & Walter Nagl
Department of Biology & Biotechnology Program,
University of Kaiserslautern, W-6750 Germany

Sum m ary. Seeds of Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw. were a) production of m ultiple shoots from existing
germinated under sterile conditions on solid Murashige and meristem s,
Skoog (MS) medium containing 20 g/1 sucrose and 20% (v/v) b) production of adventitious shoots from callus,
coconut water. The seedlings produced callus on the same c) somatic (asexual) embryogenesis in callus or
medium, and after 3-4 m onths the first somatic embryo
suspension cultures.
appeared. However, massive production of pale yellow somatic
embryos started only after 14—16 months of culture. Calli were Most publications on tissu e culture of cacti describe
subcultured on to fresh medium every eight weeks. For the formation of m ultiple shoots from existing apical or
subculture, the same medium was used but with only 15% (v/v) axillary meristem s (Mauseth 1979, Lazarte et al. 1982,
coconut water. For further growth, somatic embryos were Vyskot & Jara 1984, Starling 1985, Escobar et al. 1986,
placed on hormone-free MS medium or Schenk & Hildebrandt Ault & Blackmon 1987). Organogenesis has been
(SH) medium. The seedlings could then be grafted on observed from callus cultures of M am m illaria elongata
Pereskiopsis velutina for further development. var. tenuis (Mehra & Cheema 1980), M. woodsii (Kolar
et al. 1976), M. elongata (Johnson & Emino 1979) and
Zusammenfassung. Samen von Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw.
wurden unter sterilen Bedingungen auf festem M urashige und Echinocereus sp. (Hutabarat 1986).
Skoog (MS)-Medium, das 20 g/1 Saccharose und 20% (v/v) This report describes the formation of somatic
Kokos-Milch enthielt, gekeimt. Die Keimlinge produzierten auf embryos in callus cultures of Ariocarpus retusus
diesem Medium Kallus, und nach 3-4 Monaten erschienen die Scheidw., a threatened species from north-eastern
ersten somatischen Embryonen. Die massive Produktion von Mexico, which is included in Appendix I of the
hellgelben somatischen Embryonen begann allerdings erst nach Convention on International Trade in Endangered
einer K ulturdauer von 14—16 Monaten. Die Kalli wurden alle Species (CITES). According to our knowledge this is the
acht Wochen auf frisches Medium passagiert. Fur diese first report of somatic embryogenesis in the Cactaceae.
Subkulturen wurde das gleiche Medium verwendet, allerdings
nur m it 15% (v/v) Kokos-Milch. Fur die weitere Entwicklung
wurden die somatischen Embryonen auf hormonfreies MS- M aterials and m ethod s
Medium oder Schenk & Hildebrandt (SH)-Medium iiberfuhrt. Seeds of Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw. (obtained from
Die Keimlinge konnten dann zum weiteren W achstum auf Mesa Garden, Belen, New Mexico) were surface
Pereskiopsis velutina gepfropft werden. sterilized with 70% ethanol, thoroughly washed with
sterile distilled water and germinated aseptically in
In trod u ction baby food jars on solid MS medium (Murashige &
Cacti are usually propagated by seeds and rooted Skoog 1962) containing 20 g/1 sucrose, 10 g/1 agar and
offshoots. These conventional methods of propagation 20% (v/v) coconut water. The pH of the medium was
are not always satisfactory, especially for threatened or adjusted to 5.9. For callus production, seedlings were
endangered species that are very often slow-growing left on the sam e medium for 4 months. After that time
and produce ju st a few or even no offshoots. Because the callus cultures were subcultured every 8 weeks on
these species are mostly very attractive to hobbyists, to the sam e medium but with only 15% (v/v) coconut
there is a great danger of extinction through illegal water. For germination, somatic embryos were placed
collection of wild plants. New methods of propagation on both hormone-free MS medium and SH medium
could help to lim it the trade in imported plant (Schenk & Hildebrandt 1971). The cultures were grown
material. Tissue culture techniques offer an oppor­ under constant environmental conditions (27°C, and a
tunity to propagate rare cacti much faster than 16 hour photoperiod of 1200 lux illum ination by cool-
conventional propagation methods can. There are three white fluorescent tubes).
basic morphogenetic processes by which in vitro
multiplication of plants can be accomplished: R esu lts
After germination, the seedlings became swollen and
Accepted for publication: 15 Aug. 1991 quickly grew into pea-like bodies; finally the epidermis

Bradleya 10/1992 85
burst and the growth of green callus started. After 3 -4 1988). Therefore, plants which originated from long­
months of culture the first somatic embryo appeared, time callus cultures are often not genetically identical.
showing the two characteristic cotyledons. These In contrast, plants regenerated in vitro from apical or
somatic embryos reached a size of about 5 mm and axillary meristems, as well as plants produced by short
then also burst and produced callus. During the first 12 term somatic embryogenesis, are considered to be
months in culture only a few somatic embryos appeared genetically rather stable (Hu & Wang 1983, Gray &
on this callus. They all burst and again formed callus Purohit 1991). These techniques allow, therefore,
when they reached a size of more than 5 -7 mm. micropropagation of cacti with a high degree of
After about 14-16 months the calli started to phenotypic uniformity (Mauseth 1979). Therefore, they
produce many small somatic embryos, often clustered are valuable for commercial aspects, e.g. the trade with
together (Fig. 1). In contrast to the few early, green rare species, as they can be used to produce m ultiples
somatic embryos described above, the later ones were of a single genotype at low costs. The fact that early
formed in large numbers and were pale yellow in colour maturation of the somatic embryos is often
in their early stage. The embryos remained attached to circumvented as they disorganize to form more
the calli at a site close to the radicle. Later the proembryonal callus tissue, and then develop multiple
embryos formed green ball-like structures, 3 -4 mm in embryos again, represents an additional advantage for
diameter, which som etim es already showed areoles reducing culture time and costs. The possibility of
with spines. A very conspicuous feature was the grafting somatic seedlings of Ariocarpus retusus on
frequent appearence of more than the regular two Pereskiopsis velutina for rapid development, represents
cotyledons (Fig. 2). Four or even five cotyledons could an additional plus in cactus seed technology.
be observed (seedlings grown from seeds sometimes Future experiments will show whether somatic
exhibit three cotyledons). embryos of Ariocarpus retusus can also be transferred
If the pale yellow somatic embryos were removed to soil for further growth and development.
from the callus and placed on hormone free MS-
medium or SH-medium, they behaved like sexual
A cknow ledgm ent
embryos that had germinated from a normal seed.
We thank Mr Reiner Voss for valuable help with the
After two days they started to produce a hairy tuft
around the base, as is typical for a young cactus
seedling (Fig. 3). When a cluster of somatic embryos
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86 Bradleya 10/1992
Fig. 1. Group of somatic embryos on a piece of callus 14 months old of Ariocarpus retusus.

Fig. 3. Somatic embryos on hormone free medium showing

Fig. 2. Somatic embryo, showing four cotyledons. the characteristic hairy tuft around their base.

Bradleya 10/1992 87
Fig. 4. Embryogenic callus of Ariocarpus retusus on hormone free medium, displaying continuous formation of somatic embryos.

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