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We believe in collective process and a nonhierarchical distribution of power within our group and

in our vision of a revolutionary society. We are committed to a continual examination of our

politics as they develop through criticism and self-criticism as an essential aspect of our practice.
- Combahee River Collective, April 1977

WE ALL GET FREE is inspired by and in response to the hopes, struggles, and needs of museum workers engaged in
social action. From the bustling Museums and Race ​Transformation & Justice Lounge​ (Phoenix) to the swirls of kinetic
and potential energy of the MASS Action Convening (Minneapolis) to the disciplined deliberation and radical reflection
of The Empathetic Museum, our collectives surfaced several challenges and concerning trends across the field.
It continues to be clear that museum workers of color are often recommended, asked, or “volun-told” to share our time,
traumas, experiences, and expertise without receiving spiritual, mental, financial, or logistical resources to heal and
rebuild ourselves and each other. As we gather in NOLA, this imbalance will be redressed. We will center ourselves.
WE ALL GET FREE is a half-day, interdisciplinary retreat rooted in restorative justice, radical self-care, artistic
expression, dialogic skill-building, and role-play. We will leave having addressed the following objectives:
1. Strengthen our network and make meaningful connections with professionals deeply committed to
understanding and advancing diversity, equity, access, and inclusion work across the museum field.

2. Develop a shared understanding and critique of our museum practice, particularly the urgency and
implications, when viewed through human rights and social justice frameworks.

3. Engage in dialogue and reflection about our roles, rights, and responsibilities--both personal and
professional--using Restorative Justice models.

4. Conclude the retreat feeling energized, empowered with new resources, an accountability partner, and a plan
for engaging within our community, particularly with colleagues across cultural, racial, and ideological spectra.

WE ALL GET FREE organizers are conscious that m​any museum workers are being priced out of professional
development and networking opportunities. We surveyed our communities and identified $40 as the ceiling for many
museum workers--especially those budgeting #AAM2019 travel and lodging.

We have a number of registration options and sponsorship opportunities. Any individual can gift/sponsor another
retreat registration (even if you aren’t attending), simply visit ​​ . Similarly,
sponsorship opportunities (and in-kind donations) for the retreat and the ​Transformation & Justice Lounge​ are
available at ​​ . We are grateful for your support.

In solidarity!

Special Thanks to:

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