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Non-Newtonian Fluids Non-Newtonian Fluids *A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid that does not follow Newton's law of viscosity. *Newtonian fluid, the relation between the shear stress and the strain rate is linear, the constant of proportionality called as viscosity. * In a non-Newtonian fluid, the relation between the shear stress and the strain rate is nonlinear. Non-Newtonian Fluids Shear Stress Shear Rate Non-Newtonian Fluids -Any fluid that does not obey the Newtonian relationship between the shear stress and shear rate is called non-Newtonian. *Non — Newtonian fluids - High molecular weight liquids which include polymer melts - Solutions of polymers, as well as liquids in which fine particles are suspended (slurries and pastes) -In this case, the slope of the shear stress versus shear rate curve will not be constant at a given temperature and pressure but depends on the rate of shear. Non-Newtonian Fluids Shear Stress Shear Rate Apparent viscosity -Apparent viscosity is the viscosity of the non-Newtonian liquid that measures at a single shear rate or single point. *The apparent viscosity changes with changing rates of shear and temperature Factors that affect on viscosity + Temperature + Shear Rate + Time + Composition and additives Types of non-Newtonian fluids 1. Time independent fluids The rate of shear at any point is a some function of a shear stress, at that point and depends on nothing else. Types of non-Newtonian fluids 2. Time dependant fluids More complex systems, the relationship between shear stress and shear rate depend on the time of the fluids has been sheared. Types of non-Newtonian fluids 3. Visco-Elastic Fluids - Systems which have characteristics of both solids and fluids exhibit partial elastic recovery after deformation. — - These are called visco - elastic fluids. 1. Time Independent Fluids Bingham Body . No deformation occurs until a certain shear stress is applied. . Then the shear stress (t) become a linear function of shear rate Bingham Body Bingham Body +The bingham body is an idealized material which is considered to have an internal structure. *No deformation occurs until a certain shear stress is applied. + Then, internal structure collapses above the yield stress tia Yield is the point, below that point, the material doesn’t flow and above that point material may flow. - Thereafter, the shear stress become a linear function of shear rate above the **# Bingham Body + the Bingham body has been refereed to as the ideal plastic so that such behaviour can’t observed in polymer melts. + Examples : Toothpaste, Grease, Tar, Chewing gum Power Law Fluid + A power law fluid exhibits the following nonlinear relationship between shear stress and shear rate: When n’ = 1, the fluid is Newtonian & Apparent viscosity for a power law fluid under shear conditions is: ii, = thy = Ky" - When n’ <1, apparent viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate, and the fluid is called shear thinning or pseudoplastic. - When n’ > 1, apparent viscosity increases with increasing shear rate, and the fluid is called shear thickening or ilatant. Power Law fluids n= 1-— Newtonian Fluids n <1 - Pseudoplastic Fluids n> 1 - Dilatants 2. Pseudoplastic Fluids “These fluids exhibit decreasing viscosity with an increasing shear rate. *Pseudoplastic fluids are also called. shear-thinning fluids. 2. Pseudoplastic Fluids 2. Pseudoplastic Fluids 2. Pseudoplastic Fluids +Pseudoplastic fluids doesn’t show yield value and the type of flow curves for these materials indicate that ratio of shear stress to shear strain rate which is terms of viscosity progressively reduction with shear rate. 2. Pseudoplastic Fluids + One physical interpretation of this phenomenon is that increasing rate of shear molecules are progressively align instead of random intermingled state which exist when fluid at rest. +The major axes are brought with the direction of flow and the fluidity increases and viscosity decreases. + So that pseudoplastic materials are classified as that decreasing viscosity with increasing shear rate. + Examples : paper pulp, printing ink, paints, emulsions, dispersions, etc., 3. Dilatants «These fluids exhibit increasing viscosity with an increasing shear rate. «These materials are called as dilatants. * This material is similar to pseudoplastics that they don’t show yield value but viscosity increases with shear rate. «These fluids are called as shear thickening fluids. 3. Dilatants 3. Dilatants 3. Dilatants «Assume that concentrated suspension mix is at rest. * So that voidage at a minimum and the liquid is only sufficient to fill the voids. +When these materials are subjected to shear at law rate, the liquid lubricates the motion of one particles pass another, so that stresses are consequently small. + At high rate of shear the dense packing of the particles are broken up and the materials expand slightly and number of empty places (voids) are increased. 3. Dilatants + There is now insufficient liquid in the new structure to lubricate the flow of the particles pass one and another. * Since the applied stress for this might be much higher due to formation of new structure. + It causes viscosity increases rapidly with increasing shear strain rate. + Example: clay slurries, cornstarch in water, etc.,

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