Ateroesclerosis Subclinica A Progresión de La Placa

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12, 2019






From Subclinical Atherosclerosis to

Plaque Progression and Acute
Coronary Events
JACC State-of-the-Art Review

Amir Ahmadi, MD,a,b Edgar Argulian, MD,a Jonathon Leipsic, MD,b David E. Newby, MD,c Jagat Narula, MD, PHDa


It has been believed that most acute coronary events result from the rupture of mildly stenotic plaques, based on studies
in which angiographic information was available from many months to years before the event. However, serial studies in
which angiographic data were available from the past as also within 1 to 3 months of myocardial infarction have clarified
that nonobstructive lesions progressively enlarged relatively rapidly before the acute event occurred. Noninvasive
computed tomography angiography imaging data have confirmed that lesions that did not progress voluminously over
time rarely led to events, regardless of the extent of luminal stenosis or baseline high-risk plaque morphology. Therefore,
plaque progression could be proposed as a necessary step between early, uncomplicated atherosclerosis and plaque
rupture. On the other hand, it has been convincingly demonstrated that intensive lipid-lowering therapy (to a low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol level of <70 mg/dl) halts plaque progression. Given the current ability to noninvasively detect the
presence of early atherosclerosis, the importance of plaque progression in the pathogenesis of myocardial infarction, and
the efficacy of maximum lipid-lowering therapy, it has been suggested that plaque progression is a modifiable step in the
evolution of atherosclerotic plaque. A personalized approach based on the detection of early atherosclerosis can trigger
the necessary treatment to prevent plaque progression and hence plaque instability. Therefore, this approach can
redefine the traditional paradigm of primary and secondary prevention based on population-derived risk estimates and
can potentially improve long-term outcomes. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:1608–17) © 2019 Published by Elsevier on
behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

A dvances in cardiovascular imaging modal-

ities in recent years have provided valuable
insights into the development and evolution
of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD).
have allowed detection of early and subclinical
atherosclerotic lesions, as well as examination of the
natural history of these lesions as it relates to plaque
progression and plaque instability. In the current re-
Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease process that view, we describe plaque progression as an essential
has a long latent phase of clinically unapparent le- intermediary step linking early uncomplicated sub-
sions. The acute or chronic manifestations of athero- clinical atherosclerotic lesions to plaque rupture un-
sclerotic cardiovascular disease usually represent derlying an acute event. We also propose that the
Listen to this manuscript’s late stages of the disease and higher disease burden. assessment of subclinical disease might help refine
audio summary by Various invasive and noninvasive imaging modalities the traditional paradigm of primary and secondary
Dr. Valentin Fuster on From the aIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, New York; bSt. Paul’s Hospital, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; and the cBritish Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University
of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr. Leipsic has served as a consultant for and holds stock options in Circle CVI and HeartFlow;
and has received research support from GE Healthcare. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to
the contents of this paper to disclose. Stephan Achenbach, MD, served as Guest Associate Editor for this paper.

Manuscript received March 3, 2019; revised manuscript received July 30, 2019, accepted August 1, 2019.

ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 12, 2019 Ahmadi et al. 1609
SEPTEMBER 24, 2019:1608–17 Plaque Progression Before Plaque Rupture

initial angiographic assessment, doubled in ABBREVIATIONS

size during the period between the baseline
 The majority of coronary artery events measurement (32  21%) and the time of the
CAD = coronary artery disease
occur as a result of plaque rupture. event (65  16%; p < 0.001). The PROSPECT
CT = computed tomography
study demonstrated that interim plaque
 Plaque progression is a necessary but CTA = computed tomographic
enlargement quadrupled the likelihood of an
modifiable step between subclinical angiography
event. Similarly, in the Dynamic Registry of
atherosclerosis and plaque rupture. IVUS = intravascular
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ultrasound
 Subclinical atherosclerosis can be (10), the mean diameter stenosis of the non-
LDL = low-density lipoprotein
conveniently detected with noninvasive culprit lesion progressed from a baseline
MI = myocardial infarction
imaging. value of 42  21% to 84  14% at the time of
NNT = number needed to treat
the subsequent event. Studies in patients
 Intensive lipid-lowering therapy can halt STEMI = ST-segment elevation
with STEMI (11,12) wherein serial angio-
myocardial infarction
plaque progression and should reduce
graphic evaluations were available also
described plaque progression as a step before MI. The
average diameter stenosis of lesions that eventually
prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
led to STEMI (11) increased from 37  21% more than
(Central Illustration).
3 months before the acute event to 59  32% at the
IS PLAQUE PROGRESSION A NECESSARY time of STEMI (11,12) (Figure 1). In a prospective Jap-
STEP BEFORE PLAQUE RUPTURE? anese study, patients were evaluated by 4 serial
invasive coronary angiograms in 1 year. A subset of
For many decades, it has been accepted that most patients in this study demonstrated a rapid increase
acute coronary events arise from the rupture of in the extent of luminal stenosis between 2 angio-
mildly stenotic plaques (1). This belief has been based grams (i.e., plaque progression); >70% of this group
on angiographic studies that measured the degree of sustained an acute coronary event. Those with a
luminal narrowing in culprit plaques months to years gradual increase in luminal stenosis across all 4 an-
before the occurrence of myocardial infarction (MI) giograms developed stable anginal symptoms; the
(2–5). However, in studies of patients with acute ST- remaining patients with no change in luminal steno-
segment elevation MI (STEMI) who underwent sis had an uneventful course. All 3 patient groups had
either successful fibrinolysis or thrombectomy, the similar nonobstructive disease at baseline and were
average culprit lesion lumen diameter stenosis treated similarly with time-appropriate medical
excluding the thrombus has been reported to be more therapy; statins were not used universally at that
than 60% (6,7). Similarly, a postmortem study of pa- time. This study offers an illustrative example of the
tients who died suddenly reported that 70% of importance and necessity of rapid plaque progression
ruptured plaques exhibited more than 75% cross- in increasing the likelihood of plaque rupture and
sectional vascular area narrowing (8). The discrep- MI (13).
ancy between studies that demonstrated that mild Although it is well established that plaques with
plaques were responsible for MI and the post-MI high-risk features are responsible for most MI, not all
angiography or postmortem studies showing that plaques with such features lead to an acute event. In
the lesions responsible for the acute event were not the postmortem study discussed previously (8), one
insignificant in size was resolved by studies that had of the major differences between the disrupted pla-
serial coronary angiograms available for evaluation. ques and high-risk plaques (with similar histological
These studies uniformly demonstrated plaque pro- features as plaque rupture except for intact fibrous
gression as the step between nonobstructive sub- caps) was the larger size of the ruptured plaques. This
clinical atherosclerosis and the acute coronary event. pathologically suggested that a high-risk plaque must
In these studies, initially a nonobstructive plaque evolve to possess a larger plaque burden and necrotic
evolved over the ensuing weeks to months before it core volume before plaque rupture. Subsequently, a
ruptured and resulted in an acute event. clinical study that employed coronary computed
In the PROSPECT (Providing Regional Observations tomographic angiography (CTA) in patients with
to Study Predictors of Events in the Coronary Tree) established or suspected CAD confirmed these find-
study of patients with acute coronary syndrome (9), ings (14). This study evaluated 1,059 patients; 5% of
intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)–verified nonculprit the patients had 2 high-risk CTA plaque features
high-risk lesions, which were frequently mild on (positive remodeling and large necrotic cores), and
1610 Ahmadi et al. JACC VOL. 74, NO. 12, 2019

Plaque Progression Before Plaque Rupture SEPTEMBER 24, 2019:1608–17

C E NT R A L I LL U ST R A T I ON Prevention Based on Detection of Subclinical Atherosclerosis Should Result in Reduced

Coronary Events

Ahmadi, A. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019;74(12):1608–17.

Until the later stages of obstructive disease or plaque rupture, coronary artery disease (CAD) remains clinically silent. On their way to developing obstructive disease or
a first event, patients are not only asymptomatic but usually also have a normal functional test. Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish normal coronary arteries
from those with subclinical atherosclerosis. To obviate obstructive CAD and a coronary event, we practice primary prevention based on various risk factor matrices
developed from epidemiological studies. Although the number needed to treat for lipid-lowering therapy in primary prevention to prevent an event is very high, it
often leads to overtreatment or undertreatment. Because of this ambiguity, the commitment to initiate and maintain therapy, both for physicians and for patients,
has not been encouraging. On the other hand, once there is obvious obstructive disease or after the first coronary event, the commitment to intensive lipid-lowering
therapy (secondary prevention) and the number needed to treat become more acceptable. With the advances in imaging technology, it has become possible to detect
subclinical atherosclerosis. Because plaque progression is a necessary and modifiable step between subclinical atherosclerosis and an acute coronary event, halting
plaque progression is proposed as a clinical indication for intensive lipid-lowering therapy. Subclinical atherosclerosis can be detected by cost-effective strategies
such as coronary calcium score, carotid and abdominal ultrasound, or computed tomographic angiography. With triage of patients into subclinical or no atherosclerosis
groups, the latter could be advised to undertake risk factor modification so as to prevent development of atherosclerosis. For the former group, intensive lipid-lowering
therapy would begin at detection of subclinical atherosclerosis to halt plaque progression to prevent the first event, rather than waiting for the first coronary event. It
should all be about treating the disease, not the risk of the disease.

22% of these patients with high-risk plaques devel- necrotic core volume (20  3 mm 3 vs. 1  1 mm 3) than
oped acute events in 2 years. The eventful lesions had lesions with high-risk plaque features that did not
a larger remodeling index (127  4 vs. 113  2), total develop MI. In a serial CTA study in 423 patients with
plaque volume (135  14 mm 3 vs. 58  6 mm 3), and stable CAD (15), high-risk plaques with progression
JACC VOL. 74, NO. 12, 2019 Ahmadi et al. 1611
SEPTEMBER 24, 2019:1608–17 Plaque Progression Before Plaque Rupture

F I G U R E 1 Is Plaque Progression a Necessary Step Before Plaque Rupture?

Average Luminal Stenosis ≤3

90 Months Prior to Average Luminal Stenosis Post to MI = 66% ± 15.5%
MI = 68% ± 17.2%
78.2% ±
71% ±
66% ± 65.4% ±
70 12% 61% ± 16.3%

3 Months Prior to MI
59.6% ± 18%
% Luminal Stenosis

Average Luminal Stenosis >3 Months Prior to MI = 35.6% ± 17.4%

50 44% ± 44% ±
25% 15%

Time of MI
36.5% ±
40 32.3% ± 20.6%
30% ± 34% 30% ±
15% 18%



41 Months 40 Months 23 Months 23 Months 24 Months 18 Months 10 Months <3 Months <1 Week Post STEMI, Post STEMI, Post Acute Postmortem:
Prior to MI Prior to MI Prior to MI Prior to MI Prior to MI Prior to MI Prior to MI Prior to MI Prior to MI Post Post Coronary Plaque
Successful Successful Syndrome Rupture was
Thrombectomy Fibrinolysis the Cause of

PROSPECT Dacanay Little et al Hacket et al Zaman et al Ambrose Ojio et al Zaman et al Ojio et al Manoharan Chan et al PROSPECT Narula et al
Study (2011) et al (1994) (1988) (1989) (2012) et al (1987) (2000) (2012) (2000) et al (2009) (2010) Study (2011) (2013)

106 Lesions/ 106 Lesions/

74 Patients 32 Patients 29 Patients 10 Patients 34 Patients 15 Patients 20 Patients 7 Patients 20 Patients 102 Patients 203 Patients 102 Patients
74 Patients

This figure illustrates the average luminal stenosis of culprit lesions that resulted in myocardial infarction (MI) in various studies organized relative to the time lapse
between invasive coronary angiography and the MI. The bars are color coded to demonstrate different groups of studies as follows: red bars represent studies in which
the luminal stenosis of culprit lesions led to MI months to years after the angiography; yellow bars demonstrate studies in which the extent of luminal stenosis imposed
by culprit lesions led to MI, measured after MI, either after thrombectomy or thrombolysis or in the postmortem setting. Both red and yellow bars represent studies
that had 1-time angiography measurements available. The concept that most MIs resulted from the rupture of mild plaques emerged from 4 studies, represented here
in the red bars, that showed angiographically mild lesions at baseline (2–5). There were a total of 86 patients in these 4 studies; the average luminal stenosis by culprit
lesions responsible for MI was 41  21%. These measurements were undertaken 26 months (range, 18 to 41 months) before MI. On the other hand, the studies that
investigated culprit lesions after MI showed the obstructive lesions that were responsible for MI had an average luminal stenosis of 66  16% (yellow bars) (6–8). In
this figure, only post-MI data with successful fibrinolysis or thrombectomy or postmortem data are included, to ensure measurements were not significantly affected
by presence of thrombus. The paired color bars (blue, black, and purple) represent invasive coronary angiography studies with serial measurement. These studies solve
the mystery. The PROSPECT study (9) (blue bars) demonstrated progression of lesion from 32  21% at 41 months before the event to 65  16% at the fateful time. In
one study by Zaman et al. (11) in which 2 pre-MI angiography measurements were available (black bars), the culprit lesions were demonstrated to be 37  21% stenotic
24 months before MI but 60  32% stenotic <3 months before the event. In another similar study (purple bars) by Ojio et al. (12), the average luminal stenosis
caused by culprit lesions 10 months before MI was 30  18%, with 71  12% stenotic within a week before MI. Culprit lesions likely go through a period of rapid
progression a few weeks to months before MI, and this plaque progression is a necessary step that links subclinical atherosclerosis to a coronary event. Adapted with
permission from Ahmadi et al. (16).

over time carried a 28-fold higher likelihood of an progression can help reduce the likelihood of plaque
acute coronary event, whereas plaques that did not rupture and MI.
demonstrate progression in the interval between the
2 CTA studies remained free from acute events. WHAT IS PLAQUE PROGRESSION?
From these observations, it seems prudent to
suggest that plaque progression is an important step With invasive coronary angiography as the historical
between early atherosclerosis and MI (16). This reference standard for assessing CAD and outlining
observation could have substantial clinical implica- management, lesion progression and regression have
tions and could offer us a unique opportunity to usually been perceived as the change in the degree of
modify cardiovascular outcomes. Given that plaque angiographic luminal stenosis. However, because
progression is a necessary step between early plaque rupture is deemed to be the underlying cause
atherosclerosis and the cardiovascular event, identi- of most MIs, high-risk plaque pathology is the deter-
fying atherosclerosis and restricting plaque minant of acute events. Therefore, a focus on the
1612 Ahmadi et al. JACC VOL. 74, NO. 12, 2019

Plaque Progression Before Plaque Rupture SEPTEMBER 24, 2019:1608–17

F I G U R E 2 What Is Plaque Progression and Regression?

In routine clinical practice, plaque progression and regression are defined by changes in luminal stenosis by an invasive coronary angiogram (A). However, with advances
in invasive and noninvasive imaging, one could consider the change in the overall plaque volume and its morphology in defining progression and regression, especially
because it is primarily the plaque morphology that determines the fate of a lesion (B). An increase in necrotic core volume with significant positive remodeling and
fibrous cap thinning, regardless of a change in the luminal stenosis, is demonstrated in B(i). This could be considered as plaque progression. A decrease in necrotic core
volume with a resultant increase in the fibrous cap thickness with or without calcification, regardless of a change in the luminal stenosis, is demonstrated in B(ii);
a mild increase in luminal stenosis can take place because of negative remodeling. This represents plaque stabilization or lesion regression.

increasing extent of luminal stenosis seems unjusti- rupture as opposed to an increase or decrease in
fied. IVUS and CTA interrogation have established percent luminal stenosis (which has no direct rela-
that the presence of a thin fibrous cap, necrotic core tionship to events). For example, an increase in
volume, and positive remodeling are strong pre- necrotic core volume with positive remodeling and
dictors of cardiovascular events and plaque rupture fibrous cap thinning, regardless of change in luminal
(14,17). Traditionally, the presence or absence of high- stenosis, could be considered plaque progression.
risk plaque features has been described in a binary Similarly, a decrease in necrotic core volume with a
fashion or categorized according to the presence of resultant increase in the fibrous cap thickness and
none, 1, 2, or 3 of such plaque characteristics (18,19). calcification of the cap, even in the presence of a mild
CTA studies have now demonstrated that high-risk increase in luminal stenosis caused by negative
plaque features are better described in quantitative remodeling, could be considered plaque regression
terms, because these features are interrelated, and (Figure 2).
their quantitative measures influence their prog-
nostic contribution to ischemia and future events IS PLAQUE PROGRESSION MODIFIABLE?
(20,21). Among various high-risk features, the volume
of necrotic core, defined by low-attenuation plaque The clinical benefits of lipid-lowering therapy with
on CTA, has special importance. An increase in statins are well known. Several imaging studies using
necrotic core volume contributes to fibrous cap different modalities have uniformly demonstrated
attenuation (8), positive remodeling, and impaired that intensive treatment with statins reduces total
vasodilatory ability and renders the plaque prone to plaque burden by decreasing necrotic core volume, as
rupture. The restricted vasodilatory potential could well as increasing the fibrous cap thickness (23,24).
lead to ischemia, independent of the degree of These changes in plaque morphology decrease the
luminal stenosis (20–22). odds of plaque rupture despite the fact that the
With this in mind, progression and regression luminal stenosis or degree of calcification might
should be related to an increase or decrease in risk of remain unchanged or occasionally even worsen. This
JACC VOL. 74, NO. 12, 2019 Ahmadi et al. 1613
SEPTEMBER 24, 2019:1608–17 Plaque Progression Before Plaque Rupture

F I G U R E 3 Is Plaque Progression Modifiable?

A IVUS Data B Coronary Angiography Data

2.5 0.05 PLAC-1-P

Change in Percent Atheroma Volume %-IVUS

0.04 CCAIT-P
2 PLAC-1-S

Angiographic MLD Decrease (mm/Year)

REVERSAL- Prava 40 mg
1.5 0.03
1 0.02 RS-
0.5 REVERSAL- Atorva 80 mg 0.01 MAAS-S
0 0
40 60 80 100 120 140 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
–1 Rosuva 40 mg SATURN- Atorva 80 mg
SATURN- Rosuva 40 mg



Achieved LDL (mg/dI) Achieved LDL (mg/dI)

Atherosclerotic plaque progression or regression is directly related to low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels and intensive lipid-lowering therapy. This graph presents 2
regression lines, adapted from Ahmadi et al. (28), demonstrating the relationship of plaque progression to the LDL level. (A) The blue regression line (r2 ¼ 0.926),
adapted from Tsujita et al. (29), represents intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) studies demonstrating the effect of statin therapy and LDL level on plaque progression,
measured by change in percent atheroma volume; the plaque regression occurred with LDL levels of below 80 mg/dl. (B) The red regression line (r2 ¼ 0.61), adapted
from O’Keefe et al. (30), shows that invasive coronary angiography–verified lesions do not progress when LDL is <70 mg/dl. ASTEROID ¼ A Study to Evaluate the
Effect of Rosuvastatin on Intravascular Ultrasound–Derived Coronary Atheroma Burden; Atorva ¼ atorvastatin; CCAIT ¼ Canadian Coronary Atherosclerosis Inter-
vention Trial; LCAS ¼ Lipoprotein and Coronary Atherosclerosis Study; MAAS ¼ Multicentre Anti-Atheroma Study; MARS ¼ Monitored Atherosclerosis Regression Study;
MLD ¼ mean luminal diameter; P ¼ placebo; PLAC ¼ Pravastatin Limitation of Atherosclerosis in the Coronary Arteries study; Prava ¼ pravastatin; PRECISE ¼ Impact of
Dual Lipid-Lowering Strategy With Ezetimibe and Atorvastatin on Coronary Plaque Regression in Patients With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; RE-GRESS
¼ Regression Growth Evaluation Statin Study; REVERSAL ¼ Reversal of Atherosclerosis with Aggressive Lipid Lowering; Rosuva ¼ rosuvastatin; S ¼ statin;
SATURN ¼ Study of Coronary Atheroma by Intravascular Ultrasound: Effect of Rosuvastatin versus Atorvastatin.

is particularly the case with the plaque calcification (Progression of Atherosclerotic Plaque Determined by
that has been shown to increase with statin treatment Computed Tomographic Angiography Imaging), 2,252
(25). Therefore, lipid-lowering therapy is able to halt patients without known CAD underwent clinically
progression, which is defined as evolution of high- indicated serial CTA to evaluate 1 or more cardiac
risk plaque features, and not necessarily an increase symptoms. Upon follow-up, there was a slow pro-
in the degree of luminal stenosis. gression and stabilization of the plaque with statin
CTA is well placed for noninvasive plaque charac- therapy, including a significant reduction in plaque
terization and can identify phenotypic alterations in growth, defined as an increment in annualized percent
plaque characteristics when serial studies are per- atheroma volume above the median of the study
formed. In a study of 116 consecutive patients, 234 population (hazard ratio: 0.796; 95% confidence in-
vessels were examined with serial CTA. Baseline levels terval: 0.687 to 0.925; p ¼ 0.003). As expected, a
of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were >70 mg/dl, reduction occurred for the noncalcified plaque com-
with a mean LDL cholesterol level of 98 mg/dl. ponents, including low-attenuation plaque volume
Favorable changes in plaque composition were (hazard ratio: 0.644; 95% confidence interval: 0.522 to
observed, including a decrease in total, noncalcified, 0.798; p < 0.001). A subsequent analysis of the same
and low-density noncalcified plaque volumes among study demonstrated that statins were associated with
patients who achieved a >10% reduction in LDL level. slower progression of overall coronary atherosclerosis
Conversely, plaque characteristics worsened in pa- volume, a substantial reduction in number of high-risk
tients who did not achieve a 10% LDL reduction (26). In plaque features, and increased plaque calcification,
a multinational observation registry, the PARADIGM all suggestive of plaque stabilization. This study
1614 Ahmadi et al. JACC VOL. 74, NO. 12, 2019

Plaque Progression Before Plaque Rupture SEPTEMBER 24, 2019:1608–17

demonstrated that statins did not affect the percent indirectly suggests that low LDL levels in people with
luminal stenosis and only induced phenotypic plaque established atherosclerosis might minimize or halt
transformation (27). plaque progression.
An integrated analysis of various invasive coronary The evidence presented here has been consistent
angiography and IVUS studies has demonstrated that in showing that the goal of halting plaque progres-
only intensive lipid-lowering therapy is able to halt sion—stabilization of plaque morphology and
plaque progression. Plaque progression can be pre- reducing events—can be achieved by intensive lipid-
vented when LDL levels are lowered to 70 to 80 mg/dl, lowering therapy targeting LDL levels of 70 mg/dl or
but regression in plaque volume requires that LDL less. More lenient lipid-lowering goals may not be
levels be even lower (Figure 3) (28–30). In a serial study successful in achieving the same outcome. Although
of positron emission tomography–computed tomog- understandable for secondary prevention, could this
raphy (CT) imaging, reduction in carotid inflammation be extrapolated to primary prevention, at least when
was only observed with statin therapy; inflammation subclinical atherosclerosis has been detected by any
actually increased in the dietary modification–only imaging strategy? It would be interesting to evaluate
group (31). Similarly, with magnetic resonance imag- prospectively a strategy of detection of subclinical
ing, plaque-to-myocardium signal intensity ratio on atherosclerosis in its early stages, arresting the like-
noncontrast T1 mapping decreased by 19% with statin lihood of progression of atherosclerosis and poten-
therapy compared with an increase to the same extent tially eliminating major adverse cardiac events. The
in the untreated group (32). Serial intracoronary upcoming SCOT-HEART 2 (Computed Tomography
angioscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy studies Coronary Angiography for the Prevention of Myocar-
have demonstrated that the intensity of the lipid core dial Infarction) trial will be helpful in answering this
burden of obstructive nonculprit lesions decreased question because it will compare treatment based on
only after significant LDL reduction, and not in a group identification of subclinical atherosclerosis by coro-
with lenient LDL targets (33,34). A prospective serial nary CTA with that based on standard risk factor
CTA study evaluating the effect of statin therapy on scores.
plaque progression with an LDL target of <70 mg/dl
demonstrated a 70% greater reduction in the rate of STOP PLAQUE PROGRESSION TO
plaque progression compared with a modest LDL REDUCE ACUTE CORONARY EVENTS?
target (35). In the GLAGOV (Effect of Evolocumab on
Progression of Coronary Disease in Statin-Treated On the basis of the foregoing discussion, we could
Patients) study (36), serial IVUS was performed in surmise that most acute coronary events result from
968 patients undergoing clinically indicated coronary plaque rupture, the rupture occurs secondary to pla-
angiography randomized to receive either high- que progression, and plaque progression is modifi-
intensity statin treatment or a proprotein convertase able. It is also reasonable to agree that with intensive
subtilisin-kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitor on top of lipid-lowering therapy, plaque progression can be
statin therapy; patients achieved average LDL levels of arrested and regression achieved. Therefore, lipid-
93 and 37 mg/dl in the 2 arms, respectively. The PCSK9 lowering therapy should be started upon detection
inhibitor arm showed percent and total atheroma of subclinical atherosclerosis to reduce acute coro-
volume reduction, which supports the importance of nary events.
intensive LDL-lowering therapy in halting plaque In standard clinical practice, we divide the life span
progression or initiating plaque regression. of a patient into 2 distinct phases: before and after the
Furthermore, the PESA (Progression of Early Sub- first symptomatic coronary events, wherein primary
clinical Atherosclerosis) study (37) demonstrated that and secondary prevention strategies, respectively,
almost 50% of 4,184 asymptomatic individuals had are applicable (Central Illustration). For secondary
atherosclerosis despite being considered low risk prevention, all guidelines recommend that intensive
based on traditional risk factor models. Importantly, statin treatment be initiated regardless of baseline
no evidence of atherosclerosis was observed among LDL levels.
subjects with LDL <60 mg/dl, alluding this to be the For primary prevention, on the other hand, there is
minimum LDL level that is needed for the develop- strong reliance on population research–driven risk
ment of atherosclerosis. Interestingly, this level is estimate calculators to decide whether a patient will
very similar to LDL target levels in the plaque pro- or will not benefit from lipid-lowering therapy. Even
gression studies that have shown plaque stabilization if a decision is made to start therapy, the goal of and
and regression (Figure 3). Therefore, the PESA study the pathophysiology of what is being treated seem to
JACC VOL. 74, NO. 12, 2019 Ahmadi et al. 1615
SEPTEMBER 24, 2019:1608–17 Plaque Progression Before Plaque Rupture

be arbitrary at best, because the focus is on the LDL techniques such as CT calcium score, coronary CTA,
being in a certain range rather than on its impact on and carotid and infrarenal vascular ultrasound
plaque development and progression. The limitation (41–43). It is therefore proposed that the existing
of this approach is best exemplified by the fact that paradigm of separating primary and secondary pre-
more than 50% of young patients with their first vention be revisited. There is abundant emerging
coronary event were considered low risk immediately evidence that the presence of atherosclerosis detec-
before the event (38). The current practice of using ted by even a noncontrast CT examination is superior
the first coronary event as the defining point for to risk factor–based models for predicting cardiovas-
committing the patient to intensive lipid-lowering cular events (44,45).
therapy historically has been adopted for 3 reasons. Detection of subclinical atherosclerosis could
First, the results of secondary prevention trials using allow a shift from the traditional before-the-event
statin therapy have been significantly more robust primary prevention to primary prevention in sub-
than primary prevention trials; second, both patients jects with subclinical atherosclerosis. A recent study
and physicians have been overly concerned about the of more than 9,000 patients reported that there was
side effects of statins; and third and most important, no benefit with statin treatment in primary preven-
the diagnosis of CAD has traditionally relied on tion when calcium score was zero, but the number
symptoms and functional tests of ischemia focused needed to treat (NNT) was only 12 when there was
on detection of obstructive and flow-limiting coro- evidence of subclinical atherosclerosis with a cal-
nary artery lesions, and not on the detection of sub- cium score >100 (46). Such imaging-based NNT was
clinical atherosclerosis (Central Illustration). superior to the NNT of >300 for traditionally defined
There are several limitations of the traditional primary prevention and an NNT >500 for primary
definitions of primary and secondary prevention. Not prevention with a calcium score of 0 (47). The rele-
uncommonly, acute coronary syndrome and sudden vance of the coronary artery calcium score has now
cardiac death are the first manifestations of athero- been incorporated into the American College of
sclerotic cardiovascular disease, signifying failure of Cardiology/American Heart Association recommen-
the primary prevention strategy. A history of angina dations, defining a welcome shift in the approach to
or prior revascularization is present only in a minority coronary disease. Although there is no randomized
of patients with acute MI (39). Moreover, during study that might have directly compared the effects
intermediate-term follow-up (mean of 26 months) of of therapy guided by a risk estimate score and that
patients enrolled in the PROMISE study, the majority guided by the presence of subclinical atheroscle-
of adverse cardiac events (78%) occurred in non- rosis, the recently published SCOT-HEART (Scottish
ischemic patients in the functionally tested arm of Computed Tomography of the Heart) 5-year outcome
patients. This highlights that the notion of defining study is a teaser of what a trial like that would find.
primary prevention by the absence of a historical The 5-year follow-up of the SCOT-HEART study
coronary event or even functionally obstructive CAD demonstrated a 41% greater likelihood of MI in
has limited overall prognostic value compared with symptomatic patients evaluated by CTA and func-
detection of atherosclerosis. An incident acute car- tional testing than by functional testing alone. In
diovascular event portends a major change in the both the CTA and functional testing arms, 25% of
outcome trajectory both in the short and long term. patients were referred to coronary angiography and
The increase in risk after a first event can be the direct the rest were deemed to not have obstructive CAD
consequence of the event itself (such as myocardial requiring revascularization. The rate of revasculari-
muscle loss and scar formation) but can also be zation was greater in the first year for CTA because
attributable to the accumulation of significant of more frequent diagnosis of CAD. However, by 5
atherosclerotic burden by the time of the first event years, there was no difference between the 2 groups
(40). Therefore, detection of atherosclerosis should because the standard-of-care arm underwent more
define the spectrum of primary and secondary invasive angiography and coronary revascularization
prevention. after 1 year as the disease progressed. Interestingly,
CAD is a chronic disease with a long latent period, event reduction emerged predominantly in patients
and it develops in a pathophysiologically predictable from either arm of the study who were deemed not
manner from subclinical plaque to an acute adverse to have significant disease based on functional and
coronary event. The era of a broad clinical estimate of CT testing and who did not report typical angina
the risk of an event can be supplanted by the era of symptoms and were not referred to the cardiac
atherosclerosis imaging. Subclinical atherosclerosis catheterization laboratory for further investigation.
can be detected using readily available imaging In the CTA arm, patients were more likely to be
1616 Ahmadi et al. JACC VOL. 74, NO. 12, 2019

Plaque Progression Before Plaque Rupture SEPTEMBER 24, 2019:1608–17

treated with aspirin, statins, and angiotensin- detection of subclinical atherosclerosis on an indi-
converting enzyme inhibitors based on the pres- vidual basis and restriction of its progression by
ence of atherosclerosis, whereas in the standard-of- timely intervention with lipid-lowering regimens.
care arm the decision to treat was made on the ba- The phenotyping approach could constitute an
sis of a risk estimate calculator, and treatment was important step toward a proactive approach in car-
restricted to statins only (hazard ratio: 0.45). Out- diovascular health promotion and cardiovascular
comes were significantly superior in the CTA arm. In disease prevention (Central Illustration).
this study, the superior outcome was based on the
difference in strategy for starting treatment, which
highlights the difference between atherosclerosis-
Evolving strategies for the imaging of atherosclerosis
based and risk estimate–based treatment strategies
suggest the feasibility of a personalized approach to
atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease beyond the use
If we phenotyped our patients by the absence or
of traditional risk factors. It offers to treat the disease
presence of atherosclerosis, whereas the former
rather than the likelihood of disease. We propose that
would be advised to undertake risk factor modifica-
plaque progression is a necessary but modifiable step
tion to preclude the development of atherosclerosis,
in the natural history of the disease, and the early
the latter would receive maximum lipid-lowering
detection of uncomplicated subclinical atheroscle-
therapy because of the imaging evidence of subclini-
rosis provides a window of opportunity for effective
cal disease, rather than treatment prompted by the
intervention to halt plaque progression and therefore
first coronary event. The rationale for an early ther-
to reduce events.
apeutic intervention is to stall the necessary but
modifiable step of plaque progression that could
eventually transform subclinical atherosclerosis into ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Jagat Narula,
a coronary event. Therefore, it is proposed that Mount Sinai Heart, One Gustave L. Levy Place; Box 1030,
manipulation of the eventful natural course of coro- New York, New York 10029. E-mail: narula@mountsinai.
nary disease could be made possible by the early org.


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