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Identify the play from which lines are taken:

Will thou be gone? It is not yet near day.
It was the nightingale, and not the lark
The period the fearful hollow of thine ear;
Nightly she sings on your pomegranate tree;
Believe me, love, it was the nightingale
a. Love’s Labour’s Lost
b. Othello
c. Romeo and Juliet
d. Cymbeline
2. Who wrote the novel WAR AND PEACE?
a. Spencer
b. Turgenew
c. Shaw
d. Tolstoy
3. What figure of speech is used in the lines below?
His bright eyes rolled, they never seemed to settle.
And glittered like the flowers beneath a kettle:
Geoffrey Chancer, The Canterbury Tales
a. Simile
b. Hyperbole
c. Metaphor
d. Personification
4. Which languages system is focused on VOCABULARY?
a. Syntactic
b. Pragmatic
c. Semantics
d. Phonological
5. Which is Chaucer’s collection of stories in verse showing his skill as a storyteller in giving a vivid picture
of English society in the 1300s?
6. Which of the theories of learning, language, and literacy views children as having the ability to organize
and integrate information in schemata?
a. Constructivist
b. Reader Response
c. Sociolinguistic
d. Interactive
7. Which question falls under the LITERAL COMPREHENSION LEVEL?
a. In the story, who is short?
b. Why is it good to be short?
c. Do you agree the horse when it said that it is to be what you are?
d. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being tall and short?
8. Which sentence is CORRECTLY written?
a. The S.E.C. has three new members: Dr. Carla Chang. Professor Marcos Ruso, and Roberto Principe. Esq.
b. The SEC has three new members: Dr. Carla Chang, Professor Marcos Ruso, and Roberto Principe, Ecs.
c. The SEC has three new members: Dr. Carla Chang, Professor Marcos Ruso and Roberto Principe Esq
d. The SEC has three new members: Dr. Carla Chang, Professor Marcos Ruso and Roberto Principe Esq.
9. What kind of word is AWOL?
a. Borrowed
b. Clipped
c. Acronym
d. Blend
10. Which error is made when the student reads FEATHER for FATHER?
a. Graphophonic
b. Pragmatic
c. Semantic
d. Syntactic
11. The most authentic record of Confucian teaching form which the Tao or Way was learned the correct
principles of governing both self and state is ____.
a. Tu Fu
b. Analects
c. Shih Ching
d. Tao-te Ching
12. If Divine Comedy is characterized by absolute faith in a single truth, what best
characterizes Boccaccio’s Decameron?
a. An equally devout reference for this truth
b. A complete negation of Christian doctrine
c. Characteristics of the merchant class
d. A sexual libertinism that seeks to revive the great pleasures of Ancient Rome
13. What conventions or earlier literary and artistic cycle style do both realism and naturalism oppose?
a. Classicism
b. Romanticism
c. Symbolism
d. Neoclassicism
David Diop
Africa, my Africa
Africa or proud warriors
In ancestral savanna
Africa of whom my grandmother sings
These lines above describe as Africa that is ___.
a. Free and beautiful
b. Mysterious and unexplored
c. War town and undeveloped
d. Primitive and uncivilized

15. A new word can be understood best if the teacher encourages the class to get the meaning by
A. diagramming B. syntax C. definition D. context

16. Which is done on scientific bases?

A. Silent reading C. Interpretative reading
B. Remedial reading D. Comprehensive reading
17. A teacher in grammar wanted to emphasize parts of a sentence. What theory is at play?
A. Structural B. Transformation C. Generative D. Comparative

18. The search for the perfect, the embodiment of the writers has sent seafarers to hunt for the symbol in
the areas. What novel depicts this search for the symbol?
A. Moby Dick C. The Mariner
B. To The Waterfowl D. Gunga-Din

19. Egyptian literature is identified as ____________ literature.

A. Mediterranean C. Asian
B. Middle Eastern D. African

20. Which among the four basic types of assessment task in speaking requires
“parroting” back words, phrases, and sentences, which students hear?

A. responsive B. imitative C. extensive D. interactive

21. What method is used when students learn how to use words properly; next, they learn read and write;
they use color charts and rods to help them with the pronunciation of sounds; and teacher talking time is
A. Silent way C. Color method

B. Suggestopedia D. Communicative Language Learning

22. A type of comedy based on a far-fetched humorous situation often with ridiculous or stereotyped
character is called ________________.
A. Sequel B. Simile C. Farce D. Fable

23. Which approach to language testing view language as chiefly concerned the systematic acquisition of a
set of habits?
A. Structuralist C. Integrative
B. Essay-translation D. Pragmatic

24. In a novel or a short story, this is the point of view assumed by the narrator from which he is able to tell
everything that happens in the story. This is known as ___________.
A. Eyewitness C. First person
B. Omniscient D. Stream of consciousness

25. Which translation problem is evident in the sentence, "Kumain sya ng mangga" (Eat s/he mango)?
A. Syntagmatic dislocation C. Nominalization
B. Linear dislocation D. Extraposition

26. To enhance the power of the mind, learners read literary text in the target language and memorize
vocabulary lists translated into the native language. Explicit grammar instruction of rules and their
exceptions is the main focus to master the target language. What is this approach?
A. Grammar translation B. Audio-lingual C. Natural D. Direct
27. Which type of plot device end abruptly so that the main characters are left in a difficult situation without
offering any resolution or conflict?
A. Foil B. Anti hero C. Cliffhanger D. Archetype

28. In developmental reading, this pertains to the familiarity of the students toward the sounds of the
A. Semantics B. Phonemic awareness C. Phonology D. Syntax

29. What is the English translation of Rabindranath Tagore's "Gitanjali".

A. Devotional Songs C. Songs of Song
B. Song of Offerings D. Patriotic Hymns

30. What type of test is most useful to ESP?

A. Diagnostic Test C. Achievement Test
B. Performance Test D. Proficiency Test

31. “Drink to me only with thine eyes,

And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup,
And I’ll not look for wine.
The thirst that from the soul doth rise
Doth ask a drink divine;
But might I of Jove’s nectar sup,
I would not change for thine.”

The title of the given poem above is _____________________.

A. Song to Celia C. The Fence
B. Sonnet 43 D. Fire and Ice

32. "For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee". What metrical
foot is used here?
A. Iamb B. Trochee C. Anapest D. Dactylic

33. Which rule of conversation is observed when one gives the right amount of information when talking?
A. Maxim of Quality C. Maxim of Relevance
B. Maxim of Quantity D. Maxim of Manner

34. It refers to the interpretation of individual message elements in terms of their interconnectedness and
of how meaning is represented in relation to the entire discourse or text.
A. Discourse Competence C. Sociolinguistic Competence
B. Grammatical Competence D. Strategic Competence

35. What is the ability of the listener to understand the speaker's intention?
A. Intelligibility C. Interpretability
B. Acceptability D. Comprehensibility

36. What figure of speech is exemplified in the following lines from Shakespeare’s ‘As You like It’?
Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou are not so unkind as man’s ingratitude
A. Allusion
B. Apostrophe
C. Personification
D. Metaphor

37. During the Titanomachy, Zeus freed his brothers and sisters from their father, Cronus. As a
result, the brothers and sisters gave Zeus the honor of being their leader , thus, earning the right to
rule over the sky. What does this show about the Greeks?
A. The Greeks value heroism.
B. The Greeks value respect.
C. The Greeks value honor.
D. All of the above.

38. Birth, death, and afterlife are constant stories in the mythologies of the world. What universal
idea about life is reflected in using these motifs?
A. That life has a beginning and an end.
B. That life is a never-ending cycle.
C. That life is impermanent.
D. That life is lived only once.

39. What sound device is exemplified in the first two lines of Poe’s ‘The Raven’?
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?”
This I whispered and an echo murmured back the word, Lenore!”
Merely this and nothing more.
The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe
A. Anaphora
B. Onomatopoeia
C. Assonance
D. Alliteration
40. What atmosphere do the images create?
A. Confusion
B. Contentment
C. Longing
D. Solitude

41. The _______________________ refers to the linguistic context or the textual environment provided by the
discourse and which helps in the interpretation of meaning.
A. Co-text B. Subtext C. Hypertext D. Cross text
42. In the sentence, "The club meeting will be in an hour." The underlined phrase functions as
A. Subject complement
B. Predicate noun
C. Prepositional phrase
D. Adverbial

43. Which of the following adjective phrases is syntactically correct?

A. the most perfect
B. nearly perfect
C. very perfect
D. less perfect than

44. Which of the following listening problems can be addressed by using minimal pairs?
A. Aural discrimination
B. Aural comprehension
C. Oral discrimination
D. Oral comprehension

45. Which of the following does not correctly apply syllabication principles?
A. grum-bie B. swag-ger C. irre-pa-ra-ble D. un-touch-a-ble

46. When the grandfather fetched Shen for a walk in the park, he found the 4-year ild boy crying. Asked why
Shen was crying, his mother replied, "Shen has 'S-U-M-P-O-N-G' (in a bed mood)." What conversation maxim
is violated by the mother's response?
A. Maxim of manner

B.Maxim of quality
C.Maxim of relation
D.Maxim of quantity

47. The word that is formed from a proper noun is _______________________.

A. motel B. edit C. AIDS D. hamburger

48. Since linguistic describe a language beginning with the phonological level and finishing with the
sentence level, it is assumed that the appropriate sequence of learning is from _________________.
A. sound to sentence
B. sound to word
C. word to sentence
D. sentence to word

49. We watch the softball game on the front porch. Which question elicits the direct object constituent?
A. Who watched the softball game?
B. What did we do?
C. What did we watch?
D. Where did we watch the game?
50. Which of the following nouns shows inflection?
A. friendship B. helplessness C. advocacy D. librarians

51. In the sentence, "The awardee that the committee chose comes from a poor family." The underlined word
functions as ___________________.
A. a sentence marker
B. object of the verb
C. subject of the clause
D. a subordinating conjunction

52. What does the poem celebrate as shown in lines 1-2?

My Heart Leaps Up
William Wordsworth
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky.
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I grow old, 5
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

A. sadness in death
B. reverence for nature
C. familial bonding
D. sense of foreboding
53. When someone or something from literature, history or bible is referred to, figure of speech used is:
A. Alliteration B. Allusion C. Euphemism D. Oxymoron

54. You watched the concert last night, didn't you? The correct response would be _______________.
A. Yes, I wasn't B. Yes, I didn't C. Yes, I was D. Yes, I did

55. Which is not a lyric poem?

A. Ballad B. Sonnet C. Elegy D. Ode

56. Which among the four basic types of speaking requires to parrot back words, phrases and sentences
which they hear?
A. imitative B. interactive C. intensive D. responsive

57. The students are asked to listen to an excerpt from the speech of President Obama to scan for certain
information. What type of listening is that?
A. intensive B. responsive C. selective D. extensive
58. Which qualitative analysis should Teacher Arkin use if he wants to examine the test tasks and to
determine the extent to which they are correspondent to the test goal?
A. Conversational Analysis
B. Discourse Analysis
C. Test Language Analysis
D. Task Characteristics

59. Finding the main idea, sequencing events, finding details and creative and critical reading are examples
of _____________________.
A. word recognition skills
B. utilization skills
C. study skills
D. comprehension skills

60. Which function is illustrated when aside from its natural gift of pleasure to the reader, it provides
illumination that enables us to see, interpret and transform our world?
A. Literature as a form of escape
B. Literature provides aesthetic satisfaction
C. Literature as a form of pleasure
D. Literature as a form of engagement

61. Which of these is a passive sentence?

A. Mike introduced the new manager.
B. The senior class will collect money for the field trip.
C. The butler slowly opened the door.
D. His bizzare behavior was introduced.

62. Which of the following has an error in subject-verb agreement?

A. The red clown together with the blue and yellow clowns looks pathetic.
B. Sam is the only one of the trainees who has applied.
C. Neither pins nor tape was holding the pieces.
D. Ten thousand pesos is very hard to earn nowadays.

63. What type of error is shown in this sentence? "Faster than a speeding bullet, the citizens of Metropolis
saw Superman flying overhead."
A. Faulty Coordination C. Faulty Parallelism
B. Misplaced Modifier D. Comma Splice

64. Which of the following are key components of brainstorming?

I. Organizing ideas
II. Generating questions to be researched
III. Listing examples associated with a given topic
IV. Evaluating information

A. I and II only C. I, II, III, and IV

B. II and III only D. I and IV only
65. Construct Procedure is an interesting technique that teachers can use to help students have a graphic
overview of an essay. Which of the techniques below is used when information such as title, subtitles,
introductory paragraphs, first sentence, summaries, pictures, maps and diagrams?
A. Survey-reading C. Scanning
B. Study-type reading D. Skimming

66. In debate, a prima facie is one that ________________.

A. is presented in the second affirmative rebuttal
B. is necessary only when a proposition of fact is being argued
C. is necessary only when a proposition of value is being argued
D. minimally meets the affirmative side's unattached burden of proof

67. Which criterion in choosing instructional materials ensure the consistency and reliability of the content?
A. Controversial issues represented both sides
B. Authors are competent and qualified in the field
C. It contributes to the promotion of cultural values
D. Topics on human growth and development are represented with dignity and appropriate to the age of the

68. Brainstorming is an activity that can be done in the ________ stage of writing.
A. prewriting C. post writing
B. during writing D. after writing

69. Which of the following best describes the critical period in language development?
A. If a child does not learn to write by a certain age, he/she is likely to never acquire basic writing skills.
B. If a child is not exposed to a second language by a certain age, he/she is likely to never fluently read or
write a second language.
C. If a child is not exposed to regular language used by a certain age, he/she is likely to never fully develop
language capabilities.
D. If a child does not learn phonetics by a certain age, he/she is likely to never acquire basic reading skills.

70. Which category of ESP does English for Teachers belong?

A. English for Occupational Purposes (EOP)
B. English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
C. English for Vocational Purposes (EVP)
D. English for Business Purposes

71. When a teacher creates a bulletin board in the classroom, its primary purpose is to _________________.
A. provide a bright learning environment
B. display the teacher's creativity so that children will be inspired to be creative as well
C. serve as a display for parents conferences
D. provide information that relates to the material being taught in the classroom

72. The ultimate goal of using guided reading groups in the classroom is for the student to become a/an
A. good group leader C. independent silent reader
B. friend to other students in the class D. team player in his group
73. Ms. M prepared a cloze test that is concerned primarily with meaning and the total communicative
effect of discourse. She made sure that the test involved functional language but not the use of functional
language. Which approach did Ms. M consider in constructing her test?
A. Communicative approach C. Structuralist approach
B. Integrative approach D. Essay-translation approach

74. Which of the following should Lance do if he would like to gather information in order to gauge
and understand a learner's knowledge of the language and his ability to use that knowledge?
A. Evaluation B. Assessment C. Testing D. Measurement

75. In writing a lead the use of action words is rule of thumb. Why is active voice of action verbs
considered more effective and more exciting?
A. It gives life to your lead
B. The action is clearly understood
C. It makes the lead bright and colorful
D. It enhances the description of the information

76. There are four main types of speech delivery - manuscript, memorization, impromptu and
extemporaneous. Which of the following does not belong to memorization?
A. The speaker writes the manuscript as reference during the speech
B. The speaker writes the manuscript for official records
C. Manuscript delivery is reading the text word for word
D. The use of eye contact and facial expression helps bring personality tot this type of delivery

77. The characteristics of effective speech based on Cicero's canons of rhetoric include invention,
disposition, elocution, pronunciation and __________.
A. arrangement B. grammar C. voice D. memory

78. Which of the following will influence the pronunciation of ICE CREAM and I SCREAM?
A. Stress B. Pitch C. Juncture D. Intonation

79. An approach to teaching grammar where rules are given only after students have done intensive pattern
practice in various contexts is called ________________.
A. inductive B. deductive C. formal D. functional

80. According to Krashen, what is the function of knowledge of grammatical rules in language
A. Monitor B. Affect C. Output D. Input

81. When a learner tries out with a competent L2 speaker the rules of language he/she has formulated,
he/she is _________________.
A. reviewing C. hypothesis testing
B. generalizing D. practicing

82. What is the smallest unit of sound of any language that causes a difference in meaning called?
A. Allophone B. Phoneme C. Allomorph D. Morpheme
83. Which of the following theories of learning, language and literacy views children as to have the ability to
organize and integrate information in schemata?
A. Reader response C. Interactive
B. Sociolinguistic D. Constructivist

84. Slander is to ______________, as libel is to _______________.

A. oral, printed C. printed, acted
B. acted, oral D. printed, oral

85. A student asked the teacher to tell him the meaning of the word "disestablishmentarianism", which is
found in the text that the student read. Instead of explicitly stating the meaning of the word, the teacher
asked the student to segment the word and look for its base word prefix and suffixes so that they may
construct the meaning of the word through these word parts. Which of the following vocabulary strategy did
the teacher use to help the students arrive at the meaning of the unfamiliar word?
A. Semantic feature analysis C. Structural analysis
B. Semantic mapping D. Context clues

86. Which of the following words BEST lends itself to the teaching of structural analysis as a strategy to
unlock the meaning of an unfamiliar word?
A. Special B. Preschool C. Happiness D. Undesirable

87. Mr. Salvador notices that his student, Robert, cannot decode sight words that are supposed to be easy
for students of his age. Which of the following activities, then, should Mr. Salvador provide for Robert?
A. Constructing mental maps and graphic organizers
B. Answering comprehension questions using QAR
C. Phonemic awareness activities
D. Spelling drills and games

88. Edward is reading a book and he needs to know the meaning of the word "OBLITERATE". However, the
passage does not give enough clues for him to figure out what the word means. He decided to use his
pocket dictionary so he would know what the word means. Which of the following strategies should he use
so that he would know the meaning of the unfamiliar word?
A. Scanning C. Close reading
B. Skimming D. Careful show reading

89. Belinda is having difficulty comprehending the novel, "Florante and Laura", because the author's
narration seems to be different than the actual order of events that have happened in the story. Which
strategy should the teacher model to Belinda so she would be able to understand the text?
A. Making a Venn diagram C. Re-reading the text
B. Constructing a timeline D. Listing the events

90. The following are theories which could be adapted to study the different myths except:
A. Jungian archetype C. Evolutionism
B. Structuralism D. Feminism

91. This view of language emphasizes the meaning and use of language rather than its grammatical.
A. Structural B. Functional C. Instrumental D. Humanistic
92. He is called the "Father of American Structuralism", whose work involved the analysis of American
Indian languages.
A. Bloomfield B. Fries C. Saussure D. Pinker
93. A language learner who is able to paraphrase or coin a word when at loss for a vocabulary word has
A. Strategic competence C. Discourse competence
B. Grammatical competence D. Sociolinguistic competence

94. Which of the following about decoding is most consistent with an integrated arts meaningful to teaching
A. Phoneme-grapheme relationships should be taught in a particular sequence.
B. Decoding skills are not helpful to the reading process so students should learn to read by reading.
C. New words should be introduced everyday so that the students will learn more words.
D. Sound-symbol relationships should be taught or reinforced within the context of meaningful literature.

95. Based on Canale and Swain's (1983) subcategories or communicative competence, this refers to the
competence underlying the ability to make repairs, to cope with imperfect knowledge and to sustain
A. Sociolinguistic B. Grammatical C. Strategic D. Discourse

96. Halliday (1973) outlined seven different functions of language, what is the function that deals with
approval, disapproval, behavior control.
A. Representational C. Instrumental
B. Personal D. Regulatory

97. The term coined by Dell Hymes (1967) that refers to the competence that enables the users of the
language to convey and interpret messages and to negotiate meanings in specific content.
A. Linguistic competence C. Communicative competence
B. Speaking competence D. English competence

98. Teacher Cherry teaches English for beginners. It is part of her class routine to write 3-4 words on the
board which she reads to the pupils and which the pupils are to say aloud after her. What type of task do the
pupils perform?
A. an imitative task C. an interactive task
B. a responsive task D. read aloud task

99. Students write out a recipe or the steps in a do-it-yourself hobby. This task will show knowledge of
A. cohesive devices C. kinds of sentences
B. tense of the verb D. determiners
100. The classical period encompasses language study carried out by the Greeks and Romans. The Greeks
developed an interest and awareness in language for ___________.
A. regulation and standardization C. trade and diplomacy
B. industrialization and commercialization D. peace and unity
101. The problems that I encountered were _____for me to handle.
A. Too much C. very much
B. So much D. too more
102.Her nervousness keeps her on her toes. The bold letter means:

A. She is always confident

B. She is always on the go
C. She is always alert and cautious
D. She is always ready to fight
103.What conventions of earlier literary and artistic cycle style do both realism and naturalism oppose?
A. Romanticism C. neoclassicism
B. Symbolism D. classism
104.Which verses is the earliest form of literacy expression during the pre-colonial period in Philippine literature.
Which is NOT an example of gnomic verse?
A. Fable C. riddle
B. Legend D. folktale
105.Which of the following best describes the Readers Theatre?
A. Readers do a lot of action
B. Long hours are spent rehearsing
C. Students do not memorize their parts
D. The teachers requires elaborate props and costumes
106.Who said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?
A. Richard M .Nixon
B. Lyndon B. Johnson
C. Dwight D. Eisenhower
D. John F. Kennedy
107.Which is the correct ordering for the reading process?
I. Reading
II. Exploring
III. Preparing to read
IV. Extending
V. Responding
A. I, II, III, IV and V C. IV, V, II, I and III
B. II, V, I and IV D. III, I, V, II and IV
108.Who died at the end of Iliad?
A. Hector C. Agamemnon
B. Achilles D. Menelaus
109.Which of the following would spell the difference between English teacher which means one who teaches
English and English teacher, a teacher from English?
A. Pitch C. stress
B. Intonation D. juncture
110.What process of language learning is characterized by repeated practices of sentence patterns until they
become automatic?
A. Language performance
B. Habit formation
C. Hypothesis testing
D. Overgeneralization
111.The three phases of curriculum development are planning, implementation and evaluation under which
phase/s do setting goals and objectives fail?
A. Planning C. planning and implementation
B. Implementation D. implementation and evaluation
112.A teacher who wants to conduct an intensive and drilling of basic sentence pattern should________.
A. Assign pair of work
B. Demonstrate the lesson
C. Explain grammar rules
D. Do pattern piece
113.A teacher who believes that language is a system of structure made up of sound, word, and sentences, is
most likely to follow a syllabus that focuses on________.
A. Communication task
B. Functions of language
C. Building blocks of language
D. Form and function of language
114.In communication process, any observable response by the receiver of the message to the sender is
A. Signal C. feedback
B. Reaction D. gesture
115.Who among these writers is famous for using local color in his stories?
A. F. Sionel Jose C. Manuel Arguilla
B. Carlos Bulosan D. Juan C. Laya
116.Which word contains C pronounced as /k/ - the hard C sound?
A. Century C. City
B. Cold D. Censure
117.Which activity includes the cutting of a certain portion of pictures that are NOT needed?
A. Cropping C. bleeding
B. Retouching D. line drawing
118.Which miscue is made when the students reads RADIO or RADIATOR?
A. Pragmatic C. semantics
B. Graphophonic D. sysntactic
ITEMS 138-139
William Shakespeare wrote tense line in his The Merry Wives of Windsor:
Why, then the world’s mine oyster
Which I with sword will open

119.Reading at that first level, what does the speaker want to impart?
A. The speaker shoes ownership over the sword
B. The world is an oyster to be opened easily with a sword
C. He is belittling himself
D. The speaker thinks he owns the oyster

120.Reading on the second level, what would determine the writer’s technique?
A. Simile C. metaphor
B. Alliteration D. personification
121.Which is media\s task of safeguarding public interest?
A. Abuse of the source-base stories
B. Shooting from the hip
C. Double-checking of facts
D. Misquotation
122.Which of the following statements, if true, would most strengthen the media’s advocacy of ideas?
A. The newspapers make their stand on certain issues openly in the editorials
B. Newspapers are careful in giving their stands on issues
C. Issues can come out without managements interference
D. It is difficult to suppress issues

123.What figure of speech is used in the lines below?

His bright eyes rolled, they never seemed to settle.

And glittered like the flowers beneath a kettle:

Geoffrey Chancer, The Canterbury Tales

a. Simile b. Hyperbole c. Metaphor d. Personification

124.If a student has familiarity with the sounds of the language, he/she is said to have:
A. Fluency C. phonemic awareness
B. Vocabulary D. graph phonemic
125.The teacher was asked to speak of her student when they won the speech choir competition and so she says
“____ of my students, I want to thank you.”
A. For C. on behalf
B. Because D. in behalf
126.He considered as the greatest English writer. He is also known as the “bard of Avon”.
A. Francis Bacon C. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. Sir Walter Scott D. William Shakespeare
127.In writing his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin stated that he was unable to arrive at perfection. “Yet. I was,
by the endeavor, a happier and better man I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it”. Which of
the following best describes Franklin attempt to achieve perfection?
A. Time is money
B. Ambition is its own reward
C. Nothing ventured, nothing gained
D. Cleanliness is next to godliness
128.Which sentence uses a preposition improperly?
A. The witness was barely IN time for the affair
B. The accident happened ON his birthday.
C. She came ON to attend the hearing
D. Tell her to be ON time.
129.Which word in the lines below infers the moral?
“Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain
But a woman that feareth the lord, she shall be praised”
A. Beauty C. Praised
B. Favor D. Feareth
130.Wh-questions must have ____________ intonation.

A. Level
B. Rising
C. Falling
D. Rising falling
This term describes Greek literature in term of its subject matter, style ,tone, and attitude.

A. Romanticism C. Classicism
B. Realism D. Naturalism
131.Which accurately describes the word below?
“Your entire department is entitled to overtime compensation”
A. Comma splice
B. Fragment
C. Correct punctuated sentence
D. Run-on-sentence
132.Which short narrative poem is untended to be sung?
A. Epic C. romance
B. Lyric D. ballad
133.The following are reasons why it is important for teachers to know how to evaluate instructional materials
A. Teachers are able to use the materials properly and effectively
B. Not all books are error free
C. Writings one’s material is time consuming
D. Teachers are able to identify learners’ needs
134.The following are characteristics of literature-based reading classrooms EXCEPT:
A. Desks are arranged formally
B. Students have access to instructional materials
C. The arrangement of facilities encourages group interaction.
D. Books are four time the number of students
135.What kind of homonyms are these words?
A. Homophones
B. Homophonic homographs
C. Homographs
D. Homographic homophones
136.Which instructional procedure makes use of CHILDREN’S LANGUAGE and EXPERIENCES?
A. Mastery learning
B. Individualized method
C. Language experience approach
D. Directed-reading-thinking activity
137.Which of the following is an example of information transfer?
A. Listening and telling it to somebody
B. Completing a grid based on a recorded talk
C. Doing a simulation
D. Engaging small group
138.Which minimal pair illustrates that /s/ and /z/ are separated phonemes?
A. Seize-see C. juice-peace
B. Trace-craze D. lacy-lazy
Time is a pair of scissor
And life, a bolt of brocade
When the lost section is done
The scraps are committed to a bonfire.
139.The key idea expressed in the stanza above is the______.
A. Transistorizes of life C. destruction of beauty
B. Beauty of life D. cruelty of time
140.An approach to teaching grammar where rules are given only after students have done intensive pattern in
various context is called ___________.
A. Functional C. formal
B. Deductive D. inductive
141.Which WH-question of a reporter is answered by the phrase “for another strain of flu that has downed more
than20 people”
A. Where C. what
B. Why D. when
142.Which word contains pronounced as /S/- the soft C sound?
A. Censure C. cycle
B. Connote D. collaborate
143.Reading on the second level, what would determine the writer’s technique?
C. Simile C. metaphor
D. Alliteration D. personification
144.Jose Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere is inspired by the novel written by Harriet Beacher Stowe titled_____.
A. War and peace C. Les Miserables
B. Tom Sawyer D. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
145.Lepidopterology is WHERE YOU STUDY moths and butterflies.
A. Lepidopterology studies moth and butterflies
B. Lepidopterology is the study of moth and butterflies
C. Moths and butterflies are studied by Lepidopterology
D. The study of moths and butterflies is Lepidopterology


146.Who is the author behind the lines given above?
A. Walt Whitman C. Rudyard Kipling
B. Oscar Wilde D. Robert Frost
147.In the selection of a text, the ____ of content should be considered:
A. Validity C. suitability
B. Objectivity D. all of the above
148.The traffic was jammed. He ran for the bus and _______.
A. Leap by the door C. Leaped at the door
B. Leap at the door D. Leaps at the opportunity
149.Amanuensis originally meant_______.
A. A female warrior
B. A salve with secretarial duties
C. Coarse herbs including pigweeds
D. Deterioration of sight
150.Which miscue is made when the students reads RADIO or RADIATOR?
D. Pragmatic C. semantics
E. Graphophonic D. sysntactic

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