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Chapter 8: File Management

Quiz Yourself Answers

1. The root directory is the topmost folder in a computer, and it stores the folders and files that
the computer needs when you turn it on.
2. A folder contained within another folder is called a subfolder.
3. The four default libraries in Windows 7 are the Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos
4. A path shows the location of a file on a computer.
5. When you use the left mouse button to drag a file or folder from one location to another on a
drive, the file or folder is moved. When you drag a file or folder from one drive to another,
the file or folder is copied.
6. To copy a file or folder from one location to another on the same drive, you can press and
hold the Ctrl key and then drag the file or folder or you can drag the file or folder using the
right mouse button, and then on the shortcut menu, click Copy here.
7. A file name can have 255 characters.
8. A file or folder that you delete is moved to the Recycle Bin.
9. When you empty the Recycle Bin, files and folders in it are permanently deleted.
10. You compress files so that they take up less disk space.
11. You can identify a compressed folder by the zipper on the folder icon.
12. No, a file is not deleted from a compressed folder when you extract it.

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