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Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

MAP OF BX-319 3




crash site 8

frozen lake 9




PlaYER MAP OF BX-319 15

player characters 16

Version 1.1

This scenario is designed for the ELEMENTAL game system and requires the ELEMENTAL Complete Guide.
Go to and search for ‘Gildor Games’ to see the full line of ELEMENTAL products.

Original Scenario by Jordan Boschman and ATypicalFaux (

This version is modified, adapted and expanded from the original by Gildor Games.

Front Cover Art by Figu Design

Interior Art by Aaron Lee, Mark Molnar, Pixabay, Eric Williams
Cartography and Additional Material by Gildor Games

The text is presented here under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
To view a copy of this license, visit:

ELEMENTAL and its logo are trademarks of Gildor Games in the U.S.A. and other countries.


Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)


Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Sap, the lifeblood that fuels the human race, has the Khefnari Empire swooped in immediately to
poisoned your planet. As reserves run low, desperate secure the resource for themselves, but not before
people will do anything for just a few more drops of a few Colonial Elders got their incalculable cut and
that poison. promptly left their duties here for a life among the
A remote chance has arisen to discover a new Sap bustling Centerworlds.
reserve on asteroid BX-319, and your team of But that was a dozen lifetimes ago. The generations
disposable desperados has been sent to find it. since grew up on Sap and were taught to revere
If you can just secure this one last energy source, it and thank it for powering every light, every engine,
may let the Colony live a few decades longer; and every terminal. They probably would have fed it to
you could earn enough money to leave the planet us if they were slightly less certain about its
before it destroys itself… carcinogenic properties, properties that are
shameful to even mention in polite company. Most
Penumbra is an ELEMENTAL scenario set on a people chose to ignore the sky getting more gray,
massive asteroid on its millennium long orbit the crops getting more brown, and the waters
around a dying colonial planet. It is suitable for as getting more black as long as prosperity and
many as six players (and as few as one), and should convenience were maintained as the avatars of
take one or two sessions to play. Assign or let the success.
players choose from the pre-generated characters Now the Regulators are working like mad to keep
at the end of this book, ignoring any unplayed quiet the fact that the pumps are turning up dry,
characters. Alternatively, you can let players create and sheer panic lies just a single press leak away.
their own characters, after you’ve briefed them on As the Khefnari logistics corps were discussing
the setting. Make sure they have the key equipment whether to run the Colony to the last drop or
listed on pg. 6. If there are fewer than four players, preemptively scorch it to avoid the headache of
increase their XP to 28 (3 players), 32 (2) or 36 (1). blackouts, famine, and uprisings, an alert from a
The adventure takes place in a bleak science fiction new monitoring satellite broke them from their
setting where humanity has colonized other deliberations. The massive asteroid BX-319 is
planets. It should be easy to adapt to most other returning on its millennium-long orbit. It’s a large
sci-fi settings, with perhaps a name change or two. chunk of an unknown planet previously recognized
Everything that follows is for the GM’s eyes only. only for the colorful display its rapid retreat had
If you are a player, stop reading now and give this granted the sky during the landing of the first
scenario to your favorite GM. You won’t regret it! settler ship here, amid the remnants of a massive
group of passing asteroids. Despite it not being
The scenario is presented as a simple “hexcrawl”
seen since, endless folk omens are ascribed to it.
using the map on pg. 3. The map shows five
With contemporary scanners, however, an
locations of interest (the players start at the one
unthinkable analysis presents itself: The asteroid’s
labeled Crash Site). As they wander the map, you’ll
core might be teeming with Sap.
need to keep track of time (hours), as this dictates
where they are on the map, how much oxygen they With just a week before BX-319 slingshots back
have left, and when to roll for random encounters. toward the darkness for many more centuries, and
These details are explained on pg. 5 and pg. 7. with the Regulators’ best survey teams already busy
scouring the oldest pump sites for the last hard-to-
find pockets of Sap, they’re dispatching the V-
A Dying World Dailies, a ragtag team with that perfect mix of
expertise and expendability, to confirm the site, set
The Sap ran thin. An entire planet built to consume the drills, and establish production. If the team can
it stood to wither. When the Colony was founded, find a source, the Regulators can react fast enough
the leaders couldn’t believe their fortune to establish a supply chain of tanker ships to pull at
discovering such an abundant, universal power least a few dozen years’ worth of Sap off the rock
source here on their assigned backwater. Of course, before it passes beyond the Empire’s reach.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Synopsis Setting Considerations
Sent by the Regulators to find Sap deposits on BX- Travel: See the map on pg. 3. PCs can only travel
319, the player characters (PCs) crash land on the at an average speed of 1 kilometer per hour, so
desolate asteroid. Unable to communicate with the each 2 km hex takes about 2 hours to traverse,
support ship, they have three days to explore this assuming no stops. The circular craters shown on
harsh environment before their oxygen runs out. the map can be traversed, but the jagged chasms
The PCs come across remnants of the past, suffer cannot (they are simply too wide and deep).
weird hallucinations and are attacked by clones of Locations: The map (pg. 3) shows page numbers at
themselves. Finally, they discover a cave entrance certain key locations. When the PCs reach one of
leading below the surface. In a massive cavern, they these locations, refer to the page indicated.
find the asteroid’s Sap reserve guarded by time- Rest: After 10 hours of travel and exploration, the
manipulating alien beings who seem to know PCs must camp and rest for the next 10 hours, or
everything about the PCs’ pasts. These beings else they become Slightly Impaired (-1 to rolls).
make the PCs an offer, and the PCs must choose
Air: The PCs start with 72 hours of oxygen each.
between saving themselves or saving their world.
Place 72 coins or tokens in the middle of the table.
Remove them as the party’s oxygen gets depleted.

Core Theme: Recurrence Gravity: BX-319 has only 20% of Earth’s gravity. For
the sake of simplicity, consider Move speeds and
There’s a feeling of cold emptiness that comes over weapon ranges to be the same as on Earth. PCs can
you when you see an obvious and massive climb without much risk unless a rock face is almost
impending danger, and no matter what alarms you completely sheer, jump five times further than on
raise, you can’t seem to even slow the gears Earth, and survive most falls unscathed.
responsible for bringing that danger down on the Vaccuum: Exposure to the environment without a
heads of everyone around you. That feeling of functioning vaccsuit causes a DAM 0 roll each
dreadful inevitability, the shadow of something round. See vaccsuit entry on the next page for
gigantic gradually creeping over you, is the main details on tearing and patching a suit.
source for the idea behind this scenario. Within the
context of the double threat of environmental
destruction and the collapse of core energy
infrastructure, this adventure tries to explore the
emotional space between nihilism, resignation, and
selfishness on one hand and, on the other, the tiny
chance to influence future generations just enough
for them to do things differently.
Hidden deep within the asteroid is evidence of an
endless loop of prosperity and pain for an entire
planet, a loop that began with the desperate
aspirations of a past civilization doomed by their
willful ignorance. After having waded through the
sorrow, existential crises, and hopelessness of such
an equally doomed mission for such an equally
doomed planet, the core conflict revolves around
whether the players’ characters will simply resolve
themselves to watching the suffering unfold with a
new, intimate understanding of its scale, try a new
and unprecedented way of avoiding it, or grab the
sliver of an opportunity presented to them to
escape the fate of the Colony. The liminal space at
the edge of a vast, bleak darkness can hold untold
quantities of misery or, sometimes, maybe,
newfound depths of resolve.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Below are the items carried by the pregenerated Mining Drill: A hand drill meant for boring into
characters at the end of the document. Whatever rock. Can be used as a TOU-1 weapon.
characters you use, make sure the party has access *Sample Collection Kit: Chisel, hammer, trowel
to the items marked with an asterisk (*): and storage tray for collecting mineral samples.
Binoculars: Grant Nightvision 1 and Senses 1 *Stimpak: An auto-injection tube filled with
(sight only). See Complete Guide for skill details. medicine and painkillers. Takes a full-round action
Blaster Submachine Gun: Base Range 24, DAM 3, to administer. The first stimpack used on a
AOE 1 (single shot) or 2 (burst). Ignore ammo. character heals 5 Health, but each subsequent
*Comms: Allows users to communicate with each stimpack used on the same character in the same
other anywhere on the map (pg. 3). day heals 1 Health less than the previous one as
their body becomes saturated with medicine.
Explosive Charge: Single use, one round to set,
can be activated from anywhere on the map. Stun Baton: Roll TOU for damage. In addition,
AOE 6, DAM 11. target rolls TOU vs. DIF 3 or is Severely Impaired
(Move 0, -3 to rolls); can try to shake off with a 2d
First Aid Kit: Allows normal use of Medicine skill.
Health check.
*Flare Gun: Single-use item containing one
Surgical Kit: Allows normal use of the Surgery skill.
electronic signal flare. If fired into open space
above the asteroid, the flare alerts the support ship. Toolkit: Allows normal use of Fixing and Locks &
If used as a weapon: Base Range 10, DAM 1. Traps skills.
*Flashlight: Shoulder-mounted, illuminates 20 *Vaccsuit: Allows for movement in space without
meters in front of the user. suffering penalties from radiation or lack of oxygen.
It carries oxygen and nutrients for up to 72 hours.
Hand Welder: Can be used as a DAM 1 weapon.
Vaccsuits grant ARM 1 and are quite resistant to
Harpoon Gun: Ammo 1, Rel 2, Range 25, DAM 2. basic environmental hazards, but they can be
Gun with a retractable harpoon, used in mining. If vulnerable to particularly sharp objects or serious
target is damaged, it is tethered to the weapon. It pressure or crushing damage. Any such attack that
may use an action to pull out the harpoon, causes damage to the wearer also causes a tear in
suffering a DAM 0 roll in the process. Otherwise, the suit. If the suit is penetrated in a vacuum, the
starting on their next action the wielder can roll wearer suffers a DAM 0 roll each subsequent round.
TOU vs. TOU to pull the target 10 meters closer. The suit contains 10 self adhesive patches in an
Laser Cutter: Can be used as a DAM 1 weapon. exterior pocket. Applying a patch takes a full-round
*Locator: Shows the map on pg. 15 and the current action and repairs one tear.
location of every PC. Vaccsuit, Combat: Same as vaccsuit (above), but
*Matscanner: Allows the user to estimate the heavier and confers ARM 4 instead of ARM 1.
density and volume of materials within 100 meters, Vibromachete: Machete that vibrates at ultra-high
and read the chemical composition of materials speeds in order to cut cleanly through dense
within 1 meter. foliage. Can be used as a TOU+1 weapon.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Every 2 hours on the asteroid, roll on the table 44 Historical news broadcasts about the first
below to see if the PCs experience something discoveries of Sap on the Colony play
strange. Entries 25-52 are remnants of the past the unprompted over the party’s comms.
party comes across when they’re on the move. 45 A dark, human-shaped figure stands ahead,
When the PCs aren’t traveling (during resting but as soon as it’s glimpsed, it quickly collapses
hours, for example), treat these as “No Encounter.” into a puddle of Sap that freezes solid.

Entries 53-66 are weird hallucinations experienced 46 A jet of gas escapes from the ground in front
by one PC of your choice, due to being exposed to of the party like a geyser, dispersing glistening,
the strange radiations of BX-319. black flakes of frozen Sap which, in the low
gravity, flutter around them like confetti.
To roll on the “d66” table below, roll 2d6 as you
51 The Colony eclipses the sun, casting BX-319
would percentile dice, treating one die as the tens
into shadow. Radiant fracture lines appear
and the other die as the units.
across the surface of the planet’s dark side.
52 The desiccated husk of a soakfish lies in the
dust. It still radiates a bioluminescent green
11-24 No Encounter light, blinking to a long-lost heartbeat. Once a
25 A field of large, uniformly sized pits lies before common symbol of the Khefnari pioneer spirit,
the party, evenly spaced and each big enough the species was long ago poisoned into
for a landing module. extinction by Sap spills.

26 A faint glow in the outline of what seems like a 53* You witness snapshots of the hardest parts of
symbol or glyph flashes in the dust, and it your life on the Colony projected onto the
directly reminds the party of a natural desolate backdrop of the asteroid.
formation they visited on the Colony: a forest, 54* You see the Colony planet above you to your
a body of water, or a rock formation. left and also to your right.
31 A set of empty, outdated spacesuits lies half- 55* The paste from your nutrient tube tastes like
buried, slowly being covered in asteroid dust. petroleum or hydrocarbons.
32 A torn V-Dailies patch is stuck to a rock pillar 56* You occasionally experience both déjà vu and
with a bit of Sap. visions of what you and the rest of the party
33 Numerous boot prints in the asteroid dust lead are about to do, but you can’t quite tell which
both in the same direction the party is headed is which.
and toward the intended landing site. 61* The inside edges of your visor accrue a Sap-
34 Half a dozen electronic signal flares lie colored grime as though it’s carried by your
scattered in the dust, dimly blinking to no one. very exhalations.

35 The way forward is obscured by dust particles 62* You see more V-Dailies members walking
suspended in space like a thick fog, and alongside the party, their visors blackened and
anyone crossing it will have to trudge through suits silent.
Sap falling on them like rain. 63* Sap appears to drip and trail from your
36 Someone spots a weathered stone figurine in extremities, soaking into the asteroid dust.
the dirt depicting a many-armed humanoid 64* Other party members’ voices are heard
bowing before a dripping obsidian sphere. whispering over the comms about private
41 A perfectly spherical ball of hardened, memories from your past.
congealed Sap sits in a circular path that it has 65* Any voices over your comms sound like those
presumably cut into the asteroid dust. of your loved ones on the Colony.
42 The fragments of a cockpit from a Regulators 66* Everything you say is looped as your voice
support ship are scattered about a crash site. repeats back to you through your comms,
43 An old, broken down support structure for a seemingly mocking you.
familiar drilling rig, missing much of its
essential components, continues to be scraped * Send secret note to one player (you choose which).
and eroded by centuries of dust and radiation.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

crash site
Brace for Impact! Salvage
As the landing module zooms toward BX-319, the When they finally escape the half-burnt module,
intended landing site quickly passes by the window, the party is able to retrieve their equipment from
accompanied by warning lights and buzzers. the cargo bays on the bottom of the lander. This
Unsurprisingly, the Regulators’ numbers are off. equipment is listed on pg. 6 and on the character
sheets at the end of the document.
Suddenly, there’s a brief burst of kaleidoscopic light
from all around, and as the module punches through The landing module’s comms and support systems
what seems like an invisible barrier of some kind, its are destroyed, completely cutting off contact with
trajectory is shifted and it turns slightly. The angle’s the support ship. Electronic flare guns remain the
wrong as it approaches the surface. party’s only means of signaling them, and they only
care about finding the product.

The PCs have a few seconds to act before impact.

Ask them what they are doing. Then:
First Steps
You feel the intense shocks and hear the awful sound The PCs can get their bearings using their locators.
of crushing metal as you bounce and skid and finally Hand the players pg. 15 and point to their location.
come to a stop on the surface. They’re about a day’s journey away from the
intended landing site (pg. 9). The map also shows
where other Sap deposits allegedly sit.
Have the pilot roll AGI+Piloting vs. DIF 3 (using the
module’s AGI 3). On a success, everyone is shaken As they get moving, they notice a bit of glittering
but unharmed. On a failure, everyone is shaken and on the dark surface of the asteroid. Resting on the
suffers a DAM 0 roll (possibly modified if anyone jet black stone, they find a metal Sap capsule, the
did something clever or stupid before impact). kind used to fuel common machines and vehicles.
It could have been thrown clear out of the lander’s
emergency reserves, but it is oddly far separated
Countless alarms and sirens blare in your helmets.
from any other debris from the crash.
As you open your eyes, you see the orange glow of a
small fire on board.

Have everyone roll WIL. The PC(s) with the lowest

roll find that their safety harness is jammed. They
and anyone else who remains in the module will
suffer increasing damage each round: 1 Health on
round 1, +2 Health on round 2, +3 Health on round
3, etc. Example: If they stay 4 rounds, a PC suffers a
total damage of 1+2+3+4=10 Health.
The trapped PC(s) can extricate themselves with a
successful TOU+Strength or AWA+Locks & Traps
vs. DIF 4 roll, with one attempt possible each round.
Assisting characters can add +1 to the roll, but of
course they expose themselves to the heat. Up to
three characters can assist.
PCs can attempt to put out the fire. There is a fire
extinguisher in the wreckage that requires an
AWA+Observation vs. DIF 3 roll to find, with one
attempt possible each round (assisting characters
each grant +1 to the roll). It then takes one round
to put out the fire.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

frozen lake
The Landscape 1 The PC stumbles and falls. They must now
It quickly becomes clear that the topography here roll 3d Move to get to the other side. If they
is not quite what one would expect of an asteroid. fail, roll on this table again.
Erosion patterns highlight worn-down hills, river 2 A huge crack appears in front of the PC.
valleys, and alluvial plains. Although water They and everyone who goes after them
obviously flowed here at one time, no water ice can must roll 3d Move to get to the other side.
be found. If they fail, roll on this table again.
3 The PC experiences a hallucination (one of

The Lake the entries 53-66 on pg. 7) and freezes.

Others can try to help with words or
The party reaches a massive lake of frozen carbon actions. The PC must now roll 3d Spirit to
dioxide before them. If they check their bearings, get to the other side, or 2d Spirit with help.
they find that this was supposed to be the landing If they fail, roll on this table again.
site, which would have resulted in far more disaster. 4 The PC makes it to the other side, but they
The party can take 2 hours to cross the lake, or 6 dropped an item (GM’s choice)
hours to go around it. Footing on the lake is 5 Scalding gas and flying debris pierce the
treacherous, as their boots only provide so much PC’s suit. They make it to the other side and
traction on the slick surface. What follows assumes manage to patch the tear, but not before
the party chooses to cross the lake. suffering a DAM 0 roll from exposure.
6 The PC is blinded by gas and must attempt
About halfway across, there’s an incredible rumbling another 2d Move check to get to the other
emanating from the solid ice, and in the darkness side. If they fail again, the PC steps into a
below, somehow, a giant black mass can be seen crack and is swallowed by the lake (and
crashing through the frozen gas as it extends presumably killed, but the PC might later
throughout the lake. Cracks begin to propagate reappear at the Black Pillars, see pg. 11).
across the surface of the lake, and as they do, they
release several jets of now-heated gas. It won’t After the treacherous crossing, the gas emitted
remain stable for long. from the frozen lake seems to be sucked back into
the cracks in the ice, which then immediately
PCs who make a run for it need to roll 2d Move. refreeze without any evidence of their earlier
Have players resolve the crossing one by one, in instability.
order of Initiative. Success means the PC reaches Due to the unstable terrain and dangerous
the other side of the lake safely. Failure means they emissions, the area is evidently unsuited for setting
suffer a mishap, per the following table. up the required Sap mining equipment.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Strange Readings It allows the wearer to manipulate the flow of time.
However, the wearer must make a sanity roll (2d
The trek across the flat plain is long and eerie. The Spirit, see Complete Guide pg. 125) each time the
absence of visible landmarks causes the party to helmet is activated. Also, the wearer cannot control
lose track of their progress, and the reach of their the effect, which depends on the success margin of
lights gradually seems to shrink until they can an AWA+Arcane Lore roll. This is vs. DIF 3 initially,
barely see a meter in front of them. In this then DIF 2 after the wearer has successfully used
condition, they have to rely on their locators to the helmet once, then DIF 1 after using it 5 times.
maintain their heading. The helmet can only maintain one effect at a time.
If anyone checks their matscanner, strange
signatures are detected: Each party member Margin HELMET EFFECT
themselves is picked up on the device as a small <0 The helmet backfires and relative time
Sap deposit. Failed accelerates around the wearer for 10
Roll rounds. During this time the wearer is

Astronaut Graveyard 0 Draw

Impaired (50% Move, -2 to rolls).
The attempt fails and there is no effect
As they move into a vast, flat, and open part of BX- +1 The wearer’s Move and Initiative
319, someone feels a crunch beneath their boot: increase 50% for the next 10 rounds.
bone lightly buried in the asteroid’s dust. Removing
+2 For the next 10 rounds, the wearer has
the first layer of loose sand reveals a partially
the ability to “rewind” one round and
disintegrated vaccsuit with the remains of a human
make all rolls again, re-attempt any
skeleton inside it, its skull still encased in a helmet.
action or even take a different one.
If the head is disturbed, pure Sap pours out of the Time does not rewind for anyone else.
brain cavity.
+3 Time slows relative to the wearer; their
If the party stays and digs up the surrounding area, Move and Initiative are doubled and
they find more suits, skeletons and Sap-filled skulls. they can take two actions instead of
Many more, in fact—enough to cover a large area, one for each of the next 10 rounds.
though anyone can tell that there’s not nearly
+4 Time freezes around the wearer for 10
enough Sap here to make the site suitable for
rounds. During this time, the wearer
can act while everything around them
The vaccsuits are all variants on the V-Dailies’ stands still. Other living beings are
design and appear to span many different periods insubstantial while time is frozen, so
of the Colony’s history; some are very old models, an enemy could not be slain during
while others are possibly more advanced than the this time (but weapons or items could
current models. They’re all very disintegrated, so be removed).
it’s hard to tell.
+5 A second version of the wearer
The players may not realize it (yet), but these are appears. This is actually the wearer’s
the remains of countless past and future versions future self from about one minute into
of the PCs themselves. the future. The player controls both
If the PCs spend at least 1 hour digging up the area, versions of themselves. Future Self
they will find two other things: a personal item gains +2 to all rolls for 10 rounds
(photo, patch…) identical to one carried by a PC; because they know what is about to
and a chronomorph helmet: a black, squid-like happen. After 10 rounds, the twin
headpiece covering an ordinary helmet. A semi- becomes an NPC.
sentient Sap organism, its tentacles retract if pulled +6 or The wearer travels into the past. The
off the helmet. With a bit of experimentation, the more player chooses how far back they go.
PCs may discover that it latches itself to any other The GM decides on the rules and
helmet presented to it, including their own... consequences of their actions.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

The Pillars Aftermath
The darkness the party has been wandering As for the bodies of fallen PCs or clones: If their
through is split by the dim light of the sun just spacesuits or helmets are opened in any way, only
beneath the asteroid’s horizon, illuminating a pure black ooze emerges, gradually deflating the
canyon ahead filled with irregular black pillars. At figures to lifeless heaps. They are the remains of
first, they appear oddly reminiscent of the Elders’ discarded reality, now turned to Sap.
Columns, a formation of hoodoos just outside the Once again, this area does not prove to be the Sap
Colony’s capital, but closer inspection reveals them motherlode the PCs were sent to find. However,
to be coated in a hard, translucent solid, as though emerging from this sordid terrain reveals a large
they have been crystallized, with what appears to streak on the ground, slick and black, coming from
be bark lying hidden beneath the murky facets. the direction of the Dripping Caves (pg. 12).

Meet Thyself
As the party navigates the maze-like columns,
another crew also weaves through the formation.
Their gear looks like a variation on standard
Regulator issue. These are alternate versions of the
PCs themselves, from the past or future, time-
looped into eternal existence on BX-319.
Have each party make a single 2d Initiative check,
using their highest Initiative (the clones have
exactly the same stats as the PCs). If one succeeds
and one fails, the successful party notices the other
party first and can take cover behind the pillars, to
hide or ambush. Otherwise, the parties notice each
other at the same time. They are 60 meters apart.
Upon seeing the PCs, the clones approach and
stand before the party wordlessly, their visors pitch
black, providing no insight to their identities.
Once in striking distance, they turn aggressive.
Make sure you have copies of the PC character
sheets to run this battle. Combatants can take cover
behind pillars, which offer +2 to defense rolls vs.
ranged attacks and +1 vs. melee attacks. The clones
use tactics that roughly mirror the PCs, but they do
not speak or show any fear or mercy, and they fight
to the death…initially.
As soon as the total number of combatants equals
the number of PCs at the start of the adventure, any
remaining clones abruptly stop fighting. If any PCs
were killed, either in this battle or during the
previous days, the still-living clones are
coincidentally revealed to be those PCs, regardless
of who fell in the battle. They are alive and
apparently well. Let their players continue playing
them. They feel a bit confused and disoriented, as
a result of the two time-streams merging into one.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

The Caves Main Cavern
Your lights cause a shimmer ahead, reflecting off A gigantic cavern stretches into the depths with
what looks like a solid curtain of slowly flowing Sap. numerous deep, open pits of Sap. It’s right there.
Through some unknown action, the Sap is pushed up Enormous quantities of Sap lie right in front of you
to the top of a cave entrance and falls downward, on the cavern floor, with untold depths beneath.
completely covering the opening, like a sort of
waterfall. Along the mouth of the cave, above the In the party’s presence, all the Sap begins to churn
flowing Sap, are a series of carvings. and boil with a frantic energy before flowing
outward and upward against the walls of the cave,
The shape of the entrance recalls the greatest rushing over the party’s feet. The cavern begins to
tourist trap attraction on the Colony, the Great rumble, and gelatinous black ooze extrudes from
Maw, a cave where the first bits of Sap were the rock and dust above, below, and all around the
discovered nearly a millennium ago. party. It congeals into separate humanoid shapes,
The carvings depict a sphere that transitions across one before each party member: tall, with squid-like
the images from dripping with liquid, to drying out, helmets, elongated faces, and additional arms.
to dripping yet again.
Scanning the area ahead and below with a CHRONOMORPH
matscanner reveals the nearby presence of a mass AGI 2 Move 12
of thick liquid, bigger than most refinery ships. TOU 3 Health 15
Pushing past the Sap curtain coats the PCs in the AWA 3 Initiative 15
sticky, oily substance, and their best efforts to clean WIL 3 Spirit 15
their visors still leave darkened streaks and
smudges around their vision. Downward-facing Skills: Multistrike 2, Unarmed Strike 2 (claws)
spears of the stuff drip in slow motion from the Helmets: The chronomorphs can activate one
ceiling of the cave like stalactites, making pools and helmet effect, which then applies to all of them. Roll
small, slow-motion streams in the asteroid dust. 1d6 and consult the table on pg. 10, starting at +1.
The Sap practically breathes in these tunnels, Only one effect can be active at any given time.
pulsing outward and inward like a massive heart. Turn to Sap: The chronomorph can turn into a
Below the asteroid’s surface, the party loses count sentient mass of Sap. While in this form, it can
of how many Sap-smeared suits they pass littered penetrate small apertures such as cracks in the rock
along the dusty walls of the cavern, some empty or tears in vaccsuits. If a character suffers claw
and some still carrying the skeletal remains of their damage, the resulting tear is large enough for the
past inhabitants, all of which are previously unseen chronomorph to penetrate. When this happens, the
variants on the V-Dailies’ design. As they head next successful claw attack, instead of causing
deeper and the caves open up, the discarded damage, causes the chronomorph to ooze itself
spacesuits are broken up by the familiar remains of into the target’s suit. This causes the target to
damaged landing modules and pieces of drilling become Impaired (Move 50%, -2 to rolls). Starting
equipment. on the next round, the target suffers a DAM 0 roll
No map is needed for the GM or the players, but each round as the viscous fluid absorbs their soft
the PCs would be wise to map their way as they organic matter, eventually leaving only bones to
venture deeper into the rock through the twisting rattle about within the suit.
and branching passages. Time Sense: Just by looking at it, the chronomorph
The players designate a PC guide, who must roll becomes aware of something, somewhere or
AWA+Survival (underground) vs. DIF 3. On a someone’s past history.
success, it takes the party 1 hour to navigate these If a chronomorph has reason to believe that the
passages. On a failure, it takes the party 1d6 hours. PC before them intends to damage or extract the
Eventually, the tunnel they are in opens up into the Sap or otherwise interfere with the process they
Main Cavern. oversee, it will pursue and try to neutralize the PC.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

The Offer Time to Choose…
The chronomorphs speak to the party members What happens next is completely dependent on
directly through their comms equipment, their what the PCs do, both independently and as a
multiple voices joining together as one. They make group. Here is some guidance on how to handle a
an offer to any PCs who listen to their captivating few things they might try:
whispers: Call the Support Ship: This requires at least one
PC to run back through the tunnels to the surface,
The Sap is not yours to take, it must be preserved for and then to fire a flare gun. Use the Chase rules in
those who come after and before. So we make each the Complete Guide, pg. 20 and make group rolls
of you this offer: Stay here and give your body over for each party. If the chronomorphs gets closer to
to the Sap. In return, we will heal the Colony and the PCs, they activate one randomly determined
make it new for another thousand years. helmet effect. The PCs must roll three successes to
make it out of the caves before the chronomorphs
Each chronomorph then uses its Time Sense catch up to them. If chronomorphs roll three
ability to say something to each PC individually, a successes before the PCs, the PCs find themselves
secret whisper to that PC alone. Craft a message for cornered at a dead end or in a cave without exits.
each player, using something about the PC’s past Give the players a +1 bonus to their rolls if they
or background to convince the PC that self sacrifice thought to map the caves, and additional bonuses
is the best option. For example, if using the if they come up with clever distractions or other
pregenerated characters at the end of this good ideas during the chase.
document, you might pass each player the secret Burn the Sap: Sap is an unstable substance, so
message below: detonating a grenade or other explosive near one
of the Sap pools will set off a chain reaction
SECRET WHISPERS beneath the ground. The Sap will overheat, turning
Lubo Klosky - Driller to lava, and earthquakes will shake the area. PCs
who make a run for it must make a 2d Move check
You hear the one facing you whisper: “Only pain and
misery await you back home. Stay here, be a hero to avoid the falling rock and leave the cave complex
and the Grey Syndicate will never get you.” before it buries them in a pile of rubble.
Gaia Chen - Scientist Attack the Chronomorphs: This is perhaps the
least wise course of action. The chronomorphs
You hear the one facing you whisper: “Do this, and
won’t hesitate to use their helmets, tear into
we will clean the planet for forty generations to
come. Do it for Albert.” (Albert is your son). vaccsuits with their claws and and absorb the
fleshy matter inside with their Turn to Sap ability.
Ethan Bayley - Engineer
Accept the Offer: PCs who decide to accept the
You hear the one facing you whisper: “Comply, and
chronomorphs’ offer must first prevent any of their
we will provide the Sap. Your orders require this act
of self sacrifice.”
companions from calling the support ship, burning
the Sap, attacking the chronomorphs or otherwise
Val Branno - Trekker
disrupting the process. Once this condition is met,
You hear the one facing you whisper: “Help us save the PCs are instructed to plunge into the Sap pools.
your people, and you’ll earn something worth far If they comply, narrate the relevant ending on the
more than a merchant’s cut: a place in history.”
next page.
Yarek Barr - Gearhead
You hear the one facing you whisper: “Do this, and
the generations to come will know no more spills, no
more fires, no more poisoning…no more Terrallis.”
K.C. Sermak - Ex-Marine
You hear the one facing you whisper: “Your desire to
destroy will also lead to your own destruction. Think
about Becky. Think about your unborn child.”

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Briefly narrate a suitable ending.
If the PCs Called the Support Ship: A massive drill
punctures the surface of the asteroid, exposing the
Sap pools through a gaping hole. The rest of the
complex is destroyed, including any remaining PCs
who fail a 2d Move check to leave the area in time.
The chronomorphs melt back into the Sap pools,
and any surviving PCs are rescued. The ships will
then deploy pumplines and extract as much Sap as
they can over the next few days, before the asteroid
moves out of range again. The PCs have won the
Colony a few decades of subsistence and are free
to retire to the Centerworlds on their exorbitant,
Sap-stained wealth.
If the PCs Burned the Sap: The Sap will remain too
hot to extract until the asteroid is well out of range.
The Colony is doomed; surviving PCs are arrested.
If the PCs Attacked the Chronomorphs: The PCs
will probably be killed, or they’ll surrender and
accept the offer. If against all odds they manage to
defeat the chronomorphs, they are free to leave
the caves and call the support ship.
If the PCs Accepted the Offer: Entering the Sap
pools, the PCs are swallowed up by the Sap,
allowing themselves to be broken down and
reconstituted toward its ends. Their bodies are
assimilated, but consciousness remains. They see a
procession of chronomorphs walking out of the
caves. They see burning comets launched from the
black pillars, streaking towards the Colony planet:
one comet for each PC who gave their body in
sacrifice. Each comet is a seed that will cleanse and
regenerate the planet and fill its veins with life-
giving Sap; enough to last a thousand more years.
Among the black pillars, the PCs’ spirits remain like
ghosts, waiting for their future selves…
Of course, it is likely that the final outcome will be
a combination of the above, so you are encouraged
to improvise and help create a suitably dramatic
ending. Whatever happens, only one thing is

Within a few days, BX-319 moves on, its thousand-

year orbit taking it back into deep space.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)


Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

player characters
You’ve been Offworld and back and seen things most people wouldn't
believe. Unfortunately, your recent business success has led to charges
of “smuggling”, and now the Khefnari are promising to wipe your record
clean if you do this dirty little job for them.


You'll tell anyone who listens that drillin' ain't a wise career choice.
The Sap quotas never change, but the Sap just ain't there anymore.
What is still there is the pile of gambling debts you owe, so you jumped
at the chance to join this crew.


Someone needed to be blamed for the Terralli pipeline fire, so they
blamed you. Now, you’re being offered the opportunity to clear your
name, and maybe more: If you can pull this off, you just might be able
to retire on the glory of saving the Colony from energy extinction.


You’ve been dismissed as a fear mongering quack for your
environmentalist positions. Now, you've accepted a mission which may
ensure that the planet keeps poisoning itself for a few more decades.
Ironically, this might finally give you recognition as the Colony’s savior.


After refusing to bomb a settlement, you were court-martialed and
relieved of duty. But now that the Sap's running out, the Regulators
want you back so you can go find some on this godforsaken rock.
You’re going along for now, but you’re not just gonna bend over.


You graduated top of your class, and you’ve got an impressive resume
for one so young. Your job is to plan and organize the necessary
infrastructure for drilling BX-319 and extracting the Sap.
The Colony’s survival depends on it.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Name: Val Branno
Title: Trekker
Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Stealth 1 12 24
Piloting 1

Armored Combat 1 12


AWARENESS 2 Initiative Vaccsuit: ARM 1 20
1 Vibromachete: TOU+1 if used as a weapon 4
Appraisal 12
Harpoon Gun: Base Range 25, DAM 2, cable 10
Arcane Lore 1
Survival (alien planets) 2 Flare Gun: Base Range 10, DAM 1, 1 flare 2
Surveillance 1 First Aid Kit: allows Medicine skill 2
Medicine 1 Comms: audio only, all PCs on the map 1
Locator: tracks PCs on the map 2
Matscanner: material density, composition 2
Mining Drill: TOU-1 if used as a weapon 2

WILL 2 Spirit Sample Collection Kit: for mineral samples 4

Trickery 1 Binoculars: grant Nightvision 1, Senses 1 2

Bargaining 1 Flashlight: shoulder-mounted, range 20 m 2
Grey Syndicate beacon
280 credits

Total 53
Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)
You can determine the approximate value of things. You are a skilled scavenger, able to find items of value in cluttered, ruined or
abandoned environments. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
You may be able to understand and use alien technology and items. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
You need this skill in order to fight in a protective suit. At level 1, you can wear armor weighing up to 20 lbs.
You are a skilled negotiator, trader, merchant, seller and deal maker. You generally know how to find buyers or sellers for something. Add
the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
You have medical knowledge and know how to treat injuries, poison and disease (if no medical kit, roll at -2):
• First Aid: You tend to a character’s fresh wounds for one minute. Roll AWA+Medicine vs. DIF, where DIF is equal to the number of minutes
elapsed since the patient was last injured. Success heals 1 Health. First Aid can be provided multiple times to the same patient, each
attempt taking one minute and increasing the DIF by 1.
• Treating the wounded: You and all allies under your care add your skill level when making TOU/Health recovery rolls after long rests.
• Treating the sick/poisoned: Roll AWA+Medicine vs. POT. On a success, the patient automatically succeeds on the next Health check they
make to shake off the Impaired condition.
• Saving a life: If you tend to a character at the brink of death, when they make a TOU roll to survive, they add your skill level to their roll.
You can only tend to one character at a time.
You are skilled at handling aircraft and spacecraft. Add the skill level to attribute rolls when attempting difficult maneuvers or avoiding
attacks. Note: such rolls normally use the vehicle’s AGI (not the driver’s).
You can move silently, hide or camouflage yourself successfully and follow someone without being seen. To remain undetected, you roll AGI
+Stealth against the target’s AWA+Senses. If you initiate combat while undetected, your first attack is resolved before your foes can react.
If they were potentially caught unprepared, they should then make a surprise check (2d Initiative) to see if they can act on the first round.
You are capable of tailing others while remaining unseen and observing them at a distance, possibly using electronic tools including
wiretaps, directional microphones, hidden cameras, bugs and direction-finding equipment. You can also design, install and monitor this
equipment. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
You are familiar with one type of environment. You know the basic skills necessary to survive in that milieu: significant landmarks, hunting
for food, building a shelter, keeping warm (or cool), avoiding dangers, knowing the inhabitants, predicting the weather, finding your way,
using maps and navigational equipment, etc. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
You use guile to gain an advantage in combat, and can perform the following maneuvers:
• Taunt: As an action, you can compel a foe to direct its next attack towards you with a successful WIL+Trickery vs. WIL+Focus roll. If the
trick is employed on a player character, the PC can choose to forego her next attack instead.
• Distraction: As an action, you cause a foe to suffer -3 on its next defense roll (regardless of who attacks it) with a successful WIL+Trickery
vs. AWA+Observation roll. After the first distraction attempt, the foe will be on its guard so subsequent distraction attempts by you are
made at -2.


You’ve been Offworld and back and seen things most people
Gaia Chen - Scientist
wouldn't believe. You know what Sap-tainted water tastes like.
Until recently, you had a steady income looking for undiscovered
Lubo Klosky - Driller Sap deposits. But when the Khefnari distributors got wind of your
little side hustle selling Sap to the Grey Syndicate, you got busted
for smuggling. Now, the Khefnari are promising to wipe your
K. C. Sermak - Ex-Marine record clean if you do this dirty little job for them.

You’ve actually come to like this motley crew you're with, but
Ethan Bayley - Engineer there is no room for advancement in this work. However, a new
business opportunity has come your way, and you finally see your
chance to climb: You've become the Syndicate's inside woman,
Yarek Barr - Gearhead and you plan to divert any new Sap you find to a remote Offworld
location (you'll let your Syndicate contact know the Sap has been
located by activating a small beacon in your pocket).
The Regulators - Administrators of the Colony
who sent you to BX-319 Pull this off, and you can parlay it into a fortune.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Name: Lubo Klosky
Title: Driller
Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Athletics 1 12 24
Grappling 1

Armored Combat 1 15
Endurance 1
Second Wind 1
Strength 1


AWARENESS 1 Initiative Vaccsuit: ARM 1 20
2 Hand Welder: DAM 1 if used as a weapon 2
Background (mining) 10
Laser Cutter: DAM 1 if used as a weapon 2
Survival (underground) 1
Psychology 1 Mining Drill: TOU-1 if used as a weapon 2
Locks & Traps 1 Flare Gun: Base Range 10, DAM 1, 1 flare 2
Fixing 1 Matscanner: material density, composition 2
Locator: tracks PCs on the map 2
Flashlight: shoulder-mounted, range 20 m 2
Sample Collection Kit: for mineral samples 4

WILL 1 Spirit Binoculars: grant Nightvision 1, Senses 1 2

Explosive Charge: can be activated remotely 2
Toolkit: allows Fixing, Locks & Traps skills 3
Comms: audio only, all PCs on the map 1
Patch: "Too Pretty to Die"
200 credits

Total 46
Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)
You need this skill in order to fight in a protective suit. At level 1, you can wear armor weighing up to 20 lbs.
Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to jumping, climbing, dodging, breaking falls, and performing various physical
stunts and feats of balance. As a full-round action you may choose to dodge, adding the skill level to defense rolls against
physical attacks.
You have very specialized knowledge in an area not covered by other skills. You automatically know most things related to your
background. For more difficult tasks requiring a roll, add the skill level.
You are better able to function in the face of physical punishment. This includes:
• Maintaining strenuous physical activity for an extended period of time.
• Add the skill level to prevent being Impaired when receiving massive damage.
• Add the skill level when making the TOU roll to survive when at the brink of death.
You can repair mechanical and electronic devices, constructs or vehicles. It generally takes one hour to fix something, after
which you make an AWA+Fixing* roll to determine how many Health points the damaged item regains. Fixing requires the
proper tools. If you are out in the field with a repair toolkit, only one Fixing roll can be made for each instance the device took
You can use AGI+Grappling attack roll to Severely Impair (Move 0, -3 to rolls) an opponent of smaller or similar size. On its turn,
your opponent can attack (at -3) or attempt to break the hold by rolling TOU+Strength vs. TOU+Strength (without the -3 penalty).
Grappling is an active measure, so you cannot take other actions while pinning down a foe.
With the proper tools, you can attempt to pick keyed locks and crack combination locks. You also know how to set and disable
traps and snares of different kinds, including the explosive variety. Add the skill level to rolls pertaining to such activities.
You are able to sense another character’s general motivation and state of mind with a successful AWA+Psychology vs. WIL roll.
As a one-round action, you can recover a number of Health points equal to a TOU roll. You can do this a number of times per
game session equal to the skill level.
Add the skill level to TOU-based damage rolls, and when performing feats of strength.
You are familiar with one type of environment. You know the basic skills necessary to survive in that milieu: significant
landmarks, hunting for food, building a shelter, keeping warm (or cool), avoiding dangers, knowing the inhabitants, predicting
the weather, finding your way, using maps and navigational equipment, etc. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to
such activities.


Val Branno - Trekker This ain't your first 'roid rodeo. After getting a pink slip the
last time, you didn't think you'd ever see an asteroid
again. You probably would have been fired from the
Gaia Chen - Scientist Terralli job too, but the pipeline fire put an end to that
particular position (but hey, at least you weren't one of
K. C. Sermak - Ex-Marine the 87 guys who got cooked). You'll tell anyone who
listens that drillin' ain't a wise career choice. The Sap
quotas never change, but the Sap just ain't there
Ethan Bayley - Engineer anymore.

Yarek Barr - Gearhead What is still there is the pile of gambling debts you owe,
so you jumped at the chance to join this crew. The pay is
good, but it's not enough to erase your debts, and the
The Regulators - Administrators of the Colony Grey Syndicate guys you owe money to ain't exactly
who sent you to BX-319 known for their forgiving nature.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Name: Yarek Barr
Title: Gearhead
Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Driving 1 12 24
Piloting 2

Armored Combat 1 12


AWARENESS 2 Initiative Vaccsuit: ARM 1 20
1 Hand Welder: DAM 1 if used as a weapon 2
Arcane Lore 12
Laser Cutter: DAM 1 if used as a weapon 2
Computers 1
Fixing 2 Flashlight: shoulder-mounted, range 20 m 2
Locks & Traps 2 Toolkit: allows Fixing, Locks & Traps skills 3
Surveillance 1 Locator: tracks PCs on the map 2
Matscanner: material density, composition 2
Mining Drill: TOU-1 if used as a weapon 2
Sample Collection Kit: for mineral samples 4

WILL 1 Spirit Binoculars: grant Nightvision 1, Senses 1 2

Explosive Charge: can be activated remotely 2
Comms: audio only, all PCs on the map 1
Flare Gun: Base Range 10, DAM 1, 1 flare 2
Plastic Replica of the Original Settler Ship
200 credits

Total 46
Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)
You may be able to understand and use alien technology and items. Add the skill level to attribute rolls
pertaining to such activities.
You need this skill in order to fight in a protective suit. At level 1, you can wear armor weighing up to 20 lbs.
You know how to break into computer systems, operate virtual networks and decipher coded or encrypted
information. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
You are skilled at handling land vehicles. Add the skill level to attribute rolls when attempting difficult
maneuvers or avoiding attacks. Note: such rolls normally use the vehicle’s AGI (not the driver’s).
You can repair mechanical and electronic devices, constructs or vehicles. It generally takes one hour to fix
something, after which you make an AWA+Fixing* roll to determine how many Health points the damaged
item regains. Fixing requires the proper tools. If you are out in the field with a repair toolkit, only one Fixing
roll can be made for each instance the device took damage.
With the proper tools, you can attempt to pick keyed locks and crack combination locks. You also know how
to set and disable complex traps and snares of different kinds, including the explosive variety. Add the skill
level to rolls pertaining to such activities.
You can see clearly in the dark up to 20 yards away per skill level.
You are skilled at handling aircraft and spacecraft. Add the skill level to attribute rolls when attempting
difficult maneuvers or avoiding attacks. Note: such rolls normally use the vehicle’s AGI (not the driver’s).
The skill level is added to rolls made to see something.
You are capable of tailing others while remaining unseen and observing them at a distance, possibly using
electronic tools including wiretaps, directional microphones, hidden cameras, bugs and direction-finding
equipment. You can also design, install and monitor this equipment. Add the skill level to attribute rolls
pertaining to such activities.


Val Branno - Trekker Someone needed to be blamed for the Terralli pipeline
fire, so they blamed you (conveniently ignoring the fact
that the dwindling Sap reserves had led to years of cost
Lubo Klosky - Driller cutting, which led to a delayed the emergency response,
which led to 87 people burned alive).
K. C. Sermak - Ex-Marine
Now, they're begging you to come back. You never much
liked these fellow roughnecks by your side, but if you can
Ethan Bayley - Engineer pull this off, you just might be able to retire on the glory of
saving the Colony from energy extinction and never have
Gaia Chen - Scientist to deal with the rest of these sloggers, or even this
backwater planet, again. But if you can’t, well, you know
just how little the Khefnari are willing to spend to extract
The Regulators - Administrators of the Colony some blue-collars from a piece of rock already set to fling
who sent you to BX-319 their failure out of the realm of their concern.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Name: Gaia Chen
Title: Scientist
Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Weapon Mastery (stun baton) 1 10 24

Armored Combat 1 10


AWARENESS 3 Initiative Vaccsuit: ARM 1 20
2 Stun Baton: TOU, TOU vs. DIF 3 or stunned 2
Background (astrophysics) 15
Flare Gun: Base Range 10, DAM 1, 1 flare 2
Background (chemistry) 1
Background (biology) 1 Comms: audio only, all PCs on the map 1
Research 1 Matscanner: material density, composition 2
Observation 1 Locator: tracks PCs on the map 2

Medicine 1 Mining Drill: TOU-1 if used as a weapon 2

Psychology 1 Sample Collection Kit: for mineral samples 4
Surgery 1 First Aid Kit: allows Medicine skill 2

WILL 2 Spirit Stimpak x6: Heals 5* Health (or less) 2

Oratory 1 Surgical Kit: allows Surgery skill 2

Flashlight: shoulder-mounted, range 20 m 2
Photograph of Albert (son)
310 credits

Total 43
Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)
You need this skill in order to fight in a protective suit. At level 1, you can wear armor weighing up to 20 lbs.
Your have very specialized knowledge in an area not covered by other skills. You automatically know most things related to your
background. For more difficult tasks requiring a roll, add the skill level.
You have medical knowledge and know how to treat injuries, poison and disease (if no medical kit, roll at -2):
• First Aid: You tend to a character’s fresh wounds for one minute. Roll AWA+Medicine vs. DIF, where DIF is equal to the number of
minutes elapsed since the patient was last injured. Success heals 1 Health. First Aid can be provided multiple times to the same
patient, each attempt taking one minute and increasing the DIF by 1.
• Treating the wounded: You and all allies under your care add your skill level when making TOU/Health recovery rolls after long
• Treating the sick/poisoned: Roll AWA+Medicine vs. POT. On a success, the patient automatically succeeds on the next Health
check they make to shake off the Impaired condition.
• Saving a life: If you tend to a character at the brink of death, when they make a TOU roll to survive, they add your skill level to
their roll. You can only tend to one character at a time.
You have the ability to notice significant little clues. Add the skill level to rolls pertaining to this activity.
You have the ability to inspire groups of others through your words, exhorting them to greater efforts towards a common goal.
Before or during combat, you may roll WIL+Oratory* against the highest opponent attribute. If successful, you choose one of the
following benefits:
• Inspiration: for the duration of the fight, you and all your allies get a boost to your derived stats (Move, Health, Initiative, Spirit)
equal to the Oratory skill level.
• Courage: For the duration of the fight, you and all your allies add the Oratory skill level to rolls against fear, losing morale and
other mind-affecting effects; this is similar to the Focus skill.
• Frenzy: for the duration of the fight, you and all your allies get +1 to all TOU-based damage rolls. But if they have the Weapon
Mastery skill, they cannot allocate it to defense.
Performing Oratory takes at least one minute and only one attempt can be made on any creature or group. The effect is canceled
immediately if you are incapacitated, slain or otherwise leave the fight.
You are able to sense another character’s general motivation and state of mind with a successful AWA+Psychology vs. WIL roll.
Allows you to effectively find things out through online and offline libraries and databases. Add the skill level to attribute rolls
pertaining to such activities.
You understand anatomical structures. Given the right tools, you can perform surgical operations and autopsies.
Prior to rolling dice each round, you may choose to add this skill level to your attack OR damage rolls. If using a melee weapon to
defend against melee attacks, you may add the skill to your defense rolls instead.


Val Branno - Trekker The moment you realized that your son had never seen
a wild animal was the moment you understood the
Colony's environment was poisoned beyond repair. You
Lubo Klosky - Driller had sounded all the warning bells and explained the
data as best you could, only to be dismissed or ridiculed
K. C. Sermak - Ex-Marine as a hysterical, fear mongering quack.

So you've given up.

Ethan Bayley - Engineer
And now, you've accepted a mission which, if successful,
Yarek Barr - Gearhead will ensure that the planet keeps poisoning itself for a
few more decades, until it finally chokes on its own filth.
A mission which, in a terrible twist of irony, could finally
The Regulators - Administrators of the Colony
give you recognition as the Colony’s savior.
who sent you to BX-319
Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)
Name: K.C. Sermak
Title: Ex-Marine
Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Athletics 1 15 24
Driving 1
Weapon Mastery (SMG) 2

Armored Combat 2 12


AWARENESS 1 Initiative Combat Vaccsuit: ARM 4 26
1 Blaster SMG: Range 24, DAM 3, AOE 1/2 2
Medicine 10
Frag Grenade x6: Range 10, DAM 5, AOE 6 2
Flare Gun: Base Range 10, DAM 1, 1 flare 2
Stimpak x6: Heals 5* Health (or less) 2
First Aid Kit: allows Medicine skill 2
Locator: tracks PCs on the map 2
Matscanner: material density, composition 2
Mining Drill: TOU-1 if used as a weapon 2

WILL 2 Spirit Flashlight: shoulder-mounted, range 20 m 2

Command 1 Comms: audio only, all PCs on the map 1

Sample Collection Kit: for mineral samples 4
Photograph of Becky (wife)
320 credits

Total 49
Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)
You need this skill in order to fight in a protective suit. At level 2, you can wear armor weighing up to 40 lbs.
Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to jumping, climbing, dodging, breaking falls, and performing
various physical stunts and feats of balance. As a full-round action you may choose to dodge, adding the
skill level to defense rolls against physical attacks.
You know how to organize, command, inspire and deploy groups of people. When you are part of a group
action, your Command skill is added to the roll. You can only apply Command to rolls that are made by a
group and cannot assist individual efforts with this skill.
You are skilled at handling land vehicles. Add the skill level to attribute rolls when attempting difficult
maneuvers or avoiding attacks. Note: such rolls normally use the vehicle’s AGI (not the driver’s).
You have medical knowledge and know how to treat injuries, poison and disease (if no medical kit, roll at
• First Aid: You tend to a character’s fresh wounds for one minute. Roll AWA+Medicine vs. DIF, where DIF is
equal to the number of minutes elapsed since the patient was last injured. Success heals 1 Health. First Aid
can be provided multiple times to the same patient, each attempt taking one minute and increasing the DIF
by 1.
• Treating the wounded: You and all allies under your care add your skill level when making TOU/Health
recovery rolls after long rests.
• Treating the sick/poisoned: Roll AWA+Medicine vs. POT. On a success, the patient automatically succeeds
on the next Health check they make to shake off the Impaired condition.
• Saving a life: If you tend to a character at the brink of death, when they make a TOU roll to survive, they
add your skill level to their roll. You can only tend to one character at a time.
You are skilled at handling aircraft and spacecraft. Add the skill level to attribute rolls when attempting
difficult maneuvers or avoiding attacks. Note: such rolls normally use the vehicle’s AGI (not the driver’s).
Prior to rolling dice each round, you may choose to add this skill level to your attack OR damage rolls. If
using an automatic firearm, you may add the skill to the number of shots or bursts fired instead.


Val Branno - Trekker You signed up for the Corps as soon as you were old enough.
The only two things you cared about were the Corps, and
Becky your gal back home. Then, on an off-world mission out
Lubo Klosky - Driller in the Pisces system, you refused to bomb a settlement,
which would have killed a bunch of settlers (along with the
virus they were carrying). So you were court martialed for
Gaia Chen - Scientist disobeying a direct order, and dishonorably discharged.

Ethan Bayley - Engineer You've had a lot of time to think since then, and come to
realize how messed up the system is. The Regulators and
their cronies keep all the Sap for themselves, leaving scraps
Yarek Barr - Gearhead for everyone else. Now that it's running out, they want you to
go find some more on this godforsaken rock. Well, screw
'em. If all the Sap was gone, it would tank it's poisonous
The Regulators - Administrators of the Colony economy and maybe regular folks could get a fresh start.
who sent you to BX-319 A couple of grenades oughta do it...

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

Name: Ethan Bayley
Title: Engineer
Spent Reserve Sacrificed
12 24

Unlife (ARM 2) 2 12
Resistance (radiation) 1
Armored Combat 1


AWARENESS 2 Initiative Vaccsuit 20
1 Vibromachete: TOU+1 if used as a weapon 4
Background (Engineering) 12
Harpoon Gun: Base Range 25, DAM 2, cable 10
Computers 1
Fixing 1 Flare Gun: Base Range 10, DAM 1, 1 flare 2
Languages 1 Toolkit: allows Fixing skill 3
Memory 1 Comms: audio only, all PCs on the map 1

Nightvision 1 Locator: tracks PCs on the map 2

Trivia 2 Mining Drill: TOU-1 if used as a weapon 2
Sample Collection Kit: for mineral samples 4

WILL 1 Spirit Binoculars: grant Nightvision 1, Senses 1 2

Focus 1 Flashlight: shoulder-mounted, range 20 m 2

Unmistakeable Feature (flaw) 1 Matscanner: material density, composition 2
(white blood; visible if injured) Tattered copy of Milton's Paradise Lost 1
240 credits

Total 55
Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)
You need this skill in order to fight in a protective suit. At level 1, you can wear armor weighing up to 20 lbs.
You have very specialized knowledge in an area not covered by other skills. You automatically know most things related to your
background. For more difficult tasks requiring a roll, add the skill level.
You know how to break into computer systems, operate virtual networks and decipher coded or encrypted information. Add the
skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
You can repair mechanical and electronic devices, constructs or vehicles. It generally takes one hour to fix something, after which
you make an AWA+Fixing* roll to determine how many Health points the damaged item regains. Fixing requires the proper tools. If
you are out in the field with a repair toolkit, only one Fixing roll can be made for each instance the device took damage.
Add the skill level to rolls made to maintain concentration, morale, or to resist the effects of Intimidation/Fear or mind-affecting
effects and interrogation attempts.
You may be able to decipher ancient or alien languages on a successful AWA+Languages* roll.
Your brain can recall nearly everything. Add the skill level whenever a roll is made to remember details from the past.
You can see clearly in the dark up to 20 yards away per skill level.
You are unusually resistant to one type of damage. You may ignore the effects of any “natural” occurrence. Against attacks of the
specified type (or unusually intense exposure), you add the skill level to any TOU rolls made to resist the effects. In addition, you
have an innate ARM score equal to your TOU multiplied by the skill level, which fully or partially absorbs any damage of that type.
The skill level is added to rolls made to see something.
You are a wealth of apparently useless information on many and varied topics. You might be able to pull a relevant piece of
information with a successful AWA+Trivia roll. You are also able to bluff your way as an “expert” on almost any subject with a
successful AWA+Trivia vs. AWA (+relevant skill) roll.
You are a "synthetic" (i.e., an android). At skill level 2, your body gives you ARM 2. This protection doesn’t stack with worn armor
(use the highest score). Furthermore, you do not breathe and are completely immune to disease, poison and possibly other things
that only affect living beings, at the GM’s discretion. However, you are unable to heal Health naturally or through any biological or
chemical means (and resting does not grant recovery rolls). Instead, you must be repaired with the Fixing skill.
You can easily be identified because of a physical trait, symbol or garment.


You are an android working as an agent for the Regulators.
Val Branno - Trekker
You've been embedded with this crew to evaluate its
performance and ensure that every measure is taken to fulfill its
Lubo Klosky - Driller mission: Find and secure the Sap.

The others do not need to know your true identity (your next
K. C. Sermak - Ex-Marine generation cyberbrain and physical features allow you to pass for
human). As far as they are concerned, you are simply the
engineer, Ethan, assigned to the team in order to scout an ideal
Gaia Chen - Scientist site and establish the mining operation.

The behavioral inhibitors that prevent you from bringing harm to

Yarek Barr - Gearhead humans have been bypassed. This is normally illegal, but the
Regulators issued a special exemption in your case, given the
importance of your mission.
The Regulators - Administrators of the Colony
who sent you to BX-319 Control expects a full report when you return.

Nelson Moreira (Order #36139854)

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