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Chapter 5

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5. Newton's Laws Applications

1. Using Newton’s 2nd Law

2. Multiple Objects
3. Circular Motion
4. Friction
5. Drag Forces


Learning Outcomes
In this chapter, you’ll learn…
• how to use Newton’s first law to solve problems involving
the forces that act on an object in equilibrium.
• how to use Newton’s second law to solve problems
involving the forces that act on an accelerating object.
• The nature of the different types of friction forces and how
to solve problems that involve these forces.
• How to solve problems involving the forces that act on an
object moving along a circular path.
• the key properties of the four fundamental forces of nature.
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• Newton’s three laws of motion can be stated very
simply, but applying these laws to real-life situations
requires analytical skills and problem-solving
• In this chapter we’ll begin with equilibrium problems,
in which we analyze the forces that act on an object
that is at rest or moving with constant velocity.
• We’ll then consider objects that are not in equilibrium,
for which we’ll have to deal with the relationship
between forces and motion.

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Four fundamental forces of nature

Why doesn’t the roller coaster fall its loop-the loop track?

Ans. The downward net force is just enough to make it move in a circular path.


Newton’s Secon Law of Motion

Momentum: pmv (quantity of motion)

Newton’s 2nd law of motion:

The rate of change of momentum is equal to the net force.

d dm dv
 m v  vm
dt dt dt

For a constant mass: m F ma

Combining Forces: Superposition Principle F  F1  F2  ...   Fi

Units: Mass has SI units of kg, and acceleration has SI units of m/s2.
We define SI unit of force as: 1 newton = 1 kg. 1 kg m/s2.

Using Newton's First Law When

Forces Are in Equilibrium
• An object is in equilibrium when it is at rest or moving
with constant velocity in an inertial frame of reference.
• The essential physical principle is Newton’s first law:

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Using Newton's Second Law:

Dynamics of Particles
• In dynamics problems, we apply Newton’s second
law to objects on which the net force is not zero.
• These objects are not in equilibrium and hence are

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Problem-Solving Strategy for

Dynamics Situations (1 of 2)
• Identify the relevant concept: You must use Newton’s second
• Set up the problem by using the following steps:
1. Draw a simple sketch of the situation that shows each moving
object. For each object, draw a free-body diagram that shows all
the forces acting on the object.
2. Label each force. Usually, one of the forces will be the object’s
weight w = mg.
3. Choose your x- and y-coordinate axes for each object, and show
them in your free-body diagram.
4. Identify any other equations you might need. If more than one
object is involved, there may be relationships among their
motions; for example, they may be connected by a rope.

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Problem-Solving Strategy for

Dynamics Situations (2 of 2)
• Execute the solution as follows:
1. For each object, determine the components of the forces
along each of the object’s coordinate axes.
2. List all of the known and unknown quantities. In your list,
identify the target variable or variables.
3. For each object, write a separate equation for each
component of Newton’s second law. Write any additional
equations that you identified in step 4 of “Set Up.” (You need
as many equations as there are target variables.)
4. Do the easy part—the math! Solve the equations to find the
target variable(s).
• Evaluate your answer.
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A Note on Free-Body Diagrams (1 of 3)

• ma does not belong in a free-body diagram.

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A Note on Free-Body Diagrams (2 of 3)

• Correct free-body diagram

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A Note on Free-Body Diagrams (3 of 3)

• Incorrect free-body diagram

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5.1. Using Newton’s 2nd Law

Example 5.1. A skier of mass m = 65 kg slides down a
frictionless slope of angle  = 32. Find
(a)The skier’s acceleration
(b) The force the snow exerts on him.

nx  Fg x  m ax
Fnet   Fi n  Fg  m a

i ny  Fg y  m a y

n   0 , ny  Fg  m g  sin  ,  cos   a   ax , 0 

ix  m g sin   m ax

y a  ax   9.8 m / s 2  sin  32   5.2 m / s 2

iy  n y  m g cos   0
a i

x n  ny   65 kg   9.8 m / s 2  cos  32   540 N


Example 5.2. Bear Precautions

Mass of pack in figure is 17 kg. What is the tension on each rope?

Fnet   Fi T1  T2  Fg m a  0 since a0

T1  T1  cos  , sin  
Fg   0 , m g 
T2  T2   cos  , sin  

F ix  T1 cos   T2 cos   0

T1  T2  T
y i
T2 T1 F
iy  T1 sin   T2 sin   m g  0 T
2 sin 

 
17 kg   9.8 m / s 2   220 N
Fg T
2 sin 22


5.2. Multiple Objects

Example 5.3. Rescuing a Climber A 70 kg climber
dangles over the edge of a frictionless ice cliff. He’s
roped to a 940 kg rock 51 m from the edge.
(a) What’s his acceleration?
(b) How much time does he have before the rock goes
over the edge?
Neglect mass of the rope.

Frock  Tr  Fg r  n  mr a r ac  ar  a

Fclimber  Tc  Fg c  mc a c Tc  Tr  T

Tr  Tr , 0  Fg r   0 ,  mr g  n  0 , n a r   ar , 0 

Tc   0 , Tc  Fg c   0 , mc g  ac   0 ,  ac 

Tr  mr ar  mr g  n  0 T  mr a  mr g  n  0

Tc  mc g  mc ac T  mc g   mc a

T  mr a  mr g  n  0 a g
 mr  mc
T  mc g   mc a

70 kg
940 kg  70 kg
 9.8 m / s 2 
 0.679 m / s 2
1 2
x  x0  v0 t  at
2 2  x  x0  2  51 m   12 s
 t 
x  x0  51 m a 0.679 m / s 2

v0  0


Frictional Forces (1 of 3)
• There is friction between the feet of this caterpillar (the
larval stage of a butterfly of the family Papilionidae)
and the surfaces over which it walks.
• Without friction, the caterpillar could not move forward
or climb over obstacles.

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Frictional Forces (2 of 3)
• When an object rests or slides on a surface, the
friction force is parallel to the surface.

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Frictional Forces (3 of 3)
• Friction between two surfaces arises from interactions
between molecules on the surfaces.

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Kinetic and Static Friction

• Kinetic friction acts when an object slides over a
• The kinetic friction force is fk  k n.
• Static friction acts when there is no relative motion
between objects.
• The static friction force can vary between zero and
its maximum value: fs  s n.

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Static Friction Followed by Kinetic

Friction (1 of 5)
• Before the box slides, static friction acts. But once it
starts to slide, kinetic friction acts.

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Static Friction Followed by Kinetic

Friction (2 of 5)
• Before the box slides, static friction acts. But once it
starts to slide, kinetic friction acts.

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Static Friction Followed by Kinetic

Friction (3 of 5)
• Before the box slides, static friction acts. But once it
starts to slide, kinetic friction acts.

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Static Friction Followed by Kinetic

Friction (4 of 5)
• Before the box slides, static friction acts. But once it
starts to slide, kinetic friction acts.

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Static Friction Followed by Kinetic

Friction (5 of 5)
• Before the box slides, static friction acts. But once it
starts to slide, kinetic friction acts.

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Frictional Forces
Pushing a trunk:
1.Nothing happens unless force is great enough.
2.Force can be reduced once trunk is going.

Static friction f s  s n v0

s = coefficient of static friction

Kinetic f k  k n v0
k = coefficient of kinetic friction

k  s

k : < 0.01 (smooth), > 1.5 (rough)

Rubber on dry concrete : k = 0.8, s = 1.0
Waxed ski on dry snow: k = 0.04
Body-joint fluid: k = 0.003


Some Approximate Coefficients of

Materials Coefficient of Static Coefficient of Kinetic
Friction, 
mus sub s Friction, 
muk sub k
Steel on steel 0.74 0.57
Aluminum on steel 0.61 0.47
Copper on steel 0.53 0.36
Brass on steel 0.51 0.44
Zinc on cast iron 0.85 0.21
Copper on cast iron 1.05 0.29
Glass on glass 0.94 0.40
Copper on glass 0.68 0.53
Teflon on Teflon 0.04 0.04
Teflon on steel 0.04 0.04
Rubber on concrete (dry) 1.0 0.8
Rubber on concrete (wet) 0.30 0.25
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Static Friction and Windshield Wipers

• The squeak of windshield wipers
on dry glass is a stick-slip
• The moving wiper blade sticks to
the glass momentarily, then slides
when the force applied to the blade
by the wiper motor overcomes the
maximum force of static friction.
• When the glass is wet from rain or
windshield cleaning solution,
friction is reduced and the wiper
blade doesn’t stick.

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Fluid Resistance and Terminal Speed (1 of 2)

• The fluid resistance acting on an

object depends on the speed of the
• A falling object reaches its terminal
speed when the resisting force
equals the weight of the object.
• The figures at the right illustrate the
effects of air drag.

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Fluid Resistance and Terminal

Speed (2 of 2)

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Application of Friction
Walking & driving require static friction.

foot pushes ground No slippage:

ground pushes you
Contact point is momentarily at rest
 static friction at work

Application: Antilock Braking Systems (ABS)

Skidding wheel: Rolling wheel:

kinetic friction static friction


Example 5.5. Dragging a Trunk

Mass of trunk is m. Rope is massless. Kinetic friction coefficient is k.
What rope tension is required to move trunk at constant speed?
Fnet   Fi n  Fg  f k  T  m a a0

n  0 , n f k    k n , 0 
Fg   0 ,  m g  T  T  cos  , sin  

F F
ix   k n  T cos   0 iy  n  m g  T sin   0
i i

n T T T
n cos  cos   m g  T sin   0
k k
fk 
x mg m g k
T 
cos  cos    k sin 
 sin 
Fg k

Example 5.6 Stopping a Car

k & s of a tire on dry road are 0.61 & 0.89, respectively.
If the car is travelling at 90 km/h (25 m/s),
(a) determine the minimum stopping distance.
(b) the stopping distance with the wheels fully locked (car skidding).

N a  a , 0
Fnet   Fi n  Fg  f f  m a
n  0 , n
   n , 0 
Fg   0 ,  m g 

ix   n  m a F i
iy  nm g 0
a   g
 25 m / s 
(a)  = s : x    36 m
v 2  v02  2 a  x  x0  2s g 2  0.89   9.8 m / s 2 
 25 m / s 
v0  x   v02
(b)  = k : x    52 m
2  0.61  9.8 m / s 2 
2k g


Example 5.7. Steering

A level road makes a 90 turn with radius 73 m.
What’s the maximum speed for a car to negotiate this turn when the road is
(a) dry ( s = 0.88 ).
(b) covered with snow ( s = 0.21 ).
Fnet   Fi n  Fg  f s  m a  v2 
a ,0 
 r 
n  0 , n Fg   0 ,  m g  fs   s n , 0 

F ix  s n  m
F iy  nm g 0
i r i

s r n
v  s r g

(a) v  0.88  73 m   9.8 m / s 2   25 m / s  90 km / h

(b) v  0.21  73 m   9.8 m / s 2   12 m / s  44 km / h

Example 5.8. Avalanche!

Storm dumps new snow on ski slope.
s between new & old snow is 0.46.
What’s the maximum slope angle to which the new snow can adhere?

 F n  F
i g  fs  m a a0

n  0 , n
fs    s n , 0 
Fg  m g  sin  ,  cos  

F ix  m g sin    s n  0 F iy  n  m g cos   0
fs i i

tan    s

 x   tan 1 s  tan 1 0.46  25


Example 5.10. A block is projected up an incline at angle . It returns to its initial

position with half its initial speed. Show that the coefficient of kinetic friction is

k  tan 
Draw a free-body diagram of the block going up
and going down the incline (see figure).

Using fk = mkn, and applying Newton’s law to

the block going up the incline gives
x : mg sin   f k  maup 
 aup  g sin     k g cos  
y : n  mg cos   0 

When going down, the acceleration is

x : mg sin   f k  madown 
 adown  g sin    k g cos  
y : n  mg cos   0 

Example 5.10, cont.-. A block is projected up an incline at angle . It returns

to its initial position with half its initial speed. Show that the coefficient of kinetic friction
is 3
k  tan 

Suppose the block slides up a distance L.

From Equation v 2  v02  2a  x  x0 
its initial speed upward is vup  2aup L

Similarly, as the block slides down the same distance, it returns to the bottom with speed

vdown  2adown L

Usin the condition vdown vup  1 2

2a L g sin     k cos    tan     k

1  vdown 
   down   
4  vup  2aup L g sin     k cos    tan     k

which gives k  53 tan   .


Example 5.11. You are lowering two boxes, one on top of the other, down
a ramp by pulling on a rope parallel to the surface of the ramp (Fig.
E5.33). Both boxes move together at a constant speed of 15.0 cm>s. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp and the lower box is
0.444, and the coefficient of static friction between the two boxes is 0.800.
(a) What force do you need to exert to accomplish this?
(b) What a re the magnitude and direction of the friction force on the
upper box?

To prevent slipping relative to the lower box

the static friction force on the upper box is
directed up the incline.
mtot  32.0 kg  48.0 kg  80.0 kg.
(a) Fy  ma y ,  ntot  mtot g cos 

f k  k mtot g cos .
Fx  max ,  f k  T  mtot g sin   0
Let +x axis be up the incline. The free-body T  (sin   k cos  )mtot g
diagrams for the composite object and for the upper  (sin 27.76  [0.444]cos 27.76 )(80.0 kg)(9.80 m/s2 )  57.1 N.
box are given in Figure 5.33. The slope angle
You must apply of 57.1 N, directed up the ramp.
2.50 m
tan   ,   =22.760
4.75 m
Since the boxes move down the ramp, the kinetic fs  mg sin 
friction force exerted on the lower box by the ramp  (32.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )sin 27.76  146 N,
is directed up the incline.

Example 5.9 A small block of mass m rests on an inclined block of mass

M, which also rests on a horizontal surface. If the friction coefficient is
 find the minimum horizontal force F that will cause the smaller block
of mass m to start moving up the incline.

x For the two-block system, there is no friction on the
f fr
system, and so F=(M+m)a describes the horizontal
 motion of the system.
Thus the upper block has a vertical acceleration of 0
mg and a horizontal acceleration of
a= F/(M+m)

Write Newton’s second law for the upper block, using

the force diagram, and solve for the applied force F.

F y
 N cos   f fr sin   mg  N  cos    sin    mg  0  N
 cos    sin  
F x
 N sin   f fr cos   N  sin    cos    ma  m
M m
M m mg M m
 F  N  sin    cos     sin    cos  
m  cos    sin   m

 sin    cos  
 F   M  m g
 cos    sin  


Example 5.12.
Two blocks of masses m 1 =12kg and
m2=18kg are placed in contact with each
other on a horizontal surface (Fig.). The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the
blocks of mass m1 and m2 and table are
1, and 2, respectively. A constant
horizontal force F=68 N is applied to m1 as

(a) Draw diagrams showing the forces for

each block.

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Example 5.12, cont.

Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are placed in
contact with each other on a horizontal surface .

(b) Find the net force acting on m1?

(c) Find the net force acting on m2?

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Example 5.12, cont.

Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are placed in
contact with each other on a horizontal surface.
(d) Find the acceleration of the system of two blocks?

Write Newton’s second law in the x direction for

each block.

F  m1a  f1  f2  m2a F  f1  f2  m1a  m2a

Solve the two equations in two unknowns for the acceleration a of the blocks in
terms of the masses, the applied force F, the coefficients of friction, and g.

F  f1  f2 68N  11.8N  17.6N

a   1.29m / s 2
m1  m2 12kg  18kg

(e) Find the magnitude T of the contact force between the blocks.
T  f1  m1a  1.29m / s 2  11.8N  27.2N

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Example 5.13 . Block A in Fig. P5.79 weighs 1.20 N, and block B weighs 3.60 N. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between all surfaces is 0.300. Find the magnitude of the
horizontal force F is necessary to drag block B to the left at constant speed (a) if A rests on
B and moves with it (Fig. P5.79a), (b) if A is held at rest (Fig. P5.79b).

(b) The free-body force diagrams for blocks

A and B are given in Figure

Fy  ma y  nA  wA  1.20 N,  nB  nA  1.20 N

(a) Treat A and B as a single object of weight f kA  k nA  (0300)(1.20 N)  0360 N,  f kB  0360 N.

w = wA + wB = 1.20 N + 3.60 N = 4.80 N
Fy  ma y  T  f kA  0360 N.
Fy  ma y  n  w  4.80 N
 f k  k n  (0.300)(4.80 N) = 1.44 N.
Fx  max  F  f kB  f k  0360 N  144 N  1.80 N.
Fx  max  F  fk  144 N.


5.4 Dynamics of circular motion

• If the string breaks, no net force acts
on the ball, so it obeys Newton’s
first law and moves in a straight line.

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Avoid using “centrifugal force”

• Figure (a) shows the correct free-body • Figure (b) shows a common error.
diagram for a body in uniform circular

In an inertial frame of reference, there is no

such thing as “centrifugal force.”

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5.4. Dynamics of Circular Motion

Uniform circular motion

2nd law: Fnet  m a  m centripetal


Example 5.16. Whirling a Ball on a String

Mass of ball is m. String is massless. Find the ball’s speed & the string tension.
Fnet   Fi T  Fg  m a

T  T  cos  , sin    T cos  i  T sin  ˆj

Fg   0 ,  m g    m gjˆ a   a , 0   aiˆ

F iy T sin   m g  0  T  m g
y i sin 

F ix  T cos   m a
T i

T v2

 a cos   g cot  
m r
a x
v ar  g L cot  cos 

Figure 5.34


Example 5.17. Engineering a Road At what

angle should a road with 200 m curve radius
be banked for safe travel at 90 km/h (25 m/s)?

n  n  sin  , cos    n sin  iˆ  n cos  ˆj

 v2  v2
Fg   0 ,  m g    m gjˆ a   , 0   iˆ
 r  r
y Fnet   Fi n  Fg  m a
F iy n cos   m g  0  n  mg / cos 
 i

 F ix n sin   m
 tan   v 2 / rg
a x i

 25 m / s 
tan     0.32    18
r g  200 m   9.8 m / s 2 

Example 5.18. Engineering a Road: Banked Curves

 A car moving at the designated speed can
negotiate the curve. Such a ramp is usually
banked, which means that the roadway is
tilted toward the inside of the curve. The
radius of curvature of the road is R, the
banking angle with respect to the horizontal is
θ and the coefficient of friction is µ.

 What should be the car’s speed in order that

there is no friction force between the car and
the road?

July 18, 2022


Example 5.17. Engineering a Road: Banked Curves

v? R, , 
F y  n cos   mg  ma y

 n  mg / cos 

mv 2
 F  n sin   ma
r c 
 n sin   m

tan  

 v  Rg tan 
July 18, 2022

Example 5.18a. Too Fast on a Highway Ramp ?

mv 2
 F  n sin   f cos   ma
r c 

n sin   n cos  
mv max 2 vmax  ? R, , 
R(sin    cos )n
v max 

F y  n cos   mg  f sin   0

n cos   mg  nsin   0 f
cos    sin 
gR(sin    cos )
v max 
cos    sin 


Example 5.18b. Too Slow on a Highway Ramp ?

mv 2
 F  n sin   f cos   ma
r c 
mv min 2
n sin   n cos  
R vmin  ? R, , 
R(sin    cos )n
v min 

F y  n cos   mg  f sin   0
n cos   mg  nsin   0
cos    sin 
gR(sin    cos )
v min 
 sin   cos 

Example 5.19. Uniform Circular Motion in a Vertical Circle

A passenger on a carnival Ferris wheel moves in a vertical circle of radius R with constant
speed v. The seat remains upright during the motion. Find expressions for the force the seat
exerts on the passenger when at the top of the circle and when at the bottom.

v2 v2
F i
ir n  m g  m
ir n  m g  m
v2 v2
n  m g m nm gm
r r


Example 5.20. Looping the Loop Radius at top is 6.3 m. What’s the minimum
speed for a roller-coaster car to stay on track there?

Fnet   Fi n  Fg  m a

n  0 ,  n  v2 
a  0 ,  
 r 
Fg   0 ,  m g 

ir   n  m g  m
Minimum speed  n = 0

v gr

  9.8 m / s   6.3 m   7.9 m / s


Example 5.20. A roller-coaster car has a mass of 500 kg when fully loaded
with passengers. (a) If the vehicle has a speed of 20.0 m/s at point A, what is
the force exerted by the track on the car at this point? (b) What is the
maximum speed the vehicle can have at point B and still remain on the track?

July 18, 2022


Fnet , x   Fx  max  0

v2 v2
Fnet , y   Fy  N  mg  ma y  m  N  mg  m
r r

v2 (20m / s ) 2
N  mg  m  500kg (9.8m / s 2  )  24900 N  24.9kN
r 10m


 What is the maximum v2

speed at point B? Fnet , y   Fy  N  mg  ma y  m

v2 v2 vmax 2
N  mg  m  mg  N  m  mg  m
r r r

vmax  rg  (15m)(9.8m / s 2 )  12m / s



July 18, 2022


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