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Review of Related Literature

Related Studies

A study by (Lisa & Robert, 2008). The revealed study that the students’ time management skills affect
their academic achievement at a significant level and the skills are one of the predictors of academic
performance. The relevant literature suggested that students should start to acquire time management
senses on their own in their primary school years by reading materials on the issue or via the framework
of psychological counseling and guidance studies applied in schools and adopt effective time
management attitudes and techniques to determine how and where they spend their time.

Another study by (Yilmaz, Yoncalik & Bektaş, 2006) states that in the relevant study there are great
number of academic studies focusing on the relation between time management and academic
achievements. The related study showed that the time management attitude and skill levels of
university students and the effects of these skills on their academic achievement. The research study
that a majority student possesses moderate level time management skills and only a significantly small
portion has high level time management skills (Yilmaz, Yoncalik & Bektaş, 2006).

Related Literature

School is a primary setting for academic and social experience. Achievement is a behavior directed
towards the attainment of approval or the avoidance of disapproval for competence of performance in
situations to which standards of excellence are relevant. The terms academic achievement, academic
performance and scholastic achievement are interchangeable. Academic performance refers to some
methods of expressing a student's scholastic standing. It indicates a grade for a course, an average for a
group of courses in the subject area or an average for all courses expressed on a zero to hundred or
other quantitative scale (Dash, B.N. 2004).

Observed a surprising relationship between reward and effort in real life and it suggests that 80% of
what is been done may contribute only 20% of what will be achieved in life. This rule is said to be called
"Pareto Principle". This rule acts a force which make someone to reallocate attention to those most
valuable activities rather than focusing on the activities which may bring fun but has no long-term
rewards. This principle relates to the way in which a student who spends more time in fun activities will
have no valuable goals in doing those fun things but will rather achieve a desired goal if he/she can focus
more on useful things (Vilfredo Pareto, 1906).

Legal Bases
1. Employment Law: High-achieving Tindak Dance Troupe members, as employees, are entitled to fair
working hours and conditions under employment law. This legal basis ensures that their time
management practices are in compliance with regulations set forth by labor laws, ensuring adequate
rest periods, breaks, and limits on working hours. It may also address any legal obligations regarding
overtime compensation or provisions for annual leave, which can impact their study habits.

Data Gathered on:

2. Education Law: As students, high-achieving Tindak Dance Troupe members have a right to quality
 Demographic
education. Education law safeguards Profileby
their study habits of establishing
the Respondents.
standards for educational
 Age
institutions, such as providing sufficient time for studying, access to necessary resources, and support
systems for academic development. This legal basis ensuresSex that the dance troupe's schedule and
commitments do not hinder their ability to excelacademically,
Year Level promoting a balanced approach to time


According to Maslow (1954), "As long as the efficient use of time helps us meet higher goals of
fulfilment, spiritually and well-being, we perceived it as helpful. But for the sake of interests in better
efficiency, if we give up bigger things like agenda and self-satisfaction in life, then this can be seen as a
moot victory". Maslow's theory talks about the human needs and hierarchy that are required to satisfy
human wants. Maslow's theory is related to the student time management in the aspect of purpose and
satisfaction. This theory reflects on how a student can manage his/her self-better in order to feel
satisfied (Jeffrey 2011).

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a motivation theory that emphasizes the importance of autonomy,
competence, and relatedness in human behavior. According to SDT, individuals are more likely to be
motivated when they feel that their actions are self-directed, they have the necessary skills to
accomplish their goals, and their actions are related to their values and beliefs. Applied to study habits,
students who have sense of autonomy in managing their time, feeling competent in their ability to learn
and retain information, and feel connected to the academic goals are more likely to develop and
maintain effective study habits.

Conceptual Framework

 Distributing Survey Questionnaires

 Analyzing the data through statistical treatment


 Time Management Practices and Study Habits Among High-

achieving Tindak Dance Troupe Members

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study may provide knowledge on how to improved academic performance,
enhanced dance skills, reduced stress, have a balanced life, and have a long term success.

The result of this study significantly benefits the following:

Tindak Dance Troupe Members. They directly benefit by achieving higher academic performance,
improving dance skills, reducing stress, and maintaining a balanced life.

Future Members. They can use this as a guide on how to manage their time and what are the effective
study habits to balance and improve their performance in both dance and academics.

Dance Troupe Leader. They can expect better performances from their members, which can contribute
to the reputation and success of the troupe.

Academic Institutions. High-achieving students contribute to the academic reputation of their

institutions, leading to increased enrollment and prestige.

Parents and Families. They benefit from knowing that their children are well-rounded and have a
greater chance of academic and career success.

Future Employers and Dance Companies. Members who develop strong time management and study
habits are more likely to be disciplined and organized employees, making them valuable assets to
potential employers and dance companies.

The Dance Community. By producing well-rounded and skilled dancers, this research can positively
impact the dance community as a whole, potentially raising the standards of dance performances.

Future Researchers. Can use the findings of this study Time Management Practices and Study Habits
Among High-achieving Tindak Dance Troupe Members for further research in related areas.

Definition of Terms

In order to give a common definition, the following terms were defined operationally:

Time Management Practices. Refer to the specific strategies and behaviors employed by Tindak Dance
Troupe members to allocate and utilize their time effectively. This includes techniques such as setting
schedules, prioritizing tasks, using time-tracking tools, and managing interruptions to optimize the use of
available time for academic and dance-related activities.

Study Habits. Observable routines and approaches that Tindak Dance Troupe members adopt when
preparing for academic examinations and assignments. These habits may include methods of note-
taking, reading, revising, and problem-solving, as well as the regularity and consistency of study

High-Achieving Tindak Dance Troupe Members. Are individuals within the troupe who have
consistently demonstrated exceptional performance and success in both their academic pursuits and
dance-related activities. Achievement may be measured by factors such as grades, dance performance
evaluations, or recognition within the troupe.
Academic Performance. Pertains to the outcomes and results achieved by Tindak Dance Troupe
members in their educational endeavors. This includes grades, test scores, class attendance, and other
relevant indicators of scholastic achievement.

Stress Reduction. Refers to the observable reduction in physical, emotional, and psychological stress
experienced by Tindak Dance Troupe members as a result of implementing effective time management
practices and study habits. It can be measured through self-reported stress levels, physiological
indicators, and qualitative feedback.Work-Life Balance:

Work-life balance. Represents the equilibrium achieved by Tindak Dance Troupe members in managing
their academic commitments and dance-related responsibilities while also allowing time for personal life
and relaxation. It can be assessed through self-reporting and time allocation analysis.

Long-term Success. Signifies the achievement of enduring positive outcomes in both academic and
dance-related domains over an extended period. It includes achieving career goals, professional
recognition, and sustained high performance in dance and academics.

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