Amity University: History of Rockets and Missiles

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I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organisations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and members of Amity Institute of Aerospace for their kind cooperation and encouragement which help me in the completion of this project.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to prof. Sanjay Singh and prof. R.K.Chauhan for giving me such attention and time.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleagues in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

I would also thank my institution and my faculty members without whom this project would have been a distant reality. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my family and well-wishers.

Finally I would like to thank almighty for keeping me in healthy state of mind while completing this project and giving me a golden opportunity to learn.







shorthand for complexity. Saying that something is not rocket science suggests that it is simple and easily grasped. The expression, in turn, says something about the way we think of rockets: fantastically complex, unimaginably powerful, the highest of high technology. Rocket technology is nearly 1,000 years old, having been invented (almost certainly in China) sometime between 1000 and 1150. It was, within a century or two of its invention, known to all the major urban civilizations of Eurasia: Chinese, Indian, Muslim, and European. Though used in war to bombard enemies and in peace to send messages, carry ropes, and hunt whales, rockets rarely changed the course of events and never altered the fabric of everyday life. Midway through the twentieth century, however, they began to do both. The change was a result of two parallel revolutions: a technological one that transformed the way rockets worked, and a conceptual one that transformed the way first engineers and later the general public thought about them. Those dual revolutions set the stage for three new applications of rocket technology: long-range strategic missiles, short-range tactical missiles, and launch vehicles to carry payloads into space. Rockets to fulfil each of those three roles had been built and own by the late 1940s. Over the next six decades, refined versions of those rockets have reshaped our world, transforming science, politics, economic, and, above all, warfare.

HISTORY OF ROCKETS 1.PRE-WORLD WARII One of the first devices to successfully employ the principles essential to rocket flight was a wooden bird. The writings of Aulus Gellius, a Roman, tell a story of a Greek named Archytas who lived in the city of Tarentum, now a part of southern Italy. Somewhere around the year 400 B.C., Archytas mystified and amused the citizens of Tarentum by flying a pigeon made of wood. Escaping steam propelled the bird suspended on wires. The pigeon used the action-reaction principle, which was not to be stated as a scientific law until the 17th century. About three hundred years after the pigeon, another Greek, Hero of Alexandria, invented a similar rocket-like device called an aeolipile. Ittoo, used steam as a propulsive gas. Hero mounted a sphere on top of a water kettle. A fire below the kettle turned the water into steam, and the gas traveled through pipes to the sphere. Two L-shaped tubes on opposite sides of the sphere allowed the gas to escape, and in doing so gave a thrust to the sphere that caused it to rotate.

Figure 1 HERO ENGINE Just when the first true rockets appeared is unclear. Stories of early rocket-like devices appearsporadically through the historical records of various cultures. Perhaps the first true rockets wereaccidents. In the first century A.D., the Chinese reportedly had a simple form of gunpowder made from saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal dust. They used the

gunpowder mostly for fireworks in religious and other festive celebrations. To create explosions during religious festivals, they filled bamboo tubes with the mixture and tossed them into fires. Perhaps some of those tubes failed to explode and instead skittered out of the fires, propelled by the gases and sparks produced from the burning gunpowder. The Chinese began experimenting with the gunpowder-filled tubes. At some point, they attached bamboo tubes to arrows and launched them with bows. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas. The true rocket was born.

The date reporting the first use of true rockets was in 1232. At this time, the Chinese and the Mongols were at war with each other. During the battle of Kai-Keng, the Chinese repelled the Mongol invaders by a barrage of "arrows of flying fire." These fire-arrows were a simple form of a solid-propellant rocket. A tube, capped at one end, contained gunpowder. The other end was left open and the tube was attached to a long stick. When the powder was ignited, the rapid burning of the powder produced fire, smoke, and gas that escaped out the open end and produced a thrust. The stick acted as a simple guidance system thatkept the rocket headed in one general direction as it flew through the air. It is not clear how effective these arrows of flying fire were as weapons of destruction, but their psychological effects on the Mongols musthave been formidable.

Following the battle of Kai-Keng, the Mongols produced rockets of their own and may have been responsible for the spread of rockets to Europe. All through the 13th to the 15th centuries there were reports of many rocket experiments. In England, a monk named Roger Bacon worked on improved forms of gunpowder that greatly increased the range of rockets. In France, Jean Froissart found that more accurate flights could be achieved by launching rockets through tubes. Froissart's idea was the forerunner of the modern bazooka. Joanes de Fontana of Italy designed a surface-running rocket-powered torpedo for setting enemy ships on fire.

. By the 16th century rockets fell into a time of disuse as weapons of war, though they were still used for fireworks displays, and a German fireworks maker, Johann Schmidlap, invented the step rocket, a multi-staged vehicle for lifting fireworks to higher altitudes. A large sky rocket (first stage)carried a smaller sky rocket (second stage). When the large rocket burned out, the smaller one continued to a higher altitude before showering the sky with glowing cinders. Schmidlaps idea is basic to all rockets today that go into outer space. Nearly all uses of rockets up to this time were for warfare or fireworks, but an interesting old Chinese legend reports the use of rockets as a means of transportation. With the help of many assistants, a lesser-known Chinese official named Wan-Hu assembled a rocket-powered flying chair. He had two large kites attached to the chair, and fixed to the kites were forty-seven fire-arrow rockets. On the day of the flight, Wan-Hu sat himself on the chair and gave the command to light the rockets. Forty-seven rocket assistants, each armed with torches, rushed forward to light the fuses. A tremendous roar filled the air, accompanied by billowing clouds of smoke. When the smoke cleared, Wan-Hu and his flying chair were gone. No one knows for sure what happened to Wan-Hu, but if the event really did take place, Wan-Hu and his chair probably did not survive the explosion. Fire arrows were as apt to explode as to fly.

During the latter part of the 17th century, the great English scientist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) laid the scientific foundations for modern rocketry. Newton organized his understanding of physical motion into three scientific laws. The lawse xplain how rockets work and why they are able to work in the vacuum of outer space

Newtons laws soon began to have a practical impact on the design of rockets. About 1720, a Dutch professor, Willem Gravesande, built model cars propelled by jets of steam. Rocket experimenters in Germany and Russia began working with rockets with a mass of more than 45 kilograms. Some of these rockets were so powerful that their escaping exhaust flames bored deep holes in the ground even before liftoff. During the end of the 18th century and early into the 19th, rockets experienced a brief revival as a weapon of war. The success of Indian rocket barrages against the British in 1792 and again in 1799 caught the interest of an artillery expert, Colonel William Congreve. Congreve set out to design rockets for use by the British military. The Congreve rockets were highly successful in battle. Even with Congreves work, the Accuracy Of rockets still had not improved much from the early days. The devastating nature of war rockets was not their accuracy or power, but their numbers. During a typical siege, thousands of them might be fired at the enemy. All over the world, rocket researchers experimented with ways to improve accuracy. An Englishman, William Hale, developed a technique called spin stabilization. In this method, the escaping exhaust gases struck small vanes at the bottom of the rocket, causing it to spin much as a bullet does in flight.

The Congreve rocket

Goddards earliest experiments were with solid-propellant rockets. In 1915,he began to try various types of solid fuels and to measure the exhaust velocities of the burning gases. While working on solid-propellant rockets, Goddard became convinced that a rocket could be propelled better by liquid fuel. No one had ever built a successful liquid-propellant rocket before. It was a much more difficult task than building solid propellant rockets. Fuel and oxygen tanks, turbines, and combustion chambers would be needed. In spite of the difficulties, Goddard achieved the first successful flight with a liquid-propellant rocket on March 16, 1926. Fueled by liquid oxygen and gasoline, the rocket flew for only two and a half seconds, climbed 12.5 meters, and landed 56 meters away in a cabbage patch. By todays standards, the flight was unimpressive, but like the first powered airplane flight by the Wright brothers, Goddards gasoline rocket became the forerunner of a whole new era in rocketflight. Goddards experiments in liquid-propellant rockets continued for many years. His rockets grew bigger and flew higher. He developed a gyroscope system for flight control and a payload compartment for scientific instruments. Parachute recovery systems returned the rockets and instruments safely to the ground. We call Goddard the father of modern rocketry for his achievements.

2. WORLD WAR II In 1943, production of the V-2 rocket began. The V-2 had an operational range of 300 km (190 mi) and carried a 1000 kg (2204 lb) warhead, with an amatol explosive charge. Highest point of altitude of its flight trajectory is 90 km. The vehicle was only different in details from most modern rockets, with turbopumps, inertial guidance and many other features. Thousands were fired at various Allied nations, mainly England, as well as Belgium and France. While they could not be intercepted, their guidance system design and single conventional warhead meant that the V-2 was insufficiently accurate against military targets. The later versions however, were more accurate, sometimes within metres, and could be devastating. 2,754 people in England were killed, and 6,523 were wounded before the launch campaign was terminated. While the V-2 did not significantly affect the course of the war, it provided a lethal demonstration of the potential for guided rockets as weapons. Fortunately for London and the Allied forces, the V-2 came too late in the war to change its outcome. Nevertheless, by wars end, German rocket scientists and engineers had already laid plans for advanced missiles capable of spanning the Atlantic Ocean and landing in the United States. These missiles would have had winged upper stages but very small payload capacities. With the fall of Germany, the Allies captured many unused V-2 rockets and components. Many German rocket scientists came to the United States. Others went to the Soviet Union. The German scientists, including Wernher von Braun, were amazed at the progress Goddard had made.


DIRECT FIRE ROCKETS The most famous direct-fire rocket launcher of the war was the U.S.M1A1 type, universally known to American troops as the bazooka because of its resemblance to a trombone-like folk musical instrument with the same name. The bazooka was invented in 1942 by Captain (later Colonel)Leslie Skinner, who saw it as a way for infantry soldiers to defend themselves against enemy tanks without relying on artillery support. The bazooka consisted of a steel tube4 feet long with a 2.36-inch inside diameterwith wooden handgrips and a wooden shoulder rest attached to the outside. The bazookas ammunition was a small


solid-fuel rocket, ignited by a simple electrical circuit connected to the trigger. The rocket could theoretically travel 400 to 500 yards, but was truly effective only at much shorter ranges: 120 yards or less. The rockets carried a special 3.5pound shaped charge warhead capable of crippling a heavy tank or destroying a lighter armoured vehicle, but they left a smoke trail that could betray the position of the launcher. Bazooka teams (one soldier aiming and firing, one preparing and loading rockets) thus required steady nerves. Like the crews of larger, vehicle-mounted rocket launchers, they had to master a rhythm of firing, moving, and firing again.

Direct-fire rockets also proved effective against surfaced submarines. Even a relatively small rocket could, if fitted with an armour-piercing warhead, punch a hole in the subs pressure hull and prevent it from submerging. Once trapped on the surface, the submarine could be captured or destroyed at leisure with bombs, guns, or more rockets. British antisubmarine rockets used the standard 3-inch body fitted with a 25-pound armour piercing head instead of a 60-pound high-explosive one. The standard American rocket was the 3.5-inch FFARthe beginning of a lineage that culminated in the Holy Moses. Pilots from Britains Royal Navy executed the first successful rocket attacks on a submarine in May 1943, when a carrier-based Fairey Swordfish bomber damaged the U-572. After further aerial attacks and further damage, the U-boats crew abandoned and scuttled their vessel. The Swordfish, ironically, was already obsolete when the war began. The last biplane to fight for any major combatant, it was given new potency by its high-tech rocket armament. . The TDR-1 and theASM-2 (nicknamed Bat) were basically small gliders with large warheads mounted in their noses. . The TDR-1 was own by radio control by con- trollers riding aboard the airplane that carried it aloft. A forward-facing television camera relayed pictures of the approaching target during the final moments of the missiles light, enabling the controllers to aim it more precisely. The Bat, in contrast, was fully independent once it was released fromits carrier plane. Dropped at a height and heading that would cause it to glide to the target, it was kept on course by onboard gyroscopes. An on-board radar set, linked to the gliders control


surfaces, bounced radio waves off the target as the missile approached, and automatically supplied final course corrections. The mission that Hitler envisioned for the V-1 and V-2 was essentially the same one that German bombers had carried out against Britain during the Blitz of 19401941. There was, however, one critical difference. Bombers could be shotdown or turned aside by fighters and antiaircraft guns, but the V-1 was (initially) difficult to stop and the V-2 could not be stopped at all. The V-1 (officially the Fiesler F-103) was a small, unpiloted airplane powered by a jet engine and guided by a system of gyroscopes linked to its rudder and elevators. The V-1 was designed for mass production. The wings and fuselage were made of sheet metal, the engine was a simple pulse jet (little more than a carefully shaped tube with a fuel injector and an igniter), and the ingenious guidance system was built simply and from off-the-shelf hardware. Thirty thousand V-1s were built in all, and between June 1944 and March 1945 10,000 were fired at England from launch sites on the coasts of France and Holland.


3.POST WORLD WAR II A. RESEARCH BASED The Bell X-1 was the first rocket-powered research plane in history. It remains the most famous, and with good reason. It demonstrated that flying faster than the speed of sound was possible and, in a properly designed aircraft, safe. Neither seemed a foregone conclusion in 1944, when the U.S. Army Air Force inaugurated what would become the X-1 program in 1944. Piston-engine aircraft capable of approaching the speed of sound in a steep dive were already in service by 1944, and their pilots had reported severe buffeting and loss of control at such high speeds. Some aeronautical engineers speculated that it might not be possible for an aircraft to reach the speed of sound without losing control or breaking up, and the idea of a sound barrier entered popular culture. The Army Air Force, the Navy, and the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA, the forerunner of NASA) all pursued research on transonic flight. All three concluded that buffeting and control problems would diminish at speeds above that of sound, and that a properly designed aircraft could survive it. Both armed services began programs to build and fly such an aircraft, and both (against NACA recommendations) eventually chose rocket motors for propulsion. The X-15, conceived by the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA) in 1952 and built by North American Aviation in 19551958, Was the ultimate rocket-powered research airplane. Like the X-1, X-2, and D-558, it was designed to investigate high-speed, high-altitude flight. Sponsored jointly by the Navy, the Air

Force, and NACA, it was designed both to gather scientific data and to test design features that could be incorporated into future aircraft and spacecraft. Its operating environment would be farbeyond that of any previous research aircraft: speeds of Mach 4 to Mach 6, and altitudes in excess of 200,000 feet. The X-15 was, as a result, the worlds first aerospace plane, capable of operating both in the Earths atmosphere and on the fringes of outer space.

B.ROCKETS TO MOON The Saturn family of boosters had a lineage stretching back to the Thor and Jupiter rockets of the 1950s and, still further back, to the Redstone and the V-2. The Saturn I, designed in 1958 and first launched in 1961, used the same H-1 engines that had powered the Thor and Jupiter.1 Eight of them, grouped in the first stage, gave it 1.5 million pounds ofthrust at liftoff. The Saturn IB, first launched in 1966, had a similar first stageeight H-1 engines burning kerosene and liquid oxygentopped with a new second stage powered by a single, high-efficiency J-2 engine burning liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The smaller Saturns were the first American boosters designed specifically to carry heavy payloads to Earth orbit, and the first that had not started life as missiles. They performed steadily throughout the 1960s and into the 1970s in vital but unspectacular supporting roles. The Saturn V, however, was built with the moon in mind. It overshadowed the Saturn I and IB even before it flew. The Saturn was the ultimate expression of an approach to rocket designthat began with the V-2. It was a sleek, multistage, liquid-fueled machine taller than the Statue of Liberty and heavier than a U.S. Navy destroyer . Everything about the Saturn V was big. Each of the five F-1 engines in its first stage could produce 1.5 million pounds of thrustas much as an entire Saturn I first stage. All together, the three stages of a SaturnV produced as much thrust as 100 Redstones. Engineers calculated that, if a Saturn exploded at the moment of launch, the blast would equal that of a fair-sized nuclear bomb. The Saturn Vs flight plan was an elegant demonstration, on a huge scale, of the centuries-old idea of staged rockets. The first stage, fed kerosene and liquid oxygen by pumps the size of small cars,would lift the

Saturn-Apollo stack to a height of 36 miles and accelerate it to nearly 6,000mph. The second stage, powered by five J-2 engines burning liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, would carry the third stage and spacecraft nearly to orbit: 108 miles and 17,500mph. The third stage, driven by a single J-2,would complete the trip to orbit and thenin a second, separate, longer burngive the Apollo spacecraft its initial push toward the moon. Apollo was an even bigger step beyond earlier spacecraft than Saturn V was beyond earlier boosters. The coneshaped command module was classic Max Faget design, cut from the same cloth as Mercury and Gemini. The large, cylindrical service module, which rode behind it until just before re-entry, was something else altogether. The Space Propulsion System engine in its tail, designed to soak for days in the cold of space and still fire on cue, would supply the thrust necessary to go to the moon and back. The equipment filling its storage baystanks, pumps, fuel cells, wires,and pipeswould supply much of the air,water, and power needed to keep the crew alive. The command module by itself could still be called a capsule, as the Mercury and Gemini spacecraft had often been. The addition of the service module made it a true spaceship: a fully independent vessel capable of long, independent voyages.


A complete Saturn-Apollo stack, photographed from the upper floors of the Vehicle Assembly in 1967. This particular vehicle is AS-501, which was used for the Apollo 4 mission (the first all-up test of the Saturn launch vehicle and Apollo spacecraft)in November 1967. Courtesy of NASA Kennedy Space Centre

The large, cylindrical service module, which rode behind it until just before re-entry, was something else altogether. The Space Propulsion System engine in its tail, designed to soak for days in the cold of space and still fire on cue, would supply the


thrust necessary to go to the moon and back. The equipment filling its storage bays tanks, pumps, fuel cells, wires, and pipeswould supply much of the air,water, and power needed to keep the crew alive. The command module by itself could still be called a capsule, as the Mercury and Gemini spacecraft had often been. The addition of the service module made it a true spaceship: a fully independent vessel capable of long, independent voyages.

The first orbital test ight of the Apollo LM, part of the Apollo 9 mission of January 1969. Designed to y only in airless space, the LM had no need for streamlining or equipment for landing on Earth. Here it is being upside down, with its docking port at the bottom of the photograph, toward the Earths surface, and its legs (extended in landing position) at the top. Photograph by Apollo 9 command module pilot David Scott.



Comparison of Indian carrier rockets. Left to right: SLV, ASLV, PSLV, GSLV, GSLV III.

Geopolitical and economic considerations during the 1960s and 1970s compelled India to initiate its own launch vehicle program. During the first phase (1960s-1970s) the country successfully developed a sounding rockets program, and by the 1980s, research had yielded the Satellite Launch Vehicle-3 and the more advanced Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV), complete with operational supporting infrastructure. ISRO further applied its energies to the advancement of launch vehicle technology resulting in the creation of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) technologies. Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) The Satellite Launch Vehicle, usually known by its abbreviation SLV or SLV-3 was a 4-stage solid-fuel light launcher. It was intended to reach a height of 500 km and carry a payload of 40 kg. Its first launch took place in 1979 with 2 more in each subsequent year, and the final launch in 1983. Only two of its four test flights were successful. Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV) The Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle, usually known by its abbreviation ASLV was a 5-stage solid propellant rocket with the capability of placing a 150 kg satellite into LEO. This project was started by the ISRO during the early 1980s to develop technologies needed for a payload to be placed into a geostationary orbit. Its design was based on Satellite Launch Vehicle. The first launch test was held in 1987, and after that

3 others followed in 1988, 1992 and 1994, out of which only 2 were successful, before it was decommissioned.

Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, usually known by its abbreviation PSLV, is an expendable launch system developed to allow India to launch its Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites into sun synchronous orbits, a service that was, until the advent of the PSLV, commercially viable only from Russia. PSLV can also launch small satellites into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO). The reliability and versatility of the PSLV is proven by the fact that it has launched 30 spacecraft (14 Indian and 16 from other countries) into a variety of orbits so far. In April 2008, it successfully launched 10 satellites at once, breaking a world record held by Russia. On 15 July 2011 PSLV flight for 19 times with the first maiden voyage was failure in September 1993. So, with 18th successive mission to put satellites, PSLV trusted as rocket with 94 percent success. Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, usually known by its abbreviation GSLV, is an expendable launch system developed to enable India to launch its INSATtype satellites into geostationary orbit and to make India less dependent on foreign rockets. At present, it is ISRO's heaviest satellite launch vehicle and is capable of putting a total payload of up to 5 tons to Low Earth Orbit. The vehicle is built by India with the cryogenic engine purchased from Russia while the ISRO develops its own engine program.


MYSORE MISSILES The first iron-cased and metal-cylinder rocket

artillery, made from iron tubes were developed by the Hindu weapons suppliers of Tipu Sultan, a Muslim ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, and his father Hyder Ali, in the

1780s. Tipu Sultan championed the use of mass attacks with rocket brigades within the army, and he wrote a military manual on it, the Fathul Mujahidin. He successfully used these metal-cylinder rockets against the larger forces of the British East India Company during the Anglo-Mysore Wars. The Mysore rockets of this period were much more advanced than what the British had seen, chiefly because of the use of iron tubes for holding the propellant; this enabled higher thrust and longer range for the missile (up to 2 km range). The effect of these weapons on the British during the Second, Third and Fourth Mysore Wars in 1792 was sufficiently impressive to inspire the British to develop their own rocket designs. Several Mysore rockets were sent to England, who then took an active interest in the technology and developed it further during the 19th century. Hence tipu sultan could be considered being an inventor of missiles. BALLISTIC MISSILES The Soviet Unions first ICBM, the R-7, flew for the first time in 1957. Designed by Sergei Korolev, it had been conceived in 1950, but not authorized by the Soviet government until 1954. Built, tested, and brought to operational status in a crash program involving dozens of research institutes, the R-7 waslike the R-12 and R14a significant advance over earlier designs. It burned LOX and kerosene, rather than the LOX and alcohol of earlier Soviet missiles, and had two independent guidance systems: one inertial, one radio-controlled. It could carry payloads of 12,000 pounds over ranges of 3,000 milesjust enough, if launched from the rightbase, to hit targets in the United States with a thermonuclear warhead. An improved version, the R-7A, soon extended the range to nearly 5,000miles. The R-7 familys most striking break with the past, however, was itslayout. It consisted of a core stage surrounded by four booster stages, each of which tapered to a point and angled inward toward the core stage . The pace of ICBM development in the United States tracked the pace of development in the Soviet Union. The first American ICBM, named Atlas, was approved in 1951 as the Soviets tested the R-1 and R-2. Five years later, as the scope of Soviet missile programs became clear, work on Atlas was accelerated and development of a second ICBM, Titan, was begun. The Atlas became operational in September 1961 and the Titan in April 1962. The Atlas, like the R-7, was a radical step forward in missile design. It was powered by three LOX-kerosene enginestwo boosters and one

sustainerand used two smaller LOX-kerosene vernier engines to finetune thrust and steering . The Atlas was designed to take off with all three main engines firing, shedding its boosters once they were exhaustedand finishing the powered phase of its flight with the sustainer alone. The point of this stage-and-a-half design was to avoid having to ignite the sustainer in flight at high altitudea major

engineering challenge at the time. Atlas was equipped with the latest all-inertial guidance system and separable reentry vehicle, allowing it to reliably place its warheads within 600 yards of a target. Equipped with a large enough nuclear warhead1 megaton or largerit was capable of destroying even blastresistant targets, such as missile silos. The most striking thing about the Atlas was its ultra lightweight structure, which one engineer compared to an alluminum balloon pressurized by the fuel inside. Titan, a more conservative design, had two distinct stagesthe first with two LOXkerosene engines, the second with oneand separate tanks mounted inside a conventionallyrigid, framed body. Its performance was comparable to that of the Atlas, with a slightly larger payload compensating for a somewhat shorter range.

The R-1

The R-2

The R-5M



Prithvi I India has methodically built an indigenous missile production capability, using its commercial space-launch program to develop the skills and infrastructure needed to support an offensive ballistic missile program. For example, during the 1980s, India conducted a series of space launches using the solid-fueled SLV-3 booster. Most of these launches put light satellites into near-earth orbit. Elements of the SLV-3 were subsequently incorporated into two new programs. In the first, the new polar-space launch vehicle (PSLV) was equipped with six SLV-3 motors strapped to the PSLV's first stage. The Agni IRBM technology demonstrator uses the SLV-3 booster as its first stage.

Prithvi The Prithvi (Sanskrit: "Earth") I is mobile liquid-fueled 150 kilometer tactical missile currently deployed with army units. It is claimed that this missile is equipped only with various conventional warheads (which stay attached to the missile over the entire flight

path). The missile is of particular interest to the United States (and potential buyers) in that has the capability of maneuvering in flight so as to follow one of several different pre-programmed trajectories. Based on the same design, a modified Prithvi, the Prithvi II, is essentially a longer-ranged version of the Prithvi I except that it has a 250kilometer range and a lighter payload. It is suspected that any nuclear missions will be executed by the Prithvi II. Currently, the Prithvi II has completed development and is now in production. When fielded, it will be deployed with air force units for the purpose of deep target attacking maneuvers against objectives such as air fields.

Prithvi I Army Version (150 km range with a payload of 1,000 kg) Prithvi II Air Force Version (250 km range with a payload of 500 kg) Prithvi III Naval Version (350 km range with a payload of 500 kg)

The Prithvi missile project encompassed developing 3 variants for use by the Indian Army, Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy. The initial project framework of the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program outlines the variants in the following manner. in October 2009 India conducted 2 simultenous user trials of 350 km extended range Prithvi II to be used for strategic purposes. Dhanush Dhanush (Sanskrit: Bow) is a naval variant of the Prithvi missile. It can fire either the 250 km or the 350 km range missiles. Supposedly it is a customised version of the Prithvi and that the additional customizations in missile configuration are to certify it for seaworthiness. Dhanush has to be launched from a hydraulically stabilized launch pad. Its low range acts against it and thus it is seen a weapons either to be used to destroy an aircraft carrier or an enemy port. Indian Navy's K-15 Sagarika submarinelaunched ballistic missile is reported to be a variant of the Dhanush missile The ship launched Dhanush Ballistic Missile was tested from INS Subhadra of the Sukanya class patrol craft in 2000. INS Subhadra is a vessel which was modified and the missile was launched from the reinforced helicopter deck. The 250 km variant was tested but the tests were considered partially successful. In 2004, the missile was again tested from the INS Subhadra and was this time successful. Then the following year in


December the missile's 350 km version was tested from the INS Rajput and hit the land based target. Agni The Agni (Sanskrit: Fire) missile system comprises four missiles:

Agni I Agni II Agni III Agni V

Agni-I uses the SLV-3 booster (from India's space program) for its first stage and a liquid-fueled Prithvi for its second stage. Nuclear-capable Agni-II missiles have a range of up to 3,000 km and can carry a payload of 1,000 kg. Unlike the Agni-I, the Agni-II has a solid-fueled second stage. In July 2006, India successfully test-fired Agni-III, a two-stage nuclear-capable ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 km. Both stages of the Agni-III utilizes solid-fuel propellants and its range can be extended to 4,000 km. The missile is capable of carrying a nuclear payload within the range of 600 to 1,800 kg including decoys and other anti-ballistic counter-measures. India's DRDO is also working on a submarine-launched ballistic missile version of the Agni-III missile, known as the Agni-III SL. This missile is expected to provide India with a credible sea-based second strike capability. According to Indian defense sources, Agni-III SL will have a range of 3,500 km. In addition, the 5,000 km range Agni-V ICBM is expected to be tested by 2010-11. Surya The report of Surya ICBM has not been confirmed by officials of the Indian government and have repeatedly denied the existence of the project.The Surya ICBM is an ICBM program that has been mentioned repeatedly in the Indian press . Surya (meaning Sun in Sanskrit and many other Indian languages) is the codename for the


first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that India is reported to be developing. The DRDO is believed to have begun the project in 1994. As the missile is yet to be developed, the specifications of the missile are not known and the entire program continues to remain highly speculative. Estimates of the range of this missile vary from 5,000 kmto 10,000 km. It is believed to be a three-stage design, with the first two stages using solid propellants and the third-stage using liquid. In 2007, the Times of India reported that the DRDO is yet to reveal whether India's currently proposed ICBM will be called Agni-V (or Surya-1). As of 2009 it was reported that the government had not considered an 8,000-km range ICBM. Four decades of investments in a missile-related design, development, and manufacturing infrastructure have also made this sector less vulnerable to long-term disruption by technology denial regimes. More significantly, India's sophisticated civilian satellite launch capability makes it one of the few developing states theoretically capable of building an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

Shaurya is India's first hypersonic missile. Shaurya The Shaurya missile (Sanskrit: Valour) is a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile developed by DRDO of India for use by the Indian Army. It has a range of 600 km and is capable of carrying a payload of one-tonne conventional or nuclear

warhead. The Shaurya missile provides India with a significant second strike capability.[49] Shaurya Missile is considered a land version of the Sagarika. This missile is stored in a composite canister just like the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. The composite canister makes the missile much easier to store for long periods without maintenance as well as to handle and transport. It also houses the gas generator to eject the missile from the canister before its solid propellant motors take over to hurl it at the intended target. Shaurya missiles can remain hidden or camouflaged in underground silos from enemy surveillance or satellites till they are fired from the special storagecum-launch canisters. DRDO Defence scientists admit that given Shaurya's limited range at present, either the silos will have to be constructed closer to India's borders or longer-range missiles will have to be developed. The Shaurya system will require some more tests before it becomes fully operational in two-three years. Moreover, defense scientists say the high-speed, two-stage Shaurya has high maneuverability which also makes it less vulnerable to existing anti-missile defense systems.[50] When Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems Advanced Air Defence (AAD) and Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) are to be tested again, the Shaurya invulnerability to anti-missile systems will be tested. The DRDO scientists also have said that if Shaurya is successful and manages to avoid anti ballistic missile radars then the missile can even be used to improve the AAD and PAD systems. Sagarika Sagarika (Sanskrit: Wave / Born from the Ocean) is a nuclear capable submarinelaunched ballistic missile with a range of 750 km. This missile has a length of 8.5 meters, weighs seven tonnes and can carry a pay load of up to 500 kg. The development of this missile started in 1991. The first confirmation about the missile came in 1998. The development of the underwater missile launcher known as the Project 78 (P78) was completed in 2001. This was handed over to the Indian Navy for trials. The missile was successfully test fired thrice. The Indian Navy plans to introduce the missile into service by the end of 2010. Sagarika missile is being integrated with the Advanced Technology Vessel that is expected to begin sea trials by 2009. Sagarika will form part of the triad in India's nuclear deterrence and will provide with retaliatory nuclear strike capability. Cruise missiles


India has a number of Moskit supersonic nuclear capable cruise missile

P-70 Ametist cruise missile


Nirbhay (Sanskrit "Fearless") is a long range, subsonic cruise missile being developed in India. The missile will have a range of 1,000 km and will arm three services, the Indian Army, Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force.The Nirbhay will be able to be launched from multiple platforms on land, sea and air. The first test flight of the missile is expected in the year 2009. Nirbhay will be a terrain hugging, stealth missiles capable of delivering 24 different types of warheads depending on mission requirements and will use inertial navigation system for guidance.There are plans to arm the IL-76MDs with the aerial version of the missile.

3M-54 Klub

India has acquired around 200 3M-54 Klub for arming Talwar class frigate, Shivalik class frigate, Kolkata class destroyer and Sindhughosh class submarine.[60] The Russian 3M-54 Klub is a multi-role missile system developed by the Novator Design Bureau (OKB-8) with a range of 250 km-300 km and an average speed of .8 Mach with a maximum of 2.9 Mach.[61] India has both the Klub-N and Klub-S variant to be used for Ships and Submarines respectively.[62] Both the Klub-N and Klub-S have been tested successfully. India currently has the 3M-54E, 3M-54E1, 91RE1 and 91RE2 variants. In

addition the Navy has plans to arm the Tu-142 and Tu-22M with an air-launched version. Due to Klub's longer range than BrahMos it may also be used in the Mirage 2000 and Su-30 MKI too. The Navy has shown interest in buying more Klubs which would be incorporated on to the S-1000 submarine if bought by India. India is also keen on other Former Soviet cruise missile such as the P-700 Granit and P-500 Bazalt.

P-70 Ametist

India has Soviet P-70 Ametist submarine-launched cruise missiles. The missile were mostly probably bought in the early 90s and may be used today as canistered launched land based cruise missiles instead of submarine launched cruise missiles. The missiles can carry nuclear warheads and have a range of 5065 km. Although they are extremely old and incompetent due to their low range and speed, there are still reports that they are kept in reserve and can still be used due to their upgrades in the late 90s.


India has a number of operational Moskits. The P-270 Moskit is a Russian supersonic ramjet powered cruise missile capable of being launched from land and ships. India has most probably bought both land and ship variants which have a range of 120 km. India bought around 200 Klub missiles and now it is believed that the Moskit have been kept in reserve but can still be used.


BrahMos is a supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land. It is a joint venture between India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russia's NPO Mashinostroeyenia who have together formed the BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited. The acronym BrahMos is perceived as the confluence of the two nations represented by two rivers, the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia. It travels at speeds of Mach 2.5 to 2.8 and is the world's fastest cruise missile. It is about three-and-a-half times faster than the U.S.A's subsonic Harpoon cruise missile. A hypersonic version of the missile is also presently under development (Lab Tested with 5.26 Mach Speed). BrahMos claims to have the capability of attacking surface targets as low as 10 meters

in altitude. It can gain a speed of Mach 2.8, and has a maximum range of 290 km. The ship-launched and land-based missiles can carry a 200 kg warhead, whereas the aircraftlaunched variant (BrahMos A) can carry a 300 kg warhead. It has a two-stage propulsion system, with a solid-propellant rocket for initial acceleration and a liquidfueled ramjet responsible for sustained supersonic cruise. Air-breathing ramjet propulsion is much more fuel-efficient than rocket propulsion, giving the BrahMos a longer range than a pure rocket-powered missile would achieve. The high speed of the BrahMos likely gives it better target-penetration characteristics than lighter subsonic cruise-missiles such as the Tomahawk. Being twice as heavy and almost four times faster than the Tomahawk, the BrahMos has almost 32 times the initial kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile (although it pays for this by having only 3/5 the payload and a fraction of the range despite weighing twice as much, suggesting a different tactical paradigm to achieve the objective). Although BrahMos is primarily an anti-ship missile, it can also engage land based targets. It can be launched either in a vertical or inclined position and is capable of covering targets over a 360 degree horizon. The BrahMos missile has an identical configuration for land, sea, and sub-sea platforms. The air-launched version has a smaller booster and additional tail fins for added stability during launch. The BrahMos is currently being configured for aerial deployment with the Su-30MKI as its carrier. India has produced more than 110 Brahmos by March 2011 as per SIPRI, inducted 1 regiment of Brahmos Type-I GLCM with 67 missiles.


Surface to air missile

Akash SAM


Akash (Hindi: Sky) is India's medium range surface-to-air missile defense system The missile can target aircraft up to 30 km away, at altitudes up to 18,000 m.Akash can be fired from both tracked and wheeled platforms. Akash is said to be capable of both conventional and nuclear warheads, with a reported payload of 60 kg.A nuclear warhead could potentially give the missile the capability to destroy both aircraft and warheads from ballistic missiles. The missile is described as being able to strike several targets simultaneously, which could mean either separate, independently targetable warheads, or a sufficient blast to destroy a number of them. CONCLUSION For the time being, the future looks bright for Rockets due to the collapse of Reusable Launch Program Initiatives! However, alot of new rockets are entering the scene and the market might not have enough room since the low earth orbit market seems to be fading because company's such as Iridium are in financial difficulties. Reusable launch Vehicles such as the Pioneer Rocketpalne and the Roton have tremendous potential if only NASA had added them to their X-Programs. I am positive that private investors would pursue RLV development with their own initiative as long as there are potential markets! Its up to NASA. If RLV's were developed, they would definitely wipeout the low end of the satellite launcher market.


ROCKET PROGRESS Soyuz and Zenit (Sea launch) may have a future due to their reliability and have strong consortiums backing them! The Ariane-5, Atlas III, Proton, Delta 4 fleet will definitely have a future! With regard to Japan's H-2a, once reliability has been achieved and launch costs are reduced, I am sure it will do well. The Titan-4B will probably be cancelled in 2005 due to its high operating cost. I suggest they produce a Titan-5 and utilize Saturn-V F-1 engines and implement them in a modular way like the new Angara/Atlas V/Delta IV. In the future, the Angara Launch System will take over the Proton. Proton's technology should be maintained and used as a Space Asteroid Interceptor because it uses storble propellants and has the necessary payload specifications to achieve this goal. PROMOTING SPACE COMMERCIALIZATION NASA, ESA, NASDA and Partners need to fully commerialize the ISS Crew Delivery and Cargo Delivery. This will give the market a kickstart. This will give the RLV developers a potential and lucrative market. Nasa's stubborness to maintain the US Space Shuttle is hindering our progress due to its exorbidant launch price! If Nasa could reduce the cost below 100 million US Dollars, then I would say maintain the Shuttle. The simple solution is to build a small Space Taxi that can be launched on an Expendable Rocket or create the proposed Liquid Flyback Boosters and use them with a SpacePlane. Nasa and Partners should create a Global Space Agency. The partners should have an annual Space Meeting where they can discuss and plan ahead. Possible topics that could be discussed are: - Commerical Launches to Lunar Orbit - Developing a Luna Base - Orbital Transfer Vehicles - Heavy Launch Vehicle that could be used sending Human Explorers to Near Earth Asteriods and even Mars.



For the next 10 years, there will be a future market for Rockets (Expendable launch Vehicles) especially in the Geostationary Market. If RLV's are produced with efficient launch costs, they will replace expendable rockets.

Future Artillery Weapons The Army Tactical Missile System ATACMS Filed in Missiles 2 comments

While launching seemingly endless volleys streaking up into the sky, the M270 MLRS mobile rocket launchers unload firepower unto the enemy. Many different types of missiles could be chosen to be launched by the MLRS, from rockets that rain shrapnel on areas the size of several football fields to GPS-guided rockets that can deliver a 500 pound warhead to any target. Likewise, defense contractors like Lockheed Martin will always be taking orders for more of these missiles and even upgrades for the system as often as they can. One of the most recent creations delivered by Lockheed Martin are the different blocks of the US Armys Tactical Missile System (ATACMS, pronounched attack ems). There have been two different blocks developed so far, with block I designed to deliver 950 M74 submunitions to blanket an area, and block II to deliver a 500 lb warhead. The block II variety has been enhanced to strike targets from a verticle descent path, enhancing mountainous warfare capabilities and bunker-busting. This system is an extremely flexible and devastating combination of mobility and firepower, and one of the longest range, most accurate, widely deployed, and technologically advanced rocket artillery system in the world. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, the US Army fired 420 MLRS rockets in the opening salvos of the war, hitting targets as far away as 120 km. This weapon is literally the 500 pound gorilla of the wide open battlespace of the Middle


Eastern deserts. With firepower like this fielded and ready to roll, its truly a wonder that anyone would challenge it, especially from a distance.

































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