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If you were the brand manager for a green product, for example an

organic food item or an energy-efficient appliance, how would you go

about marketing the product knowing these licensing effects were pos-
sible ?

If I was the brand manager for a green product, for an organic food. I think
I will do all my best about the production of the product. Especially the
way of the products will grow up and the condition where the organic food
have been product. The products use for the protection of the organic food
will also be choose extremely well. But of course the qualities has to be
here. Unless the price have to be correct.

So First, I have to talk about the origin of the organic food. The best is
when, the organic food not came from a long way off. For exemple if the
product came too another country the delivery can take off the quality of
the organic food. In the meantime, the condition of conservation of the or-
ganic food can be also bad so yeah.

Secondly, I will showcase the fact that the product is good for the health
because the organic food will be without chemical products. So it’s better
for the consumers. In addition, the marketing of my product will push
about the fact that the taste of the organic food will be very better.

In brief, my finally brand is « We can say that consuming an organic pro-

duct are so good and benefits in all the side. No matter, find me one things
negative to consume an organic product. »

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