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826 Subject index

manipulation 227, 776 morale 327, 492 ‘multiple-stakeholders-inclusive-

covert power 765 Hawthorne studies 328 agenda’ view, of organizational
managing resistance to change 658 organizational culture 117 behaviour 5
man-made disasters 7–11, 20 Taylorism 459 multiple team membership 371
manual tasks 87 morality 64 multiskilling 42
Marks & Spencer 64 illusion of 698 multi-teaming 331–2
masculinity 512 see also ethics music 39, 653
mass production 461, 463, 544 morning people 178, 365–7 mutual pair or mutual trio 351, 352
matrix organization structures 566 Morning Star 533, 590–1 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
matrix structure 568–9, 733 motion study 460 179–80, 200
problems 570 motivating potential score (MPS) 297 MySpace 54
Mattell Corporation 48 motivation 12, 158, 276–304, 282–3 myths/legends 109, 110, 123
maximizing 685 autonomous 284
McDonaldization 466–9 Baby Boomers 54 narrow AI 79
McDonald’s 56, 107, 130, 161, 423, Bath model of HRM 26–8 NASA (National Aeronautics and
466–7, 468–9, 520, 662 behaviour change 155, 159, 160 Space Administration) 417–18,
McJob debate 468 change 649 429, 578
McKinsey 46 content theories 281, 283–8 national cultures 129–32
meaning quotient 297 hierarchy of needs theory 285–8 behaviour modification 169
mechanistic organization structure self-determination theory 283–5 clash 134
550–1 controlled 284 dimensions 131
media 531, 564, 766 definition 282 innovation 663
mediating technology 545, 546 drives and 281–2 teams 436
mediation 726 emotional intelligence 234 National Health Service (NHS) 654
medium-skill jobs 478 engagement and high performance natural language processing 79
memory 15, 149, 197 300–4 nature-nurture debate 178, 181
mentoring 30 financial rewards 277 near-field communication (NFC)
Mercedes-Benz 567 Generation Y 55 technology 73
mesomorphs 179, 180 gig economy 280–1 needs 10, 11, 17, 258
metamorphosis stage of Hawthorne studies 327 for achievement 184, 196–7, 775
socialization 116 job definition 495 for affiliation 196, 775
meta-organization 564, 565 job enrichment 281 for change 646–51
micro business units (MBUs) 574 leadership 615 hierarchy of needs theory 285–8
microdivisionalization 574–5 organization politics 781 ostracism 397
Microsoft 107, 129 organization structure 492 for power 197, 775
migration 48 perception 255, 257 psychological 459
Millennials see Generation and performance 277 self-determination theory 283–5
Y/millennials presenteeism 278–80 Taylorism 459
mind-guards 698 process theories 281, 288–94 negative emotions 727
mindset equity theory 288–90 negative feedback 702
fixed 151 expectancy theory 290–2 negative reinforcement 152, 157
growth 151 goal-setting theory 292–3 neglectees 351
virtual teams 355 inner work life theory 293–4 negotiation 135–6, 658, 759
Minecraft 74 rewards and 277 conflict resolution and 739–41
Minerals Management Service 9 social process of 294–9 and culture 741
mining 417–18 status 282, 348 definition 739
minority domination 695 teamworking 367 pluralist frame of reference on
minority influence 404–5 Theory X 276, 278 conflict 720
mirroring Theory Y 276, 278 Nestlé 64
gesture 227 motivator factors 295–6 networked individualism 371
posture 227 motives networked organizations 564, 610
mission 7, 259, 436 definition 282 networking
statements 111 drives vs 283 ability, as political skill
mission statements 565 inner work life theory 293–4 dimension 773
Mitsubishi 582–3 Motorola 110–11 gender 781–2
mobile revolution 371 mottoes 109, 110 as political tactic 774, 781
smartphones see separate entry Mozilla Foundation 584 skill, of women 621
mobile robots 77, 78 MTV 54 social see separate entry
modularity, participatory architecture multicultural virtual teams 427–8 networks 29
design 597 multigenerational workforce 53–6 communication 322
modular organization structure 578–9 multiloading, acceleration trap disciplinary power 767
MOEX Offshore 7 pattern 649 groups 322, 351–2
Mojang 74 multiple questions 221–2 meta-organizations 564
money 277, 285, 291 multiple stakeholders 5 power and politics 757, 760, 781–2
Subject index 827

social network analysis 351–2 open plan offices, interaction in 218 OBMod 158
sociometry 351–2, 351–2 open postures 759 organizational performance and
neurophysiology 15, 178 open questions 219, 220 strength of 117
neuroplasticity 166 operant/Skinnerian conditioning perspectives contrasted 117–23
neuroscience, learning and 166–8 154–6 power and politics 782
neuroticism 182, 189, 190, 191 operational definitions 19–22 socialization 114–16
new leadership 611, 612, 631–5 operational innovation 664 strong 127–8
new media literacy 97 operations management 613 surface manifestations 108–11
new power 768–9 opportunity 26–7 teams 436
next practice 24 orchestras 619 types and traits of 123–7
Nike 65, 86, 576, 578 order, organizational cultures and values 111–13
Nintendo 166 leadership style 126 weak 127–8
Nissan 582–3 organic organization structure 550–1 organizational decision making 704–7
nodding 228 organizational architecture 563–98 organizational dilemma 9–11
noise 217 agile organizations 586–9 health service management
Nokia 43 collaboration 581–5 dilemmas 10
nominal group technique 702 with competitors 583 organizational effectiveness 11, 13,
nomothetic methods 177, 181, 198 with super-consumers 585 20, 26
non-decision making 765 with suppliers 583 organizational justice 722, 743–6
non-financial rewards 278 with users 584 components of 743
non-routine technology 548–9 definition 565 consequences
non-routine work 87 eras 565 for employees 745
non-substitutability, and power 764 boundaryless 575–81 for managers 745
non-verbal behaviour (NVB) 223–8 horizontal 570–4 for organization 745–6
closed/negative pattern 226 self-contained 566–9 definition 743
context 226 holacratic organization 591–5 distributive justice 743, 744
modes of 223–5 outsourcing 576–80 interactional justice 744
open/positive pattern 226 problems 564 procedural justice 743, 744
reading 225 self-organization 589–95 organizational learning/learning
non-verbal communication 260, 266 organizational behaviour organization 149, 157
appearance see separate entry defined 3–5 organizational socialization
definition 217 definition 3–7 114–16, 400
power tells 227, 759, 760 evidence-based management organizational support, as citizenship
norming 338, 441 22–5, 29 behaviour 746
norms 17, 162, 564, 779 explaining 19–22 organizational values 111–13
body language 728 field map 11–14 definition 111
communication 357–8 historical perspectives 4 sources 112–13
cultural diversity 219 management practice 4–5 organizational work behaviours
gender 780 management practice and 4–5 746–7
in gourmet cuisines 393 man-made disasters 7–11, 20 counter-productive work behaviour
group see separate entry ‘multiple-stakeholders-inclusive- 746–7
institutional power 764, 765 agenda’ view of 5 organizational citizenship
multicultural virtual teams 427 social science 14–18 behaviour 746
organizational culture 109, 110 organizational change 778 organization chart 496–7, 506
peripheral 393 organizational choice 74–6 organization design 528–56
personal space 226 organizational citizenship bureaucracy 530–4
pivotal 393 behaviour 746 contingency approach 541–2
team 441 organizational communication 219, environmental determinism
novel and adapting thinking 97 235–8 549–52
Nucor 533 organizational conflict 719, 722 strategic choice 552–5
nurture-nature debate 178, 181 organizational culture 106–36 technological determinism and
appropriate 128–9 543–9
obedience 397 banks 106–7 definition 529
observable culture 108 basic assumptions 113 management roles 538–40
oculesics 224 change 129, 742 managerial activities 535–6
offshoring 576 definition 107 strategic choice 552–5
offshoring and outsourcing 47 disintegration 133–6 organization hierarchy 498
olfactics 224 and escalation 703 organization politics see politics
omitters 656 frames 119–20 definition 773
onboarding stage of socialization 115 innovation 663 and political skill 772–8
open communication climate 236 integrative 667 organizations
openness 188, 190, 390 leadership 120–3, 742 characteristics 566
to change 655 and leadership 124–7 classical theory 536
creative organization climate 668 national cultures 129–32 collective goals 6
828 Subject index

organizations (continued) over-enthusiasm 729 financial rewards and 277

controlled performance 6–7 overlapping authority 732 groups 324, 349, 350, 367, 385–91
defined 5–7 overloading, acceleration trap leadership 612, 625
failures 9 see also man-made pattern 649 gender 622–3
disasters overwork, death by 279 management 481–2
formal 507, 508–9 monitoring 613
group-oriented view of 329–31 pacesetting leadership 629 motivation and 277
high reliability 9 panopticon 768 OBMod 158, 169
ineffective 7–11 paralanguage 224 organization structure
informal 507–9 participation 26, 768 technology 544–5
sexuality and 511–15 change 655, 658, 659, 660–2, 669 orientation 132
issues of sexuality in 512 decision styles 687–8 pay 23
metaphors 6–7 dictatorship and 660–2 personality and 177, 183, 185
mission 7 goal setting 292 and rewards 482
motivation issue in 276 Hawthorne studies 327 teams 428–9, 437, 441
networked 564, 610 leadership style 629 multicultural brokers and 134–5
post-bureaucratic 42 level of 510 Yerkes–Dodson law 652–3
social arrangement 5 teams 427, 428, 439 peripheral norms 393
team players in 316–18 participative management 6301 peripheral specialists 334
types of 769 participatory architecture design 597 perpetual loading, acceleration trap
organization structure 348–9, 492–5 passive withdrawers 656 pattern 649
bureaucracy see separate entry Patagonia 769 personal development 277
collaborative 581–5 pattern recognition 79 personality 12, 177–203, 233
definition 492 Pavlovian conditioning 153 assessment, automating 190
differentiated 551 pay 28, 29, 30, 55, 277 Big Five 187–91, 618
elements of 491–2, 493 equity theory 288 and career 192
centralization see separate entry for performance 23 conflict 720, 725, 739
chain of command see separate performance-based 768 definition 177–8
entry self-determination theory 285 disorders 194
departmentalization 493 pay for performance (PFP) 285 distancing traits 192
formalization 493 pecuniary skills 473 idiographic methods 177, 192–7, 198
hierarchy see under hierarchies peer-based collective action 769 ingratiating traits 192
span of control see separate entry peer pressure 398 leadership 631
work specialization 493 perception 159–60, 248–68 trait-spotting 611, 612, 614–15
flat 498 conflict 734–5 nomothetic methods 177, 181, 198
functional relationship 503–9 definition 248 nurture-nature debate 178, 181
geography-based 568 errors 266–8 perception 255, 257
hollow 577–8 individuals’, group influences on politics and gender 780
integrated 552 384–5 seductive traits 192
line relationship 503–9 inner work life theory 293–4 selection methods 197–203
mechanistic 550–1 and language 259–60 stress management 184–7
modular 578–9 management 39–40 and team performance 364
organic 550–1 perceptual sets 254, 256–7 team roles 364
politics 778 and assumptions 260–2 traits 179–82, 455, 695
power as property of social and perceptual worlds 257–8 Type A 183–4
762–4 see to know or know to see 258–60 Type B 183–4
product-based 567–8 selectivity and organization 250–5 types 179–82
purpose of 494 perceptual filters 216, 253 personal power managers 775
roles 516–19 perceptual organization 255 personal support, as citizenship
sociometric assessment 351 perceptual sets 254, 256–7 behaviour 746
staff relationship 503–9 and assumptions 260–2 person–group fit 346
tall 498 perceptual threshold 253 PESTLE analysis 3, 10, 11, 12, 43–6, 61
theoretical approaches 555 perceptual world 251, 257–8 philanthropic skills 473
virtual 580–2, 610 performance 10 photographs 196
organized anarchies 707 action team 422 cyclographic 460
organizing 535 appraisal see separate entry physical working environment see
organizing, coordination–conflict change initiatives and 645 under environment
model stage 729, 731–2 conflict 720, 727 Pickers Find Items (PFI) work design 477
ostracism 397 controlled 6–7, 492 piercings 264
outcome/dependent variables 19–20, culture strength, and pirates 10–11
21, 25 organizational 117 pivotal norms 393
outsiders, and conflict stimulation 742 drinking 164 planning 535, 545, 546
outsourcing 576–80, 764 feedforward interview 160–1 teams 367
Subject index 829

pluralism, cultural 119 group norms 401 Project Aristotle (Google) 442
pluralist frame of reference on conflict McDonaldization 467 projection 263
719, 720, 722 roles in organizations 516 projective test 197
policies 25–7, 29 Taylorism 457 project teams 420, 424–7, 564
coordination 732–3 technology and 548 definition 424
political model 706 prediction 15, 17 members, selection of 391
political skill Maslow’s needs hierarchy 17 permanent, and coordination 733
definition 773 predictive validity 198 promotive voice 222
organization politics and 772–8 ‘preening gestures’ 227 pronoun test 720
politics pregnancy 248–9 provisional selves 163
blunders 776–7 prescriptive models of decision proxemics 224, 226
bureaucracy costs 532 making 686–9 proximity principle 255
drivers 775–8 definition 686 psychology 178, 391, 425
impact on decision-making process elements 686 behaviourist 150
777–8 prescriptive skills 473 cognitive 150, 152, 159, 162
need to study 757–60 presentational skills 216, 473 cognitive theories 290
tactics 774 presenteeism 278–80 escalation of commitment 702
women 779–84 definition 278 stimulus-response 154
polygamy 282 fatality 279 Yerkes–Dodson law 652–3
pooled interdependence 545, 546, 731 management 279–80 psychometrics 177, 199–201
posh test 267 organizational drivers of 278–9 psychosocial assumptions 75
positioning, as political tactic 774 personal motivators of 279 punishment 152, 156, 157, 159,
position/legitimate power 530, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) 169, 482
628, 762 46, 670 groups 395, 397
positive reinforcement 152, 157, 158, prison experiment 517–18 informal 328
162, 169 privacy 58 social loafing 389
positivism 19–20, 21–2, 256 stress and 185 Taylorism 459
post-bureaucratic organization 42 traditional 769 purveyance 535
posture mirroring 227 private sector employers, largest
power 9, 10, 196, 227 (2017) 3 quality circles 421–2
abuse of 350 proactive socialization 163 quality control 598
bio-power 766 probes 219, 220, 221 quality of working life (QWL) 11, 12,
coercive 762 problem solving 156, 180, 667 13, 21, 26, 295, 299, 302
communication 219 groups 325, 347 questionnaires 177, 179
congruity 735 status, authority and 349–50 operational definitions 19–20
and corruption 758 procedural justice 743, 744 questions, validity of responses
covert 764, 765 procedures 8, 20, 26, 28, 121 15–16
definition 760 bureaucracy 531, 532 questions/questioning 201, 202,
disciplinary 762, 766–8 coordination 732–3 219–22
distance 132 process conflict 724, 726 closed 219, 220
expert 762 process production 544 follow-up 220
gesture 227–8 process theories, motivation 281, hypothetical 222
groups 347, 348 288–94 leading 221–2
as individual property 760 equity theory 288–90 multiple 221–2
inequalities 4 expectancy theory 290–2 open 219, 220
and influence 769–71 goal-setting theory 292–3 probes 219, 220, 221
institutional 764, 765 inner work life theory 293–4 reflective statement 219, 221
legitimate/position 530, 628, 762 process theory 20, 27
need for 196, 775 product-based organization structure racial minorities 233
need to study 757–60 567–8 radical frame of reference on conflict
new 768–9 production teams 420, 428–9 719, 722–3
in organizations 760–9 productive assets 49 rapport 221
orientation 130 productivity 700 723
referent 762 conflict stimulation 741 rational appeal, as influence tactic 770
as relationship property 761–2 groups 327–8, 329 rational decisions 684
reward 761 Hawthorne studies 327–8, 329 rationality 468, 781
sexuality and 511 inner work life theory 293 bounded 685, 686, 705
tells 227, 759–60 organizational culture 118–19 definition 684
visible/self-evident 764, 765 presenteeism 278 rational model of decision making
powerlessness, as threat 758 quality circle 421 682–4, 686, 705, 706
power priming 761 Taylorism 459 readiness for change 654–5
pre-arrival stage of socialization 115 teamworking 426 reasoning 79
predictability 347, 394 prohibitive voice 222 recession 763
830 Subject index

reciprocal interdependence 545, definition 722 definition 516

546–7, 731 disciplinary power 768 ‘devil’s advocate’ 742
reciprocity 770 resources 9, 10 groups 347, 362–7, 381
recognition 294, 329, 350, 437 power 762, 764 holacratic organization 593
equity theory 288 scarce 9, 65, 732, 778 importance 516
Taylorism 459 and success of change 654 integrator 733, 734
reconfiguration 542, 555–6 respect 349, 659 liaison 733, 734
records, and bureaucracy 532 responsibility 75, 317, 318, 503 management (Mintzberg) 538–40
recruitment 26, 28, 123 Taylorism 457 organizational socialization 115
dress and 759 responsibility time span 499 in organizations 516–19
tattoos and piercings 264, 265 restructuring 542, 553–4, 742 teams 406, 441
see also selection retaliators 656 Rolls Royce 110–11, 421
referent power 762 see also charisma Rethink Robotics 77 routine decisions 693, 694, 777
reflective statement 219, 221 retired-on-the-job 54 routine technology 548
region, organizational culture 129 retirement 49, 50 routine (repetitive) work 87
regulation 9, 20, 64 phased 55 Royal Dutch/Shell 43, 45
reinforcement 153, 158, 159, 169 reverse brainstorming 701 rule games, as political tactic 774
behavioural modelling 162 reward power 761 rules 121
intermittent 155, 156, 158 rewards 9, 26, 121, 158, 159, 162, 635 bureaucracy 531, 532
negative 152, 157 Baby Boomers 54 coordination 732–3
organizational socialization 115 equity theory 288, 289 definition 520
positive 152, 157, 158, 162, 169 expectancy theory 291–2 simple, encouraging innovation 667
schedule of 156 extrinsic 284, 285 stifling innovation 669
selective 155 financial 277
reinforcement learning, AI 79, 80 Generation Y 55 safety, organizational cultures and
rejectees 351 group norms 395 leadership style 126, 127
relatedness 167, 283 intrinsic 23, 159, 169, 284, 564 sagas 109, 110
relationships 251, 294 motivation 166, 277, 284, 285, 288, Samsung 61
client 298 289, 291–2 sanctions
communication 217 non-financial 278 in gourmet cuisines 393
conflict 724, 726 performance and 482 as influence tactic 770
drinking 164 politics and power 780 negative see punishment
functional 505, 506 Taylorism 459 positive see rewards
group members role 363 teams 437 Sarbanes–Oxley Act 2002 64
inter-organizational 565, 583 total 291–2 satisficing 685, 695
leaders 370 ride-sharing 582 Sawyer (robot) 77
line 504, 506 rights 58 scapegoating 774
multicultural virtual teams 427 risk-averse 777 scarcity 9, 65, 732, 771, 778
politics and gender 782 risks SCARF model 167
power 348 aversion 532 scenario planning 45–6
power as property of 761–2 avoidance 663 schedule of reinforcement 156
roles 363 decision making 692, 693 scientific management 295, 430
staff 504–5, 506 definition 693 definition 456
stress 185, 653 management 9, 20 Fordism 461–4
workplace/office romances risk-seeking propensity 777 principles of 457
512, 515 risky shift 697 Taylorism 456–60
see also hierarchies rites 109, 110, 123 criticisms of 459
relationships-orientated leaders 628 robots 473, 476, 477 Fordism and 463
reliability 585 articulated 77, 78 second machine age 73, 74, 76–85
remodelling, traditional skills assistance 77, 78 advanced robotics 76, 77–9
and 51–2 defined 77 artificial intelligence (AI) 79–83
Renault 582–3 humanoid 77, 78 augmented reality (AR) 76, 83–5
repetitive (routine) work 87 mobile 77, 78 intelligence augmentation (IA)
replacement effects, technology 86 overview 78 79–83
reputation 58, 61, 62, 64, 612 serpentine 77, 78 seductive traits, personality 192
research and development service 76, 77 segmentalist culture 667
(R&D) 426 wearable 79 selection 26, 28, 251, 532
team role balance 367 see also advanced robotics hypothetical questions 222
research and practice 22–5 role conflict 519 organizational socialization 114
reshoring 576 role management stage of personality 177, 197–203
resilience 622 socialization 115 selective attention 251, 253–5,
resistance 722–3 role modelling 115, 163, 195 260, 267
to change 655–6 roles selective bias 697
methods for managing 658–9 critical 516 self-actualization 285

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