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Arnau Pizarro

9- Predictions and sequels:

● Predict what happens after the story's end and justify your predictions.

● Optionally, create a continuation of the story.

- After Dracula's death, the main characters, such as Jonathan, Mina, Van
Helsing and others, could face additional challenges. They may have to deal
with the emotional and psychological consequences of their encounters with
the vampire, as well as explore how these events affect their daily lives.

- After their encounter with Dracula, Jonathan and Mina retrace their steps to
London, tormented by the vampire's malevolent aura. As they fight the
consequences, they find solace in each other, but the shadows of Dracula's
malevolence remain. In London, the city bears the traces of Dracula's
presence, and rumors of peculiar events circulate.

Mina and Jonathan ask Van Helsing for advice as they face the threat. Lucy's
illness continues to cast an ever-present shadow, prompting the group to
engage in occult practices where vampiric forces are needed. At the same
time, Renfield is released from the asylum.

The team reunites to investigate the events unfolding and ventures once
again into Transylvania. Dracula's followers, determined to resurrect him,
pose a complicated and mysterious challenge. The mission is filled with
mystery, suspense and supernatural tests, testing the protagonists' resistance
as they unravel the connections that unite the living and the undead. Finally,
by collaborating and working as a team, they manage to guarantee the
definitive death of the shadows cast by Dracula's legacy.

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