Botany Laboratory-Lab Report Prelim Exam Output1

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1. First and foremost, READ THE LAB REPORT MANUAL FIRST. It is attached together with this


1. The Activity and the worksheet are done individually. But you can share your
answers with your fellow group mates, then collaborate, brainstorm and analyze
each question (It’s different from copying each answers, use your own words).
2. On your PC, go to and log in your account.
3. Per form the simulation titled “Cell Division (Principles): Mitosis and Meiosis”
4. Answer the Sections


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Virtual Lab Report
Name of Simulation:
(Write the Lab simulation name here)
This lab report is for you to reflect on what you completed and learned in this simulation, and to practice your written
scientific communication skills.

(Write your Name here)
Geopano, Melaine Grace G.

Group members’ names in Simulation:

(Write the names of the persons that participated with you during the lab simulation)

Empleo, Stephen
Frias, Mary Grace
Gabuya, Jasmine
Gonzales, kezia

Ms. Stephanie Dalida

February 27, 2023

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1. Describe the overall objective and make a hypothesis

2. Introduce relevant background knowledge on this topic
3. Summarize the steps taken in the simulation
4. Explain any obtained results
5. Discuss the conclusions and implications

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1. Describe the overall objective and make a hypothesis.
What is the overall purpose of the experiments or activities? Make a hypothesis if applicable.

Hint: The purpose is often stated in the welcome message of the simulation.

The overall learning purpose of this simulation is for the learners to describe the role cell division
plays in growth, tissue repair, and reproduction, the principle of cell cycle regulation and control, and
understand how meiosis ensures genetic diversity. The learners will be able to obtain this
knowledge by discovering how a toxic compound from a yew tree affects and why it can be a
cancer treatment. The hypothesis in this simulation is for the students to learn mitosis and meiosis
and their functions, summarize the main situations that occur in mitosis and meiosis, explain how
traits are passed down to the next generation, and compare the phases and results of mitosis and

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2. Introduce relevant background knowledge on this topic.
What have you learned in class or researched on your own that would help prepare for this simulation?

Hint: You can review the “THEORY” section in the simulation or at and the
lab manual if you need help.

The learners have a general foundation on the theories discussed in the simulation. The
learners were able to utilize their prior knowledge on cell division through out the simulation. The
learners were able to recognize and summarize the main events that occur in both mitosis and
meiosis. This includes it differences in events that occur in reach phase. This is because the learners
were familiarized with cell division through exercises and related class lectures. In regards to the
unfamiliar terms in the simulation, the given simulation manual helped the learners to get the full
context in those unfamiliar terms. Moreover, the learners relied on the internet and acquired
knowledge from numerous similar simulations, like different techniques in the lab such as using
light and fluorescence microscopy or even the preparation phase, to move further through the cell
division simulation.

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3. Summarize the steps taken in the simulation.
Explain each step you completed including the equipment and techniques you used.

Hint: You can use the “MISSION” tab in the LabPad as inspiration.

The students had been given a task to find out how a toxic compound from a yew tree affects cells
and why it can used as a treatment for cancer. They managed to learned on how to prepare DNA
packaging using a blood sample with the Control 0 hour and 24 hours same with the Experimental.
The students observed the phases of mitosis of an onion cell under a microscope and find out how
each phase contributes to successful duplications of the cell and also compare mitosis and
meiosis. Mitosis produces 2 daughter cells and forms diploid cells that have the same number of
chromosomes as the parent. It produces somatic cells except sex cells and includes one round
of cell division. Its stages include Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase also
its homologs do not pair up while in the Meiosis it produces 4 daughter cells and forms haploid cells
with half of the original number of chromosomes. It produces sex cells and contains 2 rounds
of cell division. Its stages include Interphase, Prophase 1 and 2, Metaphase 1 and 2, Anaphase 1 and
2, Telophase 1 and 2. At the end of the simulation, the students concluded that paclitaxel can be
used to kill cancer cells and treat patients

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4. Describe any obtained results.
Explain any obtained results. Were these results expected or unexpected?

Hint: You can use the “MEDIA” tab in the Lab Pad to find relevant images from the simulation. You can
also take screenshots while you are playing the simulation.

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The media shown in the simulation were utilized to accomplish task and further add understanding
on few theories. One of the images shown are about DNA packaging: It is compartmentalized into
Chromosome (top), chromatin coiled around histones forming nucleosomes (middle), DNA
double helix (bottom) having them together enables a eukaryotic cell to divide which processes into
discrete steps to build more complex protein and RNA products. Another would be images about
sample cells under a microscope used in the simulation to introduce theories to students. Like how a
variety of sample were used to identify the cell growth inhibition of certain drug mentioned in the
simulation. And how an onion cell was used to teach students cell division in the simulation.

This simulation helps us a learn the DNA packaging and more theories surrounding nuclear
division, in order to know the different structures that eventually form chromosomes which a compact
structure that can fit within the nucleus of a cell. DNA carry its hereditary material which is found in
the nucleus of the cell and is mainly involved in carrying the genetic information

5. Discuss the conclusions and implications.

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How do your results relate back to the original purpose and your hypothesis? Were there any systematic
sources of error that could have affected the results? What did you learn? What is the importance of
these findings and how can you apply them to other real world situations?

In this simulation, the students will be able to learn how cells divide and how they are affected by
paclitaxel. At the end of the simulation, the students conclude that inhibition of cell division can also
be used in cancer therapy. In these findings, Doctors can use paclitaxel and drugs like it to inhibit
cancer cell division and treat patients. During the simulation, learners observed the various mitotic
phases in onion root tips, learned how to compare the phases and outcomes of mitosis and
meiosis, learned about DNA packaging, and tested the effects of paclitaxel on mammalian cells.

At the end of the simulation, they described cell division's role in growth, tissue repair, and
reproduction and described the cell cycle regulation and control principle. Learning cell division is
important because it plays a vital role in all living organisms, as it is essential for growth, repair, and

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