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Igniting Impact Assignment

1. Show Total Food wastage for the last meal in mess on display and campaign to
increase awareness
a. Introduction: The idea is to display total food wastage at the mess counters and
how many people it could have fed if not wasted. This display can show the
wastage of the previous meal served, and the previous day, and the previous
b. Objective: Install displays (even a whiteboard will work) in the mess area, telling
about food wastage. This will put moral pressure on students to take only as
much as they need and reduce wastage to a bare minimum. An awareness
campaign must be started for this issue. Also, once food wastage decreases to an
optimum level, students must be aware of the good deed they do periodically.
Strategies: Food vendors can be asked to measure total solid food waste, which
they can do by measuring the weight of the bin used for disposing of uneaten
food. They will also have to save in costs if food wastage decreases.
Resources: The whiteboard will work; the Food vendor needs to provide data
Timeline: Starting this initiative wouldn’t take much time. But we have to keep it
ongoing as new batch of students join every year.
Metrics: Compare food data for a specific time period to check if wastage is
c. Rationale: Most people do not intend to waste food by their own will; instead,
they take extra without paying attention to how much waste it causes when
d. Conclusion: This step may help in reducing food wastage. It’s a win-win situation
for all stakeholders. I can actively participate in managing the campaign, and
discuss with stakeholders for implementation.

2. Procuring Washing machines (with 100 % dry) for hostels

a. Introduction: Washing machines can be bought for hostels after properly
negotiating with vendors for bulk orders and doing prior market research.
b. Objective: Installation of washing machines in hostels, with optimal price and
Strategies: A form can be circulated among all students residing in hostels to
know the interest of students in this idea. If most agree with the idea, then with
admin approval, float tender for washer & dryer combos. Compare prices and
services of different brands, and select vendors.
Resources: Need funding from the college. Students can invest time in
researching quality vendors and products at optimal prices.
Timeline: This process can be completed in less than a month.
Metrics: Lowest price, 100% dry feature (due to Shillong weather), longest
servicing by company, student satisfaction(checked by reviews)
c. Rationale: Currently, the college has a facility of paid laundry services, but not
every student can pay a hefty amount for washing their clothes, bedsheets etc.
For items that need specialized cleaning (dry cleaning etc), students give to
laundry service. Otherwise, for daily wear, they tend to wash themselves, which
takes at least 1 to 2 hours weakly.
d. Conclusion: Installing washing machines will benefit students, not just the
current batch, but for forthcoming batches also. Washing clothes can be
automated with washing machines. I can actively participate in procuring washing
machines, in collaboration and guidance of all concerned departments.

3. Excursion trips to understand local economic activities for students.

a. Introduction: The idea is to organize excursion trips to nearby villages and local
MSME’s, so that students can better understand small businesses and the local
b. Objective: Run a pilot program to take students to excursion trips, based on their
interests of type of industry they want to join. If it’s successful, these trips can be
continued further.
Resources: If college has enough fund these excursion trips, they can fund.
Otherwise, students can equally contribute funds for these trips.
Strategies: First different type of occupation and businesses prevalent locally can
be assessed, and then students’ reviews can be taken on type of they want to
visit. If students want to help local community, they may propose some good
ideas they may have to host MSME’s. This will also help in increasing goodwill of
IIM Shillong in the local community.
Metrics: Count the number of students participating in such excursions. Take
their reviews, if excursions are helpful. Impact ideas students give to MSME’s and
companies created on their day-to-day working, profit, etc.
c. Rationale: Make managers who are sensitive towards local economies
d. Conclusion: This can be run as a pilot program first.

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