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Computer Aided Assessment(CAA)

What is Computer aided Assessment?

Computer-aided assessment (CAA) is a broad term which describes the
application/use of computer technologies to assess students’ progress,delivered with
the help of computers.

Computer aided assessment is the process of utilizing computing technologies for

assessing student work.

Various Other Forms Exists such as:

❖ Computerized assessment
❖ Computer Aided Assessment
❖ Computer based assessment and Computer Based Testing
❖ Online Computer Based assessment had existed in the form as Multiple choice

Difference Between Computer Aided Assessment and Computer Based Assessment

Computer Based Assessment is commonly made via the computer where as Computer
Aided Assessment is used to manage or support the assessment process

How does it work?

This may include a variety of activities which assess knowledge, understanding

and skills using one or more technologies such as the Internet, CD-ROM and
optical data capture systems.

The assessments can vary in format : either consisting of a pre-printed paper test
on which students mark their responses, which are then processed automatically
using an Optical Mark Reader(OMR); or involving the direct input of students’
responses into a computer terminal.
What are the approaches of Computer aided Assessment?

1. Automated marking of paper forms, using optical mark reader (OMR).Eg.

Multiple choice questions being marked by OMR.

2. Computerized marking in which questions are presented and responses

assessed entirely by the computer software, with no paper involved e.g.,the
online test , Quizzes and recording grades
Types of Testing(Online)
Formative: Tests that promote learning but don’t contribute to end of year grade

Summative: contributing to a student’s end-of-year mark

Spreadsheets have been used as a form of record keeping:

~Store examination marks
~Attendance records
~Class targets

Types of Questions that can be used

● True/false questions.
● Assertion-reason questions (combining elements of MCQ and true/false).
● Multiple-response questions (involving the selection of more than one answer from a

● Text/numerical questions (involving the input of text or numbers at the keyboard).

● Ranking questions (requiring students to relate items in a column to one another,

testing the knowledge of the order of events).

● Sequencing questions (requiring the student to position text in a given sequence,

which is particularly good for testing methodology
Advantages Of CAA to Education and Teaching

● It enables the assessment of a wide range of topics very quickly

● Allow better test management
● detailed knowledge of students’ progress and quicker identification of problems.
● Objective tests are marked automatically
● Students can be given their results either immediately upon completion or after a
very short period.
● Provide feedback on question results, for incorrect and correct answers.
● Computer aided assessments can actually save time and even money.
● Allows for more time to be spent teaching and far less time spent testing
● Informal, timely, appropriate and correct feedback for the test taken.

Disadvantages Of CAA To education and Teaching

● the construction of online tests needs adequate staff training and skill
● It will be time-consuming
● Can be very costly especially the Optical Mark Reader(OMR)
● Use of multiple-choice questions, which is believed to test at a lower level of
● Software and hardware must to carefully monitored to avoid failure during exams
● Security issues in web assessments
● IT skills are needed
● The computer/scanner can make mistakes

Benefits of CAA
● Instant feedback to students;
● Greater flexibility with respect to location and timing;
● Enhanced question styles which incorporate interactivity
● Banks of questions can be created and re-used/shared;
● Instant machine marking
● Lower long-term costs;
● Online storage of papers
Advantages Of CAA to students

● Can receive feedback during the exam

● Assessments can be repeatedly taken by students for revision purposes;
● Allow students to elect to take assessments at a time when they feel they are

Disadvantages Of CAA to Students

● Security issues
● Lack of training , skill and knowledge how to operate the programmes
● No access to devices and fast internet.
● Cheating
● Plagiarism

3 reasons why we might want to introduce ICT-based assessment:

● To avoid disconnection between teaching and assessment modes with

e-based learning ( validity )
● To save staff time in marking ( efficiency)
● To enable formative feedback to students ( educational)

Developments( CAA back then VS CAA now)

The principles of computer-aided assessment are now speedily being applied to ever
wider areas of assessment and to challenges such as essay marking and higher-order
New developments That have been added to CAA

● Text Assessment
● Higher order skills
● Improvement in testing of comprehension, application and reasoning skills
● CAA programmes have been made free to access and use
● Effective question design

What is the Impact of ICT on Education

ICT has definitely influenced Education. It is affecting every aspect of education from
teaching-learning to assessment and evaluation. It improves the effectiveness of

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