Ron and The Horse Léon Berndt

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The scene is happening in a bar, there’s a drunk man who appears to be a salaryman by the way he is

dressed, everyone else in the bar is wearing their everyday clothes. Suddenly, a horse enters the bar,
and everyone gives it weird looks.
Greeting Ron.
Man (Ron)
Get lost.
‘Tis useless to be aggressive upon mine being, I solely came to see how thou were faring.
Can’t you talk normally for once, for Christ’s sake.
S’cuse me Brah, y’all humans always change the way y’all talk, dats difficult for real.
That’s too informal, I can’t understand shit. You’ve got to find balance in the way you talk.
As if I was the problem, if all of you just spoke one universal language that would never change,
things would be much easier. Wars could have been prevented by this wise measure.
Stop talking. You’re making my head hurt.
Too much knowledge for your puny ape brain perhaps?
I’m just drunk.
*Ron quickly downs a shot of tequila*
Your specie has made a dreadful use of the intelligence I have granted them.
Ron, angrily
Why do you even care about what we do with it?
The other gods make fun of me when they see how slowly my civilisation is advancing.
Ron, more compassionate
Yeah, I feel you man, my colleagues often make fun of me as well. Here, I’ll buy you some alcohol,
it’s on me.
I’ll take a Moscow mule. Thanks.
To come back to what you were saying, I think you’re being too harsh on us, we’re doing the best we
Horse, offended
I beg to differ; your kind isn’t even capable of being nice to people that look a little different from
I mean… we’re doing progress on this matter. Well anyways,
*He turns to the barman*
barman, can I have a Moscow mule for my friend right here?
Barman, rudely
Nah, we don’t serve his kind in here.
Horse, outraged
See ?! that’s what I was talking about, there is still discrimi-neigh-tion everywhere.

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