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Level 3 Addition and Subtraction Problem Solving Skill: addition, subtraction 1-2 digits, regrouping Name GOING TO CAMP Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. Then solve the problems. EXAMPLE: There were 21 horses at the camp. 7 of them were too old to be ridden. Subtract to find out how many horses could be ridden. - 14 horses 1. Jimmy counted 19 caterpillars on the ground. Tim counted 48. How many did they count altogether? —____terpitars_ 2. There were 84 children at camp. 49 of them were boys. Subtract to find how many were girls SS eeeeeeS rete eee 3. Terry brought 10 books with her to camp. Sue brought 4 books. How many more did Terry bring? peizisiuanaaianeel Haat 4. 13 girls entered the swim race. 7 of them finished the race. How many were left behind? iis 5. 24 girls and 38 boys wrote letters home. How many letters were written altogether? eters 6. On the warmest day it was 92 degrees at camp. It was only 67 degrees on the coldest day, Find the difference in temperatures ae Gegrees 7. The campers baked 84 cookies one day, but 79 of them Were bumed. Subiract to find how many cookies were not burned. —___ svoties 8. The girls picked 43 buckets of cherries. The boys picked 52 buckets. How many more buckets did the boys pick? buckets eee eee | Addition Words | Subtraction Words add plus. minus how many more how much more sum in all ‘subtract how much + er words less total altogether | difference (as in how much farther) left Skill: addition, subtraction Name THIS PAGE IS HEAVY! | aif i DV kee) 99'V/) 2 digits, regrouping Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. Then solve the problems. EXAMPLE: 100 pounds minus 46 pounds equals how many pounds? 1. Julie's brother weighs 18 pounds and Julie weighs 79 pounds. How much do they weigh altogether? 2. Julie's cat weighs 9 pounds and her dog weighs 62 pounds. What is the difference in their weights? 3. Terence wants to weigh 100 pounds. He weighs 89 pounds now. How many pounds does he have left to gain? 4. Kathy used to weigh 86 pounds. Then she went on a trip and ate too much. Now she weighs 91 pounds. How much more does she weigh now? 5. How much do you weigh? Subtract that number from 200. 6. Jim weighs 47 pounds, Gary weighs 38 pounds, and Carl weighs 51 pounds. What is the sum of all their weights? 7. The doctor told vill that she should weigh 70 pounds. Jill weighs 81 pounds. Find the difference between what Jill weighs and what she should weigh. Addition Words add plus sum in all total altogether Subtraction Words minus how many more ‘subtract how much + er words difference (as in how much farther) left 54 pounds: pounds pounds pounds pound pounds pounds pounds how much more less | I 2 Skill: addition, subtraction 2 digits, regrouping SNACK BAR Name A RINK PARTY Solve the problems to find out about Pearl's party. Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. EXAMPLE: Pearl is 15 years old. Her brother is 9 years old. How much older is Pearl than her brother? peeeeeee ere Wmv teat 1. Pearl invited 42 friends to go skating with her. 37 friends said they could go. Subtract to find out how many friends could not come. eee ends 2. There were 12 boys at the skating party. 9 of them fell down, How many were left skating? _—___ boys 3. There were 38 boys and girls at the party. 19 brought their own skates. How many more had to rent skates? ——__bays and girls 4, Pearl's mother brought 28 orange drinks and 36 root beers to the party. How many drinks did she bring in all? eee cate 5. 31 children wanted to drink orange drink. There were 40 cans. How many cans of orange drink were left? te oe 6. 38 children went to the skating rink. 9 of them had to leave early. How many were left? pubieeeinaserennac LC Jssniaie 7. 11 boys bought ice cream at the rink. 19 girls bought ice cream. How many bought ice cream in all? —____ boys and girls 8. There were 38 children at the party. 15 were boys and 23 were girls. How many more girls than boys were at the party? sae eeSOl Addition Words Subtraction Words add plus minus how many more how much more sum in all ‘subtract how much + er words less total altogether difference (as in how much farther) _ eft Skill: addition, subtraction 2 digits, regrouping Name IT’S A BIRTHDAY PARTY AND YOU’RE INVITED Jessica Jones is having her birthday party and wants all her friends to come! Help her solve these problems in planning her party. Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. EXAMPLE: Mrs. Jones is 43 years old. Today is Jessica's 15th birthday. How much older than Jessica is Mrs. Jones? ___28 years older _ 1. Jessica wanted to invite 16 girls and 17 boys. How many children would that be in all? fiateaecaagaee_ PAO 2. Jessica's mom bought 2 bags of gumdrops. There were 38 gumdrops in one bag, and 47 gumdrops in the other. How many gumdrops were there altogether? ‘gumdrops 3. Jessica's brother blew up 51 balloons for the party. 9 of them popped. How many balloons were left? balloons 4. The cat ate 4 cupcakes. Jessica had baked 50 cupcakes. How many cupcakes were left? cupcakes 5, During the party 20 cups of juice fell on the floor. Jessica cleaned up 18 of them. How many were still left on the floor? cups of juice. 6. Jessica's grandmother gave her 24 dollars and Jessica's aunt gave her 19 dollars. How many dollars did Jessica receive in all? Hstetstosiststststl-(_[_t Beeneiey 7. One boy ate 14 gumdrops, 19 chocolates, and 13 pieces of taffy. How many candies did he eat in all? SIHHe seit tHonfcles ta Addition Words Subtraction Words add plus minus how many more how much more sum inal subtract how much + er words less total altogether difference (as in how much farther) _ left Skill: addition, subtraction 2 digits, regrouping Name Be CLASS PICNIC Mr. Stein's classes went on a picnic. This list shows the things they took with them. 46 hot dogs 39 cupcakes 46 hamburgers 86 sodas 82 marshmallows 80 pickles 42 ice cream bars Use this list to answer the questions below. Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. EXAMPLE; How many more hot dogs than hot dog buns did the class bring to the picnic? See IO hotdogs HHH 1. There were 80 students at the picnic. If each one drank one soda, how many sodas would be left? piaiasinansonsc Lt iaasaaaian 2. Jerry put all of the cupcakes and ice cream bars on the table. How many desserts were there altogether? eT teeserte HEE 3. 46 of the students wanted one marshmallow each. How many marshmailows were left over? _—__marshmaliows_ 4, All the hot dogs and hamburgers were in a bag. How hot dogs many were in the bag in all? anid hamburgers 5. 16 of the children threw their pickles away. Subtract to find out how many pickles were left. RE 6. What is the sum of all the hot dogs and hot dog buns? and buns 7. 48 of the students wanted to eat cupcakes. How many more cupcakes did they need? cupcakes 8. Mrs. Smith bought 9 extra ice cream bars from the ice cream truck. How many ice cream bars did they have at the picnic in all? ive ream bas ' a : | Addition Words Subtraction Words | add plus minus how many more how much more sum inal subtract. how much + er words less total altogether | difference (as inhow much farther) _ left Skill: addition, subtraction 2 digits, regrouping, labeling Name MORE LABELS! Find the answers to the problems below. Label each answer. Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. EXAMPLE: Earl found 16 pennies on the ground. Frank found 38 pennies. How many pennies did they find in all? fone 54 pennies 1. If Ihave 18 flowers and you have 12 flowers, how many flowers do we have altogether? 2. Susan has 13 stars. She needs 22 stars. How many more stars does Susan need? 3. Rover weighs 80 pounds. Spot weighs 68 pounds. What is the difference in their weights? 4. Jerome ate 11 carrots, Rick ate 12 carrots, and Sal ate 7 carrots. Add to find how many carrots they ate in all, 5. Connie carried 23 dishes to the table. Oops! 8 dishes fell and broke! How many dishes were left? 6. Kerry ran 16 miles. Joe ran 34 miles. How many more miles did Joe run? 7. Mrs. Connell bought a 14-pound turkey and a 5-pound chicken. How much less did the chicken weigh than the turkey? Addition Words Subtraction Words add plus minus how many more how much more sum in all subtract how much + er words less | total altogether difference (as in how much farther) left Skill: addition, subtraction 2 digits, regrouping Name ceeetet A PEACH OF A PEAR OF A PAGE Mr. Greengrower made a list of all the things he sold on Saturday at his Fruit Stand. Use the list to help you find answers to the problems below. Underline the key words, and label your answers! 46 peaches ~ 87 bananas 28 pears 76 oranges 97 apples 57 plums EXAMPLE: How many more apples than pears did Mr. Greengrower Sell? 69 apples . How many peaches and pears were sold in all? 2. The first customer of the day bought 38 Peaches. How many more peaches did Mr. Greengrower sell that day? eae eee 3. How many more oranges than plums were sold? 4. Mr. Jones needed 50 peaches to bake pies. Mr. Greengrower had only 8 left. How many more peaches did Mr. Jones need? 5. How many oranges and plums were sold altogether? . Mrs. Black bought every plum that Mr. Greengrower had. On the way home she dropped 8 of them. How many plums did she have left? 7. At the end of the day, Mr. Greengrower still had 65 apples left that were not sold. Add to find out how many apples he had at the beginning of the day. @ 8, Find the total number of bananas, oranges, and plums that were sold. 9. Each day Mr. Greengrower likes to add up everything that he has sold. Can you help him by finding out how many pieces of fruit he sold in all? Addition Words Subtraction Words add plus minus how many more how much more sum in all subtract how much + er words less total altogether difference (as in how much farther) left Skill: addition, subtraction 2 digits, Name THE SEA SHOW All of these animals star in the Sea Show. Use the chart to answer the questions. Underline key words and label your answers. b EXAMPLE: What is the total number of walruses and seagulls? _62 walruses and seagulls rare 19 seals 9 dolphins 18 walruses S 10 whales 24 flamingos 44 seagulls 36 penguins C3 1. At the Sea Show, all the whales and all the dolphins were in one tank. How many animals were in the tank altogether? 2. Find the sum of all of the birds. 3. The trainer put all of the penguins in a cage. 8 of them ran away. How many were left? 4. How many more seagulls than penguins were at the Sea Show? 5. Susan counted 19 flamingos. Subtract to find out how many she didn’t see. 6. What was the total number of all the seals and all the walruses? 7. 28 seagulls caught fish. How many were left without a fish? 8. How many more seagulls than seals were at the show? 9. At the end of the day, 9 walruses were asleep. How many walruses were left awake? 10. Can you do this? How many animals were at the Sea Show in all? fe Addition Words Subtraction Words add plus minus how many more how much more sum in all subtract how much + er words less | total altogether difference (as in how much farther) _ left Name — oe Skill: addition, subtraction 2 digits, regrouping POTPOURRI Solve these problems. Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. EXAMPLE: Carl ate 29 jellybeans. Frank ate 50 jellybeans. How many more jellybeans did Frank eat? 21jellybeans 1. Susan bought 25 pencils. Frank bought 36 pencils. How many did they buy altogether? pencils 2. 20 dogs were running in the street. The dog catcher caught 14 of them. How many were left? POs aeatatatanae 3. Joe is 30 years old. His brother is 27 years old. What is the difference in their ages? years 4. Mr. Green bought 26 ice cream cones for the party. 18 people were going to be at the party. If each person ate ‘one, how many ice cream cones would he have left? eee eee 5. Karen had 89 black marbles and 48 red marbles. How many marbles did she have in all? marbles 6. Jim ran 14 miles, and Nancy ran 21 miles. How much farther did Nancy run? rmiles 7. Janet had 49 bugs in her collection. Sara had 36 bugs in her collection. Add to find how many bugs they both had. bugs 8. 14 cats were chasing 18 dogs in the street. How many animals were there altogether? enue Addition Words Subtraction Words add plus minus how many more how much more sum in all subtract how much + er words less total altogether | difference (as in how much farther) _ left Skill: addition, subtraction 2-3 digits, regrouping Name AT SCHOOL Solve the problems below. Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. EXAMPLE: Every day 420 boys and 398 girls eat in the cafeteria. How many students eat there altogether? 818 students 1. There are 912 books in the school library. Last week 398 of them were checked out. How many books were left in the library? books 2. At the track meet, Joe ran 280 yards. Terry ran 199 yards. How much farther did Joe run than Terry? SE eels eats 3. There are 36 students in Room 14. There are 29 students in Room 18. How many more students are in Room 14? students 4. The cafeteria sold 568 hot dogs on Monday and 399 hot dogs on Tuesday. How many hot dogs were sold altogether? rot dogs 5. There are 941 students at Valley School. 89 students were absent on Tuesday. Subtract to find the number of students at school on Tuesday. eee ee ere HEE EE 6. The school bought 56 baseballs, 39 basketballs, and 29 volleyballs. How many balls were bought in all? eee sbeMe 7. The boys sold 867 boxes of cookies for the Cookie Sale. The girls sold 804 boxes. How many more boxes did the girls sell? bones af cookies . aoe ] Addition Words Subtraction Words + j add plus minus how many more how much more sum in alt subtract how much + er words less total altogether difference (as in how much farther) _ left Skill: addition, subtraction Name be SO CARNIVAL mee ae ee 2-3 digits, regrouping Pg. Solve the problems to find out what happened at the school carnival. Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. EXAMPLE: Kathy went to the carnival with 16 friends. Her brother took 9 friends. How many friends went in all? 1. Kathy's mother baked 118 cookies for the carnival. Kathy ate 9 of them. How many were left? 2. Ms. Williams’ class blew up 108 red balloons, 114 green balloons, and 122 yellow balloons. How many did the class blow up in all? 3. 38 children ran in the potato sack race. Only 29 crossed the finish line. How many were left behind? 4. A clown threw peanuts at the crowd. Susan caught 16 of them, Sandy caught 29, and Jim caught 56. How many did they catch in all? 5. There are 824 students at North High School. 638 students came to the carnival. Subtract to find out how many did not come. 6. 48 fathers helped at the carnival. 39 mothers helped. How many more fathers than mothers helped? 7. Karen painted 39 flags to fly in the air, Sam painted 46, and Josh painted 28, What is the total number of flags they painted? 8. There were 129 candied apples for sale, but 132 people wanted to buy some. How many more candied apples did they need? 28 friends cookies balloons, childeen, peanuts, students. fathers fags ____andied apples. add plus | minus how many more sum inal subtract how much + er words total altogether difference_~—_(as in how much farther) Addition Words | Subtraction Words how much more less left Name MR. JOHNSON’S FLOWER SHOP Skill: addition, subtraction 2-3 digits, regrouping 290 roses 186 white daisies 97 lilacs 130 petunias 75 daffodils 250 yellow daisie These are the flowers that Mr. Johnson has to sell today. Use the chart to help you solve the problems. Underline the words that tell you to add or subtract. EXAMPLE: How many lilacs and daffodils did Mr. Johnson have to sell altogether? 1. How many daisies did Mr. Johnson have in all? 2. Carol Miller came into the store and bought 46 roses. How many roses were left? 3. When Mr. Johnson checked the petunias, he found that 17 of them had wilted. How many did he have left to sell? 4. Aman bought all of the daffodils and all of the lilacs. Find the total number of flowers he bought. ._ Karen wanted to buy 200 white daisies. Did Mr. Johnson have enough? (Circle the correct answer.) How many more white daisies will Karen need? 6. A dog ran into the store and knocked over all the yellow daisies. 76 of them were stepped on. How many yellow daisies were left for Mr. Johnson to sell? 7. At the beginning of the day, how many more white daisies than lilacs did Mr. Johnson have? a Addition Words Subtraction Words facs 172___and datfodiis Salsies _foses petunias, flowers yellow daisies __white daisies add plus minus how many more how much more sum inal subtract how much + er words less total altogether _| difference (as in how much farther) _ lett

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