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Communicative Quality: This criterion evaluates the student's ability to convey their
message clearly and effectively. It's crucial in writing assessment as it demonstrates the
student's ability to express their ideas coherently and comprehensibly. Assessing
communicative quality helps identify whether the student has successfully communicated
their thoughts effectively, used appropriate language for the purpose and audience, and
organized their ideas logically and cohesively.

Organization: Organization is essential in writing as it helps readers follow the flow of the
author's ideas clearly and logically. Evaluating organization involves examining how ideas are
structured and connected in the text. This includes clear introduction of a topic, orderly
presentation of arguments or supporting details in body paragraphs, and a conclusion that
effectively wraps up the text. Good organization aids reader comprehension and enables
them to easily follow the development of the text.

Grammar and Vocabulary: Grammatical accuracy and proper use of vocabulary are
fundamental in writing. Evaluating grammar involves reviewing accuracy in sentence
structure, correct use of verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, among other aspects. On the
other hand, evaluating vocabulary involves assessing whether the student uses an
appropriate range of words and employs them accurately and relevantly to the topic. Good
grammar and vocabulary contribute to the clarity and effectiveness of the writer's message.

Spelling & Punctuation: Proper spelling and punctuation are crucial for readability and
understanding of the text. Evaluating spelling involves checking if the student has correctly
spelled words, avoiding spelling errors that may hinder text comprehension. Additionally,
evaluating punctuation involves assessing whether correct punctuation marks have been
used to separate and structure sentences appropriately. Good spelling and punctuation
facilitate text comprehension and reflect the writer's care and attention to their work.

Task Achievement: This criterion evaluates the extent to which the student has met the
requirements and objectives set for the writing task. Evaluating task achievement involves
reviewing if the student has adequately addressed the topic or question posed, developed
relevant ideas, and complied with specific instructions provided. Effective assessment of task
achievement helps ensure that the student has understood and responded appropriately to
what has been asked in the writing task.

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