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BMCU 2082




INSTRUCTIONS: This assignment should be done in groups (MAXIMUM 4 STUDENTS PER GROUP). Answer ALL questions given. All assignments should be typed, or clearly written and presented. Assignments will be graded on the substance, style and clarity of your written reports. PLAGIARISM is strictly prohibited. The detection of plagiarism will be penalized. Your report should have a cover page (stating the particulars of your group members, course and lecturers name) Submit your report no later than 24th NOVEMBER 2011 (12.00 noon)


BMCU 2082


Please read the following instructions carefully: Each group will design and implement an original research project that involves collecting, analyzing, and reporting data. Collect a data set where 30 N 100. Make sure your data set contains only 1 variable. You may either conduct a survey to generate original primary data (for example, you may want to collect data on the heart rate of the students in your class); or to collect data from a published source (for example almanac, newspaper, magazine, online, etc.). Any data collected from published sources must be properly referenced. Please provide the title of resource, publisher, year of publication and type of resource. You must have your data collected and typed/written clearly on your report. You should choose a topic that interests you. The substance of the topic is less important than how you execute the research but it is important to make sure that the topic is not identical to another groups.

A. Select any one qualitative data of your project. From your qualitative data: i. ii. iii. Construct a pie chart. Construct a bar chart. Based on the diagrams above, give your comment.

B. Select any one quantitative data of your project. From your quantitative data: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Construct a stem and leaf display. Construct a boxplot. List the five number summary (minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, maximum) Describe the center of your data set. Based on the measures of central tendency, describe the shape of your data set. Describe the spread/dispersion of your data set. Define skewness and get the value of skewness of your data. Do this value indicate the shape that you have described in (iii)? Do your data contain outlier? Justify your answer by using boxplot in (ii). Make a frequency table for your data set. State clearly the range and intervals you are using. Based on the frequency table above, construct a histogram and a polygon. Construct an ogive for your data set. Calculate variance and standard deviation for your grouped data set. Briefly give your own comment to summarize your data set based on any calculations or any diagrams that you have done above. (at least 2 pages). Explain the application of statistics (especially in data management) in your area of majoring. You explanation must be supported with valid sources (cited your reference).



BMCU 2082


Reconsider your previous data from QUESTION 1. a. Randomly select any 30 observations from your data set. Let these observations be your new population (N=30). Consider all possible samples of 29 observations each that can be selected without replacement from your new population. Next, create a sampling distribution of the sample mean for samples of size n=29. b. Find x and x . Note: If

n . 0.05, then x N n

Else, x

N n N 1

, where

N n is the finite population N 1

correction factor.


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