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Câu 1:In accounting concept.A firm’s productive resoucces.A total amount of Liabilities and Owner’s Equity
A. properties B. assets C. equities D. liabilities
Câu 2: The market for sale and purchase of securities is called...
A. money market B. open market C. capital market D. stock market
Câu 3: The procedure in an accounting consists of tasks as:
A. Classifying- recording- summarizing B. Recording- classifying- summarizing
C. none of them D. both A&B are right
Câu 4: Nowadays most of consumers are interested in ....... of goods.
A. the quantity B. the quality C. B&D are true D. the price
Câu 5: Which one is controlled by government ? .......
A. monetary policy B. A&C are right C. Treasury D. fiscal policy
Câu 6: . ........influence the rate of currency exchange.
A. Treasury B. fiscal Plan C. Central banks D. the banks
Câu 7: They understand when we use ....... to present an economic model.
A. words B. mathematical equation C. a graph D. all of them
Câu 8: The valuable things that belong to a business are called....... .
A. assets B. liabilities C. shares D. propeties
Câu 9: The insured party is.......
A. a stockbroker B. an insurance customer insurance broker D. an insurance company
Câu 10: The US economy is a ....... Economy.
A. fixed B. market C. mixed D. simple
Câu 11: The purchasing of fixed or financial assets, payments of dividends, repayment of
loans, and-in a bad year trading losses is.......
A. cash flow B. application of funds C. sources of funds D. fund management
Câu 12: How a bank attracts deposits and what it pays for them is ....... .
A. liability managerment B. asset managerment C . both of them D. none of them
Câu 13: The two main parts of the economy are: decision makers and .......
A. the government B. all of them C. coordination mechanisms D. the economists
Câu 14: Which shares or stocks get fixed dividend? ....... .
A. preference shares B. debenture stocks C. ordinary shares D. none of them
Câu 15: The … shows a company’s financial situation on a particular date.
A. balance of payment B. balance of trade
C. balance sheet D. none of them is right
Câu 16: There are many kinds of computer ......... in this shop.
A. are sell B. on sale C. are on sales D. are on sail
Câu 17: The price of a currency is .........
A. fluctuating B. never changed C. often fallen D. often rise
Câu 18: In order to get information from customers the market reseachers should send them .....
A. interview many of them B. send a colunm price
C. A&B are ok D. a questionnaire

Câu 19: Which word is different from the other?

A. creditor B. borrower C. owner D. shareholder.
Câu 20: A foreign financial assistance is called....
A. non-refundable aid B. foreign aid C. foreign fund D. supporting

----------- HẾT ----------

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