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Crafting a thesis on the Iran-Iraq War poses significant challenges due to the complex historical,

political, and social dynamics involved. This conflict, spanning from 1980 to 1988, remains a
contentious subject matter with varying interpretations and perspectives. Scholars tackling this topic
must navigate through extensive research materials, analyze conflicting narratives, and synthesize
their findings into a coherent argument.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on the Iran-Iraq War lies in accessing reliable and
comprehensive sources. The availability of archival documents, official reports, and firsthand
accounts may be limited, particularly considering the sensitivity of the subject matter. Additionally,
the war's multifaceted nature, involving regional power struggles, ideological clashes, and
international interventions, adds layers of complexity to the analysis.

Moreover, formulating a thesis statement that effectively captures the essence of the conflict while
providing a unique perspective can be challenging. Balancing historical accuracy with original
insights requires meticulous planning and critical thinking. Researchers must carefully consider the
broader implications of their thesis within the context of existing scholarship and historical discourse.

For individuals facing these challenges, seeking professional assistance can be invaluable. offers specialized services tailored to students and researchers grappling with
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On May 15, 1843, a boundary committee was formed and gathered in Erzerum, a city in Turkey. The
highly advanced carpet-weaving traditions from centuries past are but one example of the
advancements in design and the technical expertise of the people. First, the boundaries will be
definitely marked based on the Constantinople Protocol of 1913 and the 1914 proposal created by
the committee regarding the establishment of the boundary. The invasion consisted of air raids
followed by a massive ground invasion. The two religious divisions of Islam are Shia and Sunni.
Throughout our conversation, he takes out old Persian cafe-style aluminum etchings he salvaged
from destroyed quarters of the city, pausing to name the artist, the neighbourhood and the scene.
And if you saw what that meant to the loved ones who had been left alive, you would know it was
no less important than helping the living.” Over thirty years later, as the belligerence of the Islamic
State (Isis) on the other side of the border rekindles Iranians’ memories of bloody conflict, Tehran
Bureau spoke with a visual artist who is reconstructing the fragmented narrative of the 1980-88 Iran-
Iraq war. Brigadier General (Ret.) Rouholdin Aboutalebi, then a junior officer in Shiraz Seventh
TAB, remembers: “I put on my flight suit as I was running in the street, wearing my boots.” He
hailed a colleague and he was airborne in less than six hours for a Combat Air Patrol (CAP) mission.
It highlights both the reasons, contributions, and impacts of United States participation in this war.
To address the issue, the boundary committee inspected the Turkish-Persian border from 1850 until
1852 (Hunseler, 1984). The treaty of 1847 was rather ambiguous, and its inherent vagueness proved
to be its biggest flaw (Hunseler, 1984). Arabic is widely used as a second language and a language
used in science, which was helpful in reaching a broader audience and reaching out to the regional
community with academic and scientific findings. An Iraqi Interim Government was formed that
assumed sovereignty in 2004. First, it was a war that lasted longer than any World War because Iraq
couldn’t end the war and Iran did not want to. Instead, there was antagonism due to the amount of
influence that a particular religion has on the development of political power in the state. It
commenced with the full-scale invasion of the Iraqi military into Iran under the assumption that the
war would be quick, easy and victory would be definite. The Tehran Bureau speaks to the visual
artist who is reconstructing its fragmented narrative one object at a time Tehran Bureau
correspondent Wed 20 Aug 2014 16.20 CEST Last modified on Tue 31 Aug 2021 16.26 CEST
Email link As the ancient town of Dezful crumbled under Saddam Hussein’s terror bombings in the
early 1980s, volunteering as an aid worker there meant digging bodies out from under the rubble.
Lastly, the problem will be settled upon with the acknowledgement of the aforementioned points.
Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. It is interesting to note that the Persian
Gulf War, initiated in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, can be traced directly to globalism. The
Mehrabad civilian and military airport outside Tehran, which lies 340 miles from the Iraqi border,
was the main target. The city of Diyarbakir in Turkey would be the Kurdish capital city. His hands
fall under the weight of an RPG-7 warhead - full but disabled. Fundamentalist Islamic insurgents
made the war difficult. It was attended by a plethora of army and Islamic Revolutionary Guard
Corps commanders, government officials, and parliament members, among others. For example, the
unofficial holiday of Valentine’s Day has become extremely popular in Iran and is celebrated by a
large sector of the population, mainly young people. Two main reasons why the conflict became
prolonged are the mutual disputes over territory (especially the Shatt al-Arab) and the involvement
of both sides in the domestic problems of the other (Hunseler, 1984). After almost four decades,
there is an increasing debate in Iran regarding the role of the professionally trained Artesh compared
to the then newly established Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which was comprised of
poorly trained volunteers. The book further continues by assessing the relationship between these two
countries and the superpowers. This includes recognizing that the war was not only waged in the
battlefield soldier to soldier but also against innocent civilians—men, women and children.
The two religious divisions of Islam are Shia and Sunni. Iran was vulnerable since they were still
having a revolution in their country. He also appealed for Iran to value the early treaties. If this is the
first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your
account. American Journal of Political Science 43 335 Tetlock, P. Belkin, A. 1996 Counterfactual
Thought Experiments in World Politics: Logical, Methodological and Psychological Perspectives
Princeton Princeton University Press Tetlock, P. Lebow, R.N. 2001 Poking Counterfactual Holes in
Covering Laws: Cognitive Styles and Historical Reasoning American Political Science Review 95
829 Tetlock, P. There are cases where women have reached the same status as an ayatollah and
known as Lady Mujtahideh. Instead of permitting volunteers to join the ranks of the Artesh, a new
organization, the Basij, was established, which was placed under the IRGC command. Iran was not
immune from the impact of the protests and demonstrations that occurred in their neighboring
countries, but Iran was different. In essence, the book in the conclusion chapters describes how Iran
is related to the United States, and how Iraq related with Superpowers, which were either hostile or
friendly. Hiro D. The longest war: the Iran-Iraq military conflict. In 1823, a boundary problem
surrounding the Muhammarah surfaced and Persians settled in the city (Hunseler, 1984). Many
Kurds have migrated to Istanbul in search of work. Iraq was receiving weapons and financial support
from France, Soviet Union, and the United States, while Iran was being supplied by China. I would
go outside and see the odd soldier here and there and one day I came across this young soldier who
had such fear in his eyes that, I would sympathise so much that I would nearly approach him and tell
him that its alright but I thought to myself I have no understanding of what he might fear so leave
him to be because it was not his fault he was here it was his job his duty. Sunni Arabs dominate
central Iraq in a region often referred to as the Sunni Triangle, which includes the three cities of
Baghdad, Tikrit (Hussein’s hometown), and Ramadi. The Iran-Iraq War was a violent combat
between the aforementioned nations from September 1980 until August 1988. The separation was
also caused by doubt on secular leadership, as well as Shi’a millennialism (Hunseler, 1984). The
Aftermath of World War I: The Iranian-Iraq Disagreement on the Shatt al-Arab The conflict and
rivalry between Iran and Iraq officially started after the First World War (Hunseler, 1984). The treaty
of 1847 was rather ambiguous, and its inherent vagueness proved to be its biggest flaw (Hunseler,
1984). In Text B in the first sentence of the article “terrorists” becomes the main subject of the
sentence making it active as the collective noun “terrorists exploded a bomb”. At Algiers in 1975,
Iraq agrees to redefine the Shatt boundary by the thalweg principle, ceding half of the waterway to
Iran, in return for an end to the shah's support of Iraqi Kurdish insurgents who had engaged Baghdad
in a protracted and costly rebellion. At the start of the war, the artist recalls, Iraq would target the
city at 10am, 3pm and 5pm daily. The IRIAF is using a mix of old American aircraft—all older than
forty years—and Soviet made airplanes in addition to a few airworthy French Mirage F-1’s. Whom
Did the U.S Support and What Role Research Paper. Text A, portrays the war as having no
backbone other than greed for oil by the Americans, persuading the reader that this is the “ugly
truth”. He also argued that because they were already in the 20th Century, a river which served as a
boundary such as Shatt al’Arab cannot be attached to the absolute sovereignty of either nation.
Having the verbs in their simplest form, “to disarm” “to free” and “to defend” mirrors and reflects
the simplicity of how the war is going to be. Iran lost one Phantom, marking the first Iranian combat
casualties. On August 11, 1929, the Iranian and Iraqi governments had interchanged several notes.
Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. By continuing, you agree to our Terms
and Conditions.
Turkish groups in the north have declared their half of the island the independent Turkish Republic
of Northern Cyprus. Across the town, framed photographs of sons who never came home still hang
over the front doors of countless houses. The invasion in October 1980 while the capital city of
Tehran was in post-revolutionary turmoil shocked the nation. Iraq is not a core economic country, but
it holds vast petroleum reserves, making it vulnerable to exploitation by industrialized core countries.
First, the boundaries will be definitely marked based on the Constantinople Protocol of 1913 and the
1914 proposal created by the committee regarding the establishment of the boundary. Iran is similar
to Saudi Arabia in its restrictions of civil rights. Despite the daily carnage, Dezful residents faced the
war with resilience, even humor. The situation worsened when Iran sent four gunboats to pass
through Shatt al-Arab and proceed until Muhammarah. And if you saw what that meant to the loved
ones who had been left alive, you would know it was no less important than helping the living.”
Over thirty years later, as the belligerence of the Islamic State (Isis) on the other side of the border
rekindles Iranians’ memories of bloody conflict, Tehran Bureau spoke with a visual artist who is
reconstructing the fragmented narrative of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war. The Persian Empire, which
covered a vast territory of southwestern Asia and parts of Europe and Africa, had its seat of
civilization based in what is now Iran. Iran, meanwhile, claimed to have attacked two Iraqi air bases,
among them one situated close to the port of Basra on the disputed Shatt-al-Arab waterway, and
destroyed 10 MiG fighters, one Tupolev fighter and four missile launching boats. The monarchy was
ruled by a shah, which is a title for the sovereign leader in Iran similar to a king. Moreover, all the
verbs used in this triad are in their infinitive form. Turkey moved its capital to Ankara on the
Anatolian Plateau, which is centrally located in Turkey. Khaz’al was a known supporter of the British
cause. When the United States invaded, the contracts with were summarily canceled, and British and
US oil contractors took over the projects. On December 21, 1911, Persian Foreign Minister and
Turkish representatives from Tehran gathered in Istanbul to create a boundary commission to resolve
the Turkish-Persian border problem (Hunseler, 1984). These verbs represent the war on Iraq as being
the fault of the terrorists and not the Americans who invaded Iraq. In addition, they also had the
power to strictly limit the function of the caliphs of Abbasid to religion only. Since it is one of the
latest publication in this subject matter, it highly gets cited in later articles and books on the U.S.
participation in Iran-Iraq war of 1980s. Iran is seen to support They continuously label the state of
Israel as a Zionist nation which Iran and other Islamic states call a terrorist state. After losing most of
its senior commanders, many of its officers, and experienced NCOs, the Iranian army was not in any
shape to mount offensive operations. For example the infinitive verb “to free” in “to free its people”
gives the impression that American forces are going to physically help and liberate people in Iraq
rather than invade and destroy the country, which are original connotations of “war”. AP Photo
Photograph: AP Photo View image in fullscreen Iranians on the offensive in the desert inside Iraqi
territory north and west of the Iraqi Zeid outpost, July 1982. Meanwhile, Iraq was also concerned
with the threat of the United Arab Republic, a state established in 1958 as a result of the merger
between Syria and Egypt. See other similar resources ?4.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. According to Willet (2004), the thalweg was the
“central deepest part of the river” (p. 7). Third, there are two things to be rebuilt: the mutual trust
between both nations as well as the security of the land boundaries they shared. Elections were held
and a new government was formed under the newly drafted constitution. According to the
Zoroastrian notion of a state, it must have the following: “a secularly-legitimized kingship, the
survival of the Persian language and the proud awareness of a distinct Persian history” (Hunseler,
1984, p. 8). After two centuries, the Sunni-Arab Abbasid caliphate had become interested in the
Persian literature (Hunseler, 1984). However, fluctuations in commodity prices have resulted in a
more volatile income stream, and Iran’s manufacturing base has been increasing to support a more
diversified economy.

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