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Dear Seller Central Review Team,

I received a notification from you that my seller account has been under review because sales
volumes are not supported by buyer feedback or an established sales history. I understand that as
a means of protecting customers, Amazon monitors sales velocity - the number and dollar amount
of a seller's transactions during any given month. I’d like to inform you that, due to an increase in
recent sales I exceeded my current velocity limit. Due to the buy box winner, I received a lot of
orders all at once and my sales grew a lot.

I would like to inform you that I never manipulated your system for sales or drove false traffic. All
sales were organic and came from genuine customers. I or my staff never tried manipulating sales
rank (such as by accepting fake orders or orders that you have paid for) or making claims about
sales rank in product titles or descriptions. Never tried artificially inflating web traffic (using bots
or paying for clicks, for example).

I’d like to request you expedite the review and increase my sales velocity as required:

1. Tracking information for recently shipped orders:

Carrier UPS

Tracking ID 1ZV692020362656733

Shipping service UPS Ground

Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 777076170210

Shipping service FedEx Ground

Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 274635700188
Shipping service FedEx Ground

Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 274642899692

Shipping service FedEx Ground

Carrier UPS

Tracking ID 1Z084E1V0348181061
Shipping service UPS Ground

Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 776243807226
Shipping service FedEx Ground

Carrier UPS

Tracking ID 1ZW884E20349652268
Shipping service UPS Ground

Carrier UPS

Tracking ID 1ZX073340315973204 (REFUND)

Shipping service UPS Ground

Carrier UPS

Tracking ID 1Z4640YV0319983998 (REFUND)

Shipping service UPS Ground
Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 273852171109

Shipping service FedEx Ground

(Our product was misplaced by FedEx during shipment. The tracking has shown no
results. When I immediately return the customer's payment and submit the documentation
below as verification.)

Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 777109806456

Shipping service FedEx Ground

(Our product was misplaced by FedEx during shipment. The tracking has shown no
results. When I immediately return the customer's payment and submit the documentation
below as verification.)

Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 776977546575

Shipping service FedEx Ground

(Our product was misplaced by FedEx during shipment. The tracking has shown no
results. When I immediately return the customer's payment and submit the documentation
below as verification.)

Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 777057530326

Shipping service FedEx Ground

(Our product was misplaced by FedEx during shipment. The tracking has shown no
results. When I immediately return the customer's payment and submit the documentation
below as verification.)

Carrier FedEx

Tracking ID 274099288670

Shipping service FedEx Ground

(Our product was misplaced by FedEx during shipment. The tracking has shown no
results. When I immediately return the customer's payment and submit the documentation
below as verification.)

We have attached all of the supporting delivery and return proof, with this email.

2. Evidence of fulfillment or delivery of recently shipped self-fulfilled orders.

Tracking evidence of delivery orders is attached along with this email.

3. The address (URL or store address) of other stores where you sell these

4. Evidence to support identification of your business, e.g., business website or

email, LLC bank information, or business registration information

• Our business website is

• Our official email is
• LLC bank information is attached along with this email.
• Business registration Information is attached as the name of Certificate of
formation. The document is basically the proof of LLC Registration.
• Our Amazon seller central created on 29 January 2022.
5. Reasons and supporting evidence associated with any delays in our order

Reason of Negative Feedback

• When we get an order, and we are out of stock of that products.

• We regularly update our inventory, but Our inventory could not be updated on our Seller
Central due to an systematic error, that's why we received an order.
• We sent a message to the customer requesting them to cancel the order because we were out
of stock, but we got no response

• If the customer does not respond to our message within 24 hours, we immediately issued a
refund to the customer.
• The negative review are a result of that.
• we are attaching all of the supporting evidence with this email.

We apologize to you and ensure that such a mistake will never be repeated in the n future.

We humbly request you to reactivate my account so that we can do business with utmost care and
responsibility and satisfy a maximum number of customers.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for paying attention to this issue.

If you need any further information on this matter, please let me know.



Centaurus MART

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