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2017 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering

Modeling and Simulation of a DC Motor Fed by a Full-Bridge Buck Inverter

Eduardo Hernández-Márquez Mariana Marcelino-Aranda

Carlos Alejandro Avila-Rea Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Ramón Silva-Ortigoza UPIICSA. Sección de Estudios
José Rafael Garcı́a-Sánchez de Posgrado e Investigación
Mayra Antonio-Cruz CP 08400, Mexico City, Mexico
Hind Taud
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
CIDETEC. Área de Mecatrónica
Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos
CP 07700, Mexico City, Mexico

Abstract—The modeling and simulation of the “full-bridge the angular velocity of the motor. Whereas, Chinnaiyan et
Buck inverter–DC motor” system, is presented for the first al. in [19] used a DC/DC Boost converter with which they
time in this paper. The converter used in this arrangement solved the bidirectional angular velocity regulation task for
allows a smooth start and bidirectional motion at the shaft
of the DC motor. The Kirchhoff’s laws and the DC motor a DC motor. On the other hand, Garcı́a-Rodrı́guez et al. in
model are used to obtain the mathematical model of the [20] and Hernández-Márquez et al. in [21] developed mathe-
system. With the intention of validating the model of the system matical models for the DC/DC Boost converter–inverter–DC
under study, the simulation results of the mathematical model motor and DC/DC Buck-Boost converter–inverter–DC motor
are compared versus the ones of the corresponding electrical systems, respectively. Finally, in [22] Linares-Flores et al.
circuit. Both simulations are performed with Matlab-Simulink.
The similar behavior between both results allow validating the solved the regulation task of the DC/DC Sepic converter–
mathematical model herein proposed. inverter–DC motor system.
Keywords-Full-bridge Buck inverter, DC motor, Switched In accordance with the review of the literature associated
model, Average model, Steady state, Modeling and simulation. with the DC/DC Buck converter as a driver for a DC motor,
it was observed that the associated works can be classified
as follows:
• DC/DC Buck converter–DC motor system [6]–[16]. For
The DC/DC Buck power electronic converter is one of
this system different control strategies that only solve
the most used DC/DC converters in several applications; the
the drive of the motor’s shaft in one direction have
most relevant being: renewable energies [1], robotics [2], [3],
been used, with this limitation of motion being their
electrical vehicles [4], [5], drivers for DC motors [6]–[18],
main disadvantage.
among other. For the particular case of the DC/DC Buck
• DC/DC Buck converter–inverter–DC motor system
converter–DC motor system, several control strategies have
[17], [18]. Here the system integrates an inverter be-
been proposed for driving the position/angular velocity of
tween the converter and motor, allowing the motor to be
the motor’s shaft. With the most outstanding works being the
fed by a bipolar voltage, thus achieving the bidirectional
ones reported in [6]–[16]. The generality of these works lies
motion of the shaft. However, the switching of the
in solving the driving of the DC motor’s shaft in only one
transistors that compose the inverter generate abrupt
direction of motion. Such a limitation of motion is caused by
variations in voltage and current.
the operation principle of the DC/DC Buck converter, since
it cannot supply bipolar voltages. However, in more recent Considering these findings, the contribution of this paper
years electronic circuits that allow the generation of bipolar consists in presenting, for the first time, the modeling and
voltages via DC/DC converters, allowing the bidirectional simulation of the “full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor”
motion of the DC motor’s shaft, have been reported. In system. In this system the converter supplies bipolar voltages
that direction, works that use the DC/DC converter–inverter– and, due to the arrangement of the parts that compose the
DC motor configuration are the following: Silva-Ortigoza system, the noise generated by the switching of the circuit
et al. in [17] developed the mathematical model and the transistors is attenuated. Hence, a smooth start in the DC
experimental validation of the DC/DC Buck converter– motor and bidirectional motion at its shaft are achieved.
inverter–DC motor system, later in [18] they solved the The contribution of this paper is organized as follows:
trajectory tracking of both the voltage of the converter and In Section II the mathematical model and the steady state

978-1-5386-2532-3/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE 98

DOI 10.1109/ICMEAE.2017.22
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analysis of the full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor system
are introduced. The simulations are presented in Section III.
Finally, the conclusions and future works are developed in
Section IV.


Figure 2. Simplified electrical circuit of the full-bridge Buck inverter–DC
In this section, the full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor motor system.
system is described first. Later, the development of the
mathematical model and the analysis in steady state of the
system are presented. circuit of the full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor system
shown in Fig. 2 is considered,
A. Full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor system Regarding Fig. 2, the input signal u ∈ {−1, 1}, which
The electrical circuit associated with the system under allows changing the current flow direction, producing the
study is shown in Fig. 1, which can be divided in the two following operation modes associated with the system:
following two subsystems: 1) The first operation mode occurs when the full-bridge
Buck inverter supplies positive voltage to the DC
1) Full-bridge Buck inverter [23]. It is in charge of
motor, which implies that u = 1. The equivalent
supplying a bipolar voltage, υ, to the DC motor;
circuit associated with this operation mode is shown
the voltage being less or equal in magnitud to the
in Fig. 3.
power supply E. The full-bridge composing this sub-
system consists in an arrangement of four transis-
tors Q1 , Q1 , Q2 , and Q2 , where Q1 and Q2 are
activated/deactivated complementarily to Q1 and Q2 ,
respectively. Such transistors invert and module the
flow direction of the current i and voltage that enter
to the low pass filter composed by the inductor L and
the capacitor C. Figure 3. Equivalent circuit with u = 1.
2) DC motor. This subsystem includes Ra , La , and
ia , which represent the resistance, inductance, and Applying the Kirchhoff’s laws and using the DC motor
armature current, respectively. Whereas ω corresponds mathematical model [11] in the circuit in Fig. 3, it is
to the angular velocity. Implicity, in the motor, the obtained
parameters J, b, ke , and km are considered, which di
correspond to the moment of inertia of the rotor and L = −υ + E, (1)
motor load, the viscous friction coefficient of the dυ
motor, the counterelectromotive force constant, and C = i − ia , (2)
the motor torque constant, respectively. dia
La = υ − Ra ia − ke ω, (3)

J = km ia − bω. (4)
2) The second operation mode is generated when the full-
bridge Buck inverter supplies negative voltage to the
DC motor, i.e., u = −1. Thus, the equivalent circuit
is presented in Fig. 4.

Full-bridge Buck inverter DC motor

Figure 1. Full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor system.

B. Mathematical model Figure 4. Equivalent circuit with u = −1.

In order to facilitate the deduction of the mathematical Applying the current and voltage Kirchhoff’s laws and
model of the system under study, the simplified electrical the model associated with the DC motor [11] in the


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circuit shown in Fig. 4, the following mathematical with i, υ, ia , and ω as the values of the system in steady
model is obtained: state. After solving the equation system (17)–(20), for i, υ,
di ia , and ω, in steady state it is had that the system satisfies
L = −υ − E, (5) the following:
dυ ⎡ Ebuav ⎤
C = i − ia , (6) ⎡ ⎤ Ra b+ke km
dt i ⎢ ⎥
dia ⎢
⎢ υ ⎥ ⎢ Euav ⎥ ⎥
La = υ − Ra ia − ke ω, (7) ⎢ ⎥=⎢
dt ⎣ia ⎦ ⎢ Ebuav ⎥ ⎥
. (21)
dω ⎣ Ra b+ke km ⎦
J = km ia − bω. (8) ω
Ekm uav
dt Ra b+ke km
The operation modes given by equations (1)–(8) are joined, III. S IMULATIONS VIA MATLAB-SIMULINK
through u, generating the following set of differential equa-
The simulation results of the average model (13)–(16) and
the electrical circuit associated with the full-bridge Buck
di inverter–DC motor system are presented in this section.
L = −υ + Eu, (9)
dt The simulations consider the following values for the
dυ parameters of the subsystems:
C = i − ia , (10)
dt • Full-bridge Buck inverter.
La = υ − Ra ia − ke ω, (11)
dt L = 4.94 mH, R = 61.7 Ω,

J = km ia − bω. (12) C = 114.4 μF, E = 24 V.
Thus, the mathematical model (9)–(12) corresponds to the • DC motor.
switched model of the full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor La = 2.22 mH, km = 120.1 × 10−3 N·m
A ,
system. −3 V·s
Ra = 0.965 Ω, ke = 120.1 × 10 rad ,
C. System steady state analysis J = 118.2 × 10−3 kg·m2 , b = 129.6 × 10 −3
With the intention of analyzing the switched model of A. Simulation of the mathematical model
the full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor system in steady
In this section the simulation results of the full-bridge
state, its corresponding average model is considered, which
Buck inverter–DC motor system, described in (13)–(16), are
is given by
presented for the cases when uav = 0.5 and uav = −0.5.
di • The graphics of Fig. 5 show the results of the sys-
L = −υ + Euav , (13)
dt tem simulation for uav = 0.5. In these, it is ob-
dυ served that the time response of the system converges
C = i − ia , (14) 
dt to
 the values in steady state, i.e., i, υ, i a, ω =
dia 0.492 A, 12 V, 0.492 A, 6.617 rad , which is in com-
La = υ − Ra ia − ke ω, (15) s
dt plete accordance with (21).
dω • Fig. 6 presents the numerical simulation for
J = km ia − bω, (16)
dt uav = −0.5. There the system  response,
where the average input signal uav ∈ [−1, 1]. Although, again,
 converges to (21). That is, i, υ, i a, ω =
in this model, i, υ, ia , and ω now correspond to the −0.492 A, −12 V, −0.492 A, −6.617 rad s .
average signals of the switched model (9)–(12) these are not
B. Simulation of the electrical circuit
renamed. Note that what will distinguish one model from the
other shall be u and uav for the switched and average model, With the intention of validating the proposed mathemati-
respectively. cal model (13)–(16), the result of simulation of the electrical
Considering that the average input is constant in (13)– circuit associated with the full-bridge Buck inverter–DC mo-
(16), i.e., uav , the following equation system is found: tor system is presented here. In the simulation, performed via
SimPowerSystems of Matlab-Simulink, it is considered that
0 = −υ + Euav , (17) the used electronic devices are ideal. Considering similar
0 = i − ia , (18) cases to the ones previously presented, the following is
obtained for the circuit:
0 = υ − Ra ia − ke ω, (19)
• When uav = 0.5 the transistors of the full-bridge
0 = km ia − bω, (20)
Q1 and Q1 complementarily operate at a frequency


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20 of 50 kHz. Whereas, Q2 remains deactivated and Q2

12 i i υ υ
activated. Thus, the voltage υ conserves the same po-
8 larity of the power supply E, allowing the motor’s shaft
4 10 to rotate clockwise. The corresponding graphics are
presented in Fig. 7, where it is observed that the time
t [s] t [s] response of the circuit full-bridge Buck inverter–DC
-4 0 motor
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1  converges to the values in steady state (21). That
is, i, υ, ia , ω = 0.492 A, 12 V, 0.492 A, 6.617 rad s .

s ]

12 ia ia ω ω

[ rad
8 20


12 i υ υ
4 5
0 2.5
4 10
t [s] t [s]
-4 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 5
t [s] t [s]
1 -4 0
uav uav 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

s ]
12 ia ia ω ω

[ rad
4 5
t [s]
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 2.5
t [s] t [s]
Figure 5. Simulation of the mathematical model with uav = 0.5. -4 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

4 6 uav uav


i i υ υ 0.75
0 0

-6 0.5
-12 0.25
t [s]
t [s] -18 t [s] 0
-12 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

4 Figure 7. Simulation of the electrical circuit with uav = 0.5.


s ]

ia ia 2.5 ω ω
[ rad

0 0 • For uav = −0.5, Q1 is deactivated and Q1 activated.

-4 -2.5 While, Q2 and Q2 complementarily operate to 50 kHz.
-5 Thus, υ inverts its polarity with respect to E, allowing
-8 the motor’s shaft to rotate counterclockwise. The corre-
t [s] -7.5 t [s]
-12 sponding simulation results are shown in Fig. 8, which
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 are similar to the ones presented in Fig. 6.
0 C. Comments
uav uav
-0.25 The simulation results show that, through the input signal
uav the change of polarity in the voltage υ is obtained and
also regulated. In consequence, the bidirectional rotation of
-0.75 the motor’s shaft is achieved. The similarity between the
t [s] simulation results of the system model and the electrical
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 circuit of the system validates the developed mathematical
model (13)–(16).
Figure 6. Simulation of the mathematical model with uav = −0.5.
The full-bridge Buck inverter–DC motor system presented
in this paper is a new arrangement that allows the smooth


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vestigación y Posgrado del Instituto Politécnico Nacional
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Saldaña-González, “Hierarchical velocity control based
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received from the SNI-Mexico and the IPN programs EDI ing, vol. 2014, pp. 1–12, 2014. [Online]. Available:
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