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Discrimination and Barriers: Daily Life Challenges of Homosexual Men

towards the Use of Comfort Room

Chapter l


Background of the Study

The acronym LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,

and queer identities, despite its tendency to change frequently. Communities

that promote these identities were born out of the urge to win against

oppression and to honor variety, individualism, pride, and sexuality. Gender

and sexuality are far more complicated concepts than the binary

classifications of girl/boy and straight/gay. Throughout years and ages of our

society, many amongst the majority have undergone in a state of transitional

standpoint with regards on their sexual identity. Youth experience many

challenges in adolescence. It is a period of growth during which they explore

their sexuality. Particularly for LGBTQ+ youth, it is often the time when they

come to terms with their own sexual and gender orientation (Wilson & Cariola,

2019) According to (Kann L., McManus T., 2017) Sexuality and gender

diverse (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and asexual) experience

more bullying and harassment. Recently, discussions over LGBTQ equality

have growing awareness of the need to safeguard transgender individuals

from discrimination. Furthermore, a place where transgender persons

frequently face discrimination, violence and maltreatment even happen in

public restrooms.

The study done by Porta (2017) delved into the nuanced experiences

and perspectives of LGBTQ youth regarding bathroom facilities, highlighting

the crucial role of gender-neutral accommodations in enhancing safety and

fostering inclusivity. It emphasized that beyond physical spaces, such facilities

have profound implications for the psychological well-being and sense of

belonging among LGBTQ youth. Central to the findings was the recognition of

the multifaceted support system required for creating affirming environments.

Advocacy efforts were identified as pivotal in amplifying the voices of LGBTQ

youth and driving systemic change. Supportive adults, including educators,

counselors, and family members, were deemed crucial in cultivating

acceptance and understanding, along with the role of gay-straight alliances in

promoting dialogue and solidarity among students. Within the existing

research done by Carolyn Porta (2017) regarding experiences and

perspectives of LGBTQ youth regarding bathroom facilities, there may be a

reason established and agreed-upon other members of LGBT people in other

countries, but very little research within Asian Countries like Philippines. Given

that these nations have distinctly different national cultures compared to the

others, it’s plausible that the factors that contribute toward experiences and

perspectives of LGBTQ youth regarding bathroom facilities may also be

different. Therefore, a research gap emerges for studies that explore this

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the daily life struggles of homosexual men towards

comfort room use in Laoag City. It seeks to answer the following:

1. What are the challenges of homosexual men in using a male comfort room?

2. What are the coping strategies used by the homosexual men in dealing with

the challenges in using the male comfort room?

3. What are the possible recommendations to address the challenges and

struggles faced by homosexual men in male comfort room?

With the assumption that Homosexual men experience many struggles using

comfort room Chauncey(2014), this study intends to find out what are the daily

life challenges of Homosexual men using the comfort room in Laoag city Area.

Social Identity Theory

Lack of gender-neutral facilities for homosexual men could be rooted in

societal norms and perceptions. In many cultures, there's still a prevalent

belief that public restrooms are divided strictly by gender, leading to

discomfort or confusion when considering gender-neutral options, there may

be concerns about privacy and safety, both for homosexual men themselves

and for others who may be uncomfortable sharing facilities with individuals of

a different gender. These factors could contribute to a reluctance to implement

gender-neutral facilities specifically for homosexual men, despite the potential

benefits of inclusivity and accessibility.(Matthew Kopas, 2012)

Internalized Homophobia, some of homosexuals men may have this

phobia because of discrimination that people give them, they also struggle

with internalized homophobia- it is a negative beliefs and feelings to their own

sexuality, it is also can exacerbate feelings of shame self doubt, that they

make more challenging in using public restrooms where they risk exposure to

judgement from other. (DM Frost, 2009)

Drawing from social identity theory, the daily experiences of

homosexual men in using public restrooms are shaped by societal norms and

prejudices. These individuals, as part of the LGBTQ+ community, may face

discrimination rooted in heteronormativity and traditional gender expectations.

The fear of judgment and stereotypes may create a psychological barrier,

affecting their sense of belonging and self-esteem. Institutional practices and

policies that lack inclusivity further contribute to the challenges, reinforcing the

need for broader societal acceptance and understanding (Alexis Mchill

Johnson, 2015).

Scope and Delimitation

The study is delimited only for the Homosexual male in Laoag City, the

main purpose of our study is to point out the daily life challenges of

homosexual men towards the use of comfort room and how hinders their

confidence in expressing who they really are. The study only focuses on

discrimination in comfort room and its relation to the daily life experiences of

homosexual men in Laoag City.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study would be a great help to the following:

Homosexual Men. To enable them to advocate for their rights, fostering an

environment that ensures dignity, comfort, and equal access, promoting


Policy-makers. To provide them an additional foundation for informed policy-

making, helping in the development of inclusive policies that address

discrimination and barriers faced by homosexual men, thereby advancing

LGBTQ+ rights.

The Public. To foster empathy within communities and contributing to the

creation of a more inclusive and understanding society.

School Administrators. To integrate the findings in the study into policies,

curriculum, and school culture to ensure a more inclusive and supportive

learning environment, benefiting both educators and students.

Learners. For them to enhance empathy through awareness, and gain a

deeper understanding of the challenges faced by homosexual men.

Future Researchers. This study will be a great help to researchers who wish

to study this topic in the future as their own basis. discrimination, barriers,

homosexual men, lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender

Definition of Terms

Bisexual. refers to individuals who are attracted to both male and female


Discrimination. Ways on how one person expresses their dislike towards

one's sexual preference.

Gay. Born males that are attracted to their same sex

Homosexual men. Sexual orientation that is referring to individuals who are

attracted to their same sex.

Lesbian. Born females that are attracted to their same sex

Transgender. People who have undergone surgeries and operations to make

themselves look male or female.

Conceptual Framework


-We will use Questionnaire to

identify the discrimination and

barriers faced by homosexual
Insights to the daily
-Discrimination and men in using comfort rooms.
experiences and
barriers faced by
-Thematic analysis will help us
coping mechanism of
homosexual men in to identify the collected data
homosexual men
using comfort rooms in about the discrimination and
navigating restroom
daily life. bariers faced by homosexual
men in accessing to comfort


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