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Natural ultraviolet-b exposure of the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma

cornutum) at a North Texas Wildlife Refuge

Author(s): Gary W. Ferguson, William H. Gehrmann, Andrew M. Brinker, Glenn C. Kroh, and Donald C.
Ruthven III
Source: The Southwestern Naturalist, 60(2-3):231-239.
Published By: Southwestern Association of Naturalists

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Department of Biology, Box 209030, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129 (GWF, WHG, AMB, GCK)
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 3036 FM 3256, Paducah, TX 79248 (DCR)

ABSTRACT—We monitored daily patterns of natural ultraviolet-B (UVB) exposure (measured using the
ultraviolet index [UVI]) of the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) in North Central Texas. The
animals were active on unpaved road surfaces on warm sunny days in May and June in the morning (0800–
1200 h) and in late afternoon and early evening (1800–2100 h). The UVI was high during the morning and
was positively correlated with hour of the day and body temperature. The UVI was lower during the late
afternoon and early evening and was negatively correlated with hour of the day. Body temperatures of the
animals were higher than air temperature during both periods of road activity. On warm sunny days between
the two periods of high road activity, lizards remained active in shaded off-road areas and received variable
amounts of UVB exposure. Two lizards that were followed most hours on warm sunny days had similar UVB
exposure doses (irradiance · time) for the day but showed different patterns of UVI irradiance. The UVI and
dose were lower for an additional individual followed on an overcast day with thermal conditions that
shortened aboveground activity time. On warm sunny days in May and June, P. cornutum received the highest
daily UVB dose of any lizard or snake monitored to date.

RESUMEN—Monitoreamos los patrones diarios de la exposición natural a la radiación ultravioleta-B (UVB)

(medida por el ı́ndice ultravioleta [UVI]) en Phrynosoma cornutum en el centro-norte de Texas. Los animales
estuvieron activos sobre las superficies de caminos no pavimentados en los cálidos y soleados dı́as en mayo y
junio por la mañana (0800–1200 h) y tarde por las tardes y las horas tempranas de la noche (1800–2100 h).
UVI fue alta en las mañanas y estuvo positivamente correlacionada con la hora del dı́a y la temperatura
corporal. UVI estuvo más bajo tarde por la tarde hasta las horas tempranas de la noche, y se correlacionó
negativamente con la hora del dı́a. La temperatura corporal del animal estuvo más alta que la temperatura del
aire durante los dos periodos de actividad en los caminos. En dı́as tibios y soleados entre los dos periodos de
alta actividad en los caminos, las lagartijas siguieron activas en las áreas sombreadas y alejadas de los caminos, y
los animales recibieron cantidades variadas de exposición a UVB. Entre dos lagartijas que fueron observadas
por la mayorı́a de las horas de dı́as cálidos y soleados, hubo una dosis semejante de exposición a la UVB
(radiación · tiempo) durante el dı́a, pero mostraron diferentes patrones de UVI . UVI y la dosis de exposición
fueron más bajos para una lagartija adicional que fue observada durante un dı́a nublado con condiciones
termales que cortaron el tiempo de actividad terrestre. Cuando hacı́a calor y sol en mayo y junio, P. cornutum
recibió la dosis diaria más alta de UVB que cualquier lagartija o culebra que haya sido monitoreada hasta el

Active basking in the sun by many lizards is a critical their environment (Huey, 1982). Along this spectrum of
mechanism for thermoregulation (Cowles and Bogert, thermoregulatory behavior, the Texas horned lizard
1944; Huey, 1982). Some lizard species quickly attain (Phrynosoma cornutum: Phrynosomatidae) is a thermoreg-
preferred body temperatures higher than ambient by ulator that maintains its body temperature within a zone
basking early in the day. They might maintain this ranging from approximately 35–398C (Heath, 1965;
preferred temperature throughout their activity during Prieto and Whitford, 1971). Thermoregulation and
the rest of the day either within narrow limits or with less adaptation to environmental temperature changes are
precision. Other lizard species are thermal conformers, primary factors responsible for daily and seasonal cycles
and bask little or not at all. When active, they maintain a of activity and basking in this and other horned lizard
variable body temperature that conforms to the range of species (Burrow et al., 2001; Sherbrooke, 2003).
232 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 60, no. 2-3

The sun is not only a source of heat but also ultraviolet or partial sun basking species, with a median UVI of 1.8;
(UV) radiation. Exposure to UV radiation from sunlight zone 4 includes midday basking species, with a median
can have both negative and positive effects on the health UVI of 3.1. Lizards inhabiting a higher UVB zone have
and well-being of terrestrial vertebrates. The most skins less photosensitive to UVB regarding vitamin D
detrimental effects of excess UV radiation are tissue and synthesis than those inhabiting a lower UVB zone
DNA damage that can lead to sterilization and cancer (Ferguson et al., 2005). This might also reflect a lower
(Hays et al., 1995; Blaustein et al., 1998; Miller et al., 2002; sensitivity to UVB damage.
Chang and Zheng, 2003). Inappropriately high exposure The Texas horned lizard occurs in the arid and
doses of short-wave UV radiation causes skin and eye semiarid low- and middle-elevation habitats from south-
damage and reduced reproductive success in captive eastern Arizona south through northern Mexico and
reptiles (Ferguson et al., 2002; Gardiner et al., 2009). north to central Kansas (Sherbrooke, 2003; Stebbins,
The most studied positive effect of ultraviolet-B (UVB; 2003; Hodges, 2009). However, populations are declining
290–315 nm) is bone health via endogenous vitamin D3 across its range and the species is listed as threatened in
production. In many vertebrates, the exposure of skin to Texas. It is insectivorous, mostly myrmecophagous,
UVB causes photolysis of provitamin D3 (7-dehydrocho- subsisting to a great extent on harvester ants (Pogonomyr-
lesterol) to previtamin D3 followed by thermal isomeriza- mex).
tion to vitamin D3, which then enters the circulatory The objective of the study was to obtain preliminary
system. Subsequent hydroxylation in the liver and kidneys baseline information on daily patterns of voluntary UVB
produces the biologically active form of vitamin D3, 1,25- exposure and UVB dose of the Texas horned lizard in the
dihydroxyvitamin D3, a hormone critical to calcium and context of its thermal environment during sunny warm
phosphorus metabolism (Holick, 1996, 1999, 2007). days at a North Central Texas locality where the species is
Vitamin D3 can also enter the circulatory system by abundant and protected. Based on its high thermal
ingestion of food containing vitamin D3. Deficiency of tolerance (Heath, 1965; Prieto and Whitford, 1971) and
vitamin D3 in reptiles leads to nutritional metabolic bone the open nature of its desert and grassland habitat, we
disease, reproductive failure, and death (Ferguson et al., hypothesized that it is a UVB zone 4 (highest exposure
1996; Mader, 2006). category) species.
Given the costs and benefits of UV exposure, verte-
brates should adaptively regulate their exposure to MATERIALS AND METHODS—We conducted observational studies
on the Texas horned lizard at Matador Wildlife Management
optimal levels. A protective adaptation for many lizards
Area (Matador WMA, Cottle Co., Texas; 3487 0 N, 100819.8 0 W;
that bask extensively is a dark subdermal or peritoneal
elevation 570 m) during May and June from 2008–2012. The
lining that absorbs UV radiation and protects deeper management area includes 11,406 ha of rolling plains habitat,
tissues from UV damage (Porter, 1967). A positive including managed grassland and savannah. The terrain consists
adaptation would be the ability to detect UV and of bluffs and bottom land of the Middle Pease River. A network
voluntarily regulate exposure when there is a need for of unpaved roads is maintained and allows access to the habitat,
vitamin D3 or, alternatively, when potential UV damage is which is managed from an ecosystem standpoint to sustain
sensed. One lizard species, the panther chameleon native wildlife populations. Texas horned lizards are common
(Furcifer pardalis), can do the former (Ferguson et al., throughout the refuge and lizards use the roads for morning
2003; Karsten et al., 2009). The Cuban brown anole and evening activity.
(Anolis sagrei) also appears to possess this ability (Fergu- We utilized two survey methods: spot-check surveys to
measure UVB irradiance at the locations of individual lizards
son et al., 2013). To our knowledge the ability for
encountered in the field, and focal-retrace observations to
behavioral avoidance of high, potentially detrimental,
measure UVB dose of single individuals observed over periods of
UV exposure has not yet been rigorously documented in time. Spot-check surveys included driving a vehicle on Matador
reptiles but has been in frogs and fish (Han et al., 2007; WMA roads through the refuge at slow speeds (8 km/h) from
Holtby and Bothwell, 2008). approximately 0800–1300 h or from 1600–2100 h on days
Researchers have only recently studied UV light judged to be sufficiently warm for Texas horned lizard activity
exposure of reptiles in nature (Carman et al., 2000; (air temperature [Ta] > 208C and little cloud cover). We usually
Ferguson et al., 2005; Ferguson et al., 2010). Monitoring terminated morning surveys after 1300 h when we had seen no
of UV index (UVI, a unitless scale of UVB irradiance) of lizards from 1200–1300 h. If we spotted a lizard during this time,
15 lizard and snake species in the field during their daily we continued searching for one additional hour. Each survey
and seasonal peak activity has revealed a range of average covered approximately 33 km of unpaved Matador WMA roads
with no portion of any of the roads resurveyed during the same
voluntary UVB exposures. Ferguson et al. (2010) have
survey. For the UVB study reported here, we conducted 23 spot-
divided these exposures into four categories or UVB check surveys (12 morning, 11 afternoon–early evening) from
zones. UVB zone 1 includes crepuscular or shade-dwelling 2008–2012. As recommended by Hurlbert (1984) for studies
species with a median daytime UVI of 0.35; zone 2 designed to answer questions such as ‘‘How does UVB exposure
includes daytime partial sun or occasional basking intensity and temperature vary throughout the day?’’, our
species, with a median UVI of 0.9; zone 3 includes full replicate sample units (numbers) for each observational
June-September 2015 Ferguson et al.—UVB exposure of the Texas horned lizard 233

category (hour of the day) were single readings taken at the at a location close to the lizard and with similar sun exposure
precise location of an individual lizard or means of readings of but sufficiently far away to avoid causing the lizard to change
multiple Texas horned lizards found for an hour of a particular location (approximately 3 m). After the predetermined delay,
survey. As a hypothetical example, one particular morning we captured and processed the lizard at the second location as
survey might include three sightings during the 0900 h, two described above.
sightings during the 1000 h, and one during the 1100 h. This We employed the focal-retrace method on single individuals
would provide one datum (mean) for the 0900 h, one (mean) followed for most of a day. The goal of a focal-retrace session was
for the 1000 h, and one (single value) for the 1100 h. Another to estimate the UVB dose (irradiance · time) of an individual
survey on another day might include four sightings for the 1100 Texas horned lizard for each hour of the day throughout most of
h but none for either the 0900 h or the 1000 h. This would an entire day. The focal involved locating a single lizard on a day
provide only one datum for the 1100 h. We did not include data designated as the ‘‘focal day.’’ We located a lizard as close to
from three individual sightings that represented the only data 0900 h as possible and followed it, if possible, until after 1800 h.
for that particular hour for all surveys in subsequent analyses. To enable close future monitoring of UVB exposure, we
We also used these sample units to analyze variation among the recorded details of location and time every few minutes (»10
categories and relationships among variables. min), and also recorded whenever the lizard moved, or
During six of the morning spot-check surveys conducted in whenever its sun exposure changed. After the lizard left a
2011 and 2012, we took two readings for each individual, one location, we marked that location by inserting a numbered
initial and one after a period of 5–20 min of observation. We survey flag into the substrate at the site. We took care to neither
chose the number of minutes between the first and second disturb the lizard nor cause it to relocate when marking its
readings for each individual using a table of random numbers previous locations. Texas horned lizards at the refuge have a
between 5 and 20. The goal was to analyze the effect of delayed relatively short approach distance before showing a predatory
processing of lizards discovered on the road on UVB exposure flight reaction to a human, e.g., alertness, orientation away from
intensity and to correct ‘‘road bias’’ (see Discussion). the observer, and flight behavior. We generally remained >3 m
In order to avoid interfering with additional ongoing from the lizard and moved slowly during observations.
research at Matador WMA, we did not mark Texas horned Throughout the observation period we recorded general notes
lizards during our study. Although we do not know the exact on behavior, such as feeding and social interaction, and on
number of lizards recaptured during the UVB study, lizards at environmental changes, such as temporary cloud cover or
most of the 71 sighting locations were likely to be different changes in air movement. We followed three adult Texas horned
individuals. During the same years an independent mark-and- lizards during most of their activity. We followed each on a
recapture study was conducted by author DCR surveying the separate focal day, one male and one female in 2010 and one
same roads by vehicle. All Texas horned lizards encountered by male in 2012. At the end of the focal day we captured, weighed,
him and his associates were permanently marked by toe-clipping and measured each lizard. We took its body temperature and
or pit-tagging. During 63 surveys of the mark-and-recapture released it at the site of capture within 5 min.
study only 31 of 154 horned lizards encountered were We could not directly monitor continuous UVB irradiance of
recaptured individuals (20.13%). Thus, the probability of a lizard at the lizard’s location on a focal day without disturbing
recapturing a given lizard at the refuge during the years of the the lizard and altering its activity or habitat use pattern.
two studies was about 0.2. Therefore, we considered that any bias Therefore, we assessed UVB irradiance in the field for each of
of error variance due to measuring a few individuals twice the three lizards as follows: On the day following the focal day,
(pseudoreplication; Hurlbert, 1984) would be small. According- designated ‘‘retrace day,’’ we monitored UVB irradiance, Ts, and
ly, the sample unit for the analysis of initial vs. delayed readings Ta at lizard locations marked on the previous day at the same
of individuals using a paired t-test was each individual lizard local time as they were occupied on the focal day. For each
encountered during the six surveys of Matador WMA conducted lizard, we also monitored a single control site, located where it
in 2011 and 2012. would receive full sun exposure throughout the day, at the
When the goal was to take only a single reading for each beginning of each hour on the retrace day as well as on the focal
Texas horned lizard encountered, we stopped the vehicle upon day to assess the climatic similarity of the focal and retrace days.
detection of the lizard and noted the initial location of the For all three lizards, values for UVB irradiance at the control
lizard. We captured the lizard immediately by hand or by noose, sites were similar on the 2 days (mean UVI difference < 1; Table
and measured body temperature (Tb) using a quick-reading 1), so no adjustments of the estimates for the focal-day UVI were
cloacal thermometer (Miller and Weber, Inc., Ridgewood, New considered necessary. However, temperature values on the
York). We recorded snout–vent length (SVL) in millimeters and retrace day at the control site for the female in 2010 were
body mass in grams with a plastic ruler and Pesola spring scale warmer (>38C), so for each hour the estimate for the mean
(Forestry Suppliers Inc. Jackson, Mississippi), respectively. We temperature for that hour of her focal day was the retrace-day
determined sex for adults by presence or absence of hemi-penal value of the lizard site reduced by the mean difference in air
bulges at the base of the tail. We released each lizard in less than temperature at the control site for that hour of the 2 days. For
5 min at the location where it was first seen. After release, we the male monitored in 2012 the UVB irradiance was also similar
measured UVB irradiance, Ta, and substrate temperature (Ts) at for both the focal and retrace days (UVI difference < 1; Table
the location (see description of techniques below). 1), so no adjustment was needed. However, the temperatures
When we were to monitor a lizard twice to test for the effect were considerably cooler (<68C) on the retrace day, so air
of delayed processing, the lizard was watched by one investigator temperature estimates for his locations on the focal day were
while the UVB and environmental temperatures were measured adjusted in similar fashion, increasing the values for lizard
by a second investigator. The second investigator took readings locations obtained on the retrace day by the hourly mean
234 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 60, no. 2-3

TABLE 1—Cloud cover, ultraviolet index (UVI), and temperature data for the control sites monitored on both focal days (Day 1)
and retrace days (Day 2) for three Phrynosoma cornutum followed for most of a focal day at the Matador Wildlife Management Area,
Texas. Because value estimates for the lizard locations on the focal day were obtained on the retrace day, the control sites provided
information on the climatic similarity between the 2 days for each lizard. A mean UVI difference between the control values on the 2
days of >1 and a mean temperature difference >28C were arbitrarily considered grounds for adjusting the estimates for the lizard
locations obtained on the retrace day and applied to the focal day. Abbreviations in the table are as follows: indiv. (individual) , diff.
(Day 1 minus Day 2), Ts (substrate temperature), Ta (air temperature).

% Clouds UVI UVI UVI Ts Ts Ts Ta Ta Ta

h Indiv. Date Day 1 Day 1 Day 2 Diff. Day 1 Day 2 Diff. Day 1 Day 2 Diff.

0900 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 0.0 1.9 2.1 -0.2 30.2 34.0 -3.8 23.7 26.3 -2.6
1000 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 0.0 5.0 4.9 0.1 37.5 40.0 -2.5 27.6 34.2 -6.6
1100 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 5.0 7.7 7.3 0.4 40.2 44.6 -4.4 28.0 33.6 -5.6
1200 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 10.0 9.4 9.3 0.1 45.6 49.0 -3.4 30.7 37.0 -6.3
1300 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 10.0 9.5 9.6 -0.1 44.6 48.8 -4.2 33.1 39.2 -6.1
1400 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 10.0 9.7 7.5 2.2 47.8 48.8 -1.0 34.0 34.2 -0.2
1500 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 10.0 8.9 6.8 2.1 48.8 48.6 0.2 35.8 34.8 1.0
1600 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 10.0 7.2 6.4 0.8 39.2 46.0 -6.8 33.9 37.8 -3.9
1700 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 5.0 4.1 3.5 0.6 37.2 43.6 -6.4 31.7 37.2 -5.5
1800 Female 2010 27 and 28 May 5.0 1.5 1.4 0.1 34.2 40.6 -6.4 32.4 35.6 -3.2
— Mean female 2010 6.0 6.4 5.9 0.6 40.5 44.4 -3.9 31.1 35.0 -3.9
0900 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 0.0 1.7 1.5 0.2 29.2 29.2 0 27.3 26.6 0.7
1000 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 0.0 4.2 4.5 -0.3 30.4 35.4 -5.0 30.3 30.1 0.2
1100 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 5.0 7.5 7.7 -0.2 38.4 37.4 1.0 31.8 30.7 1.1
1200 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 15.0 9.1 10.1 -1.0 41.8 45.0 -3.2 34.5 32.8 1.7
1300 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 36.0 8.5 10.7 -2.2 42.8 45.2 -2.4 34.0 35.0 -1.0
1400 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 40.0 5.3 10.4 -5.1 43.4 47.4 -4.0 34.8 35.1 -0.3
1500 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 0.0 10.3 7.3 3.0 45.0 41.6 3.4 35.5 35.2 0.3
1600 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 0.0 7.4 7.8 -0.4 44.8 42.0 2.8 34.8 37.2 -2.4
1700 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 0.0 5.0 4.5 0.5 42.2 45.8 -3.6 35.1 36.9 -1.8
1800 Male 2010 16 and 17 June 0.0 2.5 2.6 -0.1 40.2 42.8 -2.6 34.0 35.5 -1.5
— Mean male 2010 9.6 6.2 6.7 0.6 39.8 41.2 -1.4 33.2 33.5 -0.3
0900 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 100.0 1.8 0.5 1.3 40.0 23.8 16.2 32.2 22.8 9.4
1000 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 80.00 3.1 5.2 -2.1 45.0 34.0 11.0 39.5 28.0 11.5
1100 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 100.0 4.5 3.2 1.3 44.6 31.2 13.4 36.5 28.2 8.3
1200 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 90.0 6.5 8.3 -1.8 51.6 38.2 13.4 38.0 31.8 6.2
1300 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 50.0 7.8 10.4 -2.6 52.8 38.8 14.0 39.5 34.5 5.0
1400 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 0.0 9.2 7.2 2.0 55.4 39.2 16.2 41.0 35.0 6.0
1500 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 0.0 8.6 8.3 0.3 59.0 43.6 15.4 42.5 36.2 6.3
1600 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 10.0 6.3 6.1 0.2 57.8 43.2 14.6 41.0 35.0 6.0
1700 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 96.0 1.2 3.7 -2.5 43.6 41.2 2.4 38.0 35.5 2.5
1800 Male 2012 4 and 5 June 10.0 0.5 1.0 -0.5 37.4 37.4 0 35.0 34.0 1.0
— Mean male 2012 53.6 5.0 5.4 0.4 48.8 37.1 11.7 38.3 32.1 6.2

difference between the temperatures of control site for the 2 have experienced. When measuring, we avoided casting a
days. shadow from our bodies upon the meter.
We measured UVB irradiance at lizard locations and control We obtained Ts using a digital infrared thermometer (Raytek
sites using two handheld broad-band UVB meters, the Solar- PM-30 0 , Santa Cruz, California). We held the unit within 5 cm of
meter 6.2 (displays lW/cm2) and Solarmeter 6.5 (displays UVI) the substrate and activated it with the laser perpendicular to the
(Solartech, Inc. Harrison Township, Michigan). These are substrate. We obtained other temperatures (Ta and Tb) using a
sensitive to irradiance within the UV range (280–400 nm) and cloacal thermometer. We obtained Tb by inserting the bulb of
respond most strongly to wavelengths in the UVB range below the thermometer into the cloaca of the lizard. We obtained Ta by
320 nm. We took readings by placing the base of the unit on the placing the bulb of the thermometer approximately 5 cm above
substrate and orienting the flat sensor disk on the top of the unit the substrate location. If the location was sun-exposed, we
(»10.8 cm from the base) toward the sun or to the adjacent shaded the bulb from direct sunlight with a shadow provided by
open sky. If the line to the sun was obscured by features of the obstructing direct sunlight approximately 10 cm above the
habitat at the lizard location on the retrace day, we did not thermometer.
relocate the meter but adjusted the orientation of the meter to At control sites on focal days and retrace days, we estimated
generate the maximum reading at each site that the lizard might percentage of cloud cover each hour using a spherical crown
June-September 2015 Ferguson et al.—UVB exposure of the Texas horned lizard 235

densitometer (Model A, Forestry Suppliers Inc. Jackson,

We analyzed data on UVI and temperatures from spot-checks
as survey means or individual values as described above. To
generate UVB dose (irradiance · time) from focal or retrace
data, we averaged the UVB readings of the Solarmeter 6.2 from
two successive observations of an individual obtained on retrace
day and multiplied the average by the elapsed time interval in
seconds between the readings. Then we summed the interval
dose calculations over a longer observation period to obtain
dose value (lJ/cm2). To facilitate the presentation, we convert-
ed values to J/cm2 (lJ/cm2 ‚ 1,000,000). We totaled hourly
doses over 3-h time periods and for the full observation period.
When violations of assumptions of parametric analyses occurred,
we analyzed data with appropriate nonparametric tests. We
reported values as means – 1 SE or SD as indicated. All data were
analyzed and processed using Microsoft Excel 2007 or 2013, and
SigmaPlot 11.0 (Jandel Corp.).

RESULTS—Daily Patterns of the Thermal Environment, Body

Temperature, and Exposure to UVB during Road Activity—On
warm sunny days Texas horned lizards surveyed during
the 5 years were exposed to UVB irradiance throughout
the day when active between 0900–1900 h (Fig. 1a). When
lizards were on roads, Tb exceeded Ta (Fig. 1b). In the
morning (0900–1300 h), both Tb and Ts were significantly
> Ta (Tb = 37.1 – 0.59 SE, n = 23; Ts = 35.6 – 1.13 SE, n
= 25; Ta = 30.6 – 0.52 SE, n = 25; Kruskal-Wallace
ANOVA of ranks, H = 27.6, P < 0.001; Dunn’s method, P
< 0.05). In the late afternoon and early evening (1700–
2100 h), Tb was significantly > Ta (Tb = 34.4 – 0.80 SE, n
=19; Ta = 30.3 – 0.77 SE, n = 19; ANOVA of values F2,47 =
5.3; P = 0.001, P < 0.05, Holm-Sidak t-test) During this
period, Ts was only slightly > Ta (Ts = 31.8 – 1.01 SE, n =
19) and not significantly different (P > 0.05, Holm-Sidak
t-test). We used the nonparametric ANOVA of ranks test
and Dunn’s method for analysis of morning values due to
a violation of the equality of variance assumption of the
parametric ANOVA of values.
UVI exposure was significantly higher for Texas
horned lizards when first encountered in the morning
activity period (5.07 – 0.45 SE) than it was for those first FIG. 1—Mean – SD (vertical capped lines) of a) ultraviolet
encountered in the late-afternoon and early-evening index (UVI) and b) air and body temperatures (Ta and Tb,
activity period (0.66 – 0.46 SE; Mann-Whitney rank sum respectively) taken simultaneously at Phrynosoma cornutum
test t = 215.8, n = 19 [late afternoon and early evening], locations where discovered during sunny periods on unpaved
25 [morning], P < 0.001). There were significant roads at Matador Wildlife Management Area, Texas. Data are
hourly single or mean survey values from readings accumulated
correlations of UVI exposure with time of day, positive
during 12 morning and 11 late-afternoon and early-evening
in the morning (y = -16.1 + 2.1x; R2 = 0.80, P <0.001, n surveys conducted in May and June from 2008–2012. a)
= 25) and negative in the late afternoon and early Numbers shown on graph below the symbols are number of
evening (y = 5.3 - 0.27x; R2 = 0.53, P < 0.001, n = 18). values contributing to the mean and SD values for UVI, Tb, and
There was also a significantly positive correlation Ta at lizard’s location for panels a and b. b) Ta for late-afternoon
between UVI and Tb in the morning (y = -14.3 + and early-evening symbols are offset for clarity.
0.5x; R2 = 0.36; P = 0.002, n = 19) as lizards were
exposed to both solar infrared and UVB irradiation
while on roads (Fig. 1). reading resulted in a significantly lower average UVI
For those individuals monitored twice during road exposure of the second reading due to shade-seeking by
surveys in the mornings of 2011 and 2012, an initial some lizards. Readings were reduced from a mean UVI of
reading of UVI followed by a short delay and a second 5.6 to 4.2 (paired t = 2.33; df = 14; P = 0.035).
236 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 60, no. 2-3

FIG. 2—Temporal pattern of ultraviolet-index exposure (UVI)

of a) male and b) female Phrynosoma cornutum and that of their
respective full-sun control sites. We followed each for most of a
day in 2010. Total ultraviolet-B doses for the observation period
were similar for the two lizards but the temporal UVI pattern
FIG. 3—a) Mean – SD (capped vertical line) hourly UVB dose
Pattern of Daily UVI exposure and UVB Dose for Focal of the male and female Phrynosoma cornutum from Fig. 2 and that
Individuals in 2010—Road surveys and analysis of spot- of their respective full-sun control sites for three 3-h time
check data provided little insight into the activity and periods on two sunny days. b) Mean – SD hourly UVB dose of a
male P. cornutum and that of its respective full-sun control site
UVB exposure of Texas horned lizards during most of the
for three 3-h time periods on an unusually hot, partially overcast
afternoon hours, because they were not visible from the day in 2012. Total dose for the day was lower (0.84 J) than for
road. However, focal-retrace data of individuals revealed the male or the female on sunny days in 2010 (see Fig. 2).
patterns of variation throughout the day. These patterns Temperatures for each lizard are average estimated air
differed among the individuals (Figs. 2 and 3). A male temperature at the lizard site on the focal day for each period
(Figs. 2a and 3a) observed during most of a warm (Ta = (n = 3) or for the total observation period (n = 9).
34.68C), sunny day on 16 June 2010 moved into
vegetation at the edge of the road after 1200 h and the road and received a higher level of UVI exposure
travelled approximately 140 m during a 5-h period along throughout the remainder of the observation period. His
the road to the east, shuttling between shaded and Tb, taken after the period of observation at 1839 h, was
partially shaded locations on the ground. During this 398C. A female (Fig. 2b, 3a) observed on a cooler (Ta =
period, he was never more than 1 m from the edge of the 31.28C) sunny day on 27 May 2010 went deeper into the
road but unlikely to be visible to people in passing vegetation adjacent to the road (1–2 m) at about 1000 h
vehicles. His UVI exposure was relatively low during the and remained off of the road surface until about 1800 h.
afternoon. At 1700 h he returned to exposed locations on Her eastward movement along the road was for a much
June-September 2015 Ferguson et al.—UVB exposure of the Texas horned lizard 237

shorter distance (about 30 m, 19 location changes) than were an SVL of 81 mm and mass of 30 g. Those for the
that of the male (140 m, 28 location changes). The female observed in 2010 were an SVL of 90 mm and a
female experienced a higher afternoon UVI exposure mass of 52 g. Those for the male observed in 2012 were an
than the male by climbing into herbaceous vegetation SVL of 74 mm and a mass of 24 g.
and shuttling vertically between fully and partially sun-
exposed locations. She returned to the open road, where DISCUSSION—Texas horned lizards studied at Matador
she likely would be visible to people in passing vehicles, at WMA in North Central Texas in 2011 and 2012, when
1800 h. Her Tb, taken after her period of observation at initially encountered on the road in the morning, were
1850 h, was 368C. Both lizards occupied the same general found to be exposing themselves to UVB with a mean UVI
area along the same road in the morning of their exposure of 5.6. When the same lizards were followed for
respective focal days but the male travelled much farther a short period and some individuals chose to seek shade,
to the east than the female. the mean dropped to 4.2. During road surveys by
The male and female Texas horned lizards in 2010 had automobile, it is less likely for investigators to see Texas
different patterns of UVB exposure yet received similar horned lizards when lizards are in shade than when in
daily UVB doses (Figs. 2 and 3). Thus, on the warmer fully exposed locations on the road. This leads to a ‘‘road
sunny day in June the male received most of his daily dose bias’’ when comparing the UVB exposure of Texas
in the morning and late afternoon (Fig. 3a). He shunned horned lizards surveyed from a moving vehicle to that
full sun exposure in the afternoon until 1700 h. By of other lizard species surveyed by walking through the
contrast, on the cooler sunny day in May, the female habitat. When walking and searching, investigators are
received most of her daily dose in the morning and early more likely to see lizards in partial- and full-shade than
afternoon (Fig. 3a). She exposed herself to full sun in the when they are searching from a moving vehicle, even at
morning and during the warmest time of day in early slow speeds. Thus, following and repeating the collection
afternoon. During this time she displayed thermoregula- of data can correct the road bias and facilitate compar-
tory cooling behavior by opening her mouth on four ison. Both the ‘‘uncorrected’’ (UVI » 5) and ‘‘corrected’’
occasions for periods of up to 2 min. The male never (UVI » 4) exposure estimates for Texas horned lizards
displayed this behavior during his focal observation exceed the UVI median exposure of 3.1 for zone-4 lizards
period on the warmer day. reported to date (Ferguson et al., 2010) and support its
The duration of full sun exposures were generally designation as a UVI zone-4 species. The mean UVI value
short throughout the day (<5 min) for both the male and of 4.2 is similar to that of 4.34 measured for Sceloporus
female and were interspersed with relocation to and from graciosus gracilis in northern California measured through-
shaded locations (Fig. 2). Only the male spent an out the day (Ferguson et al., 2014).
extended period in full sun (1 h) between 1730 and The UVB dose measured for two individual Texas
1830 h. horned lizards followed throughout most of their daily
Effect of the Thermal Extremes and Cloud Cover on UVB activity period on sunny days (»3 J/cm2) exceeds that for
Dose—Observation on a day with more extreme weather any other squamate reptile measured to date. It surpassed
conditions in 2012 revealed a different pattern of UVB even that of S. g. gracilis in northern California, which was
exposure of a Texas horned lizard male. That day (4 June »2 J/cm2 for the two individuals monitored by Ferguson et
2012) was unusually hot (Ta = 37.48C, peak afternoon Ta al. (2014). Higher latitude, higher altitude, a shorter
= 408C at the lizard site; >428C at the control site; Table activity period, and more haze due to wildfires near the
1, Fig. 3b) and partly overcast (54% cloud cover; Table 1, study areas of northern California than at those of North
Fig. 3b). He avoided all light exposure after 1400 h by Texas might have reduced the availability of solar UVB and
burying into the sandy substrate in the shade and the opportunity for exposure for S. g. gracilis in northern
remained until late afternoon. His daily dose of UVB California. More research is needed to determine if the
was less than one-third that of the male and female daily UVB doses for the two species are species-specific.
observed on the sunny days in 2010, and who remained Although we monitored only three individuals for most
active aboveground all day. of the day using the focal-retrace method, researchers can
Size and Sex of Monitored Texas Horned Lizards—When test hypotheses of the causes of variation in the daily
conducting spot-check surveys, we sighted 71 lizards (19 pattern of UVB exposure of Texas horned lizards in North
males, 26 females, 19 unsexed juveniles, 7 where age and Texas with future focal-retrace research. We hypothesize
sex was undetermined). Of those, we captured, measured, that activity and UV exposure patterns vary with the
and weighed 58 lizards. Adult males had an SVL of 83.1 – degree of overcast and extreme thermal conditions. On
7.2 SD mm and a mass of 32.9 –7.2 SD g, n = 15. Adult warmer sunny days shade-seeking increases in late
females had an SVL of 87.5 – 8.3 SD mm and a mass of morning and midday UVI exposure is reduced. Thus,
43.0 – 13.5 SD g, n = 26. Juveniles had an SVL of 52.5 – the male that was monitored in 2010 was observed on a
4.1 SD mm and a mass of 7.3 – 2.3 SD g, n = 17. Sizes for warmer day than the female and restricted his afternoon
the male observed during the focal-retrace study in 2010 sun exposure more than did the female. However, on a
238 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 60, no. 2-3

hot day when air temperature approached and exceeded programs for conservation, education, and research. With
upper levels of the optimal thermal range for Texas this knowledge, captive-animal managers can establish
horned lizards, a male Texas horned lizard ceased appropriate thermal and UVB gradients and establish
aboveground activity, which interrupted his UVB expo- natural daily and seasonal patterns for their animals.
sure, and reduced his overall dose for the day. As hot days Because Texas horned lizards shuttle in and out of sunlight
become more frequent after June, Texas horned lizards in nature, a UVI light gradient ranging from 0–8 should be
often escape heat by burrowing into the substrate for available to the lizards for up to 9 h per day during spring
much of the afternoon (Fair and Henke, 1998, 1999; and summer in captivity. Thermal gradients that allow
Burrow et al., 2001; Sherbrooke, 2003). When thermal them to maintain body temperatures ranging from 34–
conditions (Ta and Ts) exceed the optimum thermal 408C should also be provided for up to 12 h per day in
range of the species, aboveground activity and UVB spring and summer. While experimental documentation is
exposure is likely to be constrained. needed to verify whether or not Texas horned lizards are
The effect of high environmental temperatures on able to regulate their UVB dose behaviorally, studies
solar exposure may be relevant to conservation of the support the hypothesis that other basking lizard species
Texas horned lizard. Throughout much of the distribu- are capable of adjusting their UVB exposure depending on
tion of this species, overall temperature increase caused their internal vitamin D status (Ferguson et al., 2003;
by global warming is likely to alter the availability of Karsten et al., 2009; Ferguson et al., 2013).
suitable thermal microclimates for many lizard species
We thank M. Vaughan, S. Fredlake, S. Hammack, J. Crowley, J.
(Angilletta, 2009; Sinervo et al., 2010; Huey et al., 2010).
Chavez, J. Le Van, and S. Bucklin for assistance in the field. K.
Climate change models that attempt to predict impacts
Karsten made helpful suggestions during the formulation of
on lizard species (e.g., Buckley, 2008; Williams et al., research procedures. M. Nakamoto provided assistance with the
2012) should incorporate not only reductions of nutri- Spanish translation of the abstract. Research was authorized by a
tional energy intake as a parameter but also nutritional permit from Texas Parks and Wildlife to GWF, SPR 0690-146, and
quality. The opportunity to endogenously produce permission from Matador WMA. We especially thank the staff of
vitamin D by exposure to UVB is a component of Matador WMA for help and guidance during the field work.
nutritional quality that could be compromised by Research was approved by Texas Christian University Institutional
increased thermal constraint of aboveground activity. Animal Care and Use Committee protocol 11/04. Partial funding
As shown in previous research, Texas horned lizards of the project was by grants from the Faculty Emeritus Research
rely on open, often bare, ground in the morning and late Fund from Texas Christian University to GWF.
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