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TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

Name : ………………………………….
Subject : Science
Grade : IV (AK / IK / IR / IS / SAF)

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Imagine a cup of hot chocolate on a table. If you put some ice cubes in the hot
chocolate drink, what do you think will happen to the hot chocolate?
A. the ice cubes will melt.
B. the ice cubes will freeze.
C. the ice cubes will stay at the same temperature.
D. the ice cubes will absorb the hot chocolate.
2. Sources of heat are object that produce heat. They can be natural or artificial. The

statement that is true about natural source of heat is ….

A. They come only from human-made objects.

B. They are produced without human intervention.

C. They are always cooler than artificial sources.

D. They rely only on fossil fuels.

3. Heat is an energy that flows from warmer material to a ….

A. colder material C. heavier material

B. harder material D. brighter material

4. We can save energy at our home by ….

A. By leaving lights and appliances on when not in use.

B. By using energy-efficient appliances.

C. By opening windows in winter.

D. By wasting water.

5. Sophie was at the swimming pool, watching her pencil float in the water. When she

looked at it from the side, she noticed that it appeared bent at the surface.

Remembering her science class, Sophie knew that this was because of refraction—

how light bends as it moves from water to air, making the pencil seem displaced.

The reason why a pencil appears bent when partially submerged in water is due to


A. reflection C. absorption

B. refraction D. freezing

II. Tick () 2 correct answer ! (question number 14 -20)

6. Type of energy the Sun produces when it shines are ….
A. light energy C. sound energy
B. electrical energy D. heat energy

7. Benefits of heat energy in human’s live are ....

A. listening music C. preparing meals
B. light up the road D. warmth during winter
8. When you plug in an electric kettle, you're giving it electricity. This electricity makes
the heating element inside the kettle get hot. Then, this heat moves from the heating
element into the water you put in the kettle. So, the energy that working on it are ….
A. electricity energy C. thermal energy
B. sound energy D. light energy
9. Which of the following are benefits of light?
A) Help us see and stay safe.
B) Help us hear and breathe.
C) Help plants make food.
D) Help us drying clothes.
The correct statements are ….
A. A C. C
B. B D. D

10. How do we see things?

A. Light reflects off objects and enters our eyes.

B. Electrical signals are sent to the brain from the eyes.

C. Light is absorbed by the retina.

D. Sound waves interact with the optic nerve.


No Statement True / False

11. Energy can be transferred from one object to another
but not to the environment.
12. Sun is an example of natural source of light.
13. Television set that is switched on is an example of
sound energy.
14. Light travels in the same direction after it is reflected.
15. We can see objects because they are light sources.

IV. Fill in the blank with the correct answer!

16. Peter is in a dark room. There are no lights in the room.

A: Can Peter see the walls in the room?

B: _______, he can’t. Because there is no light in the room for Peter to see the


17. Look at the picture!

Ken sees his face in the mirror. This is an example of __________of light.
18. An example of ___________ in our daily live is the bending of a pencil or straw in a
glass of water.
19. __________ is a measurement of how hot or cold something is.
20. Light travels away from it source in __________ lines.


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