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Arthur Seixas De Martino

Daniele Cruz


Black Terror & Kid Terror created by Richard E. Hughes and Don Gabrielson
Blue Bolt created by Joe Simon
Miss Fury and ‘Albino’ Jo created by June Tarpé Williams
Tigerman created by Rodlow Willard and Eric Marlin
Lois Cayley created by Grant Allen
Mr. Crime created by Dick Wood

Black Terror & Kid Terror Page 5
Blue Bolt & Dr. Bertoff’s Forces Page 6
Miss Fury Page 7


Tiger Man Page 9
‘Albino’ Jo Page 10
Lois Cayley the Third Page 10


Act I - The Meeting Page 11
Act II - City of Crime Page 11
Crime Scenes Page 13
Act III - Mr. Crime Wild Ride page 15
Act IV - Crime does not pay page 16



Citizen in Distress Page 18
Crooked Cop Page 18
Laughing Skull gang member page 18
Flaming Riot gang member page 18
Mr. Crime page 19
Launghing Skull Gang Leader - Skull Head page 19
Flaming Rioters leader - Red Flame page 19
Crime Spirit - Jaywalker page 20
Crime Spirit - Murderer page 20
Crime Spirit - Police Brutalizer page 20
Crime Spirit - Robber page 20
Crime Spirit - Embezzler page 21
Crime Spirit - Office Thief page 21

INTRODUCTION Criminal Bennies
As the Aces face certain key crimes on the adventure, if
An intense crime wave hits the city! From gang wars to the person committing the crime goes through it, Mr.
corrupt officials down to jaywalking. Crime obtains a ‘Criminal Bennie’. These Bennies can
be used like regular Bennies, but they can also be used to
The city of Newsville is a 50’s retro-futurist dream. Art convince an Extra to commit a crime on the spot. Just by
nouveau never left the architecture of its many neigh- spending the Bennie, any Extra on the scene will attempt
borhoods and despite the passage of time it feels like the to commit something illegal as stated by Mr. Crime. This
years never passed for its population for the fashion of the can be activated at any point in the Adventure, so we
early 20 century/late 19th century seems to be in vogue. provide Appendix I – Random Crime table. You do not
Despite that, government policy is as modern as it can have to roll on it, you can just pick and choose whatever
be, following the local and federal laws to a T. Why then, fits the context of the scene. But if you wish to add a bit
suddenly violence spills on the streets? of chaos to your particular session, we recommend rolling
Crime went from being a quaint little memory of an age the crime and seeing what sort of danger comes from it!
long gone to the most constant presence in Newsville.
Almost as if a specter haunted its gutters.
That is because Mr. Crime has come to town, bearing gifts Protectors of a besieged city
The adventure begins with the player characters, all some
most illegal!
sort of costumed adventurer vigilante or deeply concerned
ENTER MR. CRIME citizen with a unique set of skills is brought together in
the headquarters of the “Anti-Crime Society” or ACS.
From the pages of the golden age comic ‘Crime does no This non-government organization emerged once the
pay’, comes Mr. Crime. A specter of a human desire to police corruption in Newsville was too much to bear. If
transgress the public order and to do something illegal. a player doesn’t have a character ready to go, feel free to
He can’t be detected, existing in these stories as a literary use one of our pre-made Aces. Three need the Super Pow-
device, a ‘devil on your shoulder’ creature that pushes ers Companion, three only need the base book. Feel free
people into breaking the law, the more violent and terrible, to mix and match! They can be also used as Extras.
the better!
For this Savage Worlds adventure, he is at his nastiest! Playable Superheroes
Manifesting through the city of Newsville, the amount of You will need the Savage Worlds Super Powers Com-
crime happening materialized in his body. Now amid the panion to properly parse these 3 Golden Age heroes fully
chaos he hops and dances, absorbing the Crime energy all adapted as ‘Novices’ for Savage Worlds. They are set as
around his greatest work! Power Level 1, perfect for a pulp-inspired adventure.
Once and for all, it is time to teach Mr. Crime that it does They are: Black Terror, Miss Fury, and Blue Bolt.
not pay.
However, do not let this silver age-y premise fool you.
There is a larger debate, of morals vs. Laws that the
Playable Citizens
These characters all operate using just Savage Worlds’
adventure will -not- explore directly, but the ‘best ending’
core rulebook! They also come from the Golden Age of
does invite the idea that solving and preventing crime is a
Comics and are very close to pulp stories.
team effort of building rapport rather than just punching a
crime ghost in the face.
Expect an action-packed adventure that will make your Mix-and-Match
players face a colorful take on what crime is explored While the superheroes are beefier, more powerful, and
through the lens of the golden age comic “Crime does not more resilient than the citizens, they are not smarter nor
pay”. are they better at social encounters. Considering how
For enemy extras and Aces character sheets, refer to much a non-combatant can help in a Savage Worlds
Appendix II – Criminal Elements. encounter they are much closer on power levels than they
first appear. Mix-and-matching isn’t an issue at all, in fact
Setting Rules ‘Albino’ Jo and Miss fury were written to reinforce each
We will provide rules for both base SWADE and Super other based on their comic book relationship.
Powers Companion for the pre-generater characters, but
the adventure can be easily run as just the base game.
However, Mr. Crime is best placed in a super-hero setting,
even if a low-powered one. We strongly suggest a power
level of 1 or 2 for this adventure or at least characters with
some sort of Arcane Background. 4
Origin: A disgruntled Pharmacist who had the mob shake down Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8
his pharmacy, Bob Benton and his young assistant accidentally (d4), Vigor d6
created a formula that enhanced their bodies in incredible ways. Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6,
They were stronger than before and their body could sustain all Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Science
sorts of trauma.
d6, Stealth d6
Donning costumes they got from a shop across Benton’s Phar-
macy, the ‘Terror Twins’ as they were dubbed dismantled the Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9(4)
mob influence by beating them to a bloody pulp and running Hindrances: Loyal, Heroic
them out of town. Edges: Arcane Background - Super Hero
Hooked in the thrill of battle, the two became globe-trotting Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
adventurers. Bob Benton dubbed himself ‘Black Terror’ and Tim Language: Native (native, d8)
Roland ‘Kid Terror’. Current Wealth: $200
‘The Black Terror’ and his trusty sword he named ‘Skull Saber’ Special Abilities
tosses himself at any sign of danger as he tries to make a differ- • Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
ence for the little guy. ‘Kid Terror’ is his prankster of a sidekick, • Invulnerability (Armor): Armor
always thinking of a pratfall to lighten the mood. This mix of
• Super Attribute: strength: Increase an attribute a die
humor and violence is the vibe that follows them as they go on
strange adventures. type.
Role-playing tips: Black Terror is someone who lives for the Super Powers
thrill of adventure and combat, however, he is not cruel nor a • Invulnerability (Armor) (5)
bully. He won’t abuse his powers to get ahead in life but he will • Super Attribute: strength (2)
take all the cash he procures from mobsters and racketeers as his • Uncanny Reflexes (4)
treasure trove. Indeed the pirate-like motif of his costume isn’t
just for show, Black Terror and Kid Terror live a carefree life
where they raid criminals for fun and profit.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12

(d8), Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge
d6, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Language
(Native) d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d6,
Research d6, Science d6, Stealth d4,
Weird Science d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9(4)
Hindrances: Death Wish, Heroic
Edges: Arcane Background - Super Hero
Weapons: Unarmed
(Range Melee, Damage Str),
Skull Saber (Range Melee, Damage Str+d8)
Language: Native (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $200
Special Abilities
• Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
• Invulnerability (Armor): Armor
• Super Attribute: strength: Increase an attribute a die
• Sidekick - Kid Terror (Sidekick): The hero has a loyal
and super powered companion.
Super Powers
• Invulnerability (Armor) (5)
• Sidekick - Kid Terror (Sidekick)
• Super Attribute: strength (2)

Origin: Fred Parrish was a star football player from Havard that Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor
survived a lightning storm that coursed through his body when d6
he was mountain hiking. Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6,
His body was nursed back to health by the strange man that Shooting d8 Intimidation d6, Language (English) d6, Notice d6,
went by ‘Dr. Bertoff’. Said man did experiments on Parrish’s Stealth d4
electrified body giving him awesome powers derived from the Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (4)
inherent electricity now housed inside his guts. Hindrances: Vow (Follow Dr. Bertoff’s orders)
Going by ‘Blue Bolt’, Fred fought in strange wars in a subterra- Edges: Connections (Dr. Bertoff)
nean world where Dr. Bertoff lived only recently emerging and Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Body armor
rejoining civilization. Dr. Bertoff keeps an eye on Parrish as well (+4), Laser Carabine
as provides aid to him by sending some of his men to adventure (Range 24/48/62, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 4).
together with him.
Roleplaying Tips: Fred Parrish is a heartthrob footballer who
got into Harvard through his footballing skills, not his smarts.
That does not mean he is not bright, but it means he is more
physically active than anything. For one, consider how much he
fumbled into being a meta-human adventurer with superpowers,
even the Weird Science he learned was due to how many crazy
experiments he had running for
Dr. Bertoff. Play Fred as a go-getter who
doesn’t have a plan but can improvise on
the fly with the best of them.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6,

Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6,
Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6,
Fighting d6, Language (Native) d8,
Notice d6, Persuasion d4+1,
Stealth d4, Taunt d6,
Weird Science d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (1)
Hindrances: Heroic
Edges: Attractive
Bronze Helmet (head) (Armor 3),
Cloth Jacket (Armor 1)
Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
Lightining Ray Gun Attack
(Attack, Ranged)
(Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6)
Gear: Lightining Ray Gun
Language: Native (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $455

Origin: Marla Drake was an eccentric socialite that lived off her family fortune doing all sorts of PR stunts. One of the said stunts
was purchasing a cursed black outfit imbued with ancient and terrible magic. As a treat, she wanted to dress up and spook up people
at a gala party she had been invited to. This was when she received a visit by international detective ‘Albino’ Jo, who knew quite a
lot about the hexed garb. He told her ‘With every favor gained, you will receive two misfortunes’ when it came to black magic.
Marla did heed Jo’s words and they became fast friends. However, at the very gala party, a mass shooter emerges from the rafters.
She activates the powers of the enchanted black costume and quickly dispatches the murderer before he could do much damage.
The next day she discovered her luxury apartment went up in flames.
The event did turn her into a costumed adventurer, working alongside ‘Albino’ Jo and other detectives, however, Marla hesitates
before activating her super powers, saving them for only the crucial moments.
Roleplaying Tips: Marla has an adoptive son and a very active social life and this is very important for the character. As in this
‘crime busting’ thing is something she feels compelled to do rather than something she does for fun. The balance between her adven-
turous and heroic spirit versus her life is a constant struggle that Marla puts a brave face on. The key to playing Miss Fury is internal-
izing the conflict and always having it in your mind as you do her super-heroics and her socialite ways.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Focus d4, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Occult d6, Persua-
sion d4, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13 (8)
Hindrances: Dependent (Darron, adopted son), With every favor gained, gain two misfortunes: Select a power (Black
Magic) whenever you said power, the Gamemaster obtains 2 Bennies. These 2 bennies can be only used to affect your
Edges: Rich, Arcane Background – Super hero
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Whip (Range 4/6/8, Damage Str+1d4, ROF 1)
Gear: The Black Costume
Language: Native (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $1300.00
Special Abilities
• Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
• Enchanted Black Costume (Armor): Armor - Device -1, Contingent -1
• Claws (Attack, Melee): Close combat attack - Device -1, Lethal -1, Contingent -1, Armor Piercing AP 4 (2)
• Wall Walker: The hero can walk on horizontal or inverted surfaces. - Contingent -1, Device -1
• Black Magic (Super Sorcery): Grants any other power via spellcraft. - Contingent -1, Device -1
• Uncanny Reflexes: -2 or -4 to hit the character. - Contingent -1, Device -1
Super Powers
• Claws (Attack, Melee) (3): Device -1, Lethal -1, Contingent (Enchanted Black Costume) -1, Armor Piercing AP 4 (2)
+3d6 to Melee attack
• Black Magic (Super Sorcery) (3): Contingent -1 (Enchanted Black Costume), Device -1 (The Black Costume)
• Enchanted Black Costume (Armor) (4): Device -1 (The Black Costume)
• Uncanny Reflexes (2): Contingent -1 (Enchanted Black Costume), Device -1 (The Black Costume)
• Wall Walker (1): Contingent -1 (Enchanted Black Costume), Device -1 (The Black Costume)

Origin: Lietnaunt Benton is a rich inheritor of the Benton family
fortune (no relation to Black Terror) that opened a private eye
agency called “Tiger’s Den” after quitting the army. Using his
fortune he built a personal brand, calling himself ‘Tiger Man’
and adding tiger stripes to bikes, cars and even planes.
He fights and uncovers crimes for fun but he is extremely
competitive when he does so, getting personally involved in any
case his agency is in. Whenever he shows his wrath, it is like a
tiger is roaring on his back. If you dial ‘T-I-G-E-R-M-A-N’ you
get patched through a special phone line in which you can get
Tiger’s Den services for free – That is, if Tigerman deems its
worth his time.
Roleplaying Tips: Tigerman is full of himself thinking he is
smarter, stronger and more influential than everyone else in the
room. He is an adventurer yes but he also doesn’t even compre-
hend how much in over his head he is in said adventures. You
must play this straight, not for laughs. Represent the spirit of a
fierce tiger in the body of an athletic but an ‘average’ rich man.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,

Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Boating d4, Common Knowledge d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6,
Persuasion d4, Piloting d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Overconfident, Vengeful (major)
Edges: Filthy Rich, Rich
Armor: Thick coat, Leather Jacket (Armor 1)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Glock
(9mm) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, AP 1)

Origin: Jo is a Guarani, from the city of Parati located in Brazil. Origin: The granddaughter of Lois Cayley (the first), Lois
As a native of that land, he was always fascinated by occultism Cayley the Third was very close to her grandmother, absorbing
as well as crime stories. His passion and sharpness about said all of her tales of high adventure and world traveling. Inspired
subjects allowed him to embark on a journey that had him attend by her, she worked hard to get into Cambridge University and
Harvard university and become a criminologist. After graduating, recreate her steps. Keeping the Cayley spirit alive, she became a
Jo becomes a globe-trotting adventurer providing his special- world-renowned detective that works for Interpol on a freelance
ized services to deal with occult-related crimes. He has strange basis.
eyes he was born with, a unique disease that impairs his sight Roleplaying Tips: Lois is spirited, energetic, and very easy to
somewhat. It also has his iris shaped like a tiger, earning him the talk to. However, she is very sharp and is always thinking ahead.
moniker ‘The man with tiger eyes’. It is very easy to fall for her charms just as it easy to fall for her
Roleplaying tips: ‘Albino’ Jo isn’t Albino! His mixed heritage ploys. The best way to represent this is to use her persuasive
has given him blonde hair yet that comes from his grandmoth- mannerisms to obtain results or befriend NPCs that will serve
er. Brazilians tend to give unusual appearances nicknames that functions for Lois Cayley.
exaggerate their nature, thus this is how Jo became ‘Albino’ Jo.
He is very connected with his Guarani roots but he is also a Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
worldly man who has traveled the globe in search of adventure Vigor d6
and curious occult cases. Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge
d6, Fighting d4, Language (German) d6, Language (Na-
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, tive) d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d8+1, Research d6, Shooting
Vigor d6 d6, Stealth d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6 (1)
d6, Fighting d6, Language (Brazilian Portuguese) d6, Lan- Hindrances: Curious, Impulsive
guage (Native) d8, Language (Tupi-Guarani) d6, Notice Edges: Attractive
d6+2, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4 Armor: Cloth Robes (Armor 1)
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 (1) Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Dagger/
Hindrances: (custom), Bad Eyes (minor), Curious Knife (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4), Glock (9mm) (Range
Edges: Alertness 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, AP 1)
Armor: Thick coat, Leather Jacket (Armor 1) Languages: Native (native, d8), German (d6)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Staff Current Wealth: $245
(Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, Reach 1, +1 Parry) Special Abilities
Languages: Native (native, d8), Brazilian Portuguese (d6), • Languages Known: Native (native, d8), German (d6)
Tupi-Guarani (d6)
Current Wealth: $390
Special Abilities
• Languages Known: Native (native, d8), Brazilian Por-
tuguese (d6), Tupi-Guarani (d6)

a larger setting, or simply color up as an alternate version
CRIME WAVE of the city you are currently living on. Just make sure to
keep note of Martha’s answers, for they are to be facts.
So if you decide that the Firefighters are for some reason,
ACT I - THE MEETING a private organization, the players will expect this to be
a real thing in the city! For more information on certain
When everyone has properly gathered for the game, char- Newsville specifics as well the criminal cases, hop to Act
acter sheets at the ready, read the following out loud: II.

“The dingy, poorly lit room tells the tale. An impover-

ished population desperate about recent events raised a ACT II - CITY OF CRIME
cash prize to any would-be adventurer to do what the gov-
Crime is going down in the city, this is where we house
ernment couldn’t do: Stop the never-ending crime wave.
the many trials and tribulations tossed at the Party.
Sitting across from you on a banged-up desk is an older
Once the party is out of Martha’s office, they are free to
woman, in her 70s. Her name is Martha. And between
explore, research, and get into trouble!
puffs of smokes, she tells you a tale to astonish.”
Whenever a character travels from one block to another,
please check the ‘Random Encounter’ table. Finally,
Martha will go on and say it all happened so suddenly.
advance to ‘Mr. Crime Wild Ride’ after players visit 3
Newsville was this ‘retro’ city with architecture from the
crime scenes. Keep note we refer to the special crime
’20s preserved and well-taken care of a proud and quaint
scenes denoted by Martha and not the random crimes that
little town. Yet everything happened so suddenly.
can happen as the heroes explore Newsville.
One bad day is all it took for youth gangs to form, out of
It took merely a moment on the news to showcase corrup- Newsville city
tion scandal after corruption scandal regarding the city Founded at the peak popularity of the Art Noveau aesthet-
government. ic, Newsville city has this name for being the center of
The second week rolled by and now police brutality is print media in America. Its paper industry is the number
on the rise. Even petty crimes like shoplifting were being one in the country and even as people moved on to digital
answered by brutal beatdowns and gunfire. media and a deep recession hit the locals, they preserved.
Citizens were caught in the crossfire of operations that It was through the newspapers that truth was told, so it
had no approval and no warning from the police force. was the truth that kept people together in this particular
And in a similar vein, out of the blue, all sorts of drug community.
trafficking start passing through Newsville. From a dream There are three blocks in the city where most things
of the past to a nightmare of the present, what is happen- happen:
ing to Newsville is, according to Martha “Not real”.
This is not a normal occurrence. A city doesn’t suddenly Residential Block
have a crime problem from every front, from every angle. Originally built around a large church, the Residential
Even the ‘crime fighting’ done by the police has found Block quickly expanded, and despite its name, many
a cruel and flat-out illegal manner to behave. Newsville services such as schools and even offices operate in this
went from crime-free to quickly become the crime capital block, with only the suburbs being the true ‘residential
of America. only’ region of said block. Petty crime did exist but all
It is at this point that she places atop the old desk six things considered, it was quite low compared with the
pictures. She goes on to explain these were the first six national average. Now?
crimes, each happened on a different weekday from Residents of this block are too scared to even commune
Monday to Saturday. She invites the Aces to explore these to work. And with good reason, kidnappings are up by
crime scenes. Uncover what they can. And find a way to 1000%, and entering a cab or any form of public transpor-
solve this most unusual problem. And be on the lookout tation is a bad gamble. The very first ‘odd’ crime hap-
for something weird. pened in this block, for more information please refer to
Crime #1 – Jaywalking.
After this somewhat wordy intro, allow the Aces to react
to this and roleplay to their hearts’ content. Provide ben- As the Aces approach the streets of the Residential block,
nies to any character that contributes to the scene. They read the following out loud:
will probably ask for more information regarding the city
or the particular crime cases. For the city itself, Newsville “Not one soul can be seen outside. It was as if the asphalt
only ‘mandatory’ feature is its retro Art Noveau archi- was to be avoided at all costs. Besides the odd fast-mov-
tecture really, it can be placed in any region of America ing vehicle, there is barely anything to see here. Besides11
(And why not beyond?) so add color and concepts that fit the crime scene, that is.”
They are free to explore this silent city, considering there Aces have to say. Even if they do get something out of the
is only one crime scene there isn’t much to see on this gangs, it is a strange chanting about ‘Crime...Crime made
block. me do it...’ – Something off and eerie.
If combat does happen, after the first round, introduce in
Market Block the scene the antagonistic Aces “Skull-Head” and “Red
Despite the ‘market’ descriptor, there is plenty of apart-
ment and housing in this block. The proximity to a
Skull-Head is a massive muscular behemoth of a man,
stream of cheap labor made this zone attractive to most
towering 7 feet tall. He wears a leather mask painted to
working-class citizens that immigrated to Newsville in
look like a human skull, meanwhile Red Flame is punk
the 20s after. This is the crime hot zone, where the youth
woman with a tall mohawk painted orange, wearing a
gangs have formed and divided their ‘grounds’. The gang
bandanna to cover her lower face. Despite arriving later,
“Laughing Skull” is at war with the “Flaming Rioters”,
they greatly escalate the violence, charging either at the
with all the smaller gangs aligning with one or the other.
aces or at the opposing gang members!
The strange thing is they have fully given up living nor-
mal lives, the gangs seem to exist as looters and rioters of
Whenever Skull-Head or Red Flame suffers a wound, a
goods of the Market Block. Crime # 2 – Murder, Crime
ghostly appearance flickers into existence for a short, brief
# 3 – Police Brutality, and Crime #4 – Robbery all hap-
moment. A clue about Mr. Crime’s possession occurring
pened in this block.
in the town.
As the Aces approach the streets of the Market block,
Be it by avoiding it, saving the civilians, running away
read the following out loud:
from it, or a combination of it all, only after this encoun-
ter can the Aces finally explore the Market Block crime
“Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering pierces your ears.
scenes in search of clues.
The boutique right around the block exploded! As a group
of young men invades said store, one can’t help to notice
they are all wearing red jackets. It doesn’t take long for a Industry Block
large contingent of bikers to encircle the boutique as well, The core of the print industry used to live here. Now,
donning skull-stamped helmets. A brawl is about to go most of the factories have fully stopped, with only three
down and a group of citizens sits right in the middle of the large ones still in operation. The good news is that they
crossfire!” do provide the bulk of print for America. The bad news is
that the once-abandoned buildings have been occupied by
There are around 6 Gang Flaming Riot Gang Members gun runners and traffickers, making Newsville the crime
inside the store, meanwhile, there are 5 bikers from the capital of the nation.
Laughing Skull gang. And they are ready to go!
Let the Aces decide how they handle this on a ‘surprise’ As the Aces arrive, read the following loudly:
round, they have yet to be noticed. They can choose to
hide and watch, run away, or even get into the scuffle. “This used to be the part of the town that never slept.
If the players decide to just sit and watch, some gang Print news, magazines, books, and anything in between
members will try to rough up the Aces, and if the charac- had no schedule other than current times. The backbone
ters do hide, roll a notice check for the gang extras to see of knowledge and information has been reduced to some
if they detect the party. If they do catch a whiff there are abandoned buildings. Inside this husk, there is the rotting
‘civilians’ on their conflict, they will prioritize beating the stench of foul crimes.”
Aces first and foremost. There is always the possibility of
rescuing the civilians by drawing attention from the gang This block has two crime scenes, Crime #5 – Embezzle-
members and letting them run away as far as they can go. ment and Crime #6 – Office Theft. Exploring the aban-
It is important to note that if the Aces do nothing, the doned factories is dangerous, gang members from the
civilians will be trampled and caught in the gang violence Flaming Rioters and the Laughing Skull can be found
without hesitation, which will net Mr. Crime a Crime either living there. While they are more approachable
Bennie. than the Mr. Crime possessed crime members found in the
market block, they will not hesitate of robbing the Aces
Make note of their fate (it will impact the possible end- blind. They just will run away in case they take a beating.
ings). If you wish to set up an encounter, a 2 to 1 Extras against
the Aces is enough to provide some pressure.
As for combat, these extras are thugs under the influence
of Mr. Crime. They derive a strange pleasure in hurting Besides this, there isn’t much to stop the party from look-
well, anyone. It is hard to reason with them, requiring a ing into the Crime Scenes for this block.
Persuasion Check at -2 for them to even hear what the
The Revisit: There is a silhouette drawn in chalk
CRINE SCENES around the body of the victim that has been collect-
ed. As they approach the crime scene, a lady in her
These crime scenes were the very first six crimes influ-
enced by Mr. Crime. They hold a powerful meaning to the thirties can be seen crouching next to the chalk line.
spirit and represent an entire ‘texture’ to the concept of This is Tiffany, daughter of the victim, Tim. If the
crime and violence. Aces approach her, she will produce a knife, stained
The criminal returns to the scene of the crime every day with blood, and try to charge the nearest Ace! Use
as if they were compelled to do so. the “Citizen in Distress” sheet if you have to repre-
sent Tiffany.
Crime #1 – Jaywalking A persuasion check can quickly snap her out of her
Region: Residential Block murderous rage. Doing so, a white ghost specter
wearing a top hat can be seen exiting her body and
The Crime: The criminal crossed a street in an unmarked dematerializing.
place while the signal was green. This is the lowest crime
in Newsville, to the point that the criminal wasn’t even In tears, she will explain she returns to the crime
charged. scene every day and whenever she does, the voice
tells her that the only way she can connect with her
The Criminal: Ethel Emerson, a 70-year-old bird watch-
father again is to kill and set free another soul. She
er. She kept Jaywalking in the same spot, which brought
attention to the news on a slow day. misses her dad so much, that she turned the knife
on the Aces. She says she needs help. Yet she also
The Revisit: Ethel is still there. As the party arrives, a claims her body moved on her own as if someone
nearby traffic light goes from ‘green’ to ‘red’. Ethel be- was pushing her arms and controlling the knife in her
gins crossing the street. As she does so, the silhouette of a stead.
man dressed in a top hat can be seen in her shadow. Now
stopping Ethel is quite easy, shouting at her, entering in
front of her, grabbing her, basically accepting anything the
Crime # 3 – Police Brutality
Region: Market Block
Aces do to stop her from crossing the street.
If they do nothing and allow her to do so, Mr. Crime gets
1 Crime Bennie. The Crime: A group of five cops accosted a young
man who was caught shoplifting. They beat him
Considering Ethel is caught in the act, questioning her to an inch of their life, then left the scene once the
directly is the best way to ‘solve’ the investigation. shopkeeper said he ‘gifted’ the item the man grabbed,
Ethel will mumble about a ‘man in a top hat’ who kept horrified by what just had happened. The crime
whispering to her to sever the bonds of civilization, to happened in an alleyway next to a street mall known
drink from the cup of uncertainty, and undo man’s laws. only as ‘Buy2fast’.
So she kept jaywalking this one street until he would stop
bothering her. But he kept whispering. Even now, she can
The Criminal: The policemen who did the beating
hear it. She begs for the heroes to do something about it.
all wore masks and had their dash cam turned off.
She has no clue she was being whispered by the phantom
Mr. Crime. They are unknown. However, more and more masked
policemen can be seen roaming Newsville. Violence
follows them.
Crime # 2 – Murder
Region: Market Block
The Revisit: As the Aces approach the alley, five
masked cops emerge from the darkness. They all
The Crime: The Criminal was carrying their gro-
hold billy clubs and won’t hesitate to charge the
ceries when suddenly they dropped their bags, draw
a knife, and stabbed an elderly person in the gut,
killing them.
Use the Crooked Cop sheet for them. Describe
how there is a strange glow or halo around the cops’
The Criminal: Marcus Johnson is a 25-year-old
masks. A successful called shot on the head will un-
law school student who never broke the law and had
mask the cop, breaking Mr. Crime’s spell, and mak-
straight As in his entire life.
ing said cop catatonic. Otherwise, treat it as normal
combat. 13
make his ectoplasm drip even further, eventually Jack will
Crime #4 – Robbery snap out of it, stand up, and scream
Region: Market Block
“I am trying to turn the gun run cash into clean money!”
The Crime: A man accosted a young lady, holding a gun.
He demanded her cellphone and wallet. After getting the
Only then he will calm down and explain one day he
goods, this criminal vanished in a nearby alleyway.
stood up and went to a nearby abandoned factory and
started dealing with the Flaming Rioters. He describes it
The Criminal: Monsieur Dupont is an eccentric fash-
as a trance, almost like he was experiencing an out-of-
ion guru who is known to have 3 world-caliber clothing
body experience.
brands. His house alone in Newsville is worth 150 million
dollars. Yet the description the victim gave matched Du-
pont down to his rainbow-colored scarf. Crime #6 – Office Theft
Region: Industry Block
The Revisit: The avenue where the robbery happened is
right next to one of Dupont’s fashion brand stores. The The Crime: The criminal stole a stapler from the print
aptly named ‘Dupont’s Point’. paper company “Paper Castle”.

As the Aces arrive, Dupont emerges from the store. Gun The Criminal: Pedro da Silva is a hard-working man-
in hand. He will demand their valuables. ager of Paper Castle. He is known to use the bonuses his
If they comply, Mr. Crime gets a Crime Bennie. If they sector is offered to throw some BBQ parties for his team.
resist, in any way, Dupont will fall to his knees, and the A beloved individual by all. He also stole several staplers
silhouette of a man wearing a top hand will hold the gun from the company. His constant stapler stealing was so
instead, for a brief moment before dematerializing and infamous it got news coverage.
letting the gun fall to the ground. The Revisit: As the Aces arrive, they see a mountain of
Dupont will apologize vehemently to the group and claim staplers, neatly placed together so they all resemble a
he had been robbing people of their goods every time they pyramid. In front of them, was a table with a single stapler
passed by his store. As if he was compelled to do so. in. And behind said table, Pedro da Silva can be seen. He
is hyperventilating, grunting every breath. With a shaky-
hand, he tries to pick the stapler. It is only then they notice
Crime #5 – Embezzlement the party.
Region: Industry Block
“Help me. I can’t stop. I can’t stop!”
The Crime: The CEO of the “Amazing Fantastic Journey
into Mystery” print publisher of Pirate comics has been
He cries out in despair.
taught re-buying most of the same comics his company
To stop Pedro, one can simply destroy the stapler, toss in
a bin, or even acquire it for themselves. But if the group
doesn’t restrain Pedro as they think of a way out of the
The Criminal: Jack Lee Didio founded AFJIM Comics
situation, he will toss himself at the object and then place
back in the late eighties. Their profit-first approach made
it in his pocket. Committing another Office Theft, and
them the ‘crash’ comic style of shock and cheap thrills
netting a Criminal Benny for Mr. Crime.
for their infant readers. They were always a joke in the
When interrogated, Pedro will simply say ever since he
publishing world.
began dreaming with a hand with a top hat, he felt the
compulsion of taking Staplers and other office apparel that
The Revisit: Inside the AFJIM, the very same desk used
he specifically did not own and horde it.
by Jack Lee was sat as he browsed the web to re-buy all
the comics his company produced can seem.
Whatever crime scenes are visited, once the Aces finish
A stack of cash can be found right next to it, eight thou-
the third crime scene they visit, jump to “Mr. Crime Wild
sand dollars to be precise.
Jack Lee emerges from the pile of money. He tries buy-
ing whatever the Aces have on hand, offering cash. If the
party barters with him and sells anything to Jack, give Mr.
Crime a Criminal Benny for this is part of Jack’s Embez-
zlement scheme.
If the group confronts Jack, he tries to explain he is
running an honest business, but as he speaks, white
ectoplasm drips from his mouth. A successful persuasion
check will make him talk more about his work, which will 14
the sweet taste of mayhem. What’s it to you? Do you wish
ACT III - MR. CRIME WILD RIDE to help me rename this town ‘Crimesville’? Or will you
keep on playing hero and strike at me? The entire town
The mastermind reveals itself, bringing changes to the signs to my tune. A song of crime and hate!”
setting depending on how the players reached him.
If the heroes mount an argument or even try to get physi-
As soon as the party is done exploring the third crime cal with the crime ghost, Mr. Crime will say
scene, read the following loudly:
“Oh sure. Focus on the negatives! Those precious cops, en-
“A cold wind breezes through the region. Materializing forcers of justice can easily turn to crime as they pursue
in front of you, a dapper man wearing a large top-hat punishment for the wicked. While we are at it, people are
with the inscription ‘Crime’. This humanoid ghost has all one push away from breaking some law. Abortion?
long, pointy ears and sharp teeth that are displayed on a Marijuana? Patent laws that keep the price of medical
devious smile. drugs up? Are you willing to let civilization chain your
‘I tire of this charade!’ belches the ghost. possibilities in such a manner? There is love in that bond-
‘I see a question in your eyes! You wonder who I am, don’t age. Allow me to show you the hate one can only find in
you?! My name is on my hat as you can read! Call me Mr. total freedom!”
Crime. Where do I come from? Everywhere and nowhere.
I am everything that is evil!!’ And so, Mr. Crime will fight back. It is possible for the
it proclaims with pride. heroes to simply run away and give up on their pursuit.
‘Tonight I come to parley. Exchange some words, oh do Or even join Mr. Crime. Refer to the ‘Crime DOES pay
I have some demands! Attend to me if you would be so actually’ ending.
What will you do?”
Battle Scene
The Aces can just put on hands and go to town on Mr. Even if the Aces get the jump on Mr. Crime, he did not
Crime without hesitation, merely skip to the battle scene materialize without a plan. Invisible to the naked eye, the
section if they just want to scrap, but try to splice some of crime spirits that had been visited by the party materialize
the options and phrases we will discuss here. in the room. All possible crime scene spirits can be found
If the heroes do choose to listen and interrogate Mr. in Appendix II – Criminal Elements.
Crime, here’s a guide:
So even if the Aces sneak one hit in, draw initiative as
soon as the first sucker punch, with the spirits standing
Roleplaying Mr. Crime around Mr. Crime 2 feet from him.
A born showman, make his words sound flashy and in-
viting. There is nothing more than Mr. Crime wants other While the Spirits will attack the Aces back, they see the
than recruit or push people into committing crimes. He protection of Mr. Crime as their first directive, to the point
would prefer to recruit the characters rather than chastise that Mr. Crime can simply will one of them out of exist-
them. If any of them broke any laws, make Mr. Crime ence to Soak damage or even remove 1 wound. Mr. Crime
comment on that and celebrate their criminal ways. can do this at any point he could use a bennie, seeing the
There is no secret he will not uncover if pressed. If Mr. spirits as ‘living criminal bennies’.
Crime knows of something, he will gladly share with the
group. For Mr. Crime is a pure spirit of malice, one that Speaking of which, on top of all uses the Criminal Bennie
is tethered to the concept of ‘Crime’. As in he will only emulates a regular Bennie, Mr. Crime can use a bennie to
lie or omit truth if it breaks a law or helps him commit summon a crooked cop or crime member from the shad-
crimes. ows. These are people lost to his strange spell, they are
alive and entranced. The only way to liberate these people
The truth is to defeat Mr. Crime.
If questioned about the situation in Newsville, read the
following: If Mr. Crime is indeed defeated, read the following out
“Ah, I have to seem I caught your attention! Newsville
was a paradise. That is if you enjoy a world without crime. “You strike at me, the embodiment of crime! You sap my
What a boring thing to wish for! I came to town and be- presence in this bore of a city. Very well then, have it back.
fore I knew I was knee-deep into a symphony of violence! You will soon learn that once a crime is committed, you
All I had to do was push into man’s vanity. Peace too can cannot take it back...Justice is but an illusion...Yet injus-
be oppressing. It is a tasteless elixir you see! When chaos tice scars the body and the mind…”
is offered, when crime reigns, ah now one is to appreciate
“Ah, so you did it! You banished the ghost of crime. Yet
ACT IV - CRIME DOES NOT PAY Justice, peace, and liberty cannot be whispered away in
this world. It is a choice as well as hard work. Would you
The thrilling conclusion be so kind to continue the healing process? Many must be
Several possible endings can happen depending on what consoled, others must be stopped before they lose them-
happened in the adventure, check the triggers here, and selves to the promise of unrestrained freedom. I am Lady
if your party deviated a bit from the plot, feel free to mix Liberty, the promise of a new tomorrow.”
and match and find the perfect ending for this tale:
A new adventure presents itself to the players. Will they
Join with Mr. Crime – Crime DOES pay, actually embark on it?
Ending The consequences of their decision I leave in your capable
Mr. Crime laughs as he dematerializes. Indeed, the city hands, Game Master.
has been taken into a never-ending crime wave. The Aces
are free to do as they please in this never-ending chaos Whatever crime scenes are visited, once the Aces finish
carnival of self-indulgence. the third crime scene they visit, jump to “Mr. Crime Wild
Ask them: Was it worth it to condemn an entire city to Ride”.

Defeat Mr. Crime (without saving civilians) – Crime

does not pay Ending
As Mr. Crime dematerializes, so do the crime whisperers
around town. Now, people are free to follow the law or
break it to their hearts’ content. A shred of normalcy will
return to Newsville. However, it is impossible not to take
seriously Mr. Crime’s last words. Those who were victims
of crime will demand justice. And those who committed
were pushed to do so. Much healing needs to be done.
As the Aces return to Martha and the ACS building, they
notice the place has been ransacked. With file cabinets
tossed to the floor tables and chairs tossed into the ground.
Is in this debris that an envelope can be found. Inside
there are the dollars promised for the Aces and the follow-
ing message.
“Newsville will heal in time. Yet a scar will remain.”

Defeat Mr. Crime (saving the civilians) – Crime does

not pay, Justice is ever vigilant Ending
As Mr. Crime dematerializes, so do the crime whisperers
around town. Now, people are free to follow the law or
break it to their hearts’ content. A shred of normalcy will
return to Newsville. However, it is impossible not to take
seriously Mr. Crime’s last words. Those who were victims
of crime will demand justice. And those who committed
were pushed to do so. Much healing needs to be done.
As the Aces return to Martha and the ACS building, they
notice the place has changed quite a bit. The tables look
brand new and instead of old dingy cabinets, computer
stations have replaced all file storage businesses. Martha
will approach the Aces. And just as she does, her body
becomes translucent. She has a pointy hat with the word
‘Liberty’ imprinted on it.

Roll a d6 to generate a random crime scene. We suggest for a re-roll if you get the same crime again. If a crime happens
and the Aces do not stop it, give Mr. Crime a criminal bennie.

Citizen in Distress Laughing Skull Gang Member
The poor citizens of Newsville are currently going Members of the Laughing Skull bike gang are know for
through a socio-spiritual crisis. The ghost of Crime itself, their ‘Laughing Skull’ motif that is often embroiled in
Mr. Crime, made a mockery of their civility and enticed their leather jackets. These brutes care little for reform
people to either give in into their own hubris and commit and are from out of town, the opportunity to ransack a
violent crimes, or forced these citizens to experience a crime ridden city was too much for them to pass off.
senseless crime wave. Either way they are in distress.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d6, Shooting d8 Intimidation d6, Language (English) d6,
d4, Language (English) d6. Driving d4, Fighting d4, No- Notice d6, Stealth d4
tice d4, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
(Trade) d6, Notice d6, Shooting d4 Hindrances: Mean
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 Edges: Connections (Laughing Skull Gang)
Hindrances: — Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str),
Edges: — Leather Armor (+2), Iron Chains(Range 2/4/8, Damage
Str+1d4) Street Bike (Size: 1 (Normal); Handling: +1;
Crooked Cop Toughness: 8; Top Speed: 120mph/194kph; Notes: Cus-
(EXTRA) tomized to have a skull motif., 50% chance any uncalled
The once proud and peaceful police from Newsville got shot hits the character instead).
corrupted by Mr. Crime very early. They started punish-
ing small crimes with violent and prejudice. They cover Flaming Riot Gang Member
their faces in face masks, that is how Mr. Crime can get to (EXTRA)
them. If a called shot to the head is successful, their mask The Flaming Rioters gang is all about the praxis of anar-
undoes and so does the spell from Mr. Crime. chy but not the theory; As in its a group of arsonists that
That doesn’t mean they are ‘magically cured’ from their claim to be liberating the city from its oppressive demea-
criminal ways, but it does mean Persuasion and other nor but in pratice that manifests into throwing molotov
non violent approaches in handling the situation can be cocktails into buildings and fighting for control of the
reached. undergroudn black market trade. They also came from
outside Newsville and have been warring with the Laugh-
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, ing Skull gang ever since.
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
d6, Shooting d8 Intimidation d6, Language (English) d6, Vigor d6
Notice d6, Stealth d4 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (4) d6, Shooting d8 Intimidation d6, Language (English) d6,
Hindrances: Vow (Police Service) Notice d6, Stealth d4
Edges: Connections (Police Department of Newsville) Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), 9mm Hindrances: Mean
handgun Edges: Connections (Flaming Rioters Gang)
(Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 1), billy club Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str),
(Str+d4), handcuffs. Kevlar Body Armor (+4). Leather Armor (+2), Pocket Knife (Range Melee Str+1d6)
1 Molotov Cocktail (Grenade, Range Range 4/8/16, Dam-
age 1d4, ROF 1, mbt, causes the template region to catch
fire, causing 1d6 damage per turn on everything inside the
template region. Must be put out to stop the damage)

Mr. Crime Laughing Skull leader – Skull-Head
Mr. Crime is a coward, he will try to hide behind the This behemoth of a man is 7 feet tall and has bulging,
Crime Spirits that spawn around him at the first sign of impossible muscles. A type of meta human, Skull-Head
conflict. He will try to use his Illusion powers to confuse took control of the Laughing Skull gang by clobbering the
and separate the party, making a stage for his Crime Spir- old leader into a bloody pulp. Now he uses a biker helmet
its to shine. He will also try to Puppet any Hero that dares themed with the laughing skull motif.
to approach him. Finally if everything fails, Mr. Crime
will draw from his Crime Hat any object that is deemed Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
illegal in the United States (or your campaign setting). d12+1, Vigor d10
Anything. Yes even that. When it comes to nukes and oth- Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
er weapons of mass destruction, he needs to use a full turn d12, Shooting d4 Intimidation d10, Language (English)
to arm them before they can fire, a simple action from any d6, Notice d4, Taunt d6, Stealth d4
Ace can disarm these weapons. If you do not have stats for Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (2)
them, simply wipe out Newsville and everyone living in Hindrances: Mean
it, including the Aces. Of course, Mr. Crime would only Edges: Connections (Laughing Skull Gang), Mighty
dare to destroy his precious Crimesville when he is at 2 Blow
wounds and desperate for a victory. Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str),
Leather Armor (+2), Biker Helmet (+1, head only) Street
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength Bike (Size: 1 (Normal); Handling: +1; Toughness: 8; Top
d6, Vigor d8 Speed: 120mph/194kph; Notes: Customized to have a
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting skull motif., 50% chance any uncalled shot hits the char-
d6, Intimidation d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d8, acter instead).
Occult d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d12,
Taunt d8, Thievery d12, Focus d10 Flaming Rioters leader - Red Flame
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (ACE)
Hindrances: Delusional (major, Crime as a way of life) Red Flame is the founder of the Flaming Rioters. Orig-
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Provoke inally she was a political activist that advocated for impor-
Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), tant causes such a push back against police brutality, the
Crime Hat (see description bellow) treatment of homeless people, and protested against laws
Arcane Background: Magic that aimed to control the population in one way or another.
• Power Po Her long years in this field made her resent her foes, so
stuck in the old ways of sweeping all criticism under the
rug. All it took was one whisper from Mr. Crime, and Red
Flame was born. Hiding under a cloth in her face, she
uses a flamethrower to burn the institutions of oppression
along with anything else in her path.
After taking a wound, it is possible to try to use persua-
sion to calm Red Flame down but she won’t relent in her
struggle against the Laughing Skull.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,

Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d6, Shooting d10 Intimidation d6, Language (English) d6,
Notice d6, Taunt d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Mean
Edges: Connections (Flaming Rioters Gang)
Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Leath-
er Armor (+2), Pocket Knife (Range Melee Str+1d6) 1
Molotov Cocktail (Grenade, Range Range 4/8/16, Dam-
age 1d4, ROF 1, mbt, causes the template region to catch
fire, causing 1d6 damage per turn on everything inside
the template region. Must be put out to stop the damage).
Flamethrower (Range Cone Template, Damage 3d6, ROF 1).
Crime Spirit – Jaywalker Crime Spirit - Police Brutalizer
The ghostly manifestation of the crime of Jaywalking, its The ghostly manifestation of the crime of Police Brtuality.
form is a Mr. Crime dressed in a jogging outfit with a Mr. Crime is dressed in Newsville cop outfit, spinning
headband that says ‘Crime’ in it. Will use its Sloth/Speed his billy club with a creepy smile on his lips. He uses his
magic to cause havoc in the combat scene. ‘Smite’ magic to enhance the brutalizing power of his club.

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength
d6, Vigor d8 d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d6, Intimidation d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d8, d6, Intimidation d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d8,
Occult d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d12, Occult d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d12,
Taunt d8, Thievery d12, Focus d10 Taunt d8, Thievery d12. Focus d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Delusional (major, Crime as a way of life) Hindrances: Delusional (major, Crime as a way of life)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Provoke Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Provoke
Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str) Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
Arcane Background: Magic Arcane Background: Magic
• Power Points: 10 • Power Points: 10
• Powers: Sloth/Speed (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edi- • Powers: Smite (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition
tion p167; Innate Power), Intangibility (Savage Worlds: p168) ; Innate Power), Intangibility (Savage Worlds: Ad-
Adventure Edition p163; Innate Power) venture Edition p163; Innate Power)

Crime Spirit – Murderer Crime Spirit – Robber

The ghostly manifestation of the crime of Murderer. Mr. The ghostly manifestation of the crime of the crime of
Crime is dressed in a trenchcoat, wearing a scarf that says robbery. Mr. Crime is dressed as an old school cowboy
‘Crime’. In his right hand a magical shotgun that he uses with a bandana over his face. In the Bandana the word
as a trapping for his ‘Bolt’ power. ‘Crime’ can be read.

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength
d6, Vigor d8 d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d6, Intimidation d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d8, d6, Intimidation d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d8,
Occult d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d12, Occult d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d12,
Taunt d8, Thievery d12, Focus d10 Taunt d8, Thievery d12, Focus d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Delusional (major, Crime as a way of life) Hindrances: Delusional (major, Crime as a way of life)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Provoke Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Provoke
Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str) Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
Arcane Background: Magic Arcane Background: Magic
• Power Points: 10 • Power Points: 10
• Powers: Bolt (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition • Powers: Drain Power Points (Savage Worlds: Ad-
p156); Innate Power), Intangibility (Savage Worlds: Ad- venture Edition p159-160) ; Innate Power), Intangibility
venture Edition p163; Innate Power) (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p163; Innate Power)

Crime Spirit – Embezzler
The ghostly manifestation of the crime of embezzlement.
Mr. Crime is dressed as a funky and flashy salesman with
‘Crime’ writing in his tie. He uses fast talking and ghost-
ly pie charts to confuse anyone who would listen to his
embezzlement scheme.

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength

d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d6, Intimidation d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d8,
Occult d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d12,
Taunt d8, Thievery d12, Focus d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Delusional (major, Crime as a way of life)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Provoke
Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
Arcane Background: Magic
• Power Points: 10
• Powers: Confusion (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edi-
tion p157); Innate Power), Intangibility (Savage Worlds:
Adventure Edition p163; Innate Power)

Crime Spirit - Office Thief

The ghostly manifestation of the crime of stealing office
supplies. Mr. Crime is dressed as white collar workers, in
his thick glasses the world ‘Crime’ can be seem smeared
over the lens.

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d6,

Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d6, Intimidation d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d8,
Occult d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d12,
Taunt d8, Thievery d12, Focus d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Delusional (major, Crime as a way of life)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Provoke
Equipment: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Stap-
pler (Str+d4)
Arcane Background: Magic
• Power Points: 10
• Powers: Object Reading (Savage Worlds: Adventure
Edition p165) ; Innate Power), Intangibility (Savage
Worlds: Adventure Edition p163; Innate Power)


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