Q3 Week2 Catch Up Health Education

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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Health Education Grade Level: 4
Quarterly Theme: Sexual and Reproductive Health Sub-theme: Sexual and reproductive
system (structure and
Time: 10:40 AM – 11:20 AM Date: February 16, 2024
II. Session Details
Session Title: Understanding Our Bodies: The Reproductive System
Session At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Objectives: a. Identify the main components of the reproductive system.
b. Understand the basic functions of the reproductive system.
Key Concepts:  Reproductive system
 Structures and functions
III. Facilitation Strategies
Components Duration Activities and Procedures
Introduction and  Begin with a quick energizing activity like stretching or a
Warm-Up 5 Minutes short dance to get the students engaged.
 Introduce the topic by asking if anyone has heard about the
reproductive system.
a. Engage students in a discussion about the importance of
understanding their bodies.

Story: "The Amazing Journey of New Life"

Once upon a time, in a small town, there were curious fourth-grade
students named Callix and Ashley. They were excited about their
Concept 20 health education class, especially today's topic – the reproductive
Exploration minutes system.

As they entered the classroom, their teacher, Mrs. Manlalangit,

started with an energetic warm-up to get everyone ready. She asked,
"Who knows what the reproductive system is?" Callix raised his
hand, "It's something to do with our bodies, right?" Mrs. Manlalangit
smiled, "Exactly! Today, we're going to explore the amazing journey
of new life."

During the discussion, Mrs. Manlalangit showed colorful diagrams

of the male and female reproductive systems. Callix and Ashley were
fascinated to learn about the different parts and how they worked
together. Mrs. Manlalangit explained, "These structures are like
puzzle pieces, each with its role in creating new life."

As they delved deeper, the students asked questions and were eager
to understand more. Mrs. Manlalangit shared stories and examples
to make the concepts clear. "Think of the reproductive system like a
team," she said. "Each player has a specific job, and when they work
together, they can achieve something incredible – creating a new

The class ended with a summary of the main points, emphasizing the
importance of respecting and taking care of their bodies. Mrs.
Manlalangit assigned a reflective journaling activity, and as Callix
and Ashley wrote in their journals, they realized how incredible and
complex their bodies were.

The next day, Callix and Ashley couldn't wait to share their
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newfound knowledge with their friends. Health education became
their favorite subject as they continued on the journey of
understanding their bodies and the amazing process of creating new

b. Encourage questions and facilitate a brief Q&A session to

ensure students grasp the key concepts.

1. What was the subject of the health education class for Callix
and Ashley?
2. Who were the primary characters in the narrative?
3. How did Mrs. Manlalangit initiate the class to ensure
everyone was engaged?
4. Initially, what did Callix believe the reproductive system was
5. How did Mrs. Manlalangit explain the components of the
reproductive system to the students?
6. In aiding the students' comprehension, what comparison did
Mrs. Manlalangit use to describe the reproductive system?
7. During the class, what was the central focus of the
8. How did Callix and Ashley react to the visual aids and
explanations of the male and female reproductive systems?
9. How did Mrs. Manlalangit conclude the class, summarizing
the key points?
10. As the class ended, what reflective activity did Mrs.
Manlalangit assign to the students for further

c. Use visual aids like diagrams and charts to explain the main
components of the male and female reproductive systems.
d. Discuss the basic functions of each part and how they work
together for reproduction.

 Summarize the main points discussed during the session.

Valuing/Wrap-up 5 minutes  Emphasize the importance of respecting and taking care of
our bodies.
Reflective 10  Distribute journals or papers for students to write or draw
Journaling Minutes about one thing they learned during the session.
 Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings about
the topic.
 Collect the journals at the end of the session or ask if anyone
would like to share their reflections with the class.

Prepared By:

Margie L. Fernandez

Recommending Approval: Approved:

Shirley E. Manaoat Azucena P. Ocasla, PhD

Master Teacher School Head

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