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(Normal delivery tools)

Arranged by :

Group 5

1. Winda Esyabani Hintjah

2. Nur Anisa La Gaete
3. Riski Pratama Adi Wibowo
4. Fadjar Almasya Tomia
5. Liony Juliana Darmianti Pellaupessy
6. Marsella Mays Simaela


YEAR 2023

We should convey praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, thanks to HIS grace and mercy
we have finished preparing the paper. "Normal Delivery Tools" This paper was created to fulfill the English
Course Assignment in the Ambon Nursing Study Program, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Maluku.

The purpose of this paper is as a learning medium for students in English courses, in preparing this
paperWe also do not forget to thank all parties who have contributed to the preparation of this paper. Of
course, it won't be optimal if it doesn't get support from various parties.

The writing and material contained may be far from perfect, due to limited knowledge. However, I hope this
paper can be useful for everyone, especially nursing students.

List of contents

FOREWORD...................................................................................................................................................................... i
List of contents................................................................................................................................................................ii
PIG................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Background..........................................................................................................................................................1
2. Formulation of the problem................................................................................................................................1
3. Objective.............................................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................................................................2
A. Normal delivery tool............................................................................................................................................2
B. Function and purpose of normal delivery tools...................................................................................................2
C. Delivery tools………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………….………..3

1. Parturition Set....................................................................................................................................................3
2. Personal protective equipment / PPE.................................................................................................................4
3. Equipment..........................................................................................................................................................5
4. Hectig Equipment (Instrument Body).................................................................................................................8
5. Resuscitation Equipment....................................................................................................................................9
D. Advantages of Using Normal Delivery Tools…………………………………………………………………………….10

CHAPTER III.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
A. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................................11
B. Suggestion.........................................................................................................................................................11



1. Background

Childbirth is a series of events in pregnant women during the process of expelling the products of
conception through the birth canal at term or almost term, followed by the expulsion of the placenta and
amniotic membranes from the mother's uterus.
Childbirth assistance by health workers is a safe delivery service because it is carried out by
competent health workers. A safe birth is a birth that has the knowledge, skills, tools to provide clean
assistance, and provides postpartum services to the mother and baby.

2. Formulation of the problem

a. What tools are used during normal delivery?

3. Objective

a. Know what tools are used during normal delivery.




A. Normal delivery tool

The presence of normal delivery tools helps facilitate the delivery process and ensures the safety of mother
and baby.

B. Function and purpose of normal delivery tools

a. Makes the birthing process easier

Normal delivery tools help speed up the labor process by optimizing pushing power.

b. Maintain the safety of mother and baby

Proper and accurate medical intervention during labor can prevent complications.

c. Increase comfort
Birthing equipment can help minimize pain and provide comfort during labor.

C. Childbirth tools

1. Parturition Set

a) Arterial Clamps

Functions to clamp (press/hold) an object.

b) Cut the Umbilical Cord

Works fortunately to cut the baby's umbilical cord.

c) Umbilical cord thread

The function of the umbilical cord ismaintain viability (survival) and facilitate the growth of embryos
and fetuses.

d) Coher

Serves to hold thread.

e) Nelator Catheter

Functions to help urinate

f) Episiotomy Scissors

Functions to cut the perineum (female genitals) during childbirth, to prevent tearing of the paineum
wall, namely between the anus and the bottom of the vagina

g) Gloves

Serves to protect health workers while working

h) Gauze

Functions to clean blood from the vagina

2. Personal protective equipment / PPE

a) Apron

Serves to protect yourself from splashes of the patient's blood

b) Glasses

Functions to protect yourself from splashes of the patient's body fluids

c) Face mask

Serves to protect the face from splashes of the patient's body fluids
d) Closed footwear

Functions to protect the feet from the patient's body fluids that spill on the floor

3. Equipment

a) Neirbeken/crooked

Functions as a place for tools that have been used when helping with childbirth/caring for wounds, etc

b) The closed comm contains DTT water

Functions as a DTT water container

c) The closed comm contains DTT cotton

Functions as a container for DTT cotton

d) Thermometer

Functions to measure the baby's body temperature, usually used rectally

e) Stethoscope

Functions to hear heart and breathing sounds

f) Pressure meter

Functions as a blood pressure measure

g) Measuring tape

Functions to measure the baby's head circumference, chest circumference and length

h) Syringe 2.5-3 ml

Function toinject or suck liquids or gases

i) 1 ml syringe

Function toinject or suck liquids or gases

j) Laenec(funandoscope)

serves to listen to the fetal heartbeat

k) Spotlights

Serves as lighting during parturition

l) Waste bins (wet, dry, medical)

Functions as a place to dispose of parturition waste

m) Basin

Serves as a container for chlorine solution

n) Flowing water source

Functions for washing hands

o) Bucket

Functions as a place to hold dirty clothes and as a container for the placenta

p) Under ped

Functions as a base for the mother's buttocks and to accommodate amniotic fluid so that it does not

4. Hectig Equipment (Instrument Body)

a) Gloves

Serves to protect health workers while working

b) Anatomical tweezers

Functions to hold a tool

c) Sirurgical tweezers

Functions to clamp during operation

d) Needle handle

Serves to hold the needle

e) Sewing needle

Functions for sewing wounds and sewing damaged organs

f) Chronicle thread

Functions as a thread used in sewing wounds

g) Syringe

WorksForinject or suck liquids or gases

5. Resuscitation Equipment

a) Mucus sucker

Functions to suck mucus from the baby's nose and mouth

b) Gauze

Functions to clean blood from the vagina

c) Resuscitation balloon

Functions to determine whether neonates require resuscitation, opening the baby's respiratory tract

d) Stopwatch

Functions to calculate contraction time in pregnant women

e) Baby Table

Functions for placing newborn babies who will be examined

D. Advantages of Using Normal Delivery Tools

a. More effective bonding
The birthing process becomes calmer and more comfortable, so it is easier for the mother to attach
her heart to her baby

b. Maintain control and privacy

Mothers can maintain control during birth while still feeling safe and protected.

c. Prevent complications
Proper and accurate medical intervention during labor can prevent complications.



A. Conclusion

Normal delivery equipment is an innovation that plays an important role in facilitating and
maintaining the safety of the birth process for mothers and babies. Immediately consult a midwife or
obstetrician to find out the best delivery method

B. Suggestion

Always use birthing tools when handling labor to make delivery easier and safe.

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