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At that speed, the 477 pages come across

with more impact than the Movie.
In living blood, you might say.


You con do it, too. So for over 550,000 other more. You con do the same thing - the place to
peopl~ hove done it. P~pla who.hove different learn more about it is ot o free speed reading
jobs, tlifferent IQs, different interests, different lesson.
educatior:is ilim/~l¢?mtjteted the course. Ou.r This is the. some course President Kennedy hod
graduates ore 'people Jrgm all walks oi life: his Joint Chiefs of Stoff toke. The staff.of Presi- ATI-END,,AI4S:MINUTE
These people have all taken a course developed dent Nixon completed this course 'in June 1970. DEMONSTRATION OF THIS
by Evelyn Wood,, a pr.ominen.t educator. Prodi- The same one Senators. and Congressman have
c~ny: oil: of them at: least tripled thei.r reo.ding. token~ fASCINAllNG lECHNiQUE
sp~~p with equal or better comprehension. Most Come to a Mini-Lesson and find out. It is free to ~J.U l!MI LOCATION
hove increased it even more. you and you will leave with a better under.stand-
Think for a moment what that means. All of them
·-·-- ···--·--· .. ··- -· . -ing of why it works. One thing that might bother SUNDAY 3:00prn Merriott Key Bridge Hctal
July 16 & i<o5slyn - Key Bridge
- even the siowest - now read on overage you obout your reading speed is that someone READING/STUDY COURSE FOR TEEN-AGERS ·a.ooprn. Arflnglon
novel in less than two hours. They read an entire might find out how slow it ls. The instructors at
Coune consists of elglrr (BJ 2!-2 hour ;u•JO~Y 3 <)Opm Sheraton Silver Spring Motel
issue of Time or Newsweek in 35 minutes. They
don't skip or skim. They read every word. They
the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics Free Speed
Reading lesson will let you keep your secret. It's •••sion•
meeting once a week.
~(j)y i6 &
8727 Colesville Road
Silver Spring

use no machines. Instead, they let the material true we pradic:e the first step to improved read- This course is specifically designed to "'°1' JC..PV' 3 00 Pf!!. . Romodolnn ~
meet the reading ond study require- July 17 & 8400 WiM:onsln Avenuo
they're reading determin& how fast they read. ing at Mini-lesson ond we will .1crease your B·OOpm Bethesda
And mark this well: they actually understand reading speed on the spot, but the results will ments of the academically oriented
1.AOtiO/>V ~Oopm Howord John!ltln's
more, remember more, and enjoy more than remain your secret. Plan to attend a free Mini- tean..ager. July 17 &. Route I and Beltway
ll·ODpm Alexandria
when they read slowly. That's right! They under- Lesson and learn that it ls possible to read 3-4-5 DATI TIMI LOCATION
stand more. They remember more. They enjoy times faster, with comparable comprehension. MONOAY- Morfiott Key Bridge Molal MONDAY 3 JO pm Howard Johnson'$
THURSOAY l:ey Bridge-Rosslyn July 17 ... 31 31 Branch Ave. (Rte. 5)
August7 ArlinQ'lon B·.00 pm Silver Hill

(Arlt Clo• ,,,_ts TUESDAY 3:0Dpm Quality Motel-C.Ollaga l'ork

Mon flay, AugU11t 7) July l8 & 7200 Baltimore Blvd. (Rt11. 1)
s,oopm College l'ork
The teen-ager of today demands the study
skills of tomorrow. Academic requirements Insist TUESDAY 3,00prn Morrie" Koy Bridge Hotel
upon a discipline best acquired In the formative July IB & RoSllyn -Key Sridge
81DOp!\"I Arlington
COME AND SEE A FREE DEMONSTRATION OF THIS AMAZING NEW METHOD THAT years. Effective study skills are a prerequisite to
full development of intellectual ability. Potential WEDNESDAY 3,00 """ - Howord Johnson's of \AAiecitori
WILL TRIPLE YOUR READING SPEED WITH GOOD COMPREHENSIONI (lcodemic success Is dependent upon establish- July l9 &. Unive,.,lty & Vier• Mill
s,oopn1 1Mlea1on
ment of a logical and structured· approoch to
study. WEDNESDAY 3.00pn,.. Soulhgoto Quol11y Motel
Some of the skills'.·you acquire in the Reading Dynamics Course An Intensified stvdy akills program designed
specifically to CO\ler the individual needs of the
July 19 &
Shirley Hwy. & GlebG Rood

teen-ager will be offered in the .. metropoUtan WEDNESDAY 3,00ptr University ol Morylond

July 19 & Nawmon Student Center
area this summer. It is geared to the critical a,oopm .d 14 1 Gui Hord Drive
In Reading Dynamics you learn to read faster naturally-- • How to toke leeture nOtflS needs of the teen-ager In the vital field of com· College Pork
without mechanicol devices and V,,ithout losing the natvral munic:atlon skllls. This eight lesson program hos
• How to study for a test THU~SDAY 3:00pm Holldov Inn-Tyson'~ Corner
enjoyment or flavor of reading. Noi'. do you skim or skip. Yov been ,designed to motive the Individual to copl-
• How to stabilize your apeed and comprehension July 20 & 1960 Cho1n Bridge Rood
triple your present rote. by taking I,~ entire thoughts at or.e tali:z.a on his strengths and overcome this prob- S:OOpm Noel.eon
time, ! • How to review material lem.
The course consists of eight week(~ sessions ·of two and one A 11mall initial Investment in the teen-oger's
THURSDAY 3,oopm Romod<'l Inn
July 20 & Bellwoy Exit 30 &
lialf hours eoch. When you complete this course you will be a Comp.-.henston 111d speed Improvement most valuable oaaet will retum dividends many-· S:OOpm Roule 450 Lanham
better reader as well as a foster reader. Here are wme of the by typical •tudenh. fold in providing mastery of these essential tools
skills that are taught in the Reading Dynamics Coorse: THURSDAY 3:00pm Uni11er1lty of Morylond
of the mind. July 20 & Newmon Student Center
• How to read without heoring and saying oil the words Nnm<t & l!l&glnning Beglnnlli{I Speer.i End S:OOpm .d 141 Guilford Drive
Occupation Speed Comp. End Comp.
• How to read more tlian one wordat a time LAW READING DYMAMICS College Pork
'J. Anthony Engel, Coune conllm ol ~{~.~~ l'>J} .2!-2 ltour SATURDAY 3:00pm
• How to see and understand group~\of words out of order
Marriott Koy Brldg" Hotel
July 22 ,\, Rosslyn -·Key Bricl$ie
Engineer 234 83% 1425 92% ••11i0Jt1 meeting''"" ~. ~..-.,.Ir S:OOpm Arling1on
., Haw to find the thought In a parogrClph
Charles L. Howkins, low R9Clding Dynamics la des1grw;u ~<:!- ~efirl') tha .',,...TURDAY 3:00pm Ramodo Inn
•How to read with a definite pre-established purpose
I Student 385 50% 2280 ·76% moet valuable skill possessed in the legal field. July 22 & 8400 Wisconsin Avl'lnue
• How to remember what you read 1 From the neophyte law student to the most suc- B:OOpm BethMdo
Borboro Keish, cessful attorney it is highly apparent that• effi- SATURDAY 3.00pm Stotlttr Hilton Hotel
• How to .read smoothly down the pdpe os well as from
left to right Teacher 310 68% 943 72% cient reading 111 the most vital aspect of the law. July 22 & 16th & K Streel&, N.W.
Ta be able to analyze briefs, case studies, and 8:00pm Woshln9100
• How to adjust your speed to differe~t kinds of material- Frederic Menz, legal textbooks not only demands intellectual SUNDAY 3,ooprn Merriott Key Bridge Hore(
thot is, ~o,,p,e o flexible reader , Student 395 55% 1350 92% strength but also Ct well-oriented and log.lcolly July 23 & Ronlyn -- l<:ey Bridge
structured process for Interpretive reading. a,oopm Arlington
• How to,use your hand to pace your:reading Margle Rose, Public
SLINOAY 3100prn Romodo Inn
• How to preview a book Health Analyst 404 64% 2250 96% Wl!DNESOAY 7-9130 p.m. Wire Bulfdlng.SUll11810 July 23 & 8400 Wli;conaln Avenutt
Augu11 9 1000 Vermont Avenua e,oopm S..theido
• How to recd newspapers cmd magazines Thomas L Mc:Cubbin, ~ N.W., Wo1hlnglon
Engineer 65% 2480 SUNDAY 3,00 f)ln
• How to read ted1nicol moteriol-journols, 1e:ds, reports 313 12i:rc. July 23 &
Stotler Hilton Hotel
16th & K Streets, N.W.
• How to read classics and conceptual material Lonhorne Gibson, Jr., a,oopm Wo1i'l1~rcn

• How to make permanent recall records Secµrity Analyst 350 65% 2500 95%

• You will see a doeumented film that in.

EVELYN WOOD eludes actual interviews with students
who have taken the course.
• You will learn how we con help you to
(AT 15TH&K) Reading Dynamics faster reading, with improved compre-
hension, and greater recall. No reserva.
tions necessary.
P'HONE 347-4567

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