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Crafting a thesis on a complex subject such as photosynthesis can be an arduous task.

It requires in-
depth research, critical analysis, and coherent presentation of findings. Many students find
themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information to sift through, the meticulous attention
to detail required, and the pressure to produce original insights.

Writing a thesis demands not only academic prowess but also time management skills and a high
level of dedication. From formulating a research question to conducting experiments or gathering
data, to analyzing results and drawing conclusions, every step demands careful consideration and

Moreover, the process of writing involves multiple drafts, revisions, and constant refinement to
ensure clarity, coherence, and academic rigor. It's not uncommon for students to encounter obstacles
along the way, whether it's writer's block, difficulty synthesizing sources, or grappling with complex
theoretical frameworks.

In such challenging times, seeking professional assistance can make a significant difference. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized support tailored to students' individual needs. With a team of
experienced researchers, writers, and editors, they provide comprehensive assistance at every stage
of the thesis writing process.

Whether you need help refining your research question, conducting literature reviews, designing
experiments, analyzing data, or polishing your final draft, ⇒ ⇔ is your trusted
partner. Their experts possess the expertise and resources to guide you through the intricacies of
academic writing and ensure that your thesis meets the highest standards of excellence.

Don't let the daunting task of writing a thesis deter you from pursuing your academic goals. With the
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More photosynthetic activity was recorded when the 100 W bulb was used (Fig. 4). Therefore the
intensity and not the distance of light source positively influence the photosynthetic activity. That
can involve students within our campus for data collection. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on
board with our cookie policy. This problem was solved by using a couple of rubber bands at both
ends. For any reaction, the rate is affected by changes in tem. White light was expected to College
An experiment was carried out to find out the rate of Photosynthesis using different wavelengths of
light. The carbon dioxide is used in the production of carbohydrates, and the water is split into
hydrogen and oxygen groups. Both groups were kept under a controlled light source for fourteen
days and plant counts were taken at regular intervals. Apparatus Photometer Syringe 2 X ruler Test
tube Pondweed Thermometer Capillary tube Lamp NaHCO3 Water Stopwatch Diagram Method.
The light intensity and temperature of water will be my constant and I will only change the CO 2
level. When there was 100% light intensity, the lamp was 10cm away the pondweed we found the
quickest rate of photosynthesis because there was more light energy to use to do the reaction. Water
has a direct effect on the stomata which is responsible for the diffusion of carbon dioxide. When an
object is moving in a circle it constantly. The data from Table 1 was extracted to obtain a comparison
chart for three sources of light as follows. Data that was measured during the experiment shows how
quickly the leaves began to float. Although he was most notably a physicist, Mayer's theories on
energy led him to conclude that plants used the energy from sunlight to create the energy found in
plant cells. A 10 cm long piece of rubber tubing was attached to 10 cm glass tubing which was
passed through a rubber stopper. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. These veins
are responsible for the transportation of water and nutrients to other parts and cells of the plant.
Leaves give off oxygen by taking in carbon dioxide provided in the atmosphere and converting it to
oxygen. The proposed model shows that plants are capable of fine-tuning photosynthesis adapting to
conditions of fluctuating light. Photosynthesis is not a single reaction, it takes place in a series of
small steps. The process of photosynthesis is such that more oxygen will be released under the
enhanced stimulus of light as well as excess carbon-di-oxide which has been achieved by adding
baking soda. This innovative works that mimic the process of plants by splitting the water molecules
and produce products of Hydrogen and oxygen only by using the energy from the sunlight. Why (be
as specific as possible)?Each answer should be no more than 2-3 pages, single-spaced. Their
proposed model could act as a knowledge basis to enable the large-scale production of resilient
photosynthetic organisms that can generate biomass for agricultural products, biofuels, and chemical
feedstock in biotechnological applications. To achieve these aims, they conduct experiments in light
of fluctuating intensity on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. With the help of Notes, candidates
can plan their Strategy for particular weaker section of the subject and study hard. The EIC path
finder tries to identify the innovation that could provide a market potential at European and global
levels.The prizes provided by the EIC horizon creates a motivation in establishing a solution to the
challenge that could be a major benefit for the society. This was because all the oxygen was
completely taken out of the leaves.
If you are happy for us to contact you in this way, please tick below. It is the process of converting
light energy into chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar of the organism. For this lab,
you will find common household objects to build. The lower the reading the more chance of there
being a mistake. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. The proposed model shows that plants are capable of fine-tuning photosynthesis
adapting to conditions of fluctuating light. The content is provided for information purposes only.
Saussure used this information and repeated the Helmont experiment, this time keeping track of the
carbon dioxide and the water the plant was exposed to. So, go ahead and check the Important Notes
for Class 11 Biology Photosynthesis in Higher Plants from this article. Essentially, light energy is a
crucial factor in Photosynthesis hence the need to test for the difference in the light spectrum. A 10
cm long piece of rubber tubing was attached to 10 cm glass tubing which was passed through a
rubber stopper. The Chemistry of Photosynthesis Introduction The sun is primary source of energy in
the universe for existence of life on earth. I always suggest that students start with 3 possible topics.
Candidates who are ambitious to qualify the Class 11 with good score can check this article for
Notes. The released oxygen will have only one source to escape that is through the glass tubing,
which will be visually evaluated by counting the number of bubbles escaping. Liquid soap was
placed into the solutions to make it easier for photosynthesis to occur. Helmont concluded,
incorrectly, that the tree was in fact using and keeping the water inside its tissues to grow.
Photosynthetic activity is also directly proportional to the amount of light and the CO2 availability,
as was shown in this experiment. White light contains seven colors inclusive of blue and green,
hence their dependency. I'm sure you can find a project that would work for your purposes. What
genetic or environmental risks make people vulnerable to disease or condition. Apart from any fair
dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no. How can doctors be better prepared to help
terminally ill cancer patients with end of life issues. A current mission of scientists is simulating them
in a laboratory setting and optimizing them for commercial energy production. The bulb wattage was
clearly marked on the bulbs and the distance was measured with a ruler. Between the upper and the
lower epidermis lies the mesophyll which harbours the chloroplasts and the vascular bundle or veins.
It is obvious from the above information that a number of factors are essential for photosynthesis to
occur. Cutting off certain spectrums will be established by covering the test tube with red and green
transparent sheets which will block these particular spectrums and thereby prove which particular
light frequency is more pertinent to the process of photosynthesis. A fresh pond weed collected from
a local pond can sustain itself in the experimental setup as fresh water, free from any chemicals will
be used in the experiment. Document the amount of disks floating each minute until all the leaves
are floating.
When an object is moving in a circle it constantly. It was already known that flames needed air to
burn, and somehow used up air in an enclosed space, but Preistly discovered that by placing part of a
mint plant into such a closed container the air could be renewed, leading to a longer life for the
flame. Task done as described and better, responded to all my questions promptly too! ”. The rate of
photosynthesis will not continue beyond a certain point for once it reaches a certain level the rate
will level off due to limiting factors. For this lab, you will find common household objects to build. I
will use a pant that is a pond weed called elodea. Helmont concluded, incorrectly, that the tree was in
fact using and keeping the water inside its tissues to grow. Remove the end of the syringe, and based
on the solution inside, pour the leaf disks into the correct solution cup. The main focus of this project
is to build a bench scale prototype that should be capable of producing fuel in powering a small
engine. As obvious from the above equation, it is clear that six molecules of carbon-di-oxide combine
with six molecules of water, in the presence of chlorophyll and light to yield one molecule of sugar
and six molecules of oxygen. To combat this I could wait for the temperature after each experiment
to cool back down to 20oC before I restarted. Mutant plants, on the other hand, were affected by
fluctuations in the light. Her current research interests include ion transport in plants and algae and
renewable biomass production from algae on the west coast of Sweden. Some of these factors can be
studied and proven experimentally by simple experiments with readily available equipment which
does not need any sophisticated apparatus. The electronic excited state is transferred over the
antenna molecules as an exciton. When referring to the light spectrum, red and violet are furthest
away from green, and would be most absorbed by the leaf. Your friend says that humans have
evolved from apes. We could have also changed the light colour and the light bulb such as Florissant
tubing. This is an exciting and complex area, where the pioneering research of Prof Spetea and her
team could lead to substantial and significant advances for future generations. Photosynthetic
organisms are adapted to tolerate a variety of climates as well as abrupt changes in light intensity
conditions. Photosynthetic organisms algae, plants and a few other organisms serve as ultimate
source of food for most life. Furthermore, the proposal writing process may need 8 months which
should take the technical feasibility and marketing strategies into consideration. You can title each
essay if you wish, but titles aren't required.PROMPT 1The policies of both Import-Substitution
Industrialization and Neoliberalism strongly influenced the urban geography of Latin America, but in
profoundly different ways. However this failed to produce the expected decrease. Baede Climate
change is a variation of average weather. The chemical reaction which takes place inside the leaf is as
shown below. While the bicarbonate solution is in one cup, the other cup is filled with pure water to
serve as the control. The present study was performed to determine the effect of the color on the
Photosynthesis rate, the rate of Photosynthesis, the rate of oxygen uptake was determined for this
experiment. Upon transition from dark to low light, VCCN1 imports Cl. Give me your paper
requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.
We could have also changed the light colour and the light bulb such as Florissant tubing. I will use a
pant that is a pond weed called elodea. These bulbs are an ideal source of white light which has all
the components of the white light spectrum. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
Fnm this other amino acids are made by transamination. Uninterrupted power supply was used so that
the bulbs don’t go off due to a power failure. The presence of a unique pigment, which imparts the
green colour to plants, Chlorophyll, is essential for Photosynthesis to take place. He hypothesized
that the water would simply be used to carry nutrients and then evaporate. The leaves are then placed
into the bicarbonate solution with soapy water. A timer is set for every minute to measure the amount
of disks to float at a certain time. Upon transition from dark to low light, VCCN1 imports Cl. On
transition from dark to low light, and from low to high light, VCCN1 accelerates NPQ activation
and photoprotection. The gradual decrease in the rate of photosynthesis (the shallowing of the curve
and reduction of the gradient) can be attributed to the other factors limiting the rate of
photosynthesis The relationship between the light intensity and the rate of photosynthesis was that
for the very first part of the graph, proportional to the increase in light intensity but it starts to level
off due to limiting factors. An infection caused by such an organism is not only untreatable, but also
proves to be fatal. By weighing both the pot and the tree at the beginning of the project, Helmont
believed he would discover that the tree gradually ate away at the soil by measuring the two again
after five years. Candidates can click on the subject wise link to get the same. The energy absorbed
from the red and blue lights is the one utilized for photosynthesis. Small amounts of the oxygen will
be transferred into the spongy mesophyll in case of respiration. The third experiment was a repetition
of the second one, with the only difference that the distance of the light source was increased to 20
cm. There was no way I could improve the method because it’s a computer that we used and there
was a fixed way how we could do the experiment, and the only flexibility had were the 3 variables.
The leaf surface is hydrophobic, and the liquid soap is a surfactant. These factors do not immediately
affect the rate but gradually. In this study, the bicarbonate was used to produce carbon dioxide for
the plant. Evaporation, Leaf, Photosynthesis 899 Words 3 Pages All green parts of a plant have
chloroplasts. Photosynthesis By Alun Tweedale Introduction Photosynthesis occurs only in the
presence of light, and takes place in the chloroplasts of green plant cells. Finally to keep the test fair
we had to keep the light colour the same because the chlorophyll absorbs different colours of light at
different distances. Prof Spetea studies ion transport proteins and genes involved in the regulation of
photosynthesis in plants and algae. All other living forms which include non pigmented plant forms
and animals including human beings depend on external sources for their food requirement. In the
second experiment, more bubbles (26) were produced when the light source was a 100 W bulb, as
compared to the 40 W bulb (8), further providing confirmation that more the light more is the
photosynthetic activity (Fig. 3). As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis is being
limited by certain factors, such as carbon dioxide and temperature.
This may be because the leave is taking in all the CO 2 it can and is working at its maximum rate.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The Iodine solution
was dropped on both of the leaves. Helmont attempted to discover where a tree's growth comes
from by growing a willow tree inside a pot with a carefully measured amount of soil. The bulb
wattage was clearly marked on the bulbs and the distance was measured with a ruler. The midterm
essay exams covers material from chapters 1-8. The leaves in the bicarbonate solution were floating
by twelve minutes. The green substance chlorophyll enables the plant to transfer energy from
sunlight to sugar. How important is it for doctor's to give careful instructions for taking medicine.
The electrons are eventually transferred to the photosystem I reaction center. We can conclude that
the red spectrum of light plays a more important part in the process of photosynthesis. So, go ahead
and check the Important Notes for Class 11 Biology Photosynthesis in Higher Plants from this
article. Utmost care should be taken while sucking the water up to a particular level inside the glass
tube as a vigorous effort can lead to the soda solution entering the experimenter’s mouth. Aim The
aim is to find out how changing the light intensity affects the rate of Photosynthesis Prediction I
predict that as the light intensity increases so will the rate of photosynthesis. The presence of a
unique pigment, which imparts the green colour to plants, Chlorophyll, is essential for Photosynthesis
to take place. The move also appears to be irreversible and complete. The only concern is to handle
the light source carefully and use fully insulated wires, switches and materials in order to avoid
electric shock. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. A linear
electron transport system with two light-driven reactions Z scheme was proposed based upon
observations of the redox state of cytochromes Hill and Bendall, Duysens et al. The carbon dioxide
is used in the production of carbohydrates, and the water is split into hydrogen and oxygen groups.
It also showed that photosynthesis is more complex than most people think. By minute thirteen, all
ten of the disks were floating. Given the above understanding, it is therefore important that the right
environment factors are in existence for some chemical reactions to take place. Cutting off certain
spectrums will be established by covering the test tube with red and green transparent sheets which
will block these particular spectrums and thereby prove which particular light frequency is more
pertinent to the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is carried out by many different organisms,
ranging from plants to bacteria. In experiments 4 to 7, red and green lights were used as compared
to white light to find out if there was any difference due to these particular frequencies on the
process of photosynthesis. The partnerships of the project can be separated into two groups and the
first one is the academic research organizations. Late assignments will NOT be accepted under any
circumstances. Temperature (oC) Light Intensity (lux) Distance (cm) Concentration of NaHCO3 (%)
Oxygen made in 10 secs (mm3) 20 50 30 0 0 20 50 30 0.5 9 20 50 30.0 26 20 50 30.5 38 20 50 30 2.0
41 20 50 30 3.0 41 20 50 30 3.5 41 20 50 30 4.0 41 20 50 30 4.5 41 20 50 30 5.0 41 From these
results I have decided on using 2% concentrations of NaHCO3 because using a higher concentration
than this does not increase the volume of oxygen produced. In some studies, the control group disks
floated a small amount because the oxygen wasn’t completed absorb.

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