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Língua Não Materna: Contextos, estatutos e práticas de ensino numa visão crítica.
Porto: Edições da Universidade do Porto. ISBN: 978-989-746-332-7.
FANECA, R.; ARAÚJO e SÁ, M. H. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021). Fostering more
responsible linguistic practices in Portuguese classrooms: Is teacher education the
key for integrating Heritage Languages?. In Mary, L., Krüger, A.-B. & Young, A.
(Eds.), Migration, Multilingualism and Education: Critical Perspectives on Inclusion.
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (261–282). ISBN 9781800412941.
FRIEDRICH, T.; MELO-PFEIFER, S., & RUANO, B. (2021). ‘Direito à educação
linguística de alunos migrantes e refugiados: Reflexões sociopolíticas,
sociolinguísticas e educativas em torno dos casos Brasileiro e Alemão’, Arquivos
Analíticos de Políticas Educativas 29(70).
FRIEDRICH, T.; RUANO, B. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2022). “A whole university
approach to humanitarian migrant and refugee students’ integration: Reflections on
the practical implementation of education policies and programmes at Universidade
Federal do Paraná (UFPR), in Brazil”. Journal of International Mobility, 9 (103-120)
(Special issue: Reception of refugees, education and training: strategies, policies
and practices in the context of forced mobility). PUF (ISNN: 2296-5165).
HELMCHEN, Ch.; MELO-PFEIFER, S. & VON ROSEN, J. (Eds.) (2021).
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Schule. Ausgangspunkte, unterrichtliche Herausforderungen
und methodisch-didaktische Zielsetzungen.Tübingen: Narr Verlag. ISBN
MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2023). ‘The Dynamics of Dominant Language Constellations:
Moments of Linguistic ‘Ecological Transition’ as Portrayed by Pre-service Language
Teachers’, in Larissa Aronin and Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer (eds.), Language Awareness
and Identity. Cham: Springer, 247–261.
MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2022). „UND wir sind weggelaufen”: borders and walls in
narratives of forced displacement. A study with Middle Est refugees’ visual
narratives in the German as a second language (DaZ) classroom. In Breeze, R.;
Gintsburg, S. & Baynham, M. (Eds.), Narrating Migrations from Africa and the Middle
East: A Spatio-Temporal Approach. Bloomsbury (67–86). ISBN: 9781350274556.
MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2021). ‘Exploiting Foreign Language Student-teachers’ Visual
Language Biographies to Challenge the Monolingual Mind-set in Foreign Language
Education’, International Journal of Multilingualism 18/4: 601–618.
MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2024, forthcoming). ‘Language Student-Teachers of a
Racialized Background: The Transracial Construction of the Competent Language
Teacher’, in Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer and Vander Tavares (eds.), Language Teacher
Identity: Confronting Ideologies of Language, Race and Ethnicity. Oxford, UK:
Melo-Pfeifer, S., & TAVARES, V. (2024a, forthcoming). ‘Language Teacher Identity
and Education in the Crossfire of Evolving Raciolinguistic and Monolingual
Ideologies’, in Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer and Vander Tavares (eds.), Language Teacher
Identity: Confronting Ideologies of Language, Race and Ethnicity. Oxford, UK:
MELO-PFEIFER, S.; LOGES, L. & THÖLKES. M. (2022). “Willkommenskultur à
l'école? Dispositifs d'accueil de jeunes réfugiés - dans le système scolaire
allemand : la diversification des publics à l’épreuve des traditions scolaires et
disciplinaires. In AUDRAS, I. (Ed.), Patrimoines culturels des élèves : Démarches
éducatives dans/pour des sociétés plurielles. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de
Rennes (41-59) (ISBN 978-2-7535-8664-2).
MELO-PFEIFER, S. & THÖLKES, M. (2022). “Wie soll ich das Kind bewerten?”:
between standardization and differentiation in the assessment of refugee students.
A qualitative study of foreign language teachers’ representations in Germany. In
Glenn S. Levine & D. Mallows (Ed.), Language Learning of Migrants in Europe:
Theoretical, Empirical, Policy, and Pedagogical Issues. Berlin: Springer (219-243).
ISBN 978-3-030-79237-4.
RUANO, B. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (forthcoming, 2024). Portuguese as a Host
language: emergence and development of a new research field. In Carvalho, A. M.
& Oushiro, L. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Portuguese Language. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
RUANO, B. & MELO-PFEIFER, S. (2023). Being a refugee “caloiro” in time of
Covid-19 in Brazil: What changes in Portuguese learning in higher education?.
Intercultural Education.
The Changing Face of the “Native Speaker”: Perspectives from Multilingualism and
Globalization. Berlin: De Gruyter.

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