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Consolidation Tasks bac eco 2&3 Ibnu Sina Private School Mr .

Ben Hfaiedh

1- Fill in the blanks with the words in the list below: There are 2 extra words . ( 4 marks )

-talented- -boost-
on- -would
–increasingly- -cultivating
cultivating- - poorer-
In 1992, Tunisia launched a new project in the aim of reducing the illiteracy rate. The lifelong education
programmes and courses are meant to ………………………………..…both the personal and vocational education of
the adult. Adult education is not merely concerned with educating and ……….…………………….…. the mature , but
rather with preparing people for life. The illiterate could be either young or mature. They would have different
backgrounds that led to their……………………………………… from continuing learning. The campaign started with a
communication strategy based ……………………………. direct contact and awareness raising through the mass
media. The project became……………………………………..….persuasive to the illiterate, especially female farmers.
The officials introduced a system of rewards for …………………….…………… learners, teachers and the other
parties involved in the programme . The authorities allocated the human and financial resources to achieve their
………………...………….……The policy has served to increase literacy particularly in …………………..………..
regions. Hundreds of schools have been built to ensure that at least 75 percent of the population is able to read and
write by 2015.
2- Fill in the gapped paragraph with the right alternative : ( 4 marks)

Teaching in schools is a problem that is

much talked about these days . Some people criticize 1- educational / education / educate
the…………………………………..….….. (1) programmes while 2- using / used / are used
others blame the methods…...………………………….……......(2) in 3- exercises /opportunities/ dangers
classes . Many support deep changes . Opinions vary about what is 4- salaries / prices / sales
to be expected from school education . Sociologists would like 5- So / Also / However
education to be the greatest equalizer that would supply all kids 6- few / several / some
with the same ……………………..…………..(3) . Many students 7- in / on / at
consider education as a medium to get on in life and to have better 8- simple / simpler / simplest
…..………………………………………(4) in the future .
………………………………………….…. , (5) many parents
complain about the long programmes and ………………….………..
…………(6) activities that students have to do. Getting good
education depends ….…………………….…………………(7) improving the ways of learning . Both students and
parents ask for ……………………………..………..(8) and more flexible programmes to increase the rate of success
at school .

3/ Put the words between parentheses in the right tense or form : ( 4 marks )

Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847. Bell is considered as one of the (great)
……………………………………inventors in history. The men in the family were blessed with deep and sonorous
voices and a talent for communication. His priceless (achieve )………………………………… is the result of the great
influence of his talented family on his career. Bell's mother was deaf and his father was ( passionate)
………………………………………… committed to helping the deaf learn to speak. Bell developed the "Visible Speech
" and (travel)……………………………………… around the world to demonstrate how it could open the world of the
spoken word to the deaf. As a child, young Alexander displayed a natural (curious)……………………………………
about his world. From his early years, Bell showed a sensitive nature and a talent for art, poetry and music that (be /
encourage )…………………………………………… by his mother. With no formal training, he mastered the piano and
became the family's pianist . Bell was also deeply (affect)…………………………………………… by his mother's
struggle to be successful despite of her gradual (deaf)…………………………………… . Although Alexander Graham
Bell is most often associated with the invention of the telephone, his interests were extremely varied.

4/ Fill in the blanks with the words in the list below: There are 2 extra words . ( 4 marks )

laureate––ifif- literary
- literary––nomination
outstanding- video
- video

Among the five prizes provided for in Alfred Nobel’s will (1895), one was intended for the person who, in the
literary field, had produced “the most ...................................... work in an ideal direction”. The ................................. should
be determined by “the Academy in Stockholm”, which was specified by the states of the Nobel Foundation to mean the
Swedish Academy. These statutes defined literature ............................... “not only belles-lettres, but also
other ............................ which, by virtue of their form and style, possess ............................... value”. At the same time, the
restriction to works presented “during the preceding year” was softened: older works could be considered “if
their ............................. has not become apparent until recently” .It was also stated that candidates must be nominated in
writing by those ................................ to do so before February each year. A special regulation gives the right
of ............................................ to members of the Swedish Academy, other institutions and societies similar to it in

5/Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form : ( 4 marks)

Computers have had the ability to play chess for many years now, and their performance in games against
the best players in the world (show)…………………… steady improvement. However, it (be)…………..
………………..years before the designers of computer games machines can beat their (big)
………………………………..challenge yet – the ancient board game called 'Go'. The playing area is considerably
larger than in chess and there are far (many)……………………………pieces, so that the combination of moves is
almost (end)………………………………… The game involves planning so many moves ahead that even the
(impression)……………………………. calculations of the fastest modern computers are (sufficient)…….……………
to deal with the problems of the game. In a recent competition for computer 'Go' machines, the best machine (beat)
………………………..………..all its rivals, but lost heavily to three young schoolchildren, so there is obviously still a lot
of work to do.

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